How to Climb Out of the Trench | Dota 2

How to Climb Out of the Trench | Dota 2


1 год назад

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omg wot
omg wot - 13.10.2023 07:40

I wish I would have found you four to five years ago! FANTASTIC content dude. I've paid hundreds of dollars just to hear the same exact points you've said in your videos. And at times you've explained them even better than the coaches I've had. Thank you!

Dietrich von Wielligh
Dietrich von Wielligh - 20.09.2023 17:24

Coming back to this video a year later, I can say that the main thing that was always holding me back was me myself. At one point years ago before the medal system came into the game, I was ranked 4.3k, but over the years my mmr kept going down slowly, and stagnated at around 2k. Picked up a lot of bad habits in the process and ended up in this toxic loop of terrible games 3 outa 5 times.

For me, I've always felt like mechanically I was good enough to be able to climb again but I think mentally I had lost my love for the game and simply kept playing cause I had nothing else I wanted to play. I eventually ended up taking a very long break from the game (about 2years in total) and only started playing regularly again the past few months.

Took some time to shake the rust off, but with a refreshed mentality, everything came back pretty quickly and I now find myself solidly climbing rank again. The biggest difference now vs a few years ago, purely the fact that I actually enjoy playing the game again. I think in addition to that, taking a long break has also allowed me to reset mentally in terms of self control and I am far better now at dealing with toxic people in games and that has improved my games massively. Also knowing when to play or when not to play in terms of my mood.

So if anyone else can relate to this, maybe just take a step back for a while to clear your head a bit. Might just be the change you need to get back to winning ways :)

Zachary Hockett
Zachary Hockett - 20.09.2023 17:04

As an archon player this is painfully accurate. The number of times I've seen someone in this bracket who I can only assume is playing with 1 hand and wonder how on earth my sweaty ass is the same rank baffels my mind. I must have to work on the game knowledge aspect.

Jeff - 13.09.2023 06:04

So I did the math on a 52% win rate and how much mmr is gained per game on average. Depressing!

Trigestigro - 06.09.2023 04:44

I've been 10 mmr once and I can secure: herald is weird xD

Edwin Cy
Edwin Cy - 30.08.2023 07:30

This is the greatest guide. I have watched so many guides and they basically all just say "hit more creeps". This actually covers all the aspects of skill that can contribute to winning a game of dota.

TheCyberblues2 - 26.08.2023 13:01

Thank you for actually going into detail about the topics you are talking about, most DOTA creators just go with the overarching themes, but this was very detailed!

Onik Mod
Onik Mod - 12.08.2023 21:54

Stuck in a trench? TF would I do with my MMR going down full speed no brakes?

Peanguin - 07.08.2023 18:22

In my opinion other determining factors are "the human" the matchmaking system maybe smurfs - especially in the four lower MMR areas and maybe Cheats 🤷🏼‍♂️

SSC604 - 05.08.2023 19:12

I have a friend that is almost at 10k hours and at herald 2. He likes playing Hoodwink and can't figure out why he keeps dying so much. He doesn't skill scurry until level 9....

gamerjubs - 29.07.2023 21:15

Nice video bro. I am a Guardian. There are lots of information to digest.
I am trying to play HC to get out of this bracket. So I also study one role more.

Nushva - 27.07.2023 19:50

Was hard stuck Herald for 3 years, than i decided to grind turbo until my behavior score went from 3k to 10k, after I got my behavior score up I got archon in 2 weeks

Adam Hero
Adam Hero - 11.07.2023 21:48

Not 100% accurate. Unless you are good enough to play carry to win for your team, low ranks are about teammates. I basically have been going up and down about 1mmr for years. I slowly creep up, and then randomly 5+ teams in a row I’m lucky to have one ally that knows dota basics. More specifically the “awareness” ,”game plan “ and “purpose”. And this is even worse with new patch with so many people in my rank who still don’t understand that kills get you more farm.

Berry Ling
Berry Ling - 14.06.2023 12:01

Love to see more support guide, content is better than BSJ

Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker - 13.06.2023 09:08

Please say something helpful. Being stuck in herald is a serious problem.

Phoochie - 01.06.2023 20:59

I've been casually playing Ranked DOTA and I tend to sit between Guardian and low Crusader as a support player. At times I get the feeling that if my carries do not build correctly they can not carry and I take a loss regardless of my own preference (not saying I always play perfectly). I honestly do not want to play a carry just to rank up but a lot of videos claim that you should stop playing support and play mid or some carry position.

i can fish all the day
i can fish all the day - 22.05.2023 18:46

Really great video, i rewatched it like 3 times already and when i feel it's needed to gather some ideas on what parts of my playstyle should be improved, i come back here. Thanks a lot man for your awesome content, i used to be in crusader bracket, now i am legend 2

G4md0R - 16.05.2023 20:12

The amount of variability in Dota 2 is what keeps me into the game. Another thing to the newbies watching this guide. Don't worry a lot of people don't know what they are doing and are trying to figure it out as they go. So yeah try to improve all of these things but at your own pace. It DOES make a difference.

dfinisher26 - 09.05.2023 21:58

I hope you get picked up as a talent, you have great knowledge of the game and have a soothing voice to communicate it.

Syed Rakin
Syed Rakin - 09.05.2023 09:10

Thank you so much bro

Steven Dylan Ybanez
Steven Dylan Ybanez - 18.04.2023 16:04

Love this , keep uploading this kind of content🔥 more power to dota

imran patel
imran patel - 09.04.2023 19:18

Bro there is something called hidden mmr is it right? Which decides unranked match making

Brian Newman
Brian Newman - 30.03.2023 17:55

I usually play very well when I'm watching the minimap. Sometimes I'll catch myself just spacing out on my lane and go oh wait, I have no idea what is happening anywhere else.

Saigon - 16.03.2023 13:17

I can escape the pit 🙏🏼

baked potato
baked potato - 12.03.2023 12:16

Just buy an account. Don't go through the rubbish matchmaking. It cheap, easy and un-detectable if you follow the correct steps

Sif Master
Sif Master - 10.03.2023 02:58

After playing full suport, i never blame my team again, because my carry always try to find way to blame me for everything

Joats - 06.03.2023 18:44

Ok now tell this to the 4 other idiots on my team

Lubo D
Lubo D - 27.02.2023 16:58

Heralds are actually better than guardian and crusaders and archons and legends believe or not … those boosted accounts have no clue how to click when you supposed too in case you wonder why you loosing a lot in high tiers

Hannes - 23.02.2023 13:21

stuck in divine for 2 years :) (mby I´m just bad)

Shardj - 14.02.2023 18:25

The easiest way to get out of the trench is to simply go back and watch your replays. Find your mistakes and try to work on them, if you can't find any flaws then you need to study pro games with that hero more. But no one wants to put in that effort.

Dat random asian guy
Dat random asian guy - 14.02.2023 08:58

Communicate with animals in sea server? Good luck, tried every game, they cant even understand their heero and item build

Texas Ranger
Texas Ranger - 24.01.2023 22:53

ı am so herald ı will be herald forever ı get reported every match 😂even in normal games

Rawlow Games
Rawlow Games - 05.01.2023 19:42

I don’t know how to game plan fast and if numbers don’t look good I always say “get back”, so I think I also don’t know about the intricacies of “good fight” pls help

William Sutton
William Sutton - 05.01.2023 12:22

people, do you understand that all these guides do not make any sense? this is only 10% success. The remaining 90 are a waste of almost all free time on this nonsense. he's just blowing your mind

Tajar TJR
Tajar TJR - 16.12.2022 16:46

Amazing no, thank you:)

Patrick Eldridge
Patrick Eldridge - 02.12.2022 19:32

great job on presention dude, subbed 4 sure.

Rijk - 30.11.2022 17:10

I loved this video

OMGitzCHARLIE - 28.11.2022 16:30

I gotta say, i was impressed by your content and how obviously thought out (scripted?) this video was. It is amazing that you were able to do all this in one take, however i think if you took some time to edit the video and perhaps cut out some parts, streamline the video and shorten it a bit. You might have gotten this video out to more people, as the algorithm favors watch time.
Keep it up

Quandale Dingle
Quandale Dingle - 22.11.2022 08:53

I want to reach legend and not play any ranked game anymore because it's too toxic, I have friends who are at ancient, divine, immortal and damn they're so toxic they made the game unenjoyable

LLlap - 21.11.2022 17:59

I feel like there should be several strategies which you can quickly communicate with your team. When styles clash it's really hard to teamplay. It would be good to know this before it's too late in the match. Some people play dota as a 25 minute game, some as 40 and a lot (in ancient-legend) as 60. Just to synchronize timings. We need a shorthand for these things that 5 solo qeue people could use.

Plumrains - 30.10.2022 06:36

U can tell he did his research on the lower ranks to give the best insight. Such a great video. Thank you

GG Donkey Gaming
GG Donkey Gaming - 29.10.2022 13:58

The fact that Guardian, Crusader and Archon are together shows the video is more focused on higher ranks (and kind of laziness) but still is the best systemized information i have seen on you tube. In addition there should be another row called 'BALLS SIZE' if you have small balls you can't rank up!

Caleb Pendergast
Caleb Pendergast - 19.10.2022 05:50

Spot on analysis! I started out at around ~800 MMR and my highest has been Divine 3. The naunce you go into really helps me understand how I can move forward.

Guilherme Orioli
Guilherme Orioli - 27.09.2022 16:49

Having been an Archon I that recently recalibrated as Crusader I and then lost my way down to Guardian III, and then started focusing on Game plan (using the deadlane theory and focusing the correct objectives and taking good fights) and made my way back to Crusader with ~70% wr since, I have to say you ABSOLUTELLY NAILED IT for Guardian-to-Archon bracket. Even communication and calling the right fights. This got me amazed, really.

any how
any how - 11.09.2022 10:24

But now there's immortal player playing in that bracket , it's like their extra income as well haha

Cicida C
Cicida C - 08.09.2022 22:16

Got to immortal in 2019 and stopped playing til 2 months ago, Lately I realized I was really autopilot when I play 5 (i'll do EVERYTHING I should, but itemization would basically be hero dependent, between mek, blink, aether, glimmer force. ) and no game vision or plan (leads to not making a lotus where its super important) and it's made me suffer on other roles, so I don't see my own team''s game, and the enemies item build and learning from that too (or my own teammates)
I got like 7k games on pos 5 and i am probably a 3k mid, carry or offlaner because of this. Doesn't help I kinda just filled my day with 12+ games of dota a day so the effort really dwindled and probably learned super bad habits.
Lately I decided I wanna bring my average performance on carry and offlane higher, and it's so nuts. As support you basically choose between tranqs or arcanes, maybe skipping full boots and rushing shard. But for cores it's like, itemization can really twist a game into your favor
In 2012 when I used to play cores, I would adjust and adapt my builds so easily, but it feels like the game now is way more diverse. No longer a "do I want a skadi or do I want a linkens" Like a PA could go bfury deso bkb abyssal satanic, it would not occur to me (i played vs an sf) that I should make AC and maybe skadi.
great video, and honestly, just good things to remind myself of when I play now, "game vision" ""purpose" even though i do think those things if i'm on like wyvern or oracle, its still probably gonna win a ton of games for me just to consider it more often.
/blog over

LinJonKur - 23.08.2022 07:23

Mate.... what you are saying is just waste of time... Dota 2 this days is full 50% of smurf players 50% of valve bots who get shadow amulet and afk... better try other game thanks for your time to explain
