Diana Bishop The All Powerful Knot of Ten | A Discovery Of Witches Season 3 Episode 7

Diana Bishop The All Powerful Knot of Ten | A Discovery Of Witches Season 3 Episode 7

Uğur Morozova

2 года назад

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Lawrence Grey, Jr.
Lawrence Grey, Jr. - 06.10.2023 16:39

I had never read the books so I thoroughly enjoyed the series. But would have loved to see more in the scenes where she defeats Satu and Benjamin. Especially Benjamin. It seemed rushed.

Brad - 18.08.2023 00:29

Waveform update=1🎀📘🖐, 2🎗🎀, 3🎀🔥🗽🫂, 4🎀💧🌀, 5🎀🌬, 6🎀 🔧 , 7🎀💤⚡, 8🎀 ⌚, 9🎀 Baymon 🌴, 10🏹🔥

E Rivera
E Rivera - 01.07.2023 18:14

I like this scene but I was expecting sooo much more. Especially between Diana and Satu. Satu was pretty powerful and that scene was a meh.

Rachel - 11.03.2023 11:46

She looks badass in this scene.

Victor Seal
Victor Seal - 06.01.2023 15:23

Where did all the black and coloured people come from ?? They’ve changed an excellent trilogy into an excellent WOKE trilogy.😢😮😢😮

Sarah Cline
Sarah Cline - 19.11.2022 22:50

I loved the the show this was such a cool series. I love this one, and when she bound Satu and lastly when she helped Sarah take revenge on behalf of Em.

That spell when you know she hates doing it, it was such a powerful moment. Wonder if the 4th book will be done?

SOUTTA CHANNEL - 21.10.2022 16:25

I rate this 9/10...imagine will be the series like this again....

Debbie McGill
Debbie McGill - 27.09.2022 21:20

I think I would have enjoyed the show more if I wasn’t such a huge fan of the books. I felt the show was very rushed and didn’t pick as much of a punch as the books everything that happened seemed very watered down.

I really loved the casting though they did a great job with the cast

Ralph Milner Manalo
Ralph Milner Manalo - 18.05.2022 18:19

It would be better if she used Corra too.

Mark Angelo Cruz
Mark Angelo Cruz - 10.05.2022 11:22

The plot is good but more on dialogue ...we want more power revealing like the Phoenix, fire bow part .... Then why the 10th knot is "Justice" 😕 it's say Creation and distruction I expected more power revealing but and intense fight scene

Teresa E
Teresa E - 11.04.2022 11:09

that ending was so lame. It was like activating cheat modus. The main enemys were just killed / defeated with 1 spell (Knox, Satu, Benjamin). And many questions were not answered, if you only watched the series. What's with Rebecca, calling for help? What price does Diana have to pay for saving Matthew in the first seasons? What is with the Demons? What are they, why are they called Demons, what are their characteristics? And so on and so on. It was really disappointing, after these great seasons 1 + 2. Really sad.

Drake Sotelo
Drake Sotelo - 15.03.2022 08:21

Yes that fell pretty flat

selfishwing789 - 11.03.2022 23:56

I liked the book better

keith walker
keith walker - 04.03.2022 15:27

Plus not laying smackdown upon Gerbert didn't make sense as he was behind benjamin's torture and killing of Phillipe and then matthew and all the mayhem. seemed like diana should have whacked him too.

keith walker
keith walker - 04.03.2022 15:26

VERY disappointing rescue of Matthew and her simply binding Satu after she tortured her so badly. what was the point of her familiar if it didn't come out here? Then the tenth knot and she did what she had already done BEFORE she got her full powers? That was poor writing as it was about healing power as well would have made more sense of reviving matthew to take him to his sire for her blood. not sure why they rushed thru and didn't have a couple more episodes. Brilliant overall tho with such a strong diverse cast that you really cared about. was satisfying that Sarah finally rose up and smote Peter knox.

God is definitely a woman.
God is definitely a woman. - 15.02.2022 11:39

I never knew she was also an aes sedai🤨🤨🤨

Dean Vukovic
Dean Vukovic - 02.02.2022 04:08

Season 3, I am still watching Season 2.

The Duck
The Duck - 01.02.2022 19:29

this is so disapointing

Ashley - 28.01.2022 07:25

Waitttt when the fuck was she pregnant nor had twins? Lol. I really fell off from this show clearly i have to go back and rewatch everything

Theseer - 23.01.2022 00:19

I was honestly upset with the low impact of the scene. So much was built up and they did change a lot from the book. I wish they added a real fight scene between her and satu, especially after satu literally threw diana around in season 1. Two powerful weavers and it was a simple binding spell that ended the story of satu. And the tenth knot just being an arrow that we have already seen her do without any knots in season 1. I loved this season but more magical action was definitely needed.

Monica  Freya Jüptner
Monica Freya Jüptner - 22.01.2022 09:16

Diana presents how powerful she is in every single episode. Baldwin alone feels it twice. The scene in the film differs significantly from the book.

I like the scene in the library when she disguises herself and how she convinces Chris very much.

Especially in the confrontation with Benjamin and Satu, they are as close to the book as possible. Satu was only bound by Diana, left without any power as a useless witch. In the book, she even offers her a hand in cooperation again, when Satu refuses.

I too would like to have 13 episodes instead of seven and am very sad about it.

But unfortunately we got this rushed third season.

I miss the scenes with the convention in Madision. for they are not unimportant to the plot.

I would have liked to have seen Father Hubbart's tower, with Jack's drawings, and Fernando's prostration to Diana!

But this scene is awesome

Robert Mission
Robert Mission - 22.01.2022 06:38

My favorite show and I too enjoyed this scene leading up to the 10th knots power! Though Season 1 and Season 2 really preached us a mighty and powerful witch to come! Then in Season 3 after healing The Book Of LIfe I felt a bit of let a down with Diana's power by only spell binding Satu then only a magic bow and arrow being shot at Benjamin! I had envisioned a more greatness of power like 01. Flying high up in the air. 02. Showing water and Fire and maybe teleporting from one side of the room to the other! Possibly a budget was in play and a minimum spent on effects!

justin dixon
justin dixon - 21.01.2022 04:47

I liked the scene but it just felt so rushed and underwhelming I blame they way the built it making it dramatic to lead into the tenth knot then just turning him to dust if they played it differently it could have been been better but still a good scene
