Wealth and Money wXavier Waterkeyn Renée Garcia Reality Transurfing Shifting Vadim Zeland Quantum

Wealth and Money wXavier Waterkeyn Renée Garcia Reality Transurfing Shifting Vadim Zeland Quantum

Reality Transurfing TV

3 года назад

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@ingridgauthier6055 - 28.09.2021 17:44

I can't wait 😁💙💖💚

@karimazekri7996 - 28.09.2021 20:26

You are so pretty my dear

@anniefallon4352 - 28.09.2021 20:45

Brilliant x

@agafiaolimpiafarcas9197 - 28.09.2021 20:47

Great podcast, thanks, thanks.

@mariamountain6718 - 28.09.2021 21:03


@denijane89 - 28.09.2021 21:14

I really loved the podcast and I really loved Xavier's version of the slides - asking questions as if obvious. Super fun twist and I plan to try it as soon as possible.

@sannajohanna5579 - 28.09.2021 21:16

Thank you! It is true, that I am too often asking the oppisite way than you teach:”Why I cannot be better in handling money?” Or:”Why I am not good at making money?” (Of course, the Saturn’s position in my horoscope is the cause... 🤣)

@ladyp102 - 28.09.2021 21:45

Transurfing question meditation incoming🔥🚀

@HighVibeCat - 28.09.2021 21:56

Well done! 🥰

@dssdss1982 - 28.09.2021 22:17

Great..great info. More..we need more.

@joannerolfe2849 - 29.09.2021 00:15

This was awesome🧚🏼‍♀️

@christineanderson92 - 29.09.2021 00:46

Wow was that good!!! Thanks guys!

@talknotti - 29.09.2021 02:40

This was amazaballs! Just go through the motions of asking, no one is asking you to believe it, just ask it! Stop justifying your choices! The cognitive dissonance part was pure gold. "You can not be a master and a victim at the same time." Love this, Renee!

@ingridgauthier6055 - 29.09.2021 03:33

wow,wow,wow❣️❣️❣️ Thank you so much you 2, it was great💕 Xavier I think that your technique is fantastic .I'm going to use that technique for sure❣️ Merci💓💛🧡💚💙❣️

@jaymelody7901 - 29.09.2021 05:29

This was gold!!! 💰Thank You both!!! 🙏🏼

@garylangstaffjr2055 - 29.09.2021 15:23

Very interesting Podcast. Listened to it last night before bed & again this morning. I like how Xavier explained the 3D mirror reflection & interrogation technique of developing a habit of asking yourself questions from the POV of already done. It made me think of the following…

What would happen if you had someone record interrogations like you see with affirmations, and substitute the I for a you like “ Why are you so abundant?”

Makes me wonder coming from a 3rd party like the mirror reflecting interrogations. Would it yield similar results?

Either way Fantastic podcast really enjoyed the level up & have been asking myself questions ever since! Keep up the great work 🙏🏻

@fly.god.infinite1626 - 29.09.2021 18:48

This technique is insane , instantly felt it

@malicefitchy24 - 29.09.2021 23:44

I really love the interrogation technique discussed here. I just adopted it after listening to this podcast last night. I think this will prove better than any affirmation technique I have ever tried. It's been less than 24 hours, but I can already feel a shift in my perspective when I utilize the technique. Look forward to the next podcast y'all!

@kellynuy6415 - 30.09.2021 11:19

While doing the interrogation technique. Do we have to make slides?

@lifejoywithholly3924 - 30.09.2021 17:01

So valuable!! Thoroughly enjoyed this, "stop trying to justify settling for more", and the way positive questions was presented WOW! thank you so much!!

@susanneandrey7927 - 13.10.2021 17:23

Renee check out Robert Fritz “ structural tension”. Asking the question and set up the tension that seeks resolution rather than emotional conflict. Still learning. Still loving it!! I hope to meet you one day. ☺️

@samiguiribi2953 - 14.10.2021 11:16

This was the most informative vidéo i ever see on money, thank you so much for both of you

@inmajneb2273 - 15.10.2021 19:45

Rhythmic - Balance - Interchange

@andrewmagic7014 - 16.10.2021 12:55

Why am I so abundant??? Guys, you're beyond amazing, thank you for this incredible stream of knowledge

@andrewmagic7014 - 16.10.2021 13:12

I don't give a... what I think. I'm gonna settle for more than I can imagine!

@donmaven1 - 19.10.2021 21:08

Wow! I did not want this show to end...a will buy Xavier's book. Anyway the last exercise is amazing...I do it every night....I want more. I learned a lot and my life towards money. I feel it's really not about money it is about other things that need to be dug up and examined...a master interview....MORE!!!!!!!!!! DWB

@chellehibberd3211 - 22.10.2021 01:04

This is gold - shift your perspective by asking questions of yourself presuming you are already in the reality you want. Thanks Renée and thank you Xavier, I think I needed to hear this is Australian 😂

@lauraprefontaine9715 - 26.10.2021 12:45

Excellent exchange. Throws a different angle of light on my habits and conditioning for resolving my shortcomings. One of my favorite videos, prolly because it ties directly to a conversation I had earlier tonight. Thank you!,

@lauraprefontaine9715 - 27.10.2021 02:49

“Addicted to suffering. It may not be much, but it’s something”… wow. Relistening to this video. Loving even more than initially. Love transplaining

@hanginlaundry360 - 23.12.2021 16:59

Solid gold! This is a GREAT technique to suggest to someone who is desperate and totally enmeshed in their little 3d world. So simple, a mere exercise not requiring belief! Loved the conversation! I hope to hear from folks who have employed this! I look forward to more of your conversations!

@veronicav_ - 29.01.2022 22:29

PLEASE bring on Xavier Waterkeyn more often— so much knowledge when both of you come together.

@AmandaWebster1 - 20.02.2022 03:25

Excellent!! Love this🙏

@igniteyourflow - 23.04.2022 06:45

This is great!

@creativemanifestation4871 - 23.04.2022 18:54

This is epic! These questions are so powerful I can feel the shift inside by just asking them. Thank you for this amazing information!

@poweroflove4729 - 28.04.2022 03:40

The beginning of this podcast to be compassionate with yourself regarding your relationship with money.

@poweroflove4729 - 28.04.2022 03:44

Why you see money the way you do?
• 👀 at your psychology.
• 👀 at your cultural upbringing.

@poweroflove4729 - 28.04.2022 04:25

I settle for more
