Why motion capture is harder than it looks

Why motion capture is harder than it looks


1 год назад

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StarLightFIlmProductions. - 20.09.2023 10:05

With ai and a smartphone this whole process can be done easily with any mesh and rig

Kuda Balap
Kuda Balap - 05.09.2023 06:59

it can be done by human? I thought that was just magic. Well done human!

Siana Gearz
Siana Gearz - 19.08.2023 11:10

Looking at 99% of mocap CG in movies, i would say

Step1: throw out the mocap data
Step2: pay a guy to meticulously rotoscope things.

Nerdrakere - 04.08.2023 14:27

Fun fact: Jar Jar Binks was the first motion capture character, where they tried just about every method in the video before they settled on a combination. That’s also why there’s the meme’d “jar jar is the key to all this” because if they made him believable, others would wanna buy the services and learn how to do it themselves and they’d have been the first.

Then shortly after it was Gollum, but those were the first two high profile that got it into the business

amanuel2 - 25.07.2023 15:33

AI is gonna be able to do this very soon

David Kosman
David Kosman - 16.07.2023 22:52

Hmm, just checked all options for this budget motion capture and I'm very disappointed. My main question is, how are VR googles so cheap, when you track the headset, and several controllers with perfect precision? It can do it for less than 1000 bucks, and you have a VR headset next to it? I would so much like some explanation.. thanks.

Josephine Carstensen
Josephine Carstensen - 30.06.2023 14:33

that was very cool thank you so much !!

FitnessTingles - 28.06.2023 23:49

Yeah that type of mocap, off course. But there are plenty more, and nothing will be more tedious than animating by hand. Cheers.

Miguel Mejia
Miguel Mejia - 28.06.2023 02:37

As someone who wants to learn and get into mocap where do I need to go to get started? Programs/ volunteer work ?

Madds!! - 13.05.2023 22:39

I really want to do this type of animation but I don’t know what apps to work with,what people to work with etc.

R. T.
R. T. - 13.05.2023 20:14

This helped a lot and wasn't super confusing.

Kinemania - 07.05.2023 15:25

I need my folks at work to watch this

Ken Stacks
Ken Stacks - 20.04.2023 02:43

I want to watch the whole interview

Musik Asix [by Agung Supriyadi]
Musik Asix [by Agung Supriyadi] - 20.03.2023 13:12

Expensive and complicated. Lot of effort, less result, better using the available and free BVH mocap from Bandai Namco, CMU, Second Life, Mixamo, The best tools are Autodesk Motion Builder, Blender, VROiD, and Cinema 4D as well.

BGMARVEL - 17.03.2023 16:03

sorry but i hate motion capture

Prankliciouc - 14.03.2023 13:39

i have recorded motion with my motion capture suite from xens , i saved it in fbx file also in obj file and mvn file , but i cannot get it into unreal engine in my selfmade character with cc4 , do i need blender to do this ?

Discrepancy_Unknown - 28.02.2023 17:14

The pain came back when I saw this videos name.

Backrooms Interloper
Backrooms Interloper - 21.02.2023 17:11

Hey there, is there a link to the full interview with the gentlemen at the end. Would love to hear the rest of the greenscreen story. Did they end up shooting with the fog on set or did they scrap it and do it in post after all.

I dont know how youd be able to greenscreen without artifact-ing if fog was introduced.

Random Sandwich
Random Sandwich - 21.02.2023 00:47

DMC3 used motion capture right?

Guilherme sampaio de oliveira
Guilherme sampaio de oliveira - 19.02.2023 04:38

We should use inverse kinematics and collision detection to prevent clipping.

Leticia G
Leticia G - 15.02.2023 06:45

What do you mean the barbie vlogs are mocap? 😮

Hona Leri
Hona Leri - 09.02.2023 15:59

Xens seems to be capable of doing really well. For me, it looks to be enough...cheaper and more flexible then any dots based set up.

Windows Load
Windows Load - 08.02.2023 01:19

How much does it cost I want it for vr chat

Digital Influence
Digital Influence - 17.01.2023 23:16

You can really tell how much he Loves what he does by how excited he still gets about talking about it

AKIPROX7 - 15.01.2023 09:43


Rubber & Grub
Rubber & Grub - 30.12.2022 14:31

My dad invented motion capture back in 1991… I can set up a call if you’re interested…

Greg Huffman
Greg Huffman - 30.12.2022 10:05

What was the first use of mocap?

Evaldas Mureika
Evaldas Mureika - 15.12.2022 16:15

If you could like do a spin and then do instant opposite spin - a kick or anything - and upload it with any animation being any superhero. It's impossible if you aren't trained. We tried to hide his flight trajectory.

random account 2
random account 2 - 21.11.2022 22:34

Big thanks for covering this! I love the quality on Vox

Jon Matthis
Jon Matthis - 05.11.2022 18:27

Hello! I'm building a free-open-source markerless motion capture software (called 'freemocap'). I'm also a professor/research scientist who has used mocap to study the neural control of human movement since 2007.

This is very interesting video with some slight inaccuracies - Would you (@Vox) mind if I did a kind a 'review' of this video on Twitch? It would be a great opportunity for me to do a bit of a brain dump on a lot thoughts I'd like to share about the past, present, and future of motion capture technology :D

40 keks
40 keks - 30.10.2022 22:24

The ultimate motion capture task would be to record a band playing a song, complete with motion, face capture, etc.

Marina Organ
Marina Organ - 30.10.2022 15:06

At last, a mini doc I can make people watch to get them to realise what a stupendous art form ALL animation is. CG based animation is still like building a cathedral, just like drawn and stop motion. There. Is. No. Animate. Button.
Now lets's have a whole series on this subject, a whole mini-doc on rigging, on texturing and cloth, and on how you actually animate with graph editors. Then the skill, craft and genius might be appreciated.

IcE Eternal
IcE Eternal - 18.10.2022 22:00

POV you use VIVE trackers for mocap and have to deal with god foresaken velcro straps

Kevin Rosso
Kevin Rosso - 07.10.2022 12:02

Thanks Vox. It's time for people to understand that the animators are as responsible as the actors (if not more sometimes) for a character performance.

J Langdon
J Langdon - 30.09.2022 05:09

For those people in the MOCAP industry, if the inertial sensors you are using are 100x more accurate than what they currently use for existing motion capture suits (i.e. they use "consumer grade" inertial sensors mostly, similar to what you have in your smart phone), wouldnt that help solve the main problems of using inertial sensors mounted directly to the body?

J Langdon
J Langdon - 30.09.2022 05:07

Who are you interviewing in the video?-- no mention of the person commenting(?).

Bear GD
Bear GD - 24.09.2022 04:59

For being harder than it looks, motion capture is highly successful.

Keturah Wasler
Keturah Wasler - 19.09.2022 17:55

The space editorial sounds like it was a nightmare. Though well compensated for living through- a nightmare none the less

MsE Ssh
MsE Ssh - 31.08.2022 01:45

White guy dancing

Sofa Biru
Sofa Biru - 22.08.2022 15:31

motion capture...

Tuấn Dũng
Tuấn Dũng - 19.08.2022 17:32

Thank you for this! Super cool video! A+++

Tom Souza
Tom Souza - 18.08.2022 15:50

Muito bom!!!

SpiritSlayer - 16.08.2022 03:37

311,353 views, 9.6k likes, 165 comments, 10.8M subscribers. Nice!!

kevin zen
kevin zen - 06.08.2022 11:42

Motion capture very expensive

MrCharles - 05.08.2022 13:49

nice watch, i have the same one :-)
