How People Are Playing Ringmaster Support

How People Are Playing Ringmaster Support


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@santanasawry3996 - 05.09.2024 14:02

haha love ur content

@vishwasachith1779 - 05.09.2024 14:02

nice one mate

@neromah - 05.09.2024 14:03

delete ringmaster, this hero shouldn't be in dota (too cartoonish)

@890705123 - 05.09.2024 14:08

next update .

escape act cooldown increased.
wheel of wonder range decreased.

@PaszerDye - 05.09.2024 14:24

John De Lancie as Ringmaster haha...

@mohammadsajadi1821 - 05.09.2024 14:34

nice content like always 🤩 thanks man ☺️

@6Unknown_Source9 - 05.09.2024 14:51

This hero doesn't have and Aghs and Facet and he's good.
I would want his future facets to be either "Good Saves" or "More Harass"
like maybe Escape Act can turn your saved team invisible for a short while, similar to most Magic Tricks
Escape Act can shoot out knives after a save to deal some damage and slowing enemies down

@jimuelvequizo9904 - 05.09.2024 15:02

Ringmaster is just so good and youre wrong about RM not wanting aether lens he actually really really loves that item lol giving more cast range to stay on the back line and have decent mana regen is too good to pass up not mention more long whipping and impaling with his skills.

Also what I like RM is how expressive he is and also the fact he seems to shit ton of animations that could've been good taunt that we got for FREE!, and for what I hate about RM is his Escape Act I think have some long cast point I guess? shit seems to take forever to cast when you need it and that RM hates stuns, silence, anything that prevents to land at least 1 set of his skills (read Q,W,E,D, R). Overall the hero is fun to play with lots of outplay potential.

@p_touch6403 - 05.09.2024 16:21

Subscribe scepter and like button bar OP!

@IDunoXD - 05.09.2024 16:50

Subscribe scepter does nothing to Ringmaster.. Yet

@sneakychicken - 05.09.2024 17:52

People should not be overlooking meteor hammer as a mid-game item on ringmaster. It gives him everything he wants. Amplified magic damage for all of his spells. More mana regen. And best of all The wheel of Wonder is a good setup for the meteor.

@reverbstarlight3405 - 05.09.2024 18:28

I like “is he pog, is he dog?” as a method of measurement

@AtillaTheFun1337 - 05.09.2024 18:52

Good ringmasters are really fun to watch! Especially as a teammate…

Other people were dissapointed by his skill set upon release (but seem to have warmed up to it since) but I immediately thought it was quite notable that he has a non-ult fear ability

@jhoaopereyra - 05.09.2024 19:36

Who is that first cosplay guy 😂

@mcardim - 05.09.2024 20:08

Love the comparison with Rubick. He's my favourite hero and I'm having a lot of fun playing Ringmaster because the playstyles are really similar and translate well.

@deruitsu - 05.09.2024 20:49

are you gonna make deadlock videos too? or are you focused on dota right now?
id love to see u explain item/ ability interactions in that game too.

@kingofboos_4468 - 05.09.2024 21:13

Ive found a ton of success with him on ranked as a 5 or 4, only thing that changes is the farm speed really, and a good tip to land his ult consistently is, if at a correct range, you can use the push effect on Ult cast to chain into a Q with enough duration to get the taunt from Ult off, its consistent and whilst you waste a bit of damage on Q, its almost impossible to react to if done properly (Less than 0.5 secs if done at Q level 4)

@NaiveA-wm9vj - 05.09.2024 21:32

You can combo Euls > Tame the Beast > Wheel to almost guarantee the taunt, which is especially good for ganking a lone player with an escape like Faceless Void.

Just cast Euls on an enemy, throw your ulti behind them, and time your Tame the Beasts so it hits as they land. They'll run into the wheel and be forced to look at it.

@madcyber647 - 05.09.2024 21:48

5 wins in a row easiest support of ma lipe

@JasperXoR - 05.09.2024 22:22

I've done well early with Ring Master I have a bad habit by some peoples measure of buying non support items to help him stack some right click damage and lockdown enemies with things like Gliepner.

@noctarem96 - 05.09.2024 23:02

I like Right Talent on Level 15. I usually don't get canceled while channeling and most of the times you ain't even channeling if you are prone to be interrupted, plus that even if you got interrupted you are already dealing damage an provoking fear. Impalment Arts piercing through first target can allow you to have a little more margin of error when throwing daggers. Some enemies might be smart to tank the daggers for their low HP teammates that are running away, but that stops that from being something to worry about. Also some creeps or neutral units can get in your way in certain scenarios where trying to get out of their way can make you lose the opportunity for a well placed dagger to catch a fleeing target. And to make it even better, you can even use it to snipe 2 enemies at once or improve farming speed.

@TheMrKlump - 05.09.2024 23:40

Quite an overtuned hero but so much fun to play due to it. It feels like all of his spells could use some nerfs but especially escape act. Aether + the level 10 talent and you have one of the best save spells in the game.

@Razomka - 05.09.2024 23:57


@BlueFlash215 - 06.09.2024 03:38

What do you think about those facettes?

Total meh? Cool concept but needs work? One or both of them sound awesome?

Smart Escape Art

While in Escape Art, the hero inside heals 3% of his maximum HP each second, making it worthwhile to zone those heroes out of the AoE.
Alternatively, having more fun would be a similar version of Shadow Shaman: You create 4 versions running around the area and 4 disfigured illusion pop out, running away in different directions, taking normal damage and disappearing after 1.5 seconds. The real hero regains normal proportions when he respawns. Until then he is disfigured.


"Knives Out"

The offensive option could be throwing knives put a spotlight on an enemy hero.
The spotlight is 50% smaller and lasts only 0.7 seconds but works like his shard. When receiving the shard, the spotlight area is extended to 100% and last 1 second per dagger.
An enemy hit, will furthermore mess with his proportions while the debuffs of the dagger are applied. This helps you identify the real hero.

If you are good, you can reveal invisible units and kill illusions around a hero with that Facette. It would be a counter for Invis and illusion heroes whereas the other Facette would most likely save team mates and heal up your tanks in late game.

I think, messing permanently with proportions of ALL would be awesome and with giants ring would lead to great moments in Dota

@LonelyDayDreaming - 06.09.2024 05:17

10k matches 56% winrate is REALLY broken

@-hagfish893 - 06.09.2024 05:43

Whos the cosplaying streamer in the start of video? Been searching for him

@elliejohnson2786 - 06.09.2024 07:31

"Axe's cull or kotl's aghs" sounds so much like "Axe's cull or cull's axe"

@peropero2307 - 06.09.2024 08:36

I dont have time to play...

@duhduh14 - 06.09.2024 09:51

subscribe scepter is wild

@lazylonewolf - 06.09.2024 18:44

I hope Wheel of Wonder can be casted on top of himself to save himself in the future, but as of now Valve has forced us to use it as an initiation, follow-up, or counter-initiation because of the minimum casting distance. It can however also be used to prevent someone escaping by blocking their path, or to cover your own escape route if you didn't get one-shotted.

@lumpyleg1 - 07.09.2024 03:37

E is %based and scales nicely

@Drizzle52693 - 07.09.2024 09:09

Pos 4 with Mars pos 3 is very strong. Arena + Wheel is OP

@MrVortrix - 07.09.2024 09:58

Why ring shard does not have effet on ck illus??

@cyrussacay3903 - 07.09.2024 17:09

In my bracket(low rank) i pick impale lvl 1 with orb of venom, when we supports fight I always win then my carry if he can respond in time gets the kill
