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@susanneedham2836 - 15.11.2022 14:37

Good rising Brothers it's raining in the UK. Right now And looking at the background of the beautiful lush land and of my father's land .its uplifting and spiritual food .Tree of life fe true.

@kymoninazarenediscypleofyah - 15.11.2022 14:49

All glory an Praise to Yahuah an King Yahusha Hamashiach

@stewart3098 - 15.11.2022 14:50

Mark 3:11

And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of God.

All blessings in Christ Jesus, may God make us clean and renewed in Him, that He abide in us; for where He is, no darkness can be. Praise be the Most High, thank you brothers 🙏🏽💚

@kymoninazarenediscypleofyah - 15.11.2022 14:55

Hail up waah gwaan mi bredjrins Jerome N Ramon luv di messages n vibez kom n from ya both kiip di vids n positivity .....big up One luv an...... YAH Bless 🙏

@davidfitzgerald3708 - 15.11.2022 14:56

Thank you 🥇☮️

@ThankGodIcouldThankGod - 15.11.2022 15:46

Fantastic video🙏 ! More side effects of Evil and especially the porn industry needs to be talked about.

@rissagreen5957 - 15.11.2022 16:05


@alishmaalexander7339 - 15.11.2022 16:34

All praise to The Most High

@alishmaalexander7339 - 15.11.2022 16:35

Bredren you are both much appreciated!!!
Big up

@gabbys6914 - 15.11.2022 17:00

One perfect love Bredren. Keep on keeping on. Glory be to the Almighty Igziabeher... Blessings

@michellebrooks8549 - 15.11.2022 19:32

I agree with brother ramone at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow

@elijah_konda - 15.11.2022 21:01

Much love to my brothas

@mel8469 - 15.11.2022 22:13

Amen !

@gregrichard9192 - 15.11.2022 23:18

There's power and authority in the name of Jesus Christ

@EC4400 - 16.11.2022 00:47

Mark 16: 17-18 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Believe and practice.

@aimeereed2491 - 16.11.2022 03:21

Thank you for this reasoning! So crucial in these times, so much unclean behavior is considered acceptable in these times, and the moral compass can be challenging to uncover through these layers. Immoral behavior is being taught in our schools to our children that are vulnerable. We must put it all on the cross. May the peace of Christ be with you and all your relations ✝️🌱💗

@sugerlipsxjamiewright4170 - 16.11.2022 04:43

Love (JAH ) God know that it is him whom has The strength and guidance to see us over anything Bad or negative Things that happen too be provoking in any way showing that we will Not fall fowl to provocation for they delight in such Things so be happy and grateful that you're aware of the difference . An give thanks.

@dinahakan462 - 16.11.2022 10:46

Thank you my brothers I needed this ….the fight is in Christ Jesus…Amen …

@elizabethgilbert3011 - 16.11.2022 16:01

Years ago I was telling the enemy to get out of my friend. As I was praying at work, a lady started running away from me. When I asked her why she was running she said she saw fire coming out of my mouth. She told me later that she was into the occult. Blessings

@MLove-777 - 17.11.2022 12:09

Thank you...🌿

@benpriestman4015 - 17.11.2022 14:28

want to say a big thanks to both you brothers but especially brother Jerome. Your words of wisdom have been a huge help these last few days. PERFECT LOVE my brothers in Christ

@trunobelsentertainment - 17.11.2022 21:35

Big Reasoning_ much gratitude...Wisdom Love and Light😇🙌🏾💯

@ericataylor9794 - 18.11.2022 09:52

Thank you gentleman's! So noligebl.

@ramthianthomson601 - 21.11.2022 18:05

Hi guys!. Thanks again.

@ramthianthomson601 - 21.11.2022 18:14

Missing you guys folks xx

@ramthianthomson601 - 21.11.2022 18:21

Hallelujah xx.

@yolandashepard680 - 21.11.2022 20:02

Brothers did you hear about the event in National Arena on January 4th Wednesday. Bishop Harding from Brooklyn N.Y my Shepherd of the flock and other churches in J.A., will be gathering in PRAYER...

@HMonk-hd1zr - 22.11.2022 23:06

Amen to you my brothers! I needed and received this word in my spirit thank you so nuch

@deebwoy9291 - 23.11.2022 13:57

Interestingly enough... The Name (Word/Sound/Command of Power) 'Jesus Christ' is the Greek translation of the original Hebrew/Aramaic word for 'YHVH/ISUS/IEOUS" etc... The Messiah... ( The Anointed One of The Cross-ing Over - Ibiru)

Yeshua - Hebrew) Words and their true meanings getting 'Lost in Translation"

On a Vibratory Level the Words/Sounds of Power...
The correct 'Utterances' are important to achieve the correct Frequency required in ac-Chordance!

What of those of us that don't speak Greek as our Native Tongue/Tone??? Are we Not of The Most High... Universal Source/Sound/Soul... Amen/ I AM....

@deebwoy9291 - 23.11.2022 15:01

From my understanding listening to you both sharing your Personal Experiences understanding/perception of The Most High through Christianity... which was given to 'us' peoples of the Black/African Diaspora via Enslavement/Colonisation... i find in some instances during this video quite judgemental in regards to other Countries Cultural Traditional Spiritual Beliefs and Experiential understanding of the Universe!

Symbolisms/Logos etc... used to understand the relationship between the Cosmological, Universal, Natural, Biological and Planetary 'Systems' etc... has been something Humanity has used for eons globally!

The Bible is no different... The Symbol /Logo of The Cross, The Lion of Judah, The Star of David, The Tree of Life, The Breastplate of Armour.... and the list goes on!!!

Its Not the 'Things' in or of itself that is either Positive/Negative its our Intentions/Attitudes/ Moods etc... that is behind/underlies it that matters/makes manifest!

Life and Living it "On Earths as it is In Heavens..." is an ongoing/process Balancing Act... Alignment/Enlightenment of Balancing Polarities/Dualities in all aspects of our lives...

The 'Whole/Uni-Verse" is made up of both... its learning the skills and wisdom from our experiences to realign... without Judgement... putting on polarity up against the other gives room for imbalances... Maintaining and Sustaining Balance in Mind/Body & Spirit is KEY!

@skittlez4aReason4 - 26.11.2022 02:48

Hebrews 3:13. All of your videos lift my spirit , I know that God speaks through you guys and I’m forever grateful that Elohim allowed me to find this channel during my awakening. I ran fast and hard in the wrong direction. Your videos helped me get back on the right path.

@sangdeyehoshuahhamashiah - 10.12.2022 16:15

I love this video and I have to comment as I watch....I am a daughter/ mother in Rastafari culture, repatriated to Afrika n Yehoshuah Ha Mashiah revealed himself to me three years ago...n for me lots of miracles in Yehoshuah Ha Mashiah 's name

@ramthian - 09.01.2023 06:59


@Melissa-Kallos - 11.01.2023 22:56

True Wisdom in Christ.

@joselucaschagasdasilva6429 - 14.01.2023 18:07

One day i'll be a great rasta Lion

@peterjones6014 - 25.01.2023 18:23

am i right in thinking though - if we live rightous we dont have to fear inanimate objects that may have spells on them ?

@MLove-777 - 01.02.2023 06:22


@sharoncoombs5851 - 21.02.2023 06:15

Yes brother Owl n brother Singh much love in Jesus Christ name

@shaylascott9804 - 22.03.2023 14:56


@maggiemckie4084 - 24.03.2023 20:41


@ntlantlatafari4455 - 30.03.2023 17:12

Fire kings

@JADBTV - 25.06.2023 17:56

My brother's good d. Can you relate to this experience. I was praying one evening, and an eye appeared to me .one eye, it was red, never blink, just staring at me .from that day, I have prayed from my heart again .if you understand, please reply. Thank you.this is not a joke .

@andreaashley4265 - 29.06.2023 02:02


@abdonmanuelmartinezmartine7217 - 11.08.2023 14:47

Learning to deal with demons can easily be learned just by learning to love one another and learning to respect their faiths and Religions too. Religion- in wich ever way we use to practice our faith.

@mrbrown5134 - 19.09.2023 17:44

BIG UP RAS, can you speak on generation curses and spiritual baths. And people possessed trying to get the evil out of an innocent girl who was the victim of sexual child abuse ?

@rtee4086 - 18.11.2023 15:17

Heaven, Hell, God, Satan, Angels, Demons and Spirits Clean or unclean, Holy or unholy, Exists only in the Superstitious
Deluded minds of the believers, Not in reality, These supernatural terms have no meaning in reality, and until these terms
is made to be understandable, They're just a meaningless concept, Anything that isn't visible or observable cannot be
proven to relate to any order of existence, especially, of or relating to God or gods, demigods, spirit, or devil, or souls,
If the supernatural exists, ( and that's a big if ), Then it is outside of Nature ( The Natural World ), it is outside of what we
Can experience, Or what we can relate to in an understandable way to others,

Religionists and God believers are people who believes that there are things beyond the Natural World ( The Supernatural
Or the metaphysical ), I can see no evidence that some people can have knowledge of the Supernatural, The definition of
Supernatural means that we can not know it, Therefore, making claims about what cannot be known, is an absurd idea to
me, How on earth can a supernatural claim be anything other than just fantasy or wishful thinking ? The Natural is that
Which we can observe, we can test, and examine and agree on, The Supernatural is fantasy of individual minds, To me That
is a reasonable distinction.

People have always been discussing things that are unknowable, Or they've always been discussing these things without
Considering whether they could be known, What are these unknowable things ? God, The soul, Heaven, Hell, Angels, Demons
and Spirits, For centuries people have been engaged in conversation about these topics, They've been discussing things
That are invisible, Things that are beyond the realm of the human senses, Things we call metaphysics, This field deals with
The study of what, if anything lies beyond the physical, Things beyond the Material and the observable, Philosophers engaged
with the metaphysical, to think about the invisible, and the supernatural, Those things that are said to elude direct perception,
But What are these things ? The first one, is that we can't know things that we can't perceive.

Because, for there to be knowledge, There must first be perception, For me perception is the foundation of knowledge, And all
knowledge begins with real experience, This means that when we talk about things outside the realm of our experience, Things
Beyond our perception, We are not engaging in knowledge, Rather, we're engaging in Thoughts, it is thought, and not knowledge,
There is a difference between thinking about something and knowing it, Some things such as gods, demons angels, souls, Or
Spirits can be thought about, But cannot be known, For example, you can think That life will continues After death, in either
Heaven or Hell, you can even believe it sincerely, but you cannot know it, and you cannot prove it, immortality of the so-called
Soul is an object of Thought, it is not an object of knowledge, it all comes down to what we can think, and what we can know
for sure, What God believers and religious believers consider to be their object of knowledge, is in fact, The objects of their

In our minds, we have a powerful tool that no one had quite yet properly understood, And if we use it properly, We could begin
to strip away misconceptions, And False opinions, All these Foggy cloud of confusion, and find within yourselves pure reason,
Have you ever questioned the true nature of reality, And how much of what we perceive is a reflection of our own minds ? most
believers think that they will be in heaven in some physical sense, ( After they die ), And that they will be able to recognise others,
That there are streets made of Gold, And that they will have their mansion and their crown of gold, These are physical tangible
materialistic things, are we suppose to remember these things from our earthly experience, in Heaven ? Let's assume that heaven
is Everlasting, Let's assume that there are some sense of us, that is still us, and that those in heaven will be doing what God say
That they will be doing, which is a new perfect body, That is able to worship him eternally, There are no tears, no death, sorrow or
Sin in Heaven, How about the Eternal monotony ? How long before you become bored ? A thousand years ? would that means
That God's intention is designed to have his Robotic Slaves worshipping him Everlastingly ? Just my thoughts or imagination
running away with me,

@lloydtokpah8526 - 22.11.2023 20:17

Plzzz never stop this is so holy brother

@rastatafari7691 - 16.02.2024 05:08

Bless up iyah good work
