24.2 Unity 5 tutorial for beginners: 2D Platformer - Getting on the platform

24.2 Unity 5 tutorial for beginners: 2D Platformer - Getting on the platform

inScope Studios

8 лет назад

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@reymartjoseang1875 - 19.04.2021 10:15

Thank you so much sir! I'm watching the whole videos in this tutorial, Even it is 5 years ago. I still learned a lot.

@somethingnew4650 - 17.04.2021 18:39

Hello Sir i have a question i already finished the tutorials 2d platform and now i will make an menu that my characters selection but when i make the player to be a prefabs the health bar is a missing game objects and gives me a lot of errors? Is there way i can call the game objects on codes? That will make it visible to being a prefabs? Thank you in advance sir 😊

@aryanapeyrovi676 - 11.11.2020 08:55

Honestly the best unity course I've ever seen, special TNX to you man, I learned so many things from u in this week.

@blinkonline1 - 06.09.2020 20:33

Thank You. This was my first Video from you, but now I was able to fix "the falling" while my player was staying on the platform going down.

If people just looking for this: in the video 24.1 Unity 5 tutorial of this series: there the script starts and he writes down the definition of childTransform.

Thank you again!

@joseperezbalan7788 - 18.05.2020 03:58

There are some bugs, like when jumping and jumthrow, it loops into jumping.... I even donate and downloaded the code , but it also does it...

@benjismithy3326 - 30.04.2020 20:59

When i stand on the platform and it moves upwards, i disappear from the game view and scene and can't see the player anymore but can still control him. Any suggestions?

@brianjensen2999 - 24.03.2020 16:06

Thank you so very much for these awesome tutorials! They have made it possible for me to remake an old Actionscript 3.0 game project in Unity. And made the transition phase between the code languages easy since you explain it in depths :)

@imaneelmoutaouakkil5090 - 16.03.2020 22:02

is this tutorial great for 2020 because a lot of features must have been added in unity

@SP-fl6ef - 27.01.2020 17:49

Sir, do we find more episodes of this tutorial on your Patreon page or did you finished this series?

@sajidgame1321 - 26.01.2020 02:13

last request is for next tutorial or tutorials hehehe ( game over , next level or next stage, continue , player lives remain, main menu, load and save the game, shop menu, upload the game on mobile android and ios , and finaly how to update the game for some editing in mobile android or ios, ) thank you inScope Studios......

@sajidgame1321 - 26.01.2020 02:07

Thank you brother Kenneth , inScope Studios for realy usefully and very nice tutorials , you are great brother , my request to you brother Kenneth : making 2D fighting game for example 2 or 3 different attack or punches from player and enemy will react 2 or 3 hurt animation : also how hold and throwing enemy .... the mean is give idea how basic 2D fighting game.

@abhishekkumawat91 - 16.01.2020 17:18

Your tutorials are best. Thanks sir. How can i end the level after killing the enemy? Please help me.

@adkinsy85 - 29.11.2019 22:18

Can you make a video about how to make enemy block or Dodge when player attack's
Please ?

@JohnDoe-dy4kf - 11.06.2019 17:01

Why we can't just have physics adjusted to work correctly without making the player child of the platform?

@kal.kautsar - 04.05.2019 06:05

how to create winning levels on this game

@karlvillarin4622 - 06.04.2019 18:03

You've earned another subscriber. Good job for the tutorials. Keep it up,you are doing great!!

@Dante-zt4fn - 25.03.2019 17:18

hi can you help me? i have a retry button where the player can repeat the level or the scene. when i'm trying to retry the level or load the scene again, my player can't jump to the moving platform anymore. do you have idea why is that?

@kubilaycelik1608 - 10.03.2019 04:44

pls help me sametimes press more than 3 space with shit (attack) my hero loop jumping just a lot of keyboard pressed how can I fix
also I have anhother problem again jump :D attack onground is normal but when jump + attack together fast sametimes twices like a combo animation complate than 1 more foward sword again very fast I don't understand everything is normal sorry my language

@GinnHardcore - 07.03.2019 03:11

For anybody who wanted to have there platforms go from side to side and have noticed that the player gets dragged along under the platform when performing a stationary jump I have added this code in to prevent my player from becoming a child of the platform while jumping underneath the platform replace this code with the one found in your Platform Movement script under the OnCollisionEnter2D function, the code goes as follows:

private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other)
if (Player.Instance.IsFalling == false)

if (other.gameObject.tag == ("Player"))
other.gameObject.layer = 10;

Dont forget to add a reference to the player at the top (private Player player;)

@cosmin.grigoroaia3759 - 26.01.2019 22:31

Hii, Can you make a video of making a menu for the game? Or more levels,

@nooruddinzeeshan918 - 07.01.2019 14:30

we would like a more complete game with more levels like theres not many tutorial channels that has done more than one level tutorial

@nooruddinzeeshan918 - 07.01.2019 14:29

Can you please make some animations and good 2D effects tutorials to make the game more aesthetically appealing and make boss level fights too...that would be really amazing....love the videos btw thank you

@elegantuniverse2510 - 27.10.2018 20:29

hello thank your for all these useful tutorials, I still have some questions about 2d game that i haven't seen clear tutorial about these.maybe if i pose my questions, you will publish some tutorial about my questions or maybe you can guide me how do i find their answers through your tutorial

1. how to player grab some thing and throw it? like box or rock and even enemy(after enemy grabbed ,enemy change his animation) etc....
2. how to player pickup something from ground and fight with that like baseball bat or spear ?
3. how to press one specific button multiple time and player change his animation?
for example I want to press "Fire1" key several times and every time player changes his attack style
4. how to enemy or player angled throw her knife?

@tangerinecaptain4140 - 18.10.2018 16:07

Hi, This tutorial helped me a lot throughout my little project. Thank you for that!
One tiny issue tho, if you decide to change the X scale of an enemy to -1, thereby making him/her face left, then everything goes haywire. It isn't very rational that all enemies must be facing right on start. Any suggestions? xD

@pwnzer4877 - 14.10.2018 03:03

Did you ever fix the bug on the ledges of the ground in which he could climb it? I skipped a few videos so i don't know if you did.

@kennethcorpuz1901 - 22.09.2018 04:29

Sir can you add tutorials for respawn when you jump on the water?
Also checkpoint and save. :)
Please add this to your list sir 😊

@mohamedgheeta2707 - 03.08.2018 16:54

I want to thanked u for these nice tutorial i learned much from u sir, and please can u make a new stage for this game and menu bar for start and end game>>>>>>>at least one promblem with me when i clicked on key for slide while player is idling and walk then player slide before walk i need to solve it.

@jakubpukovec7755 - 20.07.2018 16:24

Nice work, thank you! I'm wondering whether there is any way to use Animator Controller for automatic door opening / closing in the way that it would smoothly transition from closing state to
opening state when an obstacle moves into the door trigger while it's closing. Kind of simulation of real automatic door. When it's closing and person is suddenly detected in it's trigger zone, it stops and starts opening. I'm able to simulate this purely programatically but I wasn't able to figure out how to do it using animation and AC (if this is ever possible).

@ihaveexactly4subscribers271 - 27.06.2018 09:53

Please start this project again

@s0kka492 - 16.06.2018 12:41

Hi man ! I have a problem ...When I am moving under platform, I become the child of the platform and when i amn't moving under platform all is well .Sorry for my english .

@X3noN24 - 14.06.2018 01:39

I have a bug happening to me, When you jump on the platform from above like 1 out of 10 times the player will go inside the platform for a second and then reposition himself on it, it looks really bad, I know why this happens, the layer of the player changes from falling to default real quick thus making the player go halfway through the platform before the layer changes into Platform, but I don't really know how to fix it, Did I do something wrong?

@zaherhaidar6928 - 01.06.2018 12:33

Hello Bro can u help how can i do Levels or in other words to create dynamic levels

@creative_studios_ - 18.05.2018 04:40

Can you please explain how to add a DoubleJump behaviour to the character with this metod?
Thanks a lot for all the nice tutorials

@ezradusselaar8750 - 10.03.2018 19:12

Hey there, i got a small problem. The player wont be a child of the small island. Any idea how to fix this?

PlatformMovement Code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlatformMovement : MonoBehaviour {

private Vector3 posA;
private Vector3 posB;
private Vector3 nexPos;

private Transform transformB;

private float speed;

private Transform childTransform;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {

posA = childTransform.localPosition;
posB = transformB.localPosition;
nexPos = posB;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {


private void Move(){
childTransform.localPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(childTransform.localPosition, nexPos, speed * Time.deltaTime);

if (Vector3.Distance(childTransform.localPosition, nexPos) <= 0.1) { //als de platform minder als 0.1 van eindbestemming is dan do :

private void ChangeDestination(){
nexPos = nexPos != posA ? posA : posB; //If statement, als ie right is dan posB zo niet dan posA

private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other){
if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player"){
other.gameObject.layer = 10;

private void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D other){


My player got the name "Player" too. platform is on the layer 10 too. im kinda out of ideas how to fix this. Only thing i know is that my animator in unity is a little different, because i dont have stacked movement etc. i just have groundlayer with run idle etc. I tried to code to put on groundlayer and just idle. Both didnt work, even without that code didnt work.
Would be awesome if someone could help :)

@danielquinones5643 - 22.02.2018 04:14

Just wondering if you will create an updated series to this one?

@EntropicalNature - 09.02.2018 08:16

I still have the bug that when the player is right underneath or above the enemy, the enemy keeps changing their direction really fast. Can anyone tell me what the solution to this is?

@techworld196 - 07.02.2018 02:00

i have a question i create this game with your tutorials but now i don't know how play this game in mobile and how can i publish also how ad admob please reply

@Yoyo-vb2hn - 17.12.2017 13:44

hi bro, can u make a tutorial how to add more character and character selection
pls do tutorial, i want to add more then 1 character, but cant found any tutorial about that

@tutorialworld5010 - 17.11.2017 17:52

hi.your tuts are good. but 3 main things are missing from your playlist..1st you did not add different level how to create different levels..2nd no menu for game and 3rd no publishing game in android or pc.

@moviemarathon4744 - 07.10.2017 09:11

We made another level. Problem is how can we carry data in the level 1 to the next level?

@dmitrydemyanovskyy4838 - 28.09.2017 13:49


Very detailed and useful lessons (especially for beginners like me).

Do you plan on continuing the series of lessons (2D Platformer)?
If so, it would be nice to add:
- a lesson on adding sounds and music
- organization of the menu
- completion of levels and downloads of new levels
- paralax
- add special effects.
- a variety of options with physics - for example, swimming in water, gliding, sticking
- possibility of adding bosses

@_inpeymus3603 - 20.09.2017 22:27

i wanna add this to your series, since you have the moving platform,
1) you should implement a platform that will break after the player landed on it for a few seconds.
2) skills animation.
3) glide animation (if he jumped way too high for him to land without a parachute. this should be enabled by handleinputs or else, the player will have less health since the player landed on his feet without using the parachute).
4) use the coins for player respawn.
5) audio (sfx)

@amarpratapsingh8452 - 13.08.2017 17:12

Bro can u make a tutorial on the movement of objects as triggered...
i have 2d rocks ... i wans the rocks to fall as player comes close ...
Plz do a tutorial on that plz...
Thx in advance :)
Keep up good work

@ExpatMerlin - 20.05.2017 01:49

Great videos, i'm fairly new to Unity and i'm learning a lot from your videos. I have a question, how do you open doors ? ie. Pick up a key somewhere. Go somewhere else to open a door into another room. Also how do collect something and put it into inventory and then put it somewhere else?
Thanks in advance

@fatinaliah6855 - 09.05.2017 13:30

i keep following your tutorial as your tutorial is very easy to understand. do you have any tutorial which i can refer so that i can put objective questions (educational) in this game?

@johncarver7224 - 27.04.2017 00:22

Thank you for the tutorials, I have been able to use these as a Launchpad into 2D game development. However, I do have one issue I am having trouble getting over. Maybe your experience can shed some light. If a Platform Effector 2D is applied to a Game Object which contains a Box Collider 2D or an Edge Collider 2D with Edge Radius greater than 0, it appears the player will SNAP onto the Game Object if the collider reaches the mid-point of the player’s Box Collider 2D. Do you have any suggestions on trouble-shooting this issue? I have tried using an Edge Collider 2D instead of a Box Collider 2D with improvement, but the snapping effect still exists.

@rapgame7089 - 07.03.2017 05:39

Reply now!

@pfredot4673 - 06.03.2017 23:43

Did you stop making videos for 2D Platformer?

@yzvanneguerrero3806 - 04.03.2017 22:22

Hi, I just want to say that this is series is good. Can I just asked if I can build this for my phone? Also is this the end of series? Because you didn't show how to build the game. Thanks.
