September King of the Hill - Generals Evolution

September King of the Hill - Generals Evolution


1 год назад

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@sandorhajnal3296 - 03.03.2024 11:10

I see a lot of pro players even in mid or late game sending pure Gattling tank armies against other tanks, without any battlemasters, and I really don't get it. Gats are good early harrasment units, but terrible vs other tanks. I know that they are good against air and infantry, but they should be sprinkled between battlemasters and overlords, not used alone in great numbers.

@sandorhajnal3296 - 02.03.2024 16:19

The ridiculous light green color should really be taken out of the game as an option. It's indistinguishable from both dark green and cyan. Also, why the hell is light green matched with cyan 3 times in a row, and then 2 very slightly different shades of green....with the exact same faction. Are they insane or trolling?? Those games are really hard to follow, and nearly impossible, if the factions are the same. Something should really be done about this, becouse it really F*cks up the viewer experience.

@Kylesico912x - 17.09.2023 20:25

Sgoroo's tunnel network play in the first game was disgusting. A true GLA stealth general player if I ever seen one.

@schyracollbrande1900 - 22.02.2023 06:36

Damn, Spi.Magno didn't stand a chance.

@justineaaronferrer7922 - 18.01.2023 10:06

someone stop this monster

@metalrayne1 - 22.12.2022 07:30

How can I get gen evo?

@patrickebert5149 - 16.12.2022 12:56

I have the problem in multiplayer mode that I have no connection to player 1 and 2 when I start. Can someone please help me? Is it really because of my connection (Germany :/) or is this a bug? I have also tried it via VPN, but then comes a problem with the synchronization

@Captain_Idaho - 15.12.2022 23:07

Last game... why didn't Kyle build Avengers?

@entertainmentranger4140 - 05.12.2022 21:30

Great commentating.

@ChrisHoHoHooooooo - 05.12.2022 14:33

maybe for future games the king should be red and the challenger is blue?

@thadz2493 - 01.12.2022 14:34

I was hoping to see cloud play but khay was killing it.

@snowdawn - 30.11.2022 08:40

Gg amazing win. Watched it from start to end. Great cast Sybert.

@lutfiyusuf9098 - 29.11.2022 20:35

hopefully you can place the income meter back at top because it is blocking the superweapon countdown and also the substitle(english is not my mother language so i need it). Overall really a good match but please do a lot more of gen evo content please >_<

@MADNIKstudios - 29.11.2022 02:29

I like the new UI Sybert

@guchiilesner3679 - 28.11.2022 17:54

no cloud vs khay . .

@wiseoldman5485 - 28.11.2022 15:08

Bruh who decided the colors for the last game xD

@iLyaWater - 28.11.2022 13:53

see generals evo from sybert = auto like. Like your videos, voice and this challenges, keep doing

@MarvoldX - 28.11.2022 13:41

ggwp thats so amazing games, wp khay
also Sgoroo is just a monster, if he hasnt been shutdown he is a demon there, wp yall
thanks for the video Sybert

@Nautules83 - 28.11.2022 12:41

what a powerhouse showing from Khay!! Also thanks to all participants and ofcourse Sybert for granting us 1,5 hours worth of GenEvo!

@hyoukaihyouka6964 - 28.11.2022 08:51

I Like to metion that Khay have a vast strategy in very game, like how he transition his strategy to economic to be a aggressive ang then to be a passive again. Like Khay really know how to play to game very fluent.

@singapore_de - 28.11.2022 07:14

total dominance!

@Blutwind - 28.11.2022 07:08

Mango enters the game

awesome games i realy thought mango would dethrone khay but damn hes a monster

@canman87 - 28.11.2022 06:46

Man, I was rooting for Kyle so hard in his match against Khay. Wtf was Khay doing that he just stockpiled $16k and then started building a bunch of nonsense structures rather than units? He had like three War Factories and none of them were doing anything. I don't know if he legitimately had a mid-match stroke or something, but I feel that he deserved to lose with that performance.

@colecleveland8179 - 28.11.2022 06:20

All hail "the island"

@thaecrasis - 28.11.2022 05:52

Tunnel networks seem absolutely op - can almost instantly have a teleport network directly inside your enemy's base o.O

@MaDmanx6666 - 28.11.2022 05:20


@Wolf-Nyan - 28.11.2022 05:01

China tank into early veteran academy is absolutely disgusting.
The ability to print out heroic battlemaster MK2s and Vet-2 gats from essentially the start is absurd and I love it.

@clip-ish7574 - 28.11.2022 01:00

All hail the King 👌👌 what dominance 👍👍👍👍

@Agora2021 - 28.11.2022 00:31

Khay is a monster.

@BugraBasgan - 27.11.2022 21:40

Its GenEvo well I know its going to be a great video without even watching...

@Zeljko96Srb - 27.11.2022 21:28

Bought RA3 on sale, instaled Gen Evo since i couldnt stop watching this channel an was a huge fan of Generals.

Having been a solid Generals player back in the day put up a skirmish against a Hard AI, sufice to say how roflstomped i got by it made me apreciate these players even more.

@hyoukaihyouka6964 - 27.11.2022 19:39

In second game sgoro make a huge mistake in his supplies truck, it's bug out that's why he's always low in income X3

@bowlchamps37 - 27.11.2022 19:02

2 hrs till football. The timing cannot be better. And Gen Evo, the greatest mod out there, for me.
