[Free] {guitar} Kodak Black x Jackboy type beat 2021 “Can’t stop” | sniper gang type beat

[Free] {guitar} Kodak Black x Jackboy type beat 2021 “Can’t stop” | sniper gang type beat

E Rich Beatz

3 года назад

875 Просмотров

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@wtf_686 - 26.01.2021 11:08

Great bounce and I really like the snap🔥💯

@chuzang855 - 26.01.2021 10:33

You def got your own style that I got to shall out Rich Beatz ! Listened to some your instrus and you really have a sound signature! Lemme know how would you describe mine 😈

@streighttbeats8169 - 26.01.2021 10:32

Nice beat broo..clean mix...droped u a sub, lets support each other

@KilimVeinBeats - 26.01.2021 10:32

Aye this is a wavy man, like that melodic vibe to it, let’s connect man !
