Klasky Csupo in Kairus Carbaza G Major 7 V2 (Instructions In Description)

Klasky Csupo in Kairus Carbaza G Major 7 V2 (Instructions In Description)

907 Просмотров

this my new effect with @KairusCabrezaOfficial and @KairusCabrezaVideoEffects with credie me!

I Make Monday 5 Setmpeter 2022 6:00:09 pm

Note: the kairus cabreza effect looks like milk sounds like g major 7 does respond via Sony Vegas by Kairus Caberza.

Note 2: the put this effect with under milk hue invert color i hate the kairus cabreza g major 7 V2

How to Make Karius Cabreza G Major 7 V2:

(Video FX)

1st Invert Color:

Luma Key: Pitch White

(Audio FX)


Classic exapitioaon Pro (miniations echo)


Effect by Karius Carbreza

His Channel:


(Requested) I Hate The Kairus Cabreza's G-Major 7 V2 90 POWERS MORE!!!!!

3.5K Views • 27 Aug 2022

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