The Most Brutal SLAP KNOCKOUTS Of All Time

The Most Brutal SLAP KNOCKOUTS Of All Time

Die Hard Fighting

7 месяцев назад

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Mona Hainz
Mona Hainz - 13.11.2023 00:34

I dond grt this sport hitting you head is so dangerous you can suffer bad injuries head injuries are no joke

Randy Smith
Randy Smith - 12.11.2023 07:26

Not all of these are regular slaps. Some of these are known as palm heel strikes in martial arts—and dangerous as hell! Only a complete moron would stand there and risk permanent brain damage allowing himself to get hit with these!

Edison Edison
Edison Edison - 12.11.2023 03:53

Violence is not entertaining this is stupid but people are stupid

Toel - 11.11.2023 20:38

Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

greg comins
greg comins - 09.11.2023 20:39

I love combat sports and hockey, football, rough games,
But this is the most bizarre and unbelievable contest I've evvver seen.

Steve - 09.11.2023 18:57


Григорий Долгих
Григорий Долгих - 09.11.2023 14:57

Great video.
