Are you Bored of Minecraft?

Are you Bored of Minecraft?

Mumbo Jumbo

1 год назад

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@Bill0righ1s - 24.11.2023 01:11

For bedrock, i decided to turn cheats one for one single thing… Nightvision. In my opinion it made the game 10x better.

@OnionTense-lz2om - 21.11.2023 04:50

New comment mumbo comment

@fredashay - 20.11.2023 19:16

Hey Mumbo, one of the things you should suggest is for people to learn Java and write their own Spigot mods...

@ZyraSpire - 17.11.2023 01:47

Minecraft Comes Alive is my absolute favorite mod o.o

@arthurbarros5189 - 10.11.2023 16:30

About the cheating thing: i have experienced ruining my own survival experience many times. Since I play single player, I don't hurt anyone else when cheating, but I had to become more selective with which cheats to use, and reached the conclusion that my main objective is to save time with them.
I use Haste when strip mining (remove when in combat!) and had to research how to make infinite durability stone tools. I have been hating more and more durability mechanics in all games. I really wished it was a gamerule that we could change.

@camilorodriguez5602 - 09.11.2023 07:08

Once i started playing back when i was little it was for the survival aspect and exploring, it felt empty for me, like, everything like getting full diamond set, potions, enchantments, reaching the end aleays felt like it was so far away from my starting point that overwhelmed me (thats where i started terraria and oh boy, the "2d minecraft" title is SO WRONG) But now that im older, content creators like you inspired me to use redstone and WOW, the feeling of seeing your own machine working is priceless, i started with a sugar cane farm that only breaks the sugar cane that gew to 3 blocks and now i have a metro to the nearest village and im planning to make an automatic smelter once the auto crafter comes (idk what to do with my villagers tho)

@malksy1014 - 07.11.2023 20:22

Scotland? Yay!

@nanaouzumaki6044 - 03.11.2023 14:18

Minecraft is the most boring game ever. Fuck off, people's opinion.

@laineybaker9467 - 29.10.2023 04:30

great video!!

@MarioMaster97 - 23.10.2023 10:29

If you're bored just don't play, if you don't wanna quit just take a break.

I know my comment might sound annoying but yeah if you got bored there's always something else to do! Like attempting to make a drawing, to cook someone new, going for a walk, meditating, or just doing that think you've been postponing for a while.

@icyhrtzedits - 21.10.2023 20:41

is keep inventory cheating? I dont use anything else like / locate or spawn items or go in creative i just dont wanna lose all the stuff i worked hard to go to waste if i accidently fall in lava or die far away from my base. Tho I still am cautious with dying like i dont have keep inv on so is it cheating?

@p_like_peanut - 13.10.2023 08:11

The best thing that’s helped me is actually playing with a friend. Sure it kinda sucks having to pay for Realms but damn is it fun! Also the urge to cheat is practically non existent. I’m sure there are people who know how to set up a Minecraft server so you don’t have to pay for a Realm but for me personally the money is worth it.

@audreyheninger8191 - 10.10.2023 20:40

Actually I'd say blowing it up CAN be applied to things like art, sometimes what you need to do when you have art block is take a canvas and destroy it, throw water balloons filled with paint at it, drag a fork through the wet paint, maybe even stab the canvas! I think you'll find it helps relieve pressure, and a lot of the time you'll look at the "destroyed" piece and decide its not so destroyed after all. I've seen people sew their canvas back up after ripping it, or paint over their old pieces to make something entirely new out of the old! Nothing is ever truly ruined, just... changed.

@Alicia-Faye - 03.10.2023 12:28

See what I struggle with is, I build my starter base then make it bigger, build a big long term base, I build a big mine (or a quarry) I build as many food farms as I could need as many xp grinders and i make a villager trading hall I go fight off the dragon 20 times I turn the end into a giant cloud using my many sheep farms and what else am I supposed to do with that giant mega base I built that's empty and had no form of use to it but to spawn infinite mobs inside of... 😭

@machm8406 - 01.10.2023 07:14

I don’t have friends to play with

@BloomyCloud - 30.09.2023 06:57

the thing w/ my problem is that im literally playing on a laptop, i still do and did for almost a year now. but the bigger problem is that i cant find any job for myself better than mowing my grandmas lawn for 7.5 dollars a week

@hellsonion514 - 27.09.2023 14:30

Ive never shared any thing ive made. Maybe i should.

@MemeGhost357 - 27.09.2023 08:23

Thanks for the tips this really my depression for minecraft and video games in general

@King-Party - 17.09.2023 03:18

this vid is so usefull

@user-fo9gq1ti8d - 15.09.2023 20:44

Sometimes I just need that perfect seed for my world!

@SpremeCalami - 11.09.2023 02:18

My problem is that if I’m not playing with other people, I struggle to find any reason to keep moving in the game. My friends are unfortunately not quite as active enough so eventually my passion for the game dies as people stop coming on. Working on it though lol

@ronnie-jordanmarsden1450 - 08.09.2023 09:24

@ronnie-jordanmarsden1450 - 08.09.2023 09:24

i cheat hehehehe

@ascelot - 24.08.2023 13:53

My issue with minecraft is similar to problems i face with other base building games, is there a practical reason to build large rooms or mulitple rooms? Building blocks (crafting table etc) dont benefit from large rooms. Also, dont think there is enough danger, mobs dont exactly prove to be that much of challenge.

@existension9174 - 24.08.2023 03:06


@islarf5095 - 17.08.2023 20:20

But what if I spawn in Steak?

@FortniteBRC - 15.08.2023 06:18

If you’re bored, just build something even though you don’t want to and then you want to play again

@FortniteBRC - 15.08.2023 06:17

I’m not bored

@RapidWolf15 - 14.08.2023 23:25

mumbo: "play with friends" me : "what are friends?"

@therealhussein - 13.08.2023 14:46

The thumbnail is java vs bedrock lol

@reelsients - 12.08.2023 05:28

Recreate Luke the notables videos. This is one that I enjoy because he makes sure to make his videoed without mods

@lima114 - 10.08.2023 14:03

something that worked great for me was starting an amplified world

@alonsirdaedra8935 - 08.08.2023 14:53

¿Do not cheat? What if cheating if what someone need, what if people dont play for seen how you can not have a infinity mending bow, something are just -.-

@azarma - 03.08.2023 16:35

personally i play a bit too "scared" when im alone i take no risk and end up not trying anything but when i play with my friend i completly change and im always the one that take the most of risk lmao

@Quantumlink64 - 01.08.2023 07:37

Thanks mumbo, your videos are awesome, keep up the great work

@constancialazarra3172 - 28.07.2023 15:52

"Hello everyone this is mumbo here and today...."

Those words always inspires me❤

@maximusstorm1215 - 26.07.2023 05:58

For building: A good way to go about this is to make a large shell. If you want a huge base, make a huge shell. Not full walls, but rows/columns of blocks that all connect to points. Start with an area somewhere inside and when you feel like it/when you need to expand, build outwards and fill said shell. Eventually, you'll end up building enough to take shape of the shell and you can then fill in parts of the walls when your base gets to the edges/ceiling. It works well.

If I don't do this, I tend to end up building loads of separate buildings that all end up being useless as I build them purely just to use space. Making villages just isn't it for me, because I end up building things for the sake of building them, just so things look better, but then it feels like a chore. However, I never feel like making megabuilds either.

However, if you build a large shell of rows/columns (to get an idea of the shape/size), just use it for everything you need and keep expanding it but by bit until you're able to fill in the walls. Or, use the shell for a general idea of how big you want it and then alter the shell as your base takes shape, as your base doesn't have to align perfectly with the initial shell you have.

The shell are like blueprints for the shape of a house I guess. I wouldn't even say it's unreasonable to make one in creative mode and then switch it to survival and go from there.

Tbf I think that would make a good mod. People that are good with large bases could build blueprints/shells for building said base(s), and could put them into a mod for people to build with.

Sometimes it's hard to get motivated when you look at a load of grass and don't know what to envision. However, if you have a big shape there to give you an idea, it can help a lot and it makes you want to fill it out. (By shell I mean where the walls and ceilings meet, so just rows/columns like I said, not full, solid walls.)

However, depending on the size, or who you are, you could use creative to make the walls too, and do all the decorating and interior yourself, as those are the most fun. Terraforming & building rows upon rows of blocks can get very boring, very quickly. There's no harm in getting those parts out of the way in creative mode if you want to.

@TejaJamilla - 20.07.2023 22:40

Don’t know what to say 🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🦊

@gigavirgin - 20.07.2023 17:23

Personally, what really keeps me motivated is that instead of building 2-3 practical buildings and rest just decoration builds I build every building with some practicallity. For example instead of building a villager trading hall I build a building for every profession and add villagers there so for librarians an actual library, for fletchers woodcutter, shepherd a sheep farm etc. It makes you connect with the world more.

@niu64 - 18.07.2023 12:10

Just make an smp with your friends with a government

@Realm_Splitter - 17.07.2023 12:44

The point about limits is really good and i found a mod that enforces those limits. Its called
check it out, it comes with buffs to offset the disabilities, i personally favor "Avian" which lets me foalt like a chicken and run slightly faster, however you cant eat any mean, so i took that and became a pacifist, No killing at ALL. sometimes limits are needed and sometimes there's a mod to fit seamless into those limits.

@techguide67 - 13.07.2023 15:41

And also, don't be afraid to try things like Skyblock if you really need new motivation

@nightcatyoutube - 10.07.2023 20:47

