I cal sperm tadpole shaped fairies. 😅😂❤
ОтветитьSome monotremes (a type of mammal) lay eggs. So confusing!
ОтветитьCan i please slap the person who came up with the name "Flagyl", like dude.... were all the good names taken? i dont understand? even amongst terrible pharmaceutical names, that one is pretty bad
Ответитьmy first time wearing a liner i dint know there was a sticky side i walked around church all day with my thighs get scraped because of the paper
ОтветитьI think this hiding of the underwear is an ingrained instinct. It can be compared to animals hiding their feces to not attract predators. Just a theory.
ОтветитьJust commenting for the algorithm 😀🖤🤎💜
ОтветитьRe: the upside down pad, you forgot to mention the plastic cover the tape is on. If there were no plastic cover, my panties would be ruined. (And were! Blood goes right through!)
Nowadays, there is not a pad that doesn't have a plastic cover.
Which also begs the question: if some women are told to double up pads to catch the overflow,how do you do that?! You can't stack them unless you have some pads with no plastic cover.if you do it side by side, the middle gets squished no matter what.
I am always appreciative of the commentary and side stories you ruin your review material with.
Since your reviews of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant, I have come to expect explanations and "ruining" of content from you. Thank you.
But I really wish I'd known about meat tenderizer and period blood when I was in childbearing years!
Well, young 'uns, take advantage of it: meat tenderizer breaks down blood like it does gristle in meat. Then you can was away period blood. Hope you have better childbearing years than I did!💯
I once saw a shirt that said, "I have PMS and a hand gun. Any questions? " . I also had a shirt that said, " God created PMS because men deserve it. "
ОтветитьYour daughter is the best 🤣
There's a boy in my daycare centre who us right years old and heavily interested in nature and anatomy. He knows EVERYTHING about insects and arachnids. We had a conversation with a couple of children and I was telling them that mammals don't lay eggs. This child looks at me, smiles serenely and says: "Yes they do. Most animals lay eggs. Some just do it on the inside, rather than the outside." We were all blown away because THAT IS TRUE!!!
Ur so informative i love ur videos and i follow you. My obgyn is now following you
ОтветитьI went to a gynecologist in my early 20s for what I thought was ovary pain, and he was a first class jerk to me, told me I was wasting his time. I should have walked out, but I was young and stupid, so I let him examine me. He saw my panties and said, "Hmmm, you got some discharge there." The words are probably innocent, but it sounded contemptuous to me at the time, probably because I was angry for being told I was wasting his time. Logically, I know doctors need to know medically relevant things, but I think that experience is why I hide my underwear ever since.
(I never went back to that doctor. I went to another in a neighboring city who found bleeding ulcers and polyps (cause still unknown, but cured over 20 years ago), and an unrelated birth defect.)
The metronidazole medicine reminds me of the brand name Antabus here in Finland for alcoholics, or at least it sounds very similar. I would probably refuse the medicine for BV just because I like a nice drink and have emetophobia (fear of puking). I am VERY careful with any medicine stating that there's a 1 in 10 chance of nausea
ОтветитьCaught my 3 year old son playing with some (non-applicator) tampons. When I asked what he was doing he said he was lining up the bullets for the nerf gun🤦🏻♀️🤣
ОтветитьI just have no clue how people think the sticky side of a pad goes UP. Like, what makes you think we're sticking the glue to our sensitive bits?
ОтветитьThe panties story was too real. We have separate changing rooms so my gyno doesn't see my clothes but I always have to wear a long shirt or a dress. I know I will have to pull it up in a second but just for the two minutes of walking in and getting asked about any changes I have to be covered. I don't know why, I just know I hate being half naked (or full naked) and it makes me so uncomfortable.
ОтветитьThe tape one ow
ОтветитьHa, kinda proud of myself that an a non medical person I immediately got the Flagyl joke! Only because I am deathly allergic to it so it is high on my radar! 😵💫
ОтветитьI feel like my mom told me I should as a kid in passing, like it's an etiquette thing. Like "don't put your elbows on the table cuz it's rude". Who says it's rude? Who really cares? It's just always been considered rude to put your elbows on the table (at least in our culture).
ОтветитьI had a tattoo artist that had a bumper sticker that said “Who lit the fuse on your tampon?” Cracked me up 😂
Ответить'has fur and produces milk' a coconut is a mammal
Ответитьa cute vagina is a bill engvall joke
ОтветитьWhen my son was about 4, he really liked babies. One time he told me he wanted to be a doctor that helped babies hatch out of eggs 😂
ОтветитьDon't give a dose to the one you love most
Giver her some marmalade. Give her toast..........
...,......but the dose that you give her will come right back to you
Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show
Thank you sooooo much Danielle! The mouthwash has been making me feel I was having morning sickness
The Deer Louse (Lipoptena cervi) doesn't lay eggs, but lays a baby and lactates.
I know you were surprised by the reproductive system of the spotted hyena, so you may find Lipoptena cervi interesting.
It's always worst the first time! So worth it after that. Jus sayin. 😊
( the brazilian) lol
The pad meme was too funny. The idea that some women can't figure it out is more so. They come with instructions; at least they did in the 80s when I started using them. I thought it odd that instructions were included, but have since found instructions saying "do not eat" or "do not consume" on things a sane semi-intelligent person would know not to do (laundry pods just one example, those little gel beads in reusable ice packs being another) so I guess even basic, seemingly obvious things need instruction.
Now if everyone would actually read them.
I'll never forget the doctors telling me that getting in a "downward dog" position might take pain off my back while in labor. I was in an open back hospital gown and asked my husband to make sure it was closed while trying to find a comfortable position as I was in HORRIBLE "back pain labor" he replied "why do you care? They're just gonna look at it in 10 min again anyway" UH.... CUZ THEY'RE NOT LOOKING NOW AND I AM NOT BEING FORCED TO SHOW ANYTHING RIGHT NOW. DON'T ASK QUESTIONS, JUST FIX IT. Same with the underwear I think... Gynos aren't asking to see my undergarments, why show them off?
ОтветитьThree years later, i feel like the "acute angina" meme was taken from a Bill Engvall joke.
ОтветитьAs a bored and curious 14yo who tended to prefer waxing over shaving I once thought “hmm…I’ve waxed everywhere already but I still have wax left…well there’s my private parts that I never waxed and I’m not too pain sensitive sooooo let’s try waxing that” a few seconds later that cocky teen turned into a teen crying on the floor
ОтветитьI was a vet tech for years and we use metronidazole in dogs for diarrhea. Still found the joke funny though! Also working with animals it takes a lot to gross me out too except for anything having to with bones breaking or joint dislocations for some reason I can’t watch that happen.
ОтветитьThe tonsils coming is part of a meme that goes "bruh we in a ___"
ОтветитьAnybody who says we don't judge people for having face herpes has never watched good mythical morning 🤣
ОтветитьMy oldest had meconium aspiration... they took her immediately and told me she was going to die....then they poked her liver with one of the tube's they put in her and told me it was cancer and she was going to die... it was a hematoma... they caused... I didn't get to hold her til she was 2 weeks old and I developed a drinking problem in that time cause again... they told me she was going to die... saint Agnes hospital in Fresno ca...
ОтветитьI put my clothes in order of how I will be putting them on so my underwear is always on top because I put those on first then the pants and then my shirt if I did take it off
ОтветитьMama Dr. Jones, if you're doing a TAH/BSO, were you ever to sing the chorus to the Aggie War Hymn? ("Saw Varsity's horns off!")
ОтветитьHow about: Why is it called PMS? .................................................................................................................. Because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.
ОтветитьI would probably fold them up if it hasnt been for me always ending up going the gynecologist on my menstrual cycle
ОтветитьThanks for explaining how to use pads ive been using them wrong i just stuck it on my skin i didnt realise that was wrong
ОтветитьNot cute, but not first time I’ve heard it good night
ОтветитьLMFAO I am a woman, and the first time i used a pad I stuck it to my vagina 🤣🤣 was so painful to get off and I basically gave myself a wax, asked my mum why taking it off was so painful and she couldn't stop laughing when I told her what id done. Lesson learned aye.
ОтветитьWhen a couple lay together, we say they got “laid”. He got… She got… Get the idea? Maybe this is why we don’t say the mother laid a baby or that mothers lay babies. 🤔
ОтветитьHiding panties from your doctor seems like a perfectly reasonable behavior.
It’s the one thing your OBGYN doesn’t have a need to interact with in any measure.
It’s one thing that can be kept secret/private/personal/your-own-business especially when knowing that this medical professional will be looking directly at your gateway to heaven where angels pass into this realm.
People sometimes wonder why many couples resist using condoms or don't put them on in a timely manner. Here is the best explanation I have ever heard, "it's kind of like taking a shower with a raincoat on," It might protect you, but it definitely doesn't help the desired enjoyment.