In Response to Netanyahu | Maajid Nawaz | EP 337

In Response to Netanyahu | Maajid Nawaz | EP 337

Jordan B Peterson

1 год назад

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@Winticket7 - 02.02.2024 13:17

I once read in a book not related to the Isreali-Palestinian conflict "Those people would rather bury their loved ones and friends, instead of their hatred, envy and pride."

The book was not about the conflict it was just giving an example of what human nature can do and how far it can go.

@markeviston8077 - 28.01.2024 02:34

Cultural diversity…we have our culture and it isn’t at the exclusion of yours, but you wouldn’t have a culture if you hadn’t protected and adhered to..

@nickcassidy3636 - 24.01.2024 01:28

Maajid unfortunately you fail to see how both Islam and the Islamic world are by far the more guilty when it comes to validation of other beliefs !when you talk about validating the other party then lets be honest its really difficult to find any real groundswell within Islamic thinkers /countries/politicians or intellectuals the vast majority are just medieval in their conception of the world and the proof the governance of their regions,the proof of the pudding! It seems you want to pretend that in some way Islamic thinking is even vaguely close to the western philosophies and to try to place Islam anywhere close to Judaic / Christian achievements when it comes to enlightened thinking and practice then you are simply deluded .most westerners including Jews wrestle to do their best to accommodate Islam but that’s never enough Islam is submission and nothing else is acceptable come on just be honest .tell your audience how things actually are and not your own wishful dreamy interpretation of “the other side” the vast vast majority of Muslims are completely backward when it comes to secular governance they always bend back to their roots just like you and cry foul when exposed ,when will the Islamic world be held accountable ?when will you start cleansing your own house ! Why are you always looking at the spec in the western eye and a log sorry a forest is sticking out of yours , honestly this is said without malice to you and i would like to challenge anyone on your side who wants to be taken as sincere and honest fix your own house before you dare to fix another’s , it would go a long way if you began to address that in some meaningful way and not just dismiss the obvious

@jeffweatherby5279 - 21.01.2024 02:30

Theres so much more to discuss here. We need a part two asap

@laika5757 - 14.01.2024 07:07

Majid is an intellectual Giant.
Allah bless him 🙏🙏🙏

@kovatembel - 07.01.2024 00:26

Israeli here, came for a challenging perspective, and Nawaz's opening arguments seemed interesting and thoughtful. Unfortunately, except for the beginning, they utilize most of this 1.5 hour conversation to rattle about how we (the west) are living in 1984 because of covid mandates and transgender activists. Sure, Canada/UK are such tyrannies, because in China and Russia they'll never go so far like removing your account from Twitter. Never got back to the point.

@mwran54 - 02.01.2024 11:33

Maajid: I didn't like what Bibi said.
Jordan: So the snake in the bible...

@KMANelPADRINO - 02.01.2024 06:22

When one traces the heritage of the Medieval European tradition of thought, the Muslim contributions still bear the names of Islamic authors (such as algebra).

However, Aristotle was known in the West prior to the Islamic Golden Age and in fact the Islamic Golden Age corresponded with and ended with the cessation of Islamic conquests of Christian and pagan lands that were already more advanced than Islamic society and which bequeathed their knowledge to them and remained stewards of that knowledge until they fell out of favor. From that time forward the Islamic world not only regressed, but it’s essentially warlike and revolutionary persona established by the actions of Muhammad and the Rashidun, bickering warlords that the Rashidun were, eventually degenerated the society itself. Only empires successful enough to still benefit from outside influence while curtailing Islamic religious fervor enough to develop, such as the Ottomans…and even that they did with brutal repression that eventually led to their own downfall…were able to survive.

You’ll find that the dominant early academies of the Islamic Golden Age were built upon Christian and Zoroastrian schools of learning in the Persian East, and that Christians were routinely consulted for medical and scientific expertise throughout the time period.

Christians also translated Aristotle into Arabic, perhaps the most famous translator of erudite quality was Hunayn ibn Ishaq, who also had a son who was a great intellectual.

And the earliest Arabic script on record from the parent region of Islam comes from Christian Arabic inscriptions onto desert rock (they are rather inconspicuous with the etchings of the cross of Christ onto them).

Even technologically, when the crusaders arrived in the ME they thrashed much numerically superior armies routinely because they were so technologically advanced and had superior military tactics (probably from fighting each other for so long, but not like the Muslims didn’t have plenty of time for their own practice).

The myth of the Islamic Golden Age giving way to the Medieval advancements is largely an overblown attribution-propaganda war, and a culture war at that.

@groovygrover190 - 26.12.2023 07:00

Gee what happened?

@groovygrover190 - 26.12.2023 06:57

Judeo Christian is the absolute largest oxymoron pulled on the people of the west. They do not have the same values or beliefs so even using the word is gaslighting

@mrstraighty - 21.12.2023 02:00

Many reasons why Islam is not part of Judao-Christian ethics. Beheadings, female oppression, desire for genocide, child brides/forced marriage, polygamy. These guys never seem to acknowledge these facets of the religion. Islam seems to require justice in this life at the hand of the caliphate. Judaism and Christianity leave that to the Creator, in the afterlife. That being said, I really like Maajid and wish the majority of Muslims had his tact and respect for all people. Unfortunately , he's a voice crying in the wilderness.

@sahildabral9548 - 18.12.2023 17:29

Brief summary of discussion. Both making a case for why Islamic Judeo Christian thought nothing like Hinduism but exactly like it.

@sahildabral9548 - 18.12.2023 16:44

Half of this discussion was mumbo jumbo word salad. Nothing of substance.

@MichaelWander - 14.12.2023 01:32

Maajid Nawaz! Much respect from a Jewish brother. You are courageous!

@Tymczas - 12.12.2023 20:30

You are NOT wrong you are just a monster!

@redbird1928 - 05.12.2023 22:06

This is a very delicate conversation to have. I really love to listen to Maajid and am in the process of reading his book. Unfortunately he’s approaching this topic the wrong way.

@azarianarda - 04.12.2023 04:01

Would be interesting to hear what he has to say after 7 october. In my view the Islamic premise of the Wahdat Al Wujud, the Unity of Being as exposed by giant mystics like Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi, absolutely deserves to be included in the traditions of unity. I say this with certainty as an Israeli Jew, and I pray there are more scholars who can enter the conversation and contribute to it. Since 7 october most left wing Israelis became utterly disillusioned by the prospect of peace and support total destruction of Hamas-Isis.
In my view, if Arabs and muslim extremists knew only a fraction of the depth and elevation of their metaphysical heritage the degree of transformation would be such that Maajid Nawaz level of converse, for instance, would not be so self referencial, and exemplify wisdom instead of taking offence.
Read Rumi, Ibn Arabi, the Kernel of the Kernel, The Sufis of Andalusia, The 29 Pages, the Besels of Wisdom, Light upon Light and more.

@soleboxy - 27.11.2023 19:56

Why does Maajid Nawaz seek to make us all equal? facing the truth that we are not allows us to look for similarities while knowning we are different and accepting those differences, ignoring differences is just what woke culture is trying to do with its language manipulation , he is just suggesting the same thing in so many words.

@thetwowitnesses7188 - 27.11.2023 14:44

Maybe Jordan Peterson is playing ((( all fields))) I do like him, but he’s losing me. Christ said you can’t slave for two masters either you would hate the one or love the other .

If his *loosing* members in the Muslim community, he will <diplomatically> side with them. If he’s gonna lose members in the Christian community, he uses tactics to play all fields.

A person must be honest and have backbone and say this is what I believe this is wrong, or this is right. Let me quote my Lord Christ .

Jesus said let your yes mean yes , and you NO mean NO EVERYTHING ELSE COMES FORM EVIL

And to be honest, Jordan Peterson, claiming that he doesn’t know enough, is «load» of (( bullshit )).

Everyone knows, Jordan, Peterson, knows more than enough. The Internet is a wealth of knowledge. You don’t have to go to university to have lecture. The Internet will tell you what’s going on in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.

WHAT I AM SAYING IN TRUTH IS YOU CAN FIND INFORMATION IF YOU REALY WANT IT . Jordan Peterson, to say I don’t know enough outright lie.

Let’s speak truth because those that don’t , there’s people that watch videos and no hypocrisy when they see one. Fancy Jordan Peterson, saying I don’t know enough come on.

The problem with me is when you say I don’t know enough, that’s when you lose me. Specially if you’re someone like Jordan Peterson, I’ve never finish university and I know more than enough. At least i know when lies when they are being said..

Peace doesn’t come by lying peace comes with true dialogue

I want peace for everyone, the problem I’m having I don’t like hypocrites .


@JimRobertsWNC - 25.11.2023 23:47

about 34min in regarding bias …. I believe it greatly overlooked and under estimated Bibi Netanuahu’s contraversial push for Israeli Judicial Supreme Court changes that is very much in the Palistian’s favor.

@ronilevin6376 - 24.11.2023 22:09

Prof. Paterson, please research Each and Every Word your guest is saying and if possible prior to share it with the world... even now it's a bit late as you already uploaded it... also learn Arabic, Islam and Muslim culture.

@comfortat - 24.11.2023 07:02

I can't get past Nawaz' slovenly appearance. That shirt is too small, and very unflattering.

He's a blowhard, and his first point about Judeo-Christian civilizations is nonsense. He then immediately excuses terrorism.

He's a liar.

@liagutierrez4297 - 21.11.2023 16:58

The soundness and primacy of Netanyahu's talk after the barbarism of Oct. 7.

@djswizbeats4262 - 18.11.2023 18:40

I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels like the Abrahamic religions should unite or make a coalition against the woke/ Marx wave

@Galvaxatron - 15.11.2023 04:49

I've never witnessed Jordan B Peterson say so little on his own show.

@2ndSonofGod - 13.11.2023 04:01

Muslims, whether South Asia, Middle East, the West, or Africa automatically are on Palestine's side. I wonder why.

@AmeerHamza-wv2ks - 12.11.2023 15:05

Doesn't matter how tall and shiny your structure has become over time, as long as it stands on someone else's land, there can be no justification for it, there can be no vindication for it. You might get away with it for a while, like right now, but sooner or later you will have to bear the consequences for it. There can never be sovereignty for such an occupation.

@MrRatclima - 12.11.2023 13:56

Haven't seen Majjid for years. Have been wondering about him these last few days. He has aged, but still what a wisdom!

@theresakohler-ruda1292 - 12.11.2023 12:33

Maajid is more Buddhist by practice than Muslim.
Connection by circle ❤
He even has a concentric way of speaking... good on ya!

@jayceew3010 - 12.11.2023 11:25

There are certainly Isamists that would regect and want to eradicate Maajids' perspective. I love rational theological discussions. We can't just ignore the fact that Maajid had to come to a sort of personal enlightening in regards to his own religion or the systemic technocratic corruption of his religion, I guess, would be more accurate

@JanB56 - 09.11.2023 22:54

Maajid is definitely one of the good guys

@thewillsfamilyaccount6486 - 09.11.2023 22:37

Superb!! Brilliantly done! JP is slowly getting to the core of the world's problem's! Big Tech and Pharma next! 😊

@EriMoralMedia - 09.11.2023 14:59

What a lesson.
Thank you Dr. Jordan for bringing such an intellect.

@jmarshallpittman - 09.11.2023 01:45

What about the separation from human dignity that occurs in fundamentalist religions that advance violence (murder of innocents) against their "enemies" because they don't accept the "universal" ideology. Many of our conflicts (wars) are created when one group of people (or their leaders) proclaim that another group should not exist, or that everyone should believe the same things they believe. There is no practical or moral reason for everyone to be a Muslim. Yet, that is the stated goal of many caliphates: to make everyone in the world submit. You either convert or pay a tax, or you die. Their societies show a profound disrespect for women and the individual. This dialogue, while it was inspiring, gave no hard answers on what we do with organizations or governments that insist that everyone fall in line with their beliefs. When someone disagrees with you, you have no right to force them to agree.

@ryanlipple6854 - 06.11.2023 09:45

Peterson always tilts his head because his brain is too heavy for his neck.

@mikalliz2167 - 05.11.2023 03:41

I grew up with parents that are Armenian and Jewish. They represent the unity of 2 religion so coming together that also share a common tragedy. I lived in Israel, I had moderate friends from all religions, now by marriage I am Hindu. It is possible for some people to get along but when a certain group of the global population remains hateful in their hearts and have a strong belief that they have a Divine right to kill and exterminate another because they are different. This is what we must continue to work and fight against. This theological racism is what must be defeated

@upp.social2490 - 05.11.2023 00:29

Wow pretty impressed with this dialogue guys

@TheWlosser - 04.11.2023 02:04

Iam with you on mandates of clot shots did not comply and will not ever comply with forced medical treatment! Thank you for your voice!!

@thepreacher6648 - 02.11.2023 15:55

"When we event technology...". This guy thinks "technology" is the problem. Government is the problem. Big business is the problem. Not enough "love" in the world, ad nauseam!

The problem of the world since the time of the fall of Adam and Eve is SIN that brings forth DEATH! There is nothing new under the sun concerning mankind.

Jesus Christ came to correct the condition of fallen man. In HIM you have life and apart from HIM you have death, for "He that hath the Son hath ETERNAL life...".

You must come to terms with your condition personally with the ONLY truth that is found in the Holy Bible. Jesus Christ dying for those sins and therefore when coming to Him with a repentant heart, He ALONE will save you from YOURSELF and then transform you by the renewing of the Holy Ghost into a new creature in Christ.

That is the ONLY "Saviour" of the world. ANYTHING else will lead to calamity, death, destruction and misery for all.

But, alas, "few will be that find HIM", therefore Hell awaits the rest.

Please provide a better solution if you think that is not the greatest love the world has ever seen!

The Preacher

@nickdomenicos5987 - 02.11.2023 15:00

Is Jordan wearing a badge saying: I love fossil fuels - I saw it on 1hr11min mark.

@StrategicCIS - 02.11.2023 02:24

When Rome fell and Europe formed, there was no such thing as Islam. An Islamic invasion into Southern Spain that was ended by the Christian Franks is just one example of the history of Christian Europe defeating repeated attempted invasions of Europe. The Christians hate the Jews because they came first and the Muslims hate the Jews and Christians because they came before them.

It's kindergarten level thinking.

@thesmiths2675 - 01.11.2023 21:16

That's one big thing that the Jews, Muslims and Christians could stand together against...those who want to be worshipped as gods such as Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. But that's a whole other war all together. There will be war until the end, it's just a matter of who is fighting who.

@davewade30 - 01.11.2023 17:16

I think this guy was on Rogan. LOL!

@mayanthoth-johnsavino-bonn6965 - 01.11.2023 11:23

This was an amazing conversation. Im thankful to God for having it appear in my algorithm.

@sirskaven7624 - 01.11.2023 09:47

Hertzl wrote in his journals that he wanted increased antisemitism

@andresullivan6473 - 01.11.2023 06:35

This cannot be fixed. Its spiritual it will play out according to the eschatology weather its Jews christain or moslim. All the chess pieces are in place. My eschatology is a Christain based on the bible. But you can discuss this till the cows come home it wont change a thing God will change this in the end and the truth we be revealed
