The REAL TRUTH About Industry Plants

The REAL TRUTH About Industry Plants

Mic The Snare

2 года назад

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@MicTheSnare - 06.05.2022 23:15

Who's your favorite industry plant mine is the peace lily

@roachkid2818 - 25.06.2024 05:54

Laurel Canyon

@roachkid2818 - 25.06.2024 05:54

They arent picking and choosing they weed the "artist" who are willing to folow indusrty orders that why ypu get scandals and viral moments cause the artists when off script and they work off that and also, Laurel Canyon

@spiralinghuman - 23.06.2024 22:03

Ok so I have a completely different idea of what an industry plant is. I thought it was a person who suspiciously rises to fame out of no where, who was put there by the industry to control or distract the general masses. Industry plant explained in the video doesn’t make much sense me. It’s just an artist being insincere.

@BP-vj2lv - 21.06.2024 21:20

Well acknowledge the ground the tree's are rooted in, the larger issue at hand is that the cost to get yourself in front of a label is too high for most garage bands and independent artists to do on their own. We're seeing it across all forms of entertainment and it's systemic of capitalism. It's hardly an authentic expression of art and the human existence if and when the only individuals who get to present these expressions are wealthy individuals. Their art is rooted mimicry as opposed to an actual expression. All genres of music are subject to this, mainstream or "indie". It's also why regional music scenes have died out. You arguments are really short sighted.

@Weeb_Destroyer - 18.06.2024 21:32

Woke propaganda dawgschit vid bro L take

@shikshuk - 04.06.2024 11:48

Harlow entire persona. Basically.

@thetaburnmusic - 26.05.2024 00:00

anyone on a major label is a plant. Plants are just employees. If you're signed, you're an employee/ plant. If you're an independent artist, you're DIY till you die.

@Pawel-rv1ek - 22.05.2024 00:59

Had to include some BLM and feminism into it huh?

@iam1remnant - 10.05.2024 21:05

Mariah Carey was not "exploited" by Tommy Mottola. Quid. pro quo is how their relationship started - she did something for him to listen to her demo track THE FIRST NIGHT she met him according to inside sources. Mariah knew full well he was married while she engaged with him for the next 4 years, then married him herself. I don't feel pity for her one bit. Use someone else's picture when you talk about music execs preying on young singers.

@startingover1 - 06.05.2024 15:33

They are all plants. Smh

@ThomasJDavis - 06.05.2024 05:35

Special pleading

@nicnahar6273 - 23.04.2024 04:31

How is your writing so god dam good, concise and comical all at once!

@this_hogrider3079 - 19.04.2024 05:02

What about the kanye west stuff please look into it for me
aperntly he looks geneticly modifyed after going missing

@littleferrhis - 18.04.2024 15:00

You know there was this quote in passing one time by Bruce Springsteen at one of his concerts that went along the lines of “I’ve written so many songs about the working man, but I’ve never worked a day in my life.” It really made me realize authenticity isn’t what matters, it’s how you sell it. Music, more than anything, is just acting with a tune. Even if it comes from the heart, that person isn’t going to feel that emotion every time they sing that song, so they have to act it.

If you can act well, you will sell your performance no matter how authentic or inauthentic it is. Authenticity can help, it can make someone more immersed in a song, but its not a requirement. What separates a Billie Eilish from a Tramp Stamps? Simple Eilish can actually act well in her music. It feels real. It sounds good. Her performances, whether there’s actually emotion there or not sound like she’s actually feeling that emotion.

With Tramp Stamps you can tell they are acting. The music is influenced by like 1 or 2 popular pop punk bands, and the feminist message feels like it came from 2015 era buzzfeed videos, and they don’t even sound like they feel it at all. In other words its bad music that doesn’t sound like it comes from a real place. If it feels real and sounds good, who cares if it actually is?

@dylonstrange2036 - 18.04.2024 13:19

Industry plants are very real. Anyone who’s says other wise just doesn’t understand how deep and dark the industry goes.

@gamingclipz7309 - 13.04.2024 01:34

Because women and people of color get a better response than a white dude… if you have to ask that you didn’t do any research

@Scarlett767j66 - 03.04.2024 08:38

I feel like yeahhhh, you can know all the right people you can make it faster but if you suck you suck even knowing all the right people.

@Scarlett767j66 - 03.04.2024 08:37

Im dead with that comment add in😂

@heathermichael3987 - 29.03.2024 07:31

The Beatles would be an industry plant 😊 I figured it out .

@Andrematt - 28.03.2024 02:02

While I agree these plants don't deserve online hate, it's crucial to remember that when something is free, you often become the commodity. If Billie Eilish's ubiquity seems unavoidable, it signals a deliberate narrative being imposed on your attention at every turn. Ultimately, discernment and vocal criticism is key in navigating these pervasive influences.

@nickdaking7088 - 18.03.2024 13:58

😮😮 Why are they all women and or people of color?! , I genuinely did not see the trend

@Fabi_W - 12.03.2024 16:26

I feel like I got the definition of an industry plant wrong. I always thought these are singers or bands who get signed to profit of a certain popular movement. Like a lot of third row rock bands who sounded like nirvana or during the hair-metal period when every band with hairspray got a major deal. Or during the 2000s when tons of r'n'b singers clogged the mtv charts. Like majors trying to profit of a popular wave and then deliberately push certain singers or bands into mainstream while knowing they're shit.

@oneup1entertainment19 - 10.03.2024 22:06

Because they blow up faster… a white dude talking about race again great 🤦‍♀️ how about until you have black or brown skin you keep ya 👄 shut about race mkay princess

@TTFMjock - 13.02.2024 03:04

This video was brought to you by Pfizer

@JWW855 - 03.02.2024 10:46

Jack Harlow is another one. Honestly, it's hard to find white male industry plants when the market has few pop artists that are white and male.

@Nimonjeua-Ndiangang - 28.01.2024 19:53

When an entire demographic of so called artists promote premature death, glorified ignorance, gang and drug culture to it's own community.....they have been planted in those positions of influence by other power based communities funding those propagated agendas. This video shows that "You Folks" know the level of damage that these plantation plants are continually doing to the ideologies of black youth and are afraid that them being exposed as plants will cause blacks to wake up from this coma of inferiority complex manufactured by elite yt capitalists. Time is running out for you guys. Pretending it doesn't exist, will not save you any longer.

@ichbineinspast - 25.01.2024 22:06

Todays Industryplant: A Unkown artist that get a Part on a (z.b Drake) album and make nothing before, has no own credibility and make everithing what the Labels says. Make there first song in 5 min and get 10million views in a weak as a NEWCOMMER. Has big cars and big watches in the 100mio $ Music video and GET NOTHING IN REAL. Nobody knows them and nobody listen to them and they get into the top 10 weakly Charts in one weak of there carrier with to much Autotune, 2min hook from a 2.30min song like the other 100-1000 artist with no difference. they nothing special! that is all what the music industry is giving to us the 100times same artist, Thats what i call a industry plant.

@brab199 - 18.01.2024 06:44

Yeah, Katt destroyed this video

@PetieFr - 14.01.2024 12:08

I see your point and it’s important to emphasize this aspect, but industry plants definately exist. What about Boney M. and Milli Vanilli, who were founded by producer / songwriter Frank Farian? What about bands that make it into billboard charts like half a year after they are founded? The music industry is huge and of course there are artists that are “created” by big players in the industry. Who are these artists then? People that are either well connected or have a lot of money to buy into the game. I wouldn’t call artists industry plants just because they are in a major label or just because their parents are rich. But saying this phenomenon doesn’t exist isn’t right.

@RickyCespedes - 10.01.2024 23:39

But you forget that alot of these 'artists' are not very genuine in their creation of the 'art' they make. They have other people make the music for them. Alot of them. Alot of them are wanna bes that had very special connections that many of the more dedicated artist don't. Resources. Many others on this video are just people that one day just decided to be an artist out of nowhere in a away. It's very disingenuous and childish. They had help and they really don't care fir the music they make. They just wanna be popular. You can't compare modern artists like Micheal Jackson. He actually loved what he did and was inventive in his career. Alot of these people are just being told what to do. You see it and sense it. Come on now! It's not good for the art form. They might be famous and the are producing music but is the love for what the do really there? It's hollow. Music has become disposable. It's sad. Don't be naive and blind. You defending the wrong people that don't deserve it. We live in a very backwards world. Dua lipa is not exception.

@patoren3gou653 - 06.01.2024 04:10

Weren't the Sex Pistols literally the original Industry Plant

@redactedredacted6656 - 22.12.2023 02:35

I think industry plant is the new sellout. people don't call artists sellouts anymore because there's less strict boundaries between genres and we as a culture have accepted that there's nothing glamorous about being a starving artist so it's more accepted for musicians to drastically change their sound. but people still think (the illusion of) authenticity is important so here's a new term that gets thrown around too much and incorrectly to describe musicians people think aren't "real".

@Bidenmytime - 11.12.2023 23:13

Most famous people are planted by their connections and nepotism ..

America dosent have actual "royalty" but that means nothing ... money breeds money .. and 90% of people are where they are because of mommy and daddy.

But obviously that isnt respected as much as Eminem for example.

His story is the kind you want to support.

Rich kid with rich family and no struggle rapping about it just dosent hit the same way.

Fake ppl love fake music tho

@N3oNexus_FKA_J4VASCR1PT - 08.12.2023 02:48

I'll be honest, even if "Industry Plants" truly exist, I don't think it's big of an issue, sometimes some not-so hidden gems come out of that

@petergabriel8961 - 24.11.2023 00:25

People like saying this about Taylor yes sure her dad got into her first record label but she’s the one who writes the music the one who decides what she wants it to be and she’s the one that got fans people say this with Gracie arbams too because her dad was a producer on Star Wars but if you were to ask her fans they wouldn’t know who he is because at the end of the day no one really is a industry plant.

@haydenmolineux5999 - 22.11.2023 05:37

lol Record labels have been studying demographical interests and inserting artists into gaps to profit, since record labels began. they know the next trend, they make their artists write about it before it hits. America took music, industrialised it, and destroyed it all in 100 years along with every other industry theyve blown up. amazing leaps of progression were the result and the loss of culture entirely. fuck USA and everything it does.

@radidov5333 - 14.11.2023 02:03

it doesnt matter if an artist is not authentic ??... boy

@staringcorgi6475 - 04.11.2023 05:41

Aren’t the monkees or most boybands industry plants

@alexandraletzt5469 - 25.10.2023 04:31

Ice Spice end of story

@afterdinnercreations936 - 14.10.2023 22:16

I see it as, people don't like being lied to.
Authenticity is just honesty, on part of the artist and audience. Marketing yourself as "self-made" but your music being made by studio-heads is a great-big no-no. That's partly why I dislike ABCDEFU. It doesn't sound authentic, it sounds like marketing-heads trying to start a TikTok meme.

@truth459 - 11.10.2023 20:21

Saying industry plants don’t exist is wild dumb billy elvish or whoever is a plant ice spice is a plant jack harlow isn’t a plant cause he’s been rapping since 2014/15 there’s a clear distinction

@rainforest.4577 - 11.10.2023 02:48

Every single superstar can be considered a "plant". None of them have an organic evolution. They all have connections/relatives in the industry. So the term "industry plant" has no meaning. Especially when none of these celebs are completely authentic. They have an extremely calculated image. Including your favorites like Cher or Celine Dion. That term has no meaning.

@Chase_Mon3y - 26.09.2023 13:09


@nathanhollow0 - 25.09.2023 07:15

its okay to make fun of someone being an industry plant, they're a millionaire

@tfyoutalmbout - 17.09.2023 07:04

"They're an industry plant" is just a way for the culture to dodge responsibility for it's trash.

@S41GON - 14.09.2023 11:54

Industry plants are real and you're a dickriding the music industry hard with this video.

@bigchillphil - 09.09.2023 19:33

Yes they are. We found the guy that wa a paid by the industry to tell you that they’re aren’t industry plants. 😂
