is it TOO LATE to get into COUNTER-STRIKE in 2023? (UPDATED: CS2)

is it TOO LATE to get into COUNTER-STRIKE in 2023? (UPDATED: CS2)


1 год назад

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@tanmayjagtap9621 - 09.12.2023 16:21

this video was kinda wholesome thanks

@MultiSlawa - 03.11.2023 10:27

I've started this game as a new player and its a horrible experience, i have to win 10 competitive matches to enter ranks and that seems impossible.
Always being matched with players who have thousands of hours in the game, getting 1 tap headshotted every single round

@averageytfrog - 10.10.2023 13:41

this gave me new motivation. ty!

@Mikaldonovan - 07.10.2023 19:31

Not too late, I just picked it up a little more than a month ago. I'm MG ATM and I've just cracked 120 hours. If you care enough to learn it's easy enough. I only know spray pattern for first 7-9 bullets on ak and I'm learning every game, but it's easy enough 😅 for anyone that wants to know, I duoed first placement and placed silver elite. Decided to learn nades/smokes to better set up my fraggers playing a support role, now I'm learning to frag myself. I'm 30, never played cs only just bought a pc in the last 2 years.

@JangoAC - 03.10.2023 16:01

I am 36 😂

@MrDdGANGER - 05.09.2023 04:29

People vote kicked me from casual in like first 30 minutes of playing a game. From what i've read the community is toxic as hell to new players. So no. It is not worth to try if you are new

@astromonkey7120 - 04.09.2023 03:22

evolving meta?

@Astrozo - 25.08.2023 23:23


@NEREKA7 - 21.08.2023 11:22

this video inspired me to install it again dust off my 1.6 memory n give csgo a real first try thanks bud

@benalmaleh8456 - 27.07.2023 14:19

Do you have to pay for prime every 6 months? Or you buy it and you don't need to pay anymore?

@xenoclix - 27.07.2023 09:33

Just started back to CSGO after stopped playing when i was like 18 , 36 now haha.

Loved you video and your audio voice, easy to listen to and very clear and enjoyable. Will subscribe!

Surprised though, jumped into deathmatch and topping the board. But afraid to join 5v5 to ler down and get yelled at by younger people 😂😂 dont think my heart can take that!

@Advokaiser - 21.07.2023 08:01

I think we should start seeing CSGO from a different angle: You're not BAD at the game, the game is just excrutiatingly HARD. YOU DON'T SUCK — the community sucks, and the standards are exaggeratedly set WAY too high.

In my 27 years of life-time, 900 hours into the game and counting, CSGO is one of the hardest games I've ever played. Simply getting used to the controls and movement takes a few hours to get used to. The tutorial is good (I went from feeling the movement weird, to beating the training record in a little over 3 hours), but it's still extremely barebones in comparison to all the teeny-tiny details every experienced player has engrained in their minds (the ones you mentioned in the video) and polished to near-perfection.

The other two games I can compare CSGO to are F-Zero X (it has lots of gameplay depth that nobody tells you about but everybody masters, with extremely precise controls and lightning-fast accuracy and reflexes), and Super Smash Bros. Melee (an easy-to-pick-up-and-play game with SO much exploitation by veteran players that you can no longer have fun near one of them).

I'm currently in a very sour position: On one hand, I already find Casual matches to be way too easy at times; on the other hand, I find Competitive to be way too hard, since this is the literal fourth time I've deranked from Silver II. It's discouraging, to say the least.

I admire whoever can get kills in this game, even on Casual. This is not an easy game... at all.

@alexc0 - 28.06.2023 03:44

You have pretty nice videos, i dont know how you still dont have like 20-30k at least. Subscribed.

@krishg602 - 27.06.2023 14:47

brav i am bronze 2 on valorant and always been bronze 2 even though i've been playing it for 2 years, i am not even gonna try csgo

@Bllksem - 17.06.2023 03:42

As someone who's also getting into counterstrike in 2023, it's actually not that bad. I started in February and I'm already nova master/mg. I know it's not that good, it's about average, but becoming an average player in a couple months with a fraction of the playtime of most cs players is actually pretty doable. If you can aim well in other games a lot of it is just game knowledge like learning lineups, playing yprac maps to learn common angles, and other stuff like making jump throw binds. Learning the maps 1 at a time helps a lot too.

@corbinpotts8533 - 01.06.2023 19:22

dude your cool as shit, thank you ahaha new sub

@DB-vl9ob - 31.05.2023 20:58

I never played cs seriously. I started with csgo like 4 years ago thanks to a friend who showed me that csgo isnt just the stupid run and gun fps shooter i thought it is. Movement, Recoil control, timings, map knowledge. I though wow. This is the very definition of easy to learn, hard to master. So i started to grind. And i hit a hard wall on double ak. No matter how hard i focused or how much i played, i could advance. And then i got it. I had to play less. Yes less and concentrate my mental capabilities on 1 maybe 2 games a day. Imagin you have to play 6 football games a day. You CANT play good in the 5 or 6th match, impossible. So i set my routine to: Deathmatch for aim training for like 15 mins, then 5v5 competetive with full focus and commitment, and afterwards watch some pro matches if i felt like it. And thats it. I maybe did a second game if we´ve been cheated on in first match but thats it. So i only played my A games! After 3-4 month i reached Global with like 1100hrs and 250(?) competetive matches. Solo. Sooo many ppl say it is impossible to reach global solo. lul

@marinas.1589 - 27.05.2023 01:56

You know all I see is people giving advice like oddly specific nades that can be used only in maybe one round per play and people who watch silver demos and get angry about how bad they are and that they have "zero gamesense". I just don't feel like it's helpful at all

@kingdiamond51fifty - 26.05.2023 08:41

It’s never too late to suck and get pond in counterstrike. I may be shitty at the game but it’s the fairest game out there. You don’t need special abilities like overwatch or Valerint. All you need is a gun and hopefully a team with a mic 🎙️

@alastor1776 - 22.05.2023 04:40

There is basically no way for new players to learn the game. I tried going into a casual game and it was anything but casual. Every person knows every trick to get an edge and when you aren’t a pro they get pissed at you for being new. It’s just not fun. Casual games should be casual but instead they play like a competitive game instead.

I think the fact there are guides on how to throw a Molotov says enough on how this game is no longer skill based. It’s knowledge based.

@pRopaaNS - 18.05.2023 23:29

I think that the idea of "too late" doesn't apply to game like Counter-Strike, because the game is not a temporary fad. Thus there is no time limit to begin with.

@lupaaaa - 18.05.2023 10:26

I have no food allergies!

@lemondrop6839 - 17.05.2023 22:11

Great perspective. As a recent convert to the Church of CS, it can be daunting to think about the sheer amount of collective skill the community has accrued over the years. But you did a good job expounding on some advice I learned playing Dota 2 for years: You don't have to be a god, you don't even have to be good, you just have to suck less than your opponent. Don't compare yourself to where someone else is today - compare yourself to where you were yesterday.

Great video, keep it up, and I am allergic to almonds.

@jefpop4252 - 17.05.2023 11:31

im allergic to getting prefired

@johnulver - 17.05.2023 00:33

I’m not a ’good’ player at all, but I think you can definitely get into cs in 2023. Ignoring the cheaters and smurfs, MM players are not that good, and it’s a good training ground before you play faceit

@keg7991 - 16.05.2023 23:25

As someone who is high elo in multiple competitive vidya games I honestly don’t think there’s much reason in tilting or getting emotional about something as benign as a game of csgo ladder. Most ladder games until you reach 3k elo or higher are often entirely meaningless. Not in the sense that you can’t win more or you can’t play better or your teammates didn’t play good enough blah blah blah. But in the sense that you are really the only person who matters, your individual skill and input into the game is what will decide around 80% of your games. Which is why you will see a pro player like simple having an absurd win rate even in global elite. Additionally your assessment that what you need to know is lineups and dm is a bit lacking in nuance. There is certainly an aspect of those things but what really makes a good ladder player is just their overall awareness over the game, this is what people describe as “game sense”. In truth that word is a bit of an archaic term for something which is better called “degree of unconscious awareness and ability to apply that awareness to a specific game-state” a good cs player whilst entering a mm game is thinking more on the lines of: “how do I adapt to this particular game to make this win easier” rather than how do I get a sick clip and use that cool lineup I saw. I hope this basic advice can be of use to you, I don’t do coaching for cs so I wouldnt know what particular things would be useful to you but understanding that fundamental idea may make your growth a bit easier.

Also the fastest cheap improvement for cs I know of is simply applying the principle that your playstyle and decision making should take into account your mechanical skill. This may be obvious but more mechanical players should generally be more aggressive as if you win the majority of your trades then you can gain an easy advantage for your team. The inverse also applies where bad mechanical players should try to be much more particular about the types of situations they engage with.

@ValxiiVi - 12.05.2023 11:24

Love your geniune and humble you are in this video!

@fefenex8110 - 07.05.2023 20:34

very inspirational video

@gamersparadise743 - 29.04.2023 06:19

my problem with any game is that ill play for a week or 2, feel like i still suck balls and quit even tho i know i should keep playing to get better.

@Tw1tchNES - 27.04.2023 20:05

:28 Socom US Navy Seals PS2 - Abandoned. A beast of game!

@swaveyqua9721 - 14.04.2023 05:57

I wonder how fast i will adapt to this game, i play ps5 and i recently got a mouse and keyboard a week ago. But since im on ps5 i mainly been playing cod. This my first week of ever playing on MnK after playing on controller ever since i was a little kid but i pretty much already got the hang of it after a few days. Im already dropping 60+ kill games on multiplayer pretty consistently. But im planning on getting a pc soon and really plan on playing csgo and valorant a-lot. I know people say those games are hard but being a hardcore gamer i have a pretty fast adaptability even if it is my first time playing the game. Hopefully it won’t take too long for me to catch on

@liranp5901 - 05.04.2023 10:43

you start in valorant and move to cs??? never thought I'll hear that kind of thing in my life... pls delete valorant

@vinogaunkoks - 31.03.2023 09:31

I actually got into Cs 3 weeks ago shifting from Valorant, and so far i love it! Great video btw.

@rarefeline - 30.03.2023 19:56

I dont know what it is but I almost feel like smurfs still ruin competitive. Every game I've joined there's 1 or 2 people on the other team that have the tactics of almost pro players down to a science. Been real hard to try and win 9 more comp games.

@Matt-em9bd - 28.03.2023 03:11

Im not exactly starting i stopped playing in 2017 now coming back ready for csgo 2 picking up my new pc tomorrow

@crazyycamper - 26.03.2023 09:22

Beautiful video

@TheWaInut - 26.03.2023 05:10

I need to really try and get into cs. I am so used to fast team shooters and think maybe I need to try a slower one. Thank you for this video I feel much better about trying to actually learn csgo now

@Nachy - 23.03.2023 05:01

That emotionally frail part about disappointing strangers really hit me. I came across this after searching for a sort of beginner's guide for CS:GO (since announcement of CS2 got me interested again) after never being able to invest too much time into the game and always averting myself from even touching ranked too much because of that fear solo queuing and just being overwhelmed with what I need to learn. Same with the "twilight years of your early 30s" part. Nice to just hear that kind of affirmation that it's not too late. Looking forward to seeing your journey onwards as I try to start mine again here too with the game.

@knightofvirtue613 - 20.03.2023 04:37

I've got good news for you: as you mature you learn to only play games becasue you love gaming. However that manifest itself for you, do it. Play for the love of the game, not to be the next Shroud or Rapha.

If you can get better, keep playing CS:Go cause you love it. If it starts to make you feel stressed/anxiety becasue you are not playing well, STOP. Remember - your free time is a resource that diminishes as you become seasoned. And the clock doesn't stop for anyone buddy - make sure you hydrate, take breaks, and have good posture. Having the right back support while you're gaming is VERY important.

I watched your video becasue I was thinking about checking out CS. I won't because I know I'm a casual at compeitive FPS games and I don't have the time to grind up to a skill level. I'm not a kid anymore, and sometimes your professional and personal achievements take precedence over game time. And I'm ok with that, because those other areas I'm succeding in allow me to enjoy gaming when I can.

Don't be in such a rush to the destination that you miss all the excellent headshots along the way. GLHF.

@demondilar1837 - 18.03.2023 01:33

istg i thought this video was from a 2 mil subs channel

@JanJ-yl2fg - 13.03.2023 05:17

i only have 1 tip for you, "STAY".

@eduarperezpastrana - 11.03.2023 07:50

Loved your video man!

@barhoom493 - 02.03.2023 04:47

this video is awesome man, great job. i downloaded CS

@cheriwaves - 20.02.2023 09:17

this is honestly so good, that i subbed. been playing cs for 10 years

@lupssyups - 18.02.2023 23:50

“If you work hard at it u will play and learn how to suck less”, I have almost 3k hrs on the game currently sitting in LE and I couldn't describe csgo in a better way

@miltonr87 - 17.02.2023 18:12

In my case I don't like ladders and I only play very casually (10 x 10) Valve servers with a lot improvisation

@shreyanshtrippathi5898 - 14.02.2023 09:14

cs just does not give me the feel

@SoyPopppy - 13.02.2023 06:40

beautifull video

@ono3839 - 12.02.2023 20:10

amazing video brother, keep up the good content :).
