Nekros CAN'T DIE Right Now! | The Perfect ENDGAME FARMING Build Warframe 2024

Nekros CAN'T DIE Right Now! | The Perfect ENDGAME FARMING Build Warframe 2024

Grind Hard Squad

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@victorkim5355 - 06.02.2024 07:55

what school should I use with your build?
What is the best secondary weapon to use?

@easy8077 - 26.01.2024 02:29

Hmm, "precision intensify" is forgotten before it's used at all it seems.
It's quiet perfect for Nekros, to keep up decent efficiency for his 4th to be spammable (and not be locked in the long animation), easiely reach dmg reduction cap and still get full armour strip/speed reduction cap on his 2nd.
Keeps the build very open for many options... range, equilibrium, arguments etc.

@CryoticChess - 24.01.2024 23:26

24 forma lmao

@GanjaScotty - 23.01.2024 11:55

Thanks for these two builds, recently merged accounts and reclaimed my old Nekros prime.
Always been a run & gun player myself so this works well for me. Cheers GHS 🍻

@andrewrohrich9571 - 23.01.2024 00:35

Am I the only one still using health conversion with Despoil?

@anis2642 - 22.01.2024 14:59

For robotic there is a mod spareparts that should help drop more resources?

@anis2642 - 22.01.2024 14:55

I was thinking to make it tankier the mod from cephalon simaris that give you450 armor per health orb stackable 3 times

@pzychor3543 - 18.01.2024 06:13

What weapon is that that’s doing all the damage numbers

@pzychor3543 - 18.01.2024 06:11

Is nekros prime any good?

@noor75311 - 15.01.2024 22:49

Why you dont use overextended instead of stretch?

@onyxreaper6805 - 11.01.2024 14:29

So I'm assuming this doesn't work anymore since the orange shard nerf. Shields now don't regen while shield gate is active. I'm sure this is still good, just not as good anymore

@Cephalon_Envy - 10.01.2024 20:39

Ngl this is the worst nekros build ive seen and im a nekros main this is full of random stuff just to not use shield and just use movement to increase your survivability while using your 4th

@reitar_ - 10.01.2024 12:21

Already nerfed🥲

@badiyee - 10.01.2024 00:30

already hotfixed (on the proc blast to shield gate)

- Changed the "Regenerate Shields when you inflict an enemy with Blast Status" Topaz Archon Shard embed bonus to no longer apply when Shield Gate is triggered.
- Fixed the "Regenerate Shields when you inflict an enemy with Blast Status" Topaz Archon Shard embed bonus removing Overshields when triggered.

An unintended degree of invulnerability could be obtained using this effect while continuously triggering Shield Gate, so it was changed to function similarly to Caliban’s Lethal Progeny ability, where the Shield recharge is disabled when Shield Gate is triggered and only resumes when the Shields begin to regenerate themselves

@lukevanwyk3459 - 09.01.2024 23:03

so topaz shards just got updated

@exonymousprime - 09.01.2024 16:00

I'm going to be using this build because I'm tired of running melee and the shadow army as well, I want to use a gun, tank hits, and still get more loot

@nanoblivion - 09.01.2024 08:10

It’s funny how your voice goes from high then slowly goes low

@samii_34 - 09.01.2024 02:40

Ngl you yap too too too much instead of getting to the point first showcasing the build and then talking about but no every video i come across of you it's full of yap and only 1-2 minute of actual information

@switch8001 - 08.01.2024 23:51

Nekros is literally the easiest frame to “build”. Slap on Nourish over Soul Punch. Use Despoil, Creeping Terrify, Shield of Shadows, Equilibrium, Primed Continuity, Precision Intensify, Stretch, and Augur Secrets. Brief Respite in aura, and literally whatever 2 Arcanes you want. Permanent 90% damage reduction, shield gate, infinite energy and nourish gives a solid damage buff. He’s unkillable until about level 2k enemies at facetanking.

@eids08 - 08.01.2024 20:12

Am I one of the few left who uses Nourish Nekros still? Coz I mean, you can basically remove Despoil and put Shield of Shadows augment in there instead, with Nourish and Equilibrium you get the energy back and making Desecrate eats that energy than health makes it also free the slot for that vitality that you wont need. With adaptation, Equilibrium, Health Conversion and Arcane blessing you basically have enough health and energy coming in and out, added with the armor given by health conversion like basically it should be pretty immortal at that point then you have your archon shards still FREE to slot in casting speed and strength shards for that armor strip terrify, one primed flow is enough to have that much needed energy pool. And even if people dont like shield of shadows augment then that also means it's a free slot to put another mod into it. For me, just despoil is a useless mod now if you are playing Nourish.

Also, like imo combat discipline with avenger is kinda sleeper, better slot in augmented and get that strength or even guardian but it's just my own opinion to it.

@MyLolmom - 08.01.2024 18:57

is that an ai voice

@dahakaxx95 - 08.01.2024 17:28

Maybe it was asked already but since this seems really fishy, won't DE nerf/change it soon? Doing high dmg is a thing but being unkillable never really had a swing with DE

@kinguser7158 - 08.01.2024 16:34

That's a Grey area. Because while u cast shadows ur damage is sent to your shadows. I'm a nekros main and I drilled them build and your build is old . Try something new. Think cc

@Zouna92 - 08.01.2024 12:34

I'll wait for DE to nerf the topaz shard first, because this will make any warframe immortal and DE usually nerfs these things.

@kermes334 - 08.01.2024 11:35

I mean hydroid is better than both.

@gj8622 - 08.01.2024 10:52

Tbh I liked TTS more than this weird AI generated TTS voice thing. It's in uncanny valley for me.

@MRData45 - 08.01.2024 10:51

Amazing build. Well done

@brandonvanscoycloud6469 - 08.01.2024 10:17

Weird question. Why is Despoil still a thing? I mean, considering shield gating and the fact that there are many ways to maintain energy, I would think that purposefully taking health damage would be counterproductive. This especially because of how squishy Nekros can be. I mean between arcane energize, Zenurik focus school, equilibrium, and more, energy doesn't seem like a problem for most warframes. Is there something I'm missing?

@ardenumbraheart3278 - 08.01.2024 09:17

I will just say, Shadows of the Dead is quite potent when used right. Shield of Shadows grants high DR, Status Immunity, and your shadows can be healed and teleported to you with a recast. I use 2 amber shards for cast speed, 2 crimson for strength, and an azure for energy max but you can put whatever really for the last one. A tauforged amber cast speed is all you need which opens another slot. Arcane Blessing lets me forgo health mods and still wind up with almost 2k hp. Add adaptation and you become so durable that I've taken around 10 damage a hit from 1k+ SP enemies. Buffing your shadows is also a benefit...I use nourish for the viral damage and energy regen using equilibrium since I make so many health orbs. Pets can also greatly improve the build. The "pool" is capped at 20 keep in mind. Also all sources of healing also heal your minions. So Rejuv can keep them alive longer if you wanna spend less time healing them, but you gotta remember to let them die at times to get stronger ones. Eximus units also give their bonuses to allies making it highly valuable. Plus the overguard on eximus units protects them from dying due to damage plus health drain.

@bigf0ot25 - 08.01.2024 08:25

Stopped at gloom. No. Just no

@romman45 - 08.01.2024 08:06

топ красава

@ethanjohnson5085 - 08.01.2024 06:39

Wait.. desecrate is MOBILE?????

@malikelliott8652 - 08.01.2024 04:54

I just put airblast on mine

@ThePopeOfAwesomeness - 08.01.2024 04:54

I haven't changed my build for nek in years. The MIGHTY SEER is perfect for farming

@austingarrett3334 - 08.01.2024 04:10

I can't really see why you're having trouble surviving with nekros given that you use pretty much the same build as I do and I can face tank SP conjunction survival enemies an hour into the mission. Literally the only difference between our builds is that I use SOS instead of primed continuity. With decay at 3% you basically just have to recast his 4 every 25-30 seconds and you're all good. Duration isn't all that necessary. If you're running equilibrium then you're not going to run into energy issues.

Plus nourish has about the same duration as the length of time you'd want to keep your 4 up, so just recast those two at the same time and you're golden.

@kylepaul7870 - 08.01.2024 03:21

This guy

@audiewalters8275 - 08.01.2024 00:39

Nekros is so tanky with adaptation and shield of shadows, and is pretty easy to build for too. Your umbral vitality isn't providing nearly as much HP as arcane blessing, so I'd take that right off. Blind rage + 1 red tauu forged shard + 214% strength so you really don't even need umbral intensify either. I'd use primed flow in their place, and the last mod slot can be equilibrium to make his energy economy effortless. His casting speed is his worst feature I'd say, so I run 4 amber shards to cap it off (and madurai if I'm not using melee)

@teo2216 - 07.01.2024 23:55

So could you go 3 tau topaz shards and blast companion and make any frame boarder-line immortal?

@cruzerjaxx9793 - 07.01.2024 23:33

Prisma Torid ????!!!!!

@vitaminvai2669 - 07.01.2024 23:25

I run breach surge on my farming Nekros and shield sometimes with max range. I almost never go down and don't have to worry much about special units.

@darknetworld - 07.01.2024 23:02

It not easy job to balance it out but what make it fun.

@tannerkennedy4192 - 07.01.2024 22:55

You can rescast shadows if they are already up to greatly reduce the cast time and make it so you full heal your shadows and not spawn new ones I personally find it very easy to slot in shield of shadows in the build and get great use out of it just cause you don’t understand how to build nekros properly doesn’t mean shield of shadows is bad.using three tau topaz shards and relying on your sentinels to stay alive is such a bad and unnecessary option this whole build is so bad

@OLOCASTER - 07.01.2024 22:33

am i the only equilibrium-desecrate-health conversion nekros? I feel pretty immortal at any level with this

@andyorritt2472 - 07.01.2024 22:31

I use arcane reaper rather than grace in my nekros, but this only works if ur using melee and obviously won't work with the ripkas

@GathClips - 07.01.2024 22:30

My Main

@Minecraftassassin-re6og - 07.01.2024 22:21

Well Nekros is a necromancer (a summoner of the dead) and even his prime's description says his death's new master so it makes sense for him to not be able to die (only to be brought to his knees or avoided) and as for someone who played Nekros for 90% of the star chart I love nekros a lot (the only 3 warframes that are in my top 5 favourites are in order
Nekros prime
Harrow prime
Ivara prime
Limbo prime
Unbrama) also love your videos keep it up

@HarryBignoodle - 07.01.2024 22:19

i love the ai voice now lol.

@pacmantheking1957 - 07.01.2024 22:01


@pacmantheking1957 - 07.01.2024 22:01

