5 Signs They Are Not Your Real Friend.... #shorts #psychologyfacts #subscribe

5 Signs They Are Not Your Real Friend.... #shorts #psychologyfacts #subscribe

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Sumeyo - 20.09.2023 04:02

4. nope fake friends don't do that.! they keep scores on how many times they can hurt you.

Megan MeGo
Megan MeGo - 19.09.2023 05:56

I lost my bff for my other bff

Eleanor smith
Eleanor smith - 18.09.2023 21:14


Freddy Fazbear
Freddy Fazbear - 18.09.2023 08:16

Wow... I really am crying now

Amber Soper
Amber Soper - 18.09.2023 04:55

I feel like 3 and 5 kinda relate to my friend

Tea ☕️
Tea ☕️ - 17.09.2023 17:02

We are(I don’t even know now) a trio.
One of them said we will hang out a lot this month, ( I didn’t believe this at all because the whole summer I hung out with her once.. she lied to me on that day too. Told me she was busy babysitting for the next 4 days when infact she was on holiday with the other gal from our trio.) (always had other plans to hang out with other people in summer) Anyway, I remind her on the 12th that we should hang out soon. She said “calm down we’re only 2 weeks in. Three days later I’m chilling in my car waiting for parent to collect a dominoes pizza (lol) and you would NEVER be able to guess who I saw. My trio (minus me) and a new girl. In that moment my heart shattered. I couldn’t understand! (I had a feeling before that day they would hang out with this new girl she’d always talked about, and they made the dumb decision to leave their snap maps on.. so I’d seen them already and it was ironically where my dominoes restaurant was. I just thought to myself, what if I was the one that went to collect the pizza without checking snap maps? How broken would I have felt? Would I walk away or would I cry?
I have alot of private things happening in my family so it was kind of a time where I needed my friends. I didn’t tell them any of it because I already knew what they were like. So I was able to hold it together for a little longer. I told my mum and she said “you’re joking?!” “Just a week ago you had them over for a sleepover for your birthday, giving them cake to bring home and everything!?.” (The girl who has the new friend..the one that lied to my face, never got me a gift this year either. I don’t really care much about gifts but, when she did give them I would be happy, she said she would get me one but never did.)
Shortly after I burst into tears and my breathing was truly uncontrollable, I just buried my head into the armchair I was sitting on and made the weirdest crying noises. Almost as if they’d Ben waiting a long time to escape, the ones you hear in the movies when something devastating happens.)
My mother tried to comfort me from the other side of the room, telling me she knew how I felt, and I shouldn’t cry over them. I know that, I’ve been telling myself that for ages. But I was in denial, I always used to tell myself how lucky I was to have them as my best friends. They had both moved schools too a year ago (we went to save school and they both went to different schools). But they were my only happiness at school, I missed them every single day, sometimes I almost burst out crying because I’d look over at our old seats, and just think; we’d be laughing right now, scribbling over eachother books ect. I struggled with them, but now? I struggle alone. I still miss them so much and honestly I don’t know what to do! Haven’t replied to their snaps for 19hrs because I’m just not ok. They haven’t even bothered to ask why I’m not responding. and I try so much not to care but it tears my heart.
They were just ripped away from me, and eventually they started to replace me.

Uh yeah, if anyone else is struggling like me, feel free to talk to me. And if you need any more backstory just ask 😄
Stay strong my friends. ❤
EDIT: sorry my auto correct messed up a little

JayLynn - 17.09.2023 02:45

This made me think of when belly kissed Conrad while jere and her were kinda a thing the song btw

Bella Cremeen
Bella Cremeen - 16.09.2023 03:13

I think the west would be better if y’all know what the means

Siman - 15.09.2023 16:16

Being alone is not bad untill you are happy 🌹

DecAt - 15.09.2023 07:54

I guess my entire friendship is fake…

Sam Advaith Raj. A
Sam Advaith Raj. A - 14.09.2023 20:48

The same way my best friend doses this now a days she never talks to me I know she is busy one
Day we both was fighting and suddenly she said friendship is over after that my mind got struck
And till now I want her to come back 😢 please come back no I am sorry for what I did if u see this please don't misunderstand me 😢

KVS-Adonai - 14.09.2023 16:18

I love the examples…just wish your grammar and spelling was better…

viji viji
viji viji - 14.09.2023 15:36

Fake world gave us fake friends ❤❤❤

Ur_Local_Venter - 14.09.2023 07:34

i want to disapper

Abigail Rye
Abigail Rye - 14.09.2023 05:00

I need real friends right now

Northern Sasquatch
Northern Sasquatch - 14.09.2023 04:21

1# if there a mean friend light there hair on fire for pay back ofc :D

Kpop4ever - 12.09.2023 14:58

6. Don't want to hug them , 7.Expose you in your whole class , 8.Dont help when you have problems , 9.Tell you your fat but in a different way (just saying other words from fat ), 10. Have fake dreams about us that will never be true 💔AND IM STILL BEST FRIENDS WITH THIS PERSON SHOULD I TELL HER???

Juwad Ali
Juwad Ali - 10.09.2023 08:25

I know that all friends are fake :( so I found myself as my best friend forever ❤who doesn't cheated on me 😊

aqua gaming
aqua gaming - 08.09.2023 07:19

Ive had fake friends when i was a kid buti not anymore but its still hurting inside

Axolotl Canada
Axolotl Canada - 08.09.2023 01:42

All my friends are fake i only feel pain and i trust no one to be my friend i feel pain and heart broken inside.... :(

BRIIBroTheProSKYT - 07.09.2023 13:33

Suoerb bro 👌👌

@ShivaniAdduri - 06.09.2023 22:23

I can't believe I got fooled by a fake friend in school for about 10 months. Luckily, I found this new BFF. She was exactly like me, the personality, the looks, the character everything. Her name is Arohi. Hope that this friend will always be by my side.

Myata - 06.09.2023 13:30

well damn my bestfriend does that

Tejashwi - 06.09.2023 10:18

They only talk to me when they are needed something

NORTHLONDONBOYS - 06.09.2023 00:03

Here is to all the people that got jobs and just became billionaires during the intro 🫡

TBNRenders chanel
TBNRenders chanel - 04.09.2023 14:41

I'm a dude so...

Mix Up
Mix Up - 02.09.2023 22:20

Wait hold a moment a new student in school joined my class and he made me his 2nd best friend and his 1st was fake friend i wish that doesn't happens to anyone ... 😢

DarkChocolateMuffins - 02.09.2023 18:17

My friend expects me to lie to my other friends, are they selfish for that?

your mother
your mother - 02.09.2023 08:34

I'm in a 4 friends group 2 of them are real 1 of them is not reliable

Chris halls mom
Chris halls mom - 27.08.2023 04:19

I rlly wanna cut off my toxic friend but idk what to say can you help me out please I have been wanting to say something for the past 5 months but I’ve been too scared so plz help me out ❤

jsjs - 26.08.2023 22:58

My one friend is a real one. I thank god for that.

Kumari Sweta
Kumari Sweta - 26.08.2023 20:40

You are telling right so sad 😞

Senad Redzaj
Senad Redzaj - 26.08.2023 19:54

Wow my friend was a fake

Moni Rafajlo
Moni Rafajlo - 25.08.2023 23:51

I agree but I always want to be friends with animals rather than ppl❤

gig_goer - 24.08.2023 23:36

I couldn't stop crying after this I just realised my friend of 8 years is toxic and emoti6 draining

fatimah:) - 24.08.2023 10:03

I can't believe all of these signs come up to my BFF-

Mia romano
Mia romano - 23.08.2023 22:36

I have no real friends maybe one

Jared Erel hun
Jared Erel hun - 23.08.2023 17:51

Better im in heaven 😭😭

i dont have any friends My friends always punching me and Try Me to help him and i help

And he dont Give me any help when i got fall down and its now over i want to kill myself im not Fake

If you still scroll

I forgive them

Try to forgive them its not easy but its what god want

Daring Delicates
Daring Delicates - 23.08.2023 16:55

one of my friend does'nt let me do anything

Pickle Nickle
Pickle Nickle - 23.08.2023 02:39

The toxic friends that say “that’s the old me I’m not like that anymore” So they can just gain you’re trust back and hurt you again need to remember that you can’t gain trust back most of the time so don’t break it in the first place.

shy stone
shy stone - 22.08.2023 07:59

I'm crying because my best friend sense kinder garten does all of this and my hole class is just my bullies so I'm having no friends this year I'm having a mental brake down

Shaes Lego World
Shaes Lego World - 20.08.2023 23:10

my friend is egnoring me and I really need someone to help me because my sister is very sick and the doctor said that she might have to go to hospital and when I told my ’’friend’’ she blocked me after saying that I am soo annoying because I am worried over ’’nothing’’

deaths - 20.08.2023 21:14

That's what she does to me, oh and she abuses me and commands me.

kpop lover
kpop lover - 20.08.2023 07:50

I have a bestie she do this but she love me and we are online besties

1565-13-Brindhaa Bose
1565-13-Brindhaa Bose - 19.08.2023 19:28

Fake bish..😔😔

I_luv_sleeping - 19.08.2023 15:22

Now I know I’ll never get real friends…

Ranferi Cifuentes
Ranferi Cifuentes - 19.08.2023 06:05

My friend said this that shes fake 💔😭

RosePlayz - 18.08.2023 18:50

Im a furry and me and my so called “friend” have been friends for a while but yesterday he told me that we can’t be friends anymore because I’m a furry and said I’m a fake friend even though I’ve done nothing.. and then continued to say that I’m messed up in the head and that we’re done. I miss him but he was a fake friend..

𝑁𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑠
𝑁𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑠 - 17.08.2023 11:55

I only have one real friend now...... I started with 10, then 7, then 5, then 3, then my bsf betrayed,lied, hurt me then I had one. That one. Is my cat😢❤
