I was Right! The Honkai Star Rail Meta is Changing FAST

I was Right! The Honkai Star Rail Meta is Changing FAST


4 дня назад

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@larrywoolfolk8224 - 27.06.2024 03:36

It's funny because whenever someone that isn't a CN player has this take they get written off, even some of these takes are so simple to see. I went in only wanting to get one copy of FF and immediately was like "nah she cooking" paid up and got E2S1. You're most recent video about Fighting game players eating virtually anything up hit too close to home

@KniveMikoto - 26.06.2024 21:03

I don't agree with some of your takes (not specific to this vid) but your content is 🔥 so subbed! Keep going.

@okers12 - 25.06.2024 09:09

If weakness locked then BE teams become so badddddddddddddddddd

@Zoeila - 25.06.2024 05:59

Firefly should not be specialist sick of this Kafka downplay

@morrowthewizard3945 - 25.06.2024 04:22

Love this whole take man haha

@bamboozled_again - 24.06.2024 22:32

insert mean insult here :> hehe

@mrdiux411 - 24.06.2024 21:49

you were not

@TheWoodcookie - 24.06.2024 20:43

I dont really look at tier lists much since coming from games like league of legends, hearthstone, genshin and etc. Meta always changes. I recommend pulling for whoever you like at all times. Seelie I also thing is slept on too. She has helped me carry the whole game since 1.0,but Im biased since I got her on my first pull ever on day one .

@StigmaLotus - 24.06.2024 19:44

Iyo on Yunli release: Counter Attack Meta is here!

@tribopower - 24.06.2024 19:10

Crazy how F2P the best FF team is in comparison to the best Acheron Team, Jingliu Team or any other top tier team

@theashianz3562 - 24.06.2024 17:49

This is my take,
I think no one in the sustain category is in 0 tier!
Aven, FX, houhou, gallagher should just be in the same tier in 0.5
Cause if u put Aventurine in tier 0, you does that mean he is same level as ruan mei? Acheron? Firefly? As yourselves.

@bandi642 - 24.06.2024 16:00

im hyped for the tierlist when moc doesnt favor break effect

@sierr1302 - 24.06.2024 15:01

All jokes aside that was an amazing ad read 😂

@sierr1302 - 24.06.2024 15:00

I welcome the scientific pessimism but then I watched the ad read and flexispot showed me the way. Thank you Mr. Iyo

@crowing3886 - 24.06.2024 13:05

I mean, if a game puts a new premiere mechanic in the game of course it'll change the meta. Who actually said it wouldn't change?

This TL is trash because Xueyi should be waaaay higher. She was the original colorless breaker with BE already in her kit. I clapped apocalyptic shadow with her since i didn't pull firefly 😂

@crimsonraiderxv3422 - 24.06.2024 08:04

I hear that Scarlet Nexus music. Don't worry my guy. 😤👌

@Yoyo-sy5kl - 23.06.2024 22:59

There is 2 4 stars on the firefly team.
2 5 star upgrades for the future. One of them is a Superbreak specialist, the other some form of Sustain + Break.

@EloyBushida - 23.06.2024 22:32

People complain about ultra restrictive team comps because for a lot of people they just want to play their favorite characters together on a team, and for some characters (Acheron and Firefly) doing that will nerf them into the ground. People don't like to be limited in that way.

@EloyBushida - 23.06.2024 22:24

Hoyo releases new characters with new types of damage. Iyo makes bold claim of "meta is changing!" Everyone else says "Yeah no shit of course it is this is a gacha game that's how they work for the last decade" Iyo makes video proclaiming he was right all along, as though anyone ever disagreed with him that the meta was changing. Never change buddy.

@Dragonology99 - 23.06.2024 22:21

Spot on with the Himeko analysis, whenever I feel safe enough to go sustainless I throw her in the Firefly comp over Gallagher and she SHREDS

@Tam-lv1mp - 23.06.2024 21:58

Based Seele and daniel take. Thanks for disclosing your calculations to silence the arguments once and for all.

@nothikikai - 23.06.2024 16:09

Bruh I still be dying in the harder game modes with aventurine

@HydraCentipedes - 23.06.2024 16:07

Building Himeko on break effect was always a bad idea, I tried and since most of her damages comes from her follow up attacks she's most of the time going to hit after enemies have been broken and even hit enemies that she can't break, so yeah full CRIT investment. I would however argue that its not a good idea to have Ruan Mei with her because she keeps broken enemies out for one turn and you want to trigger Himmy's follow up attacks as much as you can, especially if you're fighting against foes that are already weak to fire cuz that will also break them.

@bryanjason7202 - 23.06.2024 15:47

Super break blade is pretty good with misha lc. You can even run him crit and break.

@source324 - 23.06.2024 14:58

As long they dont add weakness break immunity both side in end game (moc,etc) my acheron qnd firefly gon fuck them up imagine a moc stage where both side are immune to weakness break fireflop gon hit hard

@dante19890 - 23.06.2024 13:29

lol You were wrong about Firefly saying it was an easy skip lol

@deviant315l6 - 23.06.2024 12:53

Telos where r u now ? 😂😂

@diasf13 - 23.06.2024 12:39

Its nice that someone is testing seele on this stage of the game, from my experience seele isn't that efficient in the newer MOCs, its better to run a bare minimum newer characters compare to maximize seele equips to be par with them. But maybe i'll farm for seele after i get better equips for firefly

@Taunt69 - 23.06.2024 12:36

with huohuo robin > rm without break team
dots too
it is versatile and good. but not "the best everywhere." She is the best only in break

@DragonoftheDarknessFlame - 23.06.2024 12:29

Might be a hot take but I think Bailu can be bumped up a bit

@MrWario20001 - 23.06.2024 11:03

😊 this firefly team helped me clear moc and pure fiction. Too good 👍🏾

@latitude990 - 23.06.2024 09:36

Putting RM and Firefly in the same half of the patch is so evil. Classic Hoyo gacha lesson: never ever take a break

@Sinjade - 23.06.2024 09:04

NO WAY! THEY MAKE CONTENT THAT MATCHES CURRENT NEW CHARACTER/EXISTING CHARACTER KITS. WOW AMAZING!!! Who would have thought. It’s ridiculous people actually eat this stuff up. Sadly HSR becomes more of a joke as each patch passes.

@sabin1999 - 23.06.2024 08:58

Ai i dont care about power creep as long as you can still clear using what you want then be my guest

@UltimateGenosyko - 23.06.2024 07:52

Keeping up with meta is exhausting.

@mattyfresh3620 - 23.06.2024 07:39

Wonderful video Iyo I really enjoyed it. Quick thought how do you feel about Hanya being paired with Firefly specifically S0? I think would solve the sp management. She gives Firefliy spd and atk boost.

@neito_805 - 23.06.2024 07:32

There are so many T0.5 to T0 5* characters coming out that it's hard to decide who to commit to. What kept me from pulling for Firefly is the lack of new 4* characters to accompany her banner. I don't have Misha, but I already have Jingliu (and the other 2 I already have at e6).

I'm curious to see with Robin out and Jade on the way, will Follow-up-attack teams be slated for the next meta shift? What's going to come after Super Break? Super FUA? Super DOT? Super shield? Crit healing? (LOL!)

@michalmedvid4859 - 23.06.2024 05:58

Where exactly are we supposed to get the last eidolon for MC? I was trying to search for answer, but didn't find anything

@Kaien-qf6cr - 23.06.2024 05:47

About seele vs DHIL please dont say you use your e4 seele as comparison. Her free 15% cr, 25 spd, and 15 energy is impactfull

@grammysworld5449 - 23.06.2024 05:46

Man when are you going to stop playing and give us that break Himeko video? I want to see if we're thinking the same thing

@grammysworld5449 - 23.06.2024 05:41

You were right AGAIN.. People are finding any reason to discredit this character.. But we've seen this story with Ruan Mei and we won that battle too.. Break and Dual Dps mains have been successfully playing the long game and looking ahead for months

@alonelyqilin4613 - 23.06.2024 05:40

Honestly why the Super Break team is my favorite team archetype rn in the current meta. It feels like an actual team effort with everybody either contributing strong damage or everybody benefitting from each others' buffs, complete with consistent big numbers because Super Break is just too busted rn. It'll only get better from here when even Firefly's only team consisting of f2p characters is this strong.

@grammysworld5449 - 23.06.2024 05:38

I dont see how her dispelling debuffs isn't seen as one of her best traits..

@Kaien-qf6cr - 23.06.2024 05:26

I just realized with firefly kit even if in the future she is not meta again she can be sub dps/fast breaker for break team with her easy implant fire and her high break-unit, i am sorry but boothil cant do that he is dmg nuker

@EfraimCGM - 23.06.2024 05:20

Can we talk about Argenti more? The most inconvenient character xD.

@grandgrand6754 - 23.06.2024 05:06

Having boothill and seele in the same tier as single target is atrocious tier 1 i can accept but lets not lose our heads they are not the same.

@grandgrand6754 - 23.06.2024 05:04

Its crazy bcos for me sparkle dhil is way stronger than jing liu😂😂😂

@RaidenDisNots - 23.06.2024 05:02

as someone with both e0s1 acheron, e2s0 firefly and e0s1 ruan mei, i see this as an absolute win
