Reddit Clone Full Tutorial with Laravel, Inertia JS and VueJS | Fullstack Project

Reddit Clone Full Tutorial with Laravel, Inertia JS and VueJS | Fullstack Project

Tony Xhepa

1 год назад

5,267 Просмотров

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@codewithtonyofficial - 06.09.2022 10:13

Reddit Clone Full Tutorial with Laravel, Inertia JS and VueJS | Fullstack Project

@claybowser - 21.06.2023 04:42

i cant get vite to work on my fresh laravel app

@mahbuburriad1577 - 19.01.2023 15:51

Thank you brother. I am trying. How to use sweetalert 2 with vue+inertia+laravel9 brother?
<Link :href="route('communities.destroy'," method="delete" as="button" type="button">Delete</Link>
this is my code to delete but its not looking good. i want to use sweet alert but <script setup> and direct link . what to do?

@camkb - 08.11.2022 13:10

Great tutorial, I am having errors around 1h10m in, Return to Route('communities.index'); - doesn't seem to work, can you answer git issue request?

@cookthewebpage3945 - 18.09.2022 22:26

You are great. I learnt a lot from your videos. Please don't ever think to stop making these videos. Can't wait for your next Lara and vue project. Again thank you very much.

@pkiorpes - 09.09.2022 20:43

Thanks @Laraveller for this job.
I would like to make a small contribution in terms of codes regarding User.
I recommend the users table

class User extends Authenticatable implements MustVerifyEmail
use HasApiTokens, HasFactory, Notifiable;

const DEFAULT = 1; // 2^0
const REGULAR = 2; // 2^1
const CREATOR = 4; // 2^2
const COMPOSER = 8; // 2^3
const EDITOR = 16; // 2^4
const MODERATOR = 32; // 2^5
const JANITOR = 64; // 2^6
const SUPERVISOR = 128; // 2^7
const MANAGER = 256; // 2^8
const ADMIN = 512; // 2^9
const SUPER_ADMIN =1024; // 2^10
const OWNER =2048; // 2^11

* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array<int, string>
protected $fillable = [

public function isDefault()
return ($this->rank & self::DEFAULT)==self::DEFAULT ?1:0;
public function isRegular()
return ($this->rank & self::REGULAR)==self::REGULAR ?1:0;
public function isCreator()
return ($this->rank & self::CREATOR)==self::CREATOR ? 1:0;
public function isComposer()
return ($this->rank & self::COMPOSER)==self::COMPOSER ? 1:0;
public function isEditor()
return ($this->rank & self::EDITOR)==self::EDITOR ? 1:0;
public function isModerator()
return ($this->rank & self::MODERATOR)==self::MODERATOR ? 1:0;
public function isjANITOR()
return ($this->rank & self::JANITOR) ==self::JANITOR ?1:0;
public function isSupervisor()
return ($this->rank & self::SUPERVISOR) ==self::SUPERVISOR ?1:0;
public function isManager()
return ($this->rank & self::MANAGER) == self::MANAGER ?1:0;
public function isAdmin()
return ($this->rank & self::ADMIN ) == self::ADMIN ?1:0;
public function isSuperAdmin()
return ($this->rank & self::SUPER_ADMIN) == self::SUPER_ADMIN ? 1:0;
public function isOwner()
return ($this->rank & self::OWNER) == self::OWNER ? 1:0;

Best regards Periklis

@k_a_r_i_s-1812 - 06.09.2022 17:42

i love this series of videos, i wish you would explain more on why , we add lnertia and vue instead of livewire , it would create a better picture of use cases. thank you for the good work

@Thiago33643 - 06.09.2022 15:44

Thanks @Laraveller for this quality content, if possible make some videos about laravel cache with redis.

@hassanfazeel2354 - 06.09.2022 14:50

Pls do a multi tenancy app after this..thanks a lot for your awesome tutors

@tapiwamotsi1424 - 06.09.2022 14:37

Thank you bro l followed every series

@mohamednafil8983 - 06.09.2022 13:20

Can you do the react version
