Vampire 2 Destroyers carry the game | CV Discussion #worldofwarships

Vampire 2 Destroyers carry the game | CV Discussion #worldofwarships


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@Aotearoawoodturner - 28.07.2024 10:05

yay my girl. but i think its to little to late for the game. wargaming wont remove content$$. players wont put up with the cvs and ss for evea like me ive sadly left the game for for this reason. a couple weeks now not sure if ill go back.

@andyaweebphysicist - 28.07.2024 12:08

Hi. I tried getting g into CVS and subs and I can tell you I suck at CVS. I mean the spotting is broken (Most DDs have bad AA but the fighters or the CVS attack squad spot you) and the 2 attacks the better players pull of (I lose to may planes, don't know why) is very hard to deal with. I liked sub pre-nerf because getting into shotgunning position is hard in itself, so the payoff if you manage it seemed justified (like a BB deleting a broadside cruiser). Now subs have no counterplay against DDs which might be historically accurate but very unfun for subs. Also subs vs subs close combat fights are no longer possible with 3km arming range. But I can see if you just sit back and ping (my former favourite Gato can't do that) they are just annoying and fake your attention away from possible other threads like DD torps or showing broadside to an enemy ship. The periscope depth spotting of the subs should also only be for yourself and the rest as mini-map, (or capped at 5km or something) that would solve most issues.

Overall I would say mini-map spotting only for CVs (and periscope subs) and ping torps with old arming range (like 2km) and maybe lower damage would solve my issues with them.

@Nautsyn - 28.07.2024 12:24

Lets put all the reasons why it doesnt make sense to put CVs and Subs into a surface ship game aside for a moment. From a game mechanic standpoint it still would be possible to balance all kind of vehicles, but WG still doesnt want to do that.

Surface Ships vs Sub and CV interaction is pretty onesided, that is the real problem. There is not much i can do to prevent a CV to strike me. I cant manually aim my Flak Cannons for example. I cant choose to effectively outfit my ship against CVs either, since AA is a joke.

Same problem against subs. I can send a plane to a position i assume a sub will be. But the mechanic for this is so inaccurate and gives the sub so much leeway that it is just heavily biased towards the sub. The weakest class against the sub is a DD...i mean that says it all.

You notice that this follows a pattern. WG just doesnt want those classes to be touched, because that would make a difficult class which already has not enough players. They will do anything to balance the vehicles around popularity, not around actual performance.

@darrinakins4981 - 28.07.2024 12:30

All day yesterday. It was one game after another being harassed by a f'n CV!! So annoying!!!

@robertshaver4432 - 28.07.2024 13:09

I kick CVs asses butt good! I can dodge AA attacks! I sink a-lot of CVs! People need to be taught how to do so! Are they OP? Yes but I'm OP to them and players need to be made aware of the counters instead of being told that it's futile to even try. I reiterate: "I kick CVs Asses"! It can be done and I do it all the Frikken time! There are problems with CVs in their current state I agree, but it's not futile. I love CV matches, I truly do!

@rossgodding9676 - 28.07.2024 13:22

Cv"s can decide games if your side has the better cv....Subs just grief 1 -2 players. There's no counter play which is why it's frustrating. Early CVS were devastating in the hands of a good player. But you could deplane and neuter them...not with current cvs/subs...

@boydy7351 - 28.07.2024 13:39

Respect for the Vampire mate. As an aussie, I bestow on you the title of “Good Cunt”. Sadly, I just can’t seem to make the ship work for me. Brisbane, love it, Cerberus, awesome, Vampie, I suck ass in it. Even the Perth I can make sing.

@boydy7351 - 28.07.2024 13:44

The problem with Carriers, for me, is that regardless of what ship I sail, it seems that unless you invest nearly every point possible into AA related skills, which if you don’t get a CV, are useless, it makes little to no difference against many CV’s planes. Worcester? Strafe it. Minotaur? Strafe it. And fuck me, if I take my Jager out, and a CV spots me, I’m fucked. Some ships literally have nothing, and when it’s against something you cannot fight back against, that’s absolute BS. Subs are just as bad.

@BackToRootz - 28.07.2024 14:30

Just nice and useful video for players even with 10K matches

@GeorgeM_Canadian - 28.07.2024 15:38

A great video as usual Ripper. Many players totally agree with you about CVs and subs as I do. To add to that, the proliferation of radar in the game is also, I believe, a big negative to gameplay.

@Debowymoc - 28.07.2024 16:03


@gordongekko4752 - 28.07.2024 19:45

WoWS can easily solve CV play by bringing back: 1. Fighter planes - no rockets, only MGs - whose missions was gain air supremacy (Shooting down enemy fighters. If you were a CV players and driving your torpedo and or dive bomber without fighter escort and saw enemy fighters approaching, you would runaway, so as not to get your bombers shot down.). 2. protecting their CV against enemy torpedo and dive bomber attacks. Then, the battle becomes CV against CV like in history. 3. Spotting enemy ships. 4. Manually, selecting and driving multiple air squadrons in the air, at the same time, and your ship. 5. A long time ago, when I played CVs, my first priority was to a. gain air supremacy e.g. shoot down as many enemy planes, as possible and b.sink the enemy CV, not enemy DDs.

@dmoore4788 - 29.07.2024 01:02

Great video. Thank you for the tips and information on fires.

@guyincognito1560 - 29.07.2024 06:41

I sit in amazement at WG's ability to cock up what was an extremely enjoyable game. At least offer an option where players can opt out of sub and carrier matches. They took the base design and forced objects that add NOTHING but advantages for those who play them, much to the detriment of the main player base. Create modes with CV task forces and AA ships, don't force carriers and subs into a game where players are forced to remain in predictable areas to serve as target practice. It's baffling to watch WG go through the mental exercises they do to justify their decisions which amount to telling you that you are enjoying it or to flat out ignore the growing decibel levels from those who are NOT enjoying it. We've all made major investments of time and/or $ and it's difficult to just uninstall......WG knows this and are using it against the player base. "Shutup, spreadsheet says you had fun." They must have all worked in the public sector it seems.

@stevepeterson6070 - 30.07.2024 21:39

1 million non-CV players have quit because of CVs. I think we will be ok if 200 CV players leave the game because they suck too badly to be able to adapt to real-pvp. We would lose 200 and hopefully regain most of the 1 million that left. Current CVs are just troll classes, 95% live til the end even in a loss, that is NOT PvP.

@stevepeterson6070 - 31.07.2024 02:44

Subs and especially CVs are not PVP classes. They are troll classes, they just troll actual PvP players by doing damage to them "free casting" while they are safe. In any real PvP game you never find a class that can freecast. The regular classes rarely are able to freecast and it is rare and short lived. It is the first rule of development of a PvP game.
