Anthony Morganti

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Evan Peix
Evan Peix - 29.08.2023 21:02

thank you

NoDucksAloud - 13.08.2023 22:32

Did I miss how you refine it? That's what I needed, but I don't see where the refine edge brush even is. I just downloaded Photoshop yesterday, and I just need a small selection to be edited, but I can't find any videos that explain that for absolute beginners.

Anna - 29.04.2023 22:28

Thank you, very useful!

Dick Hoskins
Dick Hoskins - 25.10.2022 17:11

Maybe Adobe is using us as unwitting beta testers? Also I bet they are hanging on to the image.

Dick Hoskins
Dick Hoskins - 25.10.2022 17:06

Why don’t they just put this capability into the photoshop on my computer? Seems they would not want millions of photoshoppers using their servers at the same time! Looks like some harebrained “business” decision that is a bad idea.

Name goes here
Name goes here - 09.10.2022 23:50

Typed W to get the slection tools, picked Object and Cloud under the Select Sublect dropdown. I get a message saying it is processing on my computer and to change preferences in the Edit dropdown. I changed preferences to cloud in the Edit dropdown and in the Subjection Selection dropdown and it still says I am processing it on my computer.

Two Captains - One Ship
Two Captains - One Ship - 07.09.2022 02:36

Why does my photoshop kick it over to another screen and not give me the marching ants right off the bat? I am so confused!! hahah..wait...all set!

Mobile Freelancer
Mobile Freelancer - 05.09.2022 02:35

photoshop still have a long way to go when it come to background removal its 2022 why they haven't sus this one out id never know i guess

Jasper Goodall
Jasper Goodall - 30.08.2022 12:03

I'm always needing to make complex selections of plants - like ferns and things. Maybe the servers would do a better job because theres SO many things the AI selections miss - endless internal corners that even with great contrast it just misses chunks. Really weird how it doesn't see something the magic wand would pick up easily? I'd love them to spend less time on AI and put some time into bringing over the auto mask brush algorithm from Lightroom. - have it as an option on brushes in photoshop. It would be more controllable and not 'intelligently' jump to areas it decides you want like the quick selection tool does. TBH I almost never use these AI tools because by the time I have fixed everything it missed I may as well have drawn a path!! Maybe the AI has been trained on human forms as people, I guess is what gets cut out most.. they need top spend some time with plants 😆

AloniTuts - 26.08.2022 05:37


theguydave - 23.08.2022 05:35

The select subject isn't appearing on the top toolbar. Does anyone know how I get it there? I do have the latest Photoshop update.

Mike Giovinazzo
Mike Giovinazzo - 23.08.2022 03:38

very informative - thanks

Don Vawter
Don Vawter - 23.08.2022 03:22

Any idea if this is coming to Lightroom? With recent advances in masking in LR I seldom need to go to PS now.

Rob Smith
Rob Smith - 22.08.2022 18:08

I'll just stick to the pen tool. It's still the best (if somewhat time heavy) way to select most subjects (excluding hair/fur, etc). I just process twice, the regular stuff with the pen tool and hair/fur with the usual selection tools for the best overall result.

José Gonçalves
José Gonçalves - 22.08.2022 13:46

WOW, ok I tried in a very complicated object. And trough "adobe computers" the result was really really good.

H R - 22.08.2022 07:34

Was hoping more for a click-to-select option (maybe there is one in PS and ACR but I don't know where it is if there is one). By click-to-select I mean you click on a subject in an image and PS/ACR figures out what the subject is and masks it. So far, at least in ACR, select subject seems to randomly pick subjects if there isn't people (or a person) in the image.

Steve McLaughlin
Steve McLaughlin - 22.08.2022 06:05

I don’t want my images on Adobe’s servers, and the improvements need to come to the software on my computer. After spending $4,000 on a Mac laptop I expect the work to be done under my roof. Let’s not pump up Adobe to make Photoshop become a totally online software.

Martin D Turner
Martin D Turner - 22.08.2022 03:33

My only caution using Adobes computers is that your image can be seen/copied etc by Adobe. So perhaps you want to examine any new end-user agreement changes that give them any rights to your image (or, let's just say, it's an image you normally wouldn't share). Me? Paranoid? Nah, I watch over my should all the time! And, as a 45-year software developer, I say there is NO REASON Adobe couldn't do the same locally -- other than pure compute power. Code is code is code is ... you get my point; what is there real reason for allowing this NOW?

Tony Blackwell
Tony Blackwell - 22.08.2022 03:28

This is Adobe's plan to move everything to the cloud in an effort to stop piracy. The day this becomes mandatory is the day I stop using Adobe. I use no "cloud based" applications for editing and never will. The "cloud" is just someone else's computer with your property.

Belinda Schindler
Belinda Schindler - 22.08.2022 00:54

Thank you - I would not have seen that. Appreciate all your videos.

snoopaka - 21.08.2022 21:18

Another Great tip!

Ed London
Ed London - 21.08.2022 21:11

Did Anthony abandon Affinity Photo?

Garry Hughes
Garry Hughes - 21.08.2022 20:49

Very helpful! I'm still pretty hopeless at Photoshop and do most of my editing in Lightroom but this is very useful. I don't think I'd have noticed it if you hadn't made this video. I'm strictly a hobbyist in this world but your videos are great for people trying to up their skills. Thank you for making the effort. I'm gonna buy your presets! All the best.

Jimmy Shaw
Jimmy Shaw - 21.08.2022 18:49

Awesome! Thanks for going over this 🤠🙏

jeffry de meyer
jeffry de meyer - 21.08.2022 18:48

What happens to image ownership after uploading it for this and the other neural filters?

Mickey Pullen
Mickey Pullen - 21.08.2022 18:28

Thanks for all your hard work on keeping us current with these changes Adobe slips in.

Mickey Pullen
Mickey Pullen - 21.08.2022 18:27

