suddenly remembering basements exists in the sims 4

suddenly remembering basements exists in the sims 4


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@TheMooseOfMayhem - 04.02.2024 11:58

I'm in south Georgia in a river valley former mill/textile town, so what's super common is row houses, basically really narrow and long victorian-1920s houses for factory workers. Kitchen and laundry, maybe dining in the back, a living space, and small bathrooms and bedrooms off a long hallway. We have partially screened in porches that are just brick walls and screen windows, but full screened in porches aren't super common. We can get away with basements but they're usually open to the backyard to prevent flooding rather than fully underground and closed.

@Sproutiver - 20.01.2024 08:40

My area of America is very basement focused. Here we had basements with doors, basements without doors. But my favorite type of basement that I’ve tried to make in the sims but failed. My old friend had this type of basement, I used to have this type of basement but. It would be front door, walking into living room, dinning room off of that, kitchen off the dinning room.. From the other side of the dinning room. There would be stairs that would go up, and one that would go down up which had three bedrooms, and bathroom. “The basement”, was half above ground, half under. There were windows, but they were right next to the ground. And then a bedroom and then a bath. Then a closer door which was more stairs going down, to a more like “laundry room” storage area. Either there’s that. The leveled. In houses where I’m from. Or there’s a long staircase down to the bottom basement. Like why is there so many stairs. So I prefer the leveled.

@TheBetterMaddox - 17.12.2023 00:02

i used to live in a house where the entrance to the basement was behind the fridge... yeah (built in 1920s) also the basement was all dirt

@lizzywilliams2152 - 21.11.2023 03:51

My parents' house in Michigan has the kitchen just to the right of the entryway. Just before you get to the cabinet penninsula, there's a door to your left different from all the other doors. That opens directly into a stairwell into the basement. It's unfinished but has a lot of space that's being unused.

@anonyacesnik3309 - 07.11.2023 08:33

I thought the screen porch was to keep the gators out lol

@Alucard45000 - 03.10.2023 01:28

Where I live we have no glass sliding doors, we have no sliding doors at all actually o.o

@SpiderGirls482 - 18.09.2023 05:43

As a Californian, I can totally agree with having ceiling fans are a MUST in LA. 😅 ITS SO HOT. 😂

@shay8916 - 30.08.2023 19:49

I'm from the Northeast, and I've never lived anywhere that didn't have a basement lol☺

@soupy55 - 27.08.2023 14:43

Here most people keep our laundry stuff in......the laundry room? Lol

@blakea22 - 26.08.2023 20:45

nah cause now that i think about it i dont think ive ever seen a house with a basement in the UK (at least where i live) and thats kinda freaky cause im from canada and everyone had them there, but now that i think about it everyone had like above ground or like half above ground basements because most houses where i lived you had to go up like some stairs to get to the front door, and like im not talking about like a few steps onto a porch, im on about like full on staircase, and like ive never made a house in the sims like that so i might try!!

@sydneymoore99 - 26.08.2023 15:51

My grandma used to live in southern Florida and she had a giant pool cage. She used to pay my younger cousin to catch all the little lizards that managed to get inside the pool cage and put them outside lol

@caffeine_2008 - 23.08.2023 22:24

as a connecticut-an turned Floridian, the difference in interiors and exteriors and literally everything is insane.

@christinewhoyt - 23.08.2023 02:43

We just have one floor plus a basement + an attic. Here is next to the entrance you open the door and it ends up in the staircase/stairwell. No doors. Although, I'm French Canadian and this might make some difference.

We have no sliding doors for outside but we have a wooden sliding down with windows that you can't see through for the upstair bathroom.

@katielong8964 - 23.08.2023 00:45

my basement stairs are below my stairs to go upstairs and there’s just like stairs behind a door. but my grandmas stairs are just open and has a railing around it, but her stairs are wider 😎 but i feel like most basements i see just has a door straight to the stairs instead of the separate room idea (i feel like this makes so sense😭😭)

@Bethdgamer - 15.08.2023 01:09

I have a basement in my house the door is through my bathroom and just goes downstairs to the basement. There are a lot of old shelves and old stuff down there. I have ceiliing fans in every room of my house. No screened in porch in my house but a lot of houses in IL have those. I have literally never heard of those mesh "buildings" for pools lol. We always just have our pools outside. The only "indoor" pools we have are in motels or mansions. My grandmas house had a basement with old stuff actually my uncle has his own apartment down there.

@laytonmoffett2778 - 12.08.2023 14:36

My staircase is in the other staircase

@Graceplayssims4 - 12.08.2023 14:18

Where I live, in Ireland, it's really uncommon to have a basement. I've only ever been in 1 house that has one. The washing machines are also often in the kitchen, but sometimes people have a utility room (laundry and storage room) . Every now and again, people will have washing machines in the garage, but they're usually really old houses with small kitchens.

@Azalea-Boo - 09.08.2023 06:54

wait the screens aren’t normal in other hot states??? i guess it is a florida thing

@tocakidstuff3229 - 09.08.2023 04:41

Mine is behind a door in the kitchen but there’s a kill bye it so the basement goes into the backyard on one side

@-themightymittens- - 08.08.2023 04:26

Our basement staircase is open and has 3 steps, a landing with a door to the backyard, and then the rest of the stairs to the basement.

@tinas_hotdog_sophie - 04.08.2023 14:22

I am confused. I got the basement kit but it seems in Germany it is called Attic kit. I wonder why they changed it into the opposite :P

@AnnaGlin - 30.07.2023 12:51

where I live, the "screened in porch" would be glass and called a winter garden

@kodaxanner8627 - 28.07.2023 22:44

They are called Arizona rooms!!

@reaganrickey7236 - 28.07.2023 22:25

my builds have almost all included greenhouses since eco lifestyle 😂 but also, the screeeeen description is so spot on! We have scenes everywhere from pools to bedroom windows

@Taiirneanach - 28.07.2023 11:32

Australia sounds pretty similar to Florida, many slide glass doors and mesh walls lol no basements. American house layouts are super weird though

@raverboyloki - 25.07.2023 14:52

Basements in the Northeast are typically pretty dark and gloomy in older homes (pre 1980's). They really aren't used for much other than storage, other than the rare occasion where someone has converted part of it to be another room. That lack of conversion is due to typically low ceilings (6\ or less) and very little light. Stairs into the basement are typically hidden under the stairs to the second floor (a feature I wish was available to do in The Sims). Post 1980's basements have been considered another living space and were many a "Man Cave" are placed. My aunt just bought a house that was built 5 years ago and her basement is almost livable as it. My 6\5" husband can stand in it with no issues.

@aliciafree4246 - 25.07.2023 11:56

In Australia we don’t have basements or attics so I feel the same 😂 also those screens sound like a good way to start a bushfire 😬

@lenimaleriena9066 - 24.07.2023 12:10

I am from Austria and i am so suprised about your description of a house😂 like EVERY house has a basement and we would just die without flynets😊

@zazoo5557 - 24.07.2023 10:44

We love a good sliding glass door in Australia too! I can say after staying and living both in the greater Sydney and Melbourne areas. Screen doors for those sliding glass doors, and also for front wooden doors are also pretty much standard in Australia, it’s rare to see a house without them. Haven’t come across a house with a basement though!

@sudsyt.6888 - 22.07.2023 23:12

we have our basement stairs under our other stairs w/ a closed off door next to our half bath in the middle of our house. and we moved here from the middle east after Florida so the basement is one of the most terrifying space i have ever had in any of my houses

@TheirSatanicWiles - 21.07.2023 05:50

Something that seems VERY strange to people in New England is buildings with a flat roof. Because of snow, you have to have angled roofs so the snow falls off instead of piling up and caving in the roof. You don't have that problem in states that don't get snow, so building a flat roof building isn't weird there.

@pattyjuez - 20.07.2023 20:02

As a Floridian, hearing the description about the pool screens really hit me when I realized how uncommon it is outside of Florida…everyone I know who has a pool has it screened in😂

@hiramhill1305 - 19.07.2023 08:41

My paternal grandma has a sunroom/porch too. But no basement. My paternal grandparents house was expanded throughout their lives like a Frankenstein house.
My maternal grandma had a basement with piles of junk. For the longest time I wasn't allowed in the basement because of how messy it was, until I went down there to help throw everything out when my grandma was moving out so she could live with my aunt. There were nice food storage racks downstairs and there was also this cool hidden rocky space in the walls of that basement with secret supplies because my grandparents were into emergency preparedness.
I've seen houses a lot of houses where the stairs downstairs are beneath the stairs upstairs in order to save space. Generally the upstairs stairs are pointed toward the frontyard while the basement stairs are pointed to the backyard. I've seen houses with upstairs stairs right next to the entrance. And I've seen houses with the downstairs stairs right by the backdoor.
I've seen a couple houses keep their heavy exercise equipment in the basement so you don't have to worry about scaring the people in a floor below with dropping weights.
Both of my grandparents houses have laundry by the backdoor. My paternal grandma says that the mud room (laundry room) should be by the backdoor so that messy boys or men hunting can quickly hand in dirty clothes for washing after coming back inside.

@calliebalow5689 - 19.07.2023 05:59

Georgia is the same as Florida

@glowstick_eater - 18.07.2023 23:55

I live in a small town down in Texas. We mostly have large farmhouses, fancy mcmansions, and little town homes in neighbourhoods by the schools. We have our washer and dryer in separate rooms called "utility rooms", either by or going into the garages. We have ceiling fans on backporches, its too hot outside not to have one. I've never seen a basement irl, we all have attics instead.

@katyc.1402 - 18.07.2023 17:06

I was just talking about this yesterday. I keep trying to build my own house (walk out basement) and failing miserably so I'm just going to build a regular basement and pretend thats how it is.

@claudiarrowe - 17.07.2023 20:03

I lived in a house with a screened in porch, but it had a real roof. From Ohio.

@SB-ht8uo - 16.07.2023 22:55

In Arizona we call screened in porches Arizona Rooms very common in older houses but not over our pools. It's usually on the front porch or back porch, people used to sleep outside in the summer back in the day covering themselves in wet sheets.

@Jacob-ps5xl - 16.07.2023 13:22

where I live pretty much nobody has basements, maybe it's to do with how much it rains idk

@dheanabila2162 - 15.07.2023 13:45

I guess what i've never seen irl before is bedroom entrance from the kitchen

@michellechingg - 14.07.2023 20:16

i think the main argument is that doodles and breeding mixes in general is not predictable. Ethical breeders genetically verify that their dogs can be bred.

If you like the doodle look, get a poodle and just grow it out like a doodle honestly.

coming from someone who used to have a doodle and now has a standard poodle.

@rosesmith3694 - 14.07.2023 06:00

I don't have a basement but my grandma does behind a door.

@Nox.dablueberry - 14.07.2023 01:49

“At least he was already dead” Kayla sim stream 2023 (not from this vid from a stream today)

@kitkatiekat3293 - 13.07.2023 22:11

My house’s basement stairs are open to the rest of the house, but has a door at the bottom of the stairs 😂

@LovelyAngel. - 13.07.2023 20:15

Oh, the basement question... in both of my family houses the basement is under a lid in the floor covered by a rug. You have to remove the rug, take the lid off (it's not attached to the floor with anything, like a manhole) and then there is a wooden stair-like ladder. It would probably look like it's straight out of a horror film for some people... Most people 😂

@PikaTug - 12.07.2023 23:02

Omg I literally found this house randomly on the gallery and turned it into a home for my sim! I didnt even see this video until just now. Amazing!

@jademuntz - 12.07.2023 09:30

From Kansas and our basement stairs had no door. My grandmas house did though 🤷🏼‍♀️

@ricecumm - 12.07.2023 00:49

Is it just me but I love watching lilsimsies videos before I go to bed because they’re so calming, and especially these building videos are super therapeutic 😅I love how her voice is just normal and calm and she doesn’t scream out of nowhere and her videos aren’t that edited with crazy sound effects😆

@StainedBrain - 11.07.2023 23:53

I’m surprised it isn’t common to have basements in Florida.. The basement is where I would sleep during the summer when it was way too hot. I guess most houses there have AC though
