Quantum Field Theory visualized

Quantum Field Theory visualized

ScienceClic English

3 года назад

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Atticus Walker
Atticus Walker - 17.10.2023 22:31

If i could make a sudgestion. Confine the feild to the now instead of the past and future. Have that now streatch atrround the difference in mass that requires more connections to the higgs field. So now travels at the same time but at different speeds. And voila, gravity

Roku Russell
Roku Russell - 17.10.2023 18:42

Perhaps you should say subatomic, rather than microscopic.

Hello Vicki
Hello Vicki - 17.10.2023 07:44

This video corrected my misinterpretation of superposition. I think it did anyway?

matt hall
matt hall - 14.10.2023 03:39

Seems like our universe is just code generating constantly.

Noni Kaur
Noni Kaur - 04.10.2023 00:43

Very nice thank you

Lorne A. Brown
Lorne A. Brown - 30.09.2023 09:23

And then there's this: What if there were an infinite number of waves coming together, or even a point on the scale of infinity, wherever that point lay (xn), and the waves originated within a singularity from every point at once (or from a central, finite point within an elastic medium and radiating out through the medium causing expansion of the medium? Does the medium compress or expand?), how does the system evolve as it radiates? What does cycling look like to decay?

As some waves cancel they lose energy. As some waves collide they gain energy. If all waves, n, originate at a definable singularity, and from every point within our singularity at once, causing the singularity to expand, what’s the system evolution to decay?

Gravity is the sum of all the energy of all the waves at a given point on the function at a given time: it’s a quanta of energy?

Time is the dissipation of energy within a system. Time is the level of entropy in a system.

When we speak of the past existing we are speaking of the wave function at a definable energy level that cannot be replicated, so not visited. The past is our observation of the energy level of a system at a quanta of energy decay, where a system is the sum of all available energy.

Moving in the opposite direction of a decaying system would require an input greater than is available in the system, because you’re not pushing against a single direction of travel, but every direction all at once.

“Time Travel” is a product of our “MORE” a priori assumption. There is no more energy in a system than there is in that system, and in a decaying system less over time.

Are dark energy and dark matter the medium through which all waves permeate? I don’t think that’s possible, is it? So some medium.

A particle is simply a measure of quanta, or a measure of a quanta’s stretch and orientation at a given point in spacetime in an expanding and decaying universe, or wave function, if I understand the terms wave and function…? It must collapse once we measure it, because we have to wait to measure its next position; by then, it’s moved on, so what’s to measure now?

If the energy of an entropic universe becomes less than that of the medium within which it exists, the force of the medium will overtake the force of entropy and collapse the universe back in an instant, something akin to the Oceangate collapse, but on steroids. And we think we know what happens next because we are.

Have I got that close to right?

Rune Davidsen
Rune Davidsen - 27.09.2023 13:20

Quantum physics is fundamentally probabilistic. That means it is probable. It does not mean it is actual. You can visualize anything. It does not mean it is really going on in the universe.

steven reddick
steven reddick - 25.09.2023 08:58

thank you for sharing this with the world.

skemsen - 23.09.2023 15:26

“Spacetime is doomed” they say which would make this video obsolete innit? 😂

Red Shirt
Red Shirt - 23.09.2023 00:22

So, it would seem that space-time prefers an atomic structure.

Gabriel Olivares
Gabriel Olivares - 22.09.2023 11:07


D Tarby
D Tarby - 21.09.2023 00:24

Silver lining: this will be how your grand children will learn physics

宙 間
宙 間 - 19.09.2023 22:21


HassanCodA - 14.09.2023 20:21

💖💖💖🎁 ✅

Ceena M.s.v.n
Ceena M.s.v.n - 12.09.2023 18:15

As a Physicist I'm astonished at the level of accuracy of this video. Well done!

Itsiwhatitsi - 09.09.2023 15:50

I can’t understand why from all the superpositions electrons repelled each other while electrons and positrons not. How the charge works

Alessio Masciandaro
Alessio Masciandaro - 08.09.2023 16:25

The animations make everything much more understandable! You sir are doing humanity a favor with these videos. Keep it up!

Robert Sullivan
Robert Sullivan - 07.09.2023 02:18

I have to go get a drink, a stiff one. Then watch this again.😅

TESCO MEAL DEAL - 06.09.2023 12:10

your vids make me wish physics wasn't always my least favourite science in high school

Jack Perry
Jack Perry - 06.09.2023 03:05

If an electron gives away some of its momentum when it emits a photon, and sometimes electrons move away from each other and sometimes towards each other, then why do electrons appear to only repel each other on a macro scale? How is that modelled on a QFT scale?

Fixing Physics
Fixing Physics - 05.09.2023 01:45

Quantum Field Theory is based on terrible assumptions that are contrary to Einstein's discoveries. The space-time cube has debunked itself for 50 years. It's time to revisit Einstein with fresh eyes. Even the seemingly innocuous phrase "there is no time like the present" is wrong at so many levels.

celio gouvea
celio gouvea - 03.09.2023 02:35

We must grasp the disparities in symmetries between matter and antimatter since, during a particular phase in cosmic evolution, only matter came into existence. It must have a distinctive property in the particles that only matter can be formed within energy.

B22 - 02.09.2023 08:59

MERCI pour ces représentations graphiques et ces explications claires

Milan Rout
Milan Rout - 01.09.2023 21:24

How are you making such a perfect simulation?

ahuels67 - 01.09.2023 05:24

How and why do electrons absorb photons??





Daniel - 24.08.2023 19:22

Every time I think this stuff makes sense to me I find out I know nothing 😆

Erg Budster
Erg Budster - 23.08.2023 01:15

"more or less probability". Rather a problematic rendering. What could it even mean? Probability is clear but what could "more or less" mean?

TheKingOfVietnam - 18.08.2023 05:41

This should be a must-watch homework for a student who just starts a QFT semester. I mean, there are two bad extremes which this video avoids: (i) over simplified popular-science animations you can find on YT, which lose a lot of essence of QFT by sacrificing all the details; (ii) purely mathematical approach, which makes a physics student wonder why do we even consider something like a scalar, vector or Dirac field at all? The first one makes a viewer believe we can get to particles level of abstraction too fast, gives him a bit of vague impression how Feynman diagrams relate to actual physics phenomena and that's all. The latter can make the learner doubt if the theory has any continuity with previously known physics theories or is rather a bunch of mathematical definitions, and make him not feel any purpose behind all these new theoretical structures. This video is cool, because it just the right level to be both intuitive for a newcomer and not to lose the essence of what is really going on in QFT.

JB - 18.08.2023 01:06

Whoever narrated this needs to learn how to pronounce certain words properly

Native Afro-Ευrasian
Native Afro-Ευrasian - 16.08.2023 20:42

I'm really curious but I don't understand: isn't every object we don't know it's exact position of "distributed" in probability to be at a certain place? Does it really make a difference if the object is a photon somewhere in a system or if it's your phone somewhere in the house most likely in your pocket and least likely in your wall?

acajoom - 15.08.2023 16:03

Guitar example: Since the notes or audio frequencies of a guitar do not "exist" before the string is pooled, but can be calculated in advance, I now understand what it means for a particle to not "exist" until observed. So if I got it right and all this is just a description, and there is no such thing as a particle that pops into existence, it is equally wrong to say that, all that "exists" is the cloud of possibilities (as some say). Otherwise, by tuning a guitar string before pooling it, it would spawn all possible notes in space in advance as a cloud of possibilities (which should just be a alegoric description). If that seems ridiculous as an idea, it gets worse if one is to think that by pooling the string and producing note A, the universe is split into multiple universes where in each one a different note was played.

Fonky Fesh
Fonky Fesh - 10.08.2023 21:40

This is the clearest and most thorough explanation of quantum mechanics i have ever seen.

Hermes - 10.08.2023 21:11

Fantastic work, thank you.

anteeko - 08.08.2023 16:14

I could not get my mind around the idea of an objet having to spin two time to return to the initial possible.. 
and visualised it using a mobius strip! Genius!

Clenchedboot - 08.08.2023 04:53


bored - 06.08.2023 23:03


jd4200mhz - 03.08.2023 21:18

the first thing we make as a mistake is to see matter as a discreet point, it´s not, it´s a part of the fluid called energy, and the reason we see particles is that the "temperature" is low enought to condense around time, and maybe gravity

CoolCat - 03.08.2023 14:59

Excellent explanations and visualisations! Does a spinor imply the existence of more than three spatial dimensions? It seems to me that any pure 3D object would have to have spin 1. Adding another dimension appears to make it possible to let a 360° rotation not be the identity operation. The only other explanation I have is that interaction free rotation does not exist, but any object rotating around a spinor (including an observer) twists its relationship(s) to the spinor and must rotate twice around the spinor to untwist the relationship(s).

Ryan Gleason
Ryan Gleason - 28.07.2023 11:55

It’s truly a gift to have someone who’s put in the requisite cognitive labor to understand these concepts relay them to the rest of us in a way that stokes curiosity and intuition. I’ve gained so much from your content and your work is brilliant. thank you 🙏🔥

Geocentrism - 28.07.2023 05:29

My favourite theories in modern physics

Slüü Mö
Slüü Mö - 24.07.2023 01:43

As the smartest guy in room. That's an oversimplification.

Instead of "we", even if narrator is part of the orthodox physics community, I'd say "they" instead.

Mark Bickerton
Mark Bickerton - 24.07.2023 01:04

There's only one electron in existence

Not 12 Y.O.
Not 12 Y.O. - 23.07.2023 21:31

This is a reminder for me to stay away from quantum stuff.😅

ToroidalX - 19.07.2023 20:52

Ok WTF. This was amazingly explained. I've never seen such an awesome explanation of quantum field theory. It's insane

Eric A. Ephemetherson
Eric A. Ephemetherson - 19.07.2023 20:00

Can one visualize a point in space?

じょせふ - 18.07.2023 10:39

Takes a physicist 15 minutes and 56 seconds to say "I don't know"
