Private School vs Public School - How Do The Students Compare?

Private School vs Public School - How Do The Students Compare?

The Infographics Show

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@TheInfographicsShow - 01.12.2017 19:08

How about giving today's video a like? Why not, right? :) 👍

@liveinthefuture1941 - 23.11.2023 09:28

"diversity" is somehow a benefit? How?

@samanthasstoryproductions4894 - 24.10.2023 05:11

During my primary school years, I went to a private school. During my high school years, I went to a homeschool based centre

@GrimmEnt. - 14.10.2023 02:40

I went to a private preschool but after thay first school year my mom sent me to public school.

@megatronsturdy - 08.10.2023 19:08

Private school is not what people say it is

@michaelt62077 - 04.10.2023 02:14

I've met a lot of great people in all my K-12 public schooling, especially teachers, and I think I made it through okay. Although, I can't help but wonder how different it would've been had I attended private school earlier in life.

@Noname-ip6uf - 30.09.2023 14:38

Parents the best school is at home. You can send your kids to private or public school but make your the first school is your home. Teachers will not raise your kids. It is the parents responsibility to teach them values and respect . Stop blaming the schools and start spending time with them. You don’t need any money to speak with them , ask about their day . Nowadays,Kids are glue to the phone and many parents have decide that is the teachers fault if their kids don’t learn or are disrespectful. We need to step up as parents amd stop blaming the schools. Become the solution and stop blaming others for your responsibility.

@masterlee9822 - 13.09.2023 10:42

Do you think one of the faith labs ever cleaned up the rumor that they where using Mexicans instead of apes in their genetic experiments. Apes bodies can look a little like people when covered with a sheet. The faith lab did not seem to be fighting the rumors and their funding seem to go up in response to the rumors. Their regeneration experiments killed over 99 percent of the primates. The bodies are cremated, you could slip some illegal Mexicans into the ovens without anybody noticing. The faith has churches , stores , private schools , farms , library and labs and have opened foreign labs before to get around bans as a alternate to hiding the labs in plain sight. The labs normally try to fly under the publics radar.

@masterlee9822 - 13.09.2023 07:11

Less gang bangers in private schools and some of the private schools remove some of such predators.

@slender3219 - 13.09.2023 04:29

team public school


@BhelliomRahl - 11.09.2023 02:41

In Britain going to a private school (using USA terms) does not mean success, it has to be the right private school.
Certain private schools have legacies and alumni within certain sectors of the government and commercial industries (Banks, Property, Etc.). Going to a related private school basically gives you a pass to enter these sectors.

It's all about knowing the right people and being part of the right groups.

@pepjrp - 06.09.2023 16:37

If you're black or Hispanic, you only need to score 200 to 400 points less on an SAT exam than a white or Asian kid to be accepted to the most prestigious universities. This was omitted by this biased\Racist video.

@saegusamayumi75yago28 - 06.09.2023 10:24

Im wondering which one has more job opportunities but i can't see anything in comment section 🫤

@D.U.D.E- - 16.08.2023 00:00

I went to public schools in one of the poorest areas in my city. I never really applied myself and was able to get by with mostly A's and B's without much effort. Then I went to college and I didn't think much would change but then I found out I could not coast and perform the same.

I don't know if a private school would have prepared me better or not, so I don't necessarily regret going to public schools growing up.

@wallabing - 14.08.2023 21:01

Public school in the 90s for me was like prison, all the kids stayed in their race groups, drugs everywhere, and there was alot of stabbings.

@user-zn7nx7zn4t - 12.08.2023 07:54

I attended a public school and got into a really high-ranked University. Most of the people I knew were from private schools. My experience is that private schools do result in far better academic success. I was one of the top in my public school, but it took me about two years of struggling in college to catch up to almost all of those I knew who attended private schools prior to college.

@onlyoneij - 10.08.2023 21:20

"Then again, if you are brilliant, or spend more time reading than scrolling, then it is likely nothing will hold you back" 😂😂

@donniecole973 - 22.07.2023 21:30

How depressing

@Honestlylovely - 11.07.2023 14:58

I went to both

@ynorlizem3446 - 04.07.2023 20:20

Why should my child have to attend public school to get exposed to people with bad habits

@366nina - 29.06.2023 22:58

I want to put my kid in private school, so he gets more homework, instead of playing video games. I’m out of believe how little to none his public school give homework to kids! I grow up in another country where most of the schools are private, n we had tons of homework! N in my opinion that helps for kids to get in less trouble n out of drugs! In any country!! I think public school it’s great for expensive town to live in! Mine it’s not, but it’s not a bad town either, definitely have one of greatest music program in my state 🤔 so that alike. But although that’s my sons dream to be a musician 🤔 that’s what he says, but he barely practice, so don’t know how that’s going to happen, plus don’t see any passion for it!! My only obstacle is my husband not willing to pay for it! But he doesn’t see the benefits of Catholic school, we both grew up Catholic, don’t see the problem, but his atheist now, so maybe does the reason! 😫
I don’t understand why public schools don’t give enough homework to keep the kids busy for at list 3 hours after school?

@Rob-cy8xc - 01.06.2023 19:17

As an English person I cannot believe how cheap your private schools are 😂 I have a 3 year old at a British nursery in Dubai - it’s 1200 usd a month 😂😂

@Daphanewithpain - 29.05.2023 05:51

tbh the tuition fee depends what country you live in. in philipines average private school fee here was 600 to 900 dollars and if you want more bigger campus private schools, the fee with be 1800 to 100k dollars I think. I also heard on france private schools there we're cheaper too.

@SalientPrime - 21.05.2023 03:43

A college degree or background makes no difference. Some of the most successful people I know have no degree, and came from poverty.

@menstruation4women - 15.05.2023 02:30

This work at home is silly!

People should work in public! They are bypassing IRS by hiding their company at home!

Schooling must be public and not private!


@kaitlynhanson1434 - 01.05.2023 11:28

In a private school they’ll say don’t come back. But in a public school you get suspended for a few days.

@spunkitydoda - 28.04.2023 12:58

Charter schools are public schools too- you didn't break this important factor down.

@bjornervig3795 - 24.04.2023 03:19

Humanity is a bad joke.

@itscupcakekittysavannah4156 - 09.04.2023 04:41

My private school has a daycare to 10th grade and you only have to have 5,000$ for each year it’s so cheap (for me)

@josem588 - 01.04.2023 18:10

Someone can tell me why there’s so many parents sending his children to private school in this times ??

@diamondgalaxypro - 30.03.2023 09:57

For me, I’ve been to public and private middle school. Both schools are good, but I had a better experience in private. Both public and private are good, but a lot of the school experience depends on the student and what’s best for them. I’m in private now and I love it, but at my old school I really didn’t.

@chicks4503 - 14.03.2023 18:02

I went to a public high school in Tulsa, OK called Booker T. Washington, and can say without a doubt that its better than all the other private schools in the city.

@giantman100 - 11.03.2023 22:52

I went to a private school in morocco and it's the equivalent of a public school in the US

@e3_envy - 05.03.2023 04:56

public schools are still good

@basmeenkaur7312 - 23.02.2023 19:53

I am an Indian teen in a government school and my sister is in private school. I can clearly tell some differences-
1)My school is cheaper
2)Her school makes her take part in random activities
3)They always do ridiculous programs
4)According to her, anyone who has more money has more power while in mine case there is nothing like that
5)She gets tons of assignments while she is in 5th grade while I am in 10th grade

@rajcodm7970 - 21.02.2023 16:11

I support private capitalism

@rickysmyth - 21.02.2023 13:15

In the UK public school means private school because it is paid by the public. Public school (as in America) is called state or controlled school which is paid by the government.

@KeroPikku - 18.02.2023 19:28

I go to a Private School , and we just Has 8 students in our Class . It's easier To be friends with everyone

@mxrely.me0812 - 04.02.2023 21:40

In Uk, there are private schools, public schools, and grammar schools, which are very selective. I am going to a grammar school because I passed my 11+ a test which is used to see if you are smart enough to apply for a grammar school. When my friend went to her private school interview, she said most of the students there were quite dumb based on their 11+ test score. But this varies in different ones, just telling you my experience

@Prank328 - 29.01.2023 17:56

In a private school the kids are way more disciplined in public school everyone is all over the place and private schools fund things that public schools do not. Also there could be like 100 kids in your grade and you still know everybody even the quiet kid

@chengfu7063 - 24.01.2023 15:46

Obviously in a private school you're going to get ahead and you're going to learn and a public school is well just a place to waste the working man's money mines and you know that short yellow bus shows just how slow the times truly have gotten

@user-iw2bk2uh6d - 11.01.2023 15:24

i hate my public school

@wolverines3766 - 05.01.2023 07:44


@nob45323 - 04.01.2023 00:20

Bruh my parents pay about $50,000 to school each year even though I am not in highschool yet..

@charleswest6372 - 01.01.2023 05:46

Private schools are better. Less pressure and violence

@echobreez6624 - 27.12.2022 19:20

When I went to a private school after we moved in grade 8, they had no metal detectors, and in all my Private High school years, there were never any metal detectors. Just sayin...
