Roe v. Wade Explained

Roe v. Wade Explained

Voice of America

1 год назад

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@kimberleetomlinsonpapadaki4314 - 08.11.2023 23:54

I am pro life and pro abortion. I agree individual states should decide on the abortion issue. Abortions should be restricted to the 1st trimester. I believe abortion should be legal for down syndrome, spina bifada and/or various other conditions where quality of life is an issue. Women should have the right to choose.

@gabb1843 - 11.10.2023 16:45

How does radical feminism respond to this??

@SukhdevSingh-ge5rj - 04.10.2023 08:49

The children should be given up for adoption to countries like Japan and Singapore.

@theaveragesinger - 14.07.2023 23:39

It should be the women's choice whether to have the baby or not (in cosultation with Doctor).
On the other hand people should use protection to avoid unplanned pregnancies.
Regular use of Pills is not good for health and may affect fertility, etc.

@godrilla5549 - 13.07.2023 20:48

Roe v wade, more like Hoe B Waved of responsibility

@Toto-cl8rw - 29.04.2023 19:58

Abortion rights should be left to the woman and their decisions ,and the government should have not be allowed to dictate to women what they do with their bodies.

@agustinlopez3522 - 28.01.2023 20:58

Abortion is murder. Its disgusting people can even think about it. Literally ripping an innocent like out of a womb

@gowest5145 - 23.01.2023 05:49

Woe unto those who decree unrighteous decrees!

@mdtapilatu - 16.01.2023 01:17

2 third!!Wow american women's wombs are literally cemetaries, without a doubt this is the worst of human history..much worst then Nazi and WWI and II. Your country will surely fall

@carmenlugo2539 - 02.01.2023 05:10

In this case, we should go to the Bible.

@Cielcity - 08.11.2022 08:50

Don't have sex if you don't want to have a baby.. don't kill an innocent in the wumb

@txryder79 - 09.10.2022 19:32

Abortion shouldn't be a constitutional right, but what other choice do we have. They're going to happen anyway and would be done under dangerous situations and likely there would be a black market for it.
No...I think abortion is f*cking disgusting and immoral, but RVW is necessary.

@JeffSmith-pl2pj - 24.09.2022 10:42

I don't understand why SCOTUS had to rely on the 14th amendment right to due process or the 9th amendment reference to unenumerated rights to justify it's finding that people have a constitutional right to privacy. The right to privacy is clearly stated in the 4th amendment.
"The right of people to be secure in their PERSONS, houses, papers and and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated." This right is not absolute but it is clearly recognized and protected in the 4th amendment.

@possumverde - 20.07.2022 22:16

The argument in Roe v Wade wasn't really sound. Somewhat like the current roster (only in the other direction), SCOTUS '73 had already decided they were going to legalize abortion before the case even got there. In their hurry to get it done, they literally just looked for an argument that seemed legit and ran with it. They happened to pick one of the weakest... It only stayed on the books so long because no justices were interested in going through the madness that would come if they overturned it. Even the late Justice Ginsberg warned people that the original argument was not sound and would be overturned eventually. No one listened.

If all people are interested in for the time being is simply getting rid of the bans (rather than acheiving a direct right to abortion,) challenging the state bans (at least up to 24 weeks) on the grounds that they violate the 13th amendment's protection against involuntary servitude is the best way to approach it. There are hundreds if not thousands of rulings from many levels of our courts where a woman carrying and giving birth are considered a form of work (she gets the final say because she's the one who will have to do the work of carrying and giving birth style arguments.) If it's work then the 13th applies. If the 13th applies, the 10th amendment can't and SCOTUS no longer has constitutional grounds to send the issue to the states. SCOTUS might still overrule that argument, but they'll likely have to pull their rebuttal directly from their backsides to do so. At that point, it will be clear to all that they are ruling based on personal/political/religious reasons not the constitution...and that will be the end of what little legitimacy SCOTUS has left. I doubt they're delusional or arrogant enough to destroy the court's integrity any more than they already have. Well...maybe Thomas.

@eneasihopoi9786 - 18.07.2022 08:13

Ehh. I think woman should have abortions, but shouldn't treat it like it's their first option. They're are other options like condoms, pills and pull out.
BUT...if it comes to rape, straight to abortion.

@bill1589 - 14.07.2022 23:54

“The lawsuit that gave women the constitutional right to abortions”
Court overreach
Even RBG said they veered outta their lane ~back to the states rightful hands

@justwatchingnews.9733 - 13.07.2022 02:33

due you know what happens to them dead baby's after you kill them they are reborn and and trained by the Army's of God as soldiers for the Galactic Federation and some who want to know how they died in there pass life's are told them baby's you killed some are on them UAP's or UFO's on earth as a Army of God. to due battle against the new world order. the one's who know there from this world Originally hate all human of this planet. you may have killed them but we give them a new life on another world and then we ask them to join our military and some who want to know why they have pass members on another world who know they were killed are told how they were killed and why some of the's people that were killed by Roe v. wade are on the UAP's or UFO's on earth now.

@bobafett_8922 - 13.07.2022 02:18

Down with Christian fascism
