J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit (Maple Films Fan Edit) - Official Trailer

J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit (Maple Films Fan Edit) - Official Trailer

Maple Films

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@Phoenixguy357 - 20.01.2024 04:03

Starting it right now!

@jackjdsparrow - 15.01.2024 05:25

Why is it so extremely hard to find a way to watch this or any of these fan edits by simply being able to find a streaming version or download link to download to a phone? I am extremely frustrated to now just finding out all these fan editions exist but not a one of them make it easy to be able to watch through streaming or download links.

@feno8104 - 14.01.2024 15:05

Hey. Would it be okay for someone who hasnt experienced the trilogy to watch this edit anyways? I don't own the official copies but they do sit in my Prime subscription. I planned to watch it with my family after we finished LotR but I'm not sure that'd be a good idea lol

@grimreaper9350 - 28.12.2023 05:33

I have no peers to help me with downloading the dvd.iso torrent and the direct download doesn't work either because you have to pay to use it.
EDIT: I got one peer now thank you, I will seed as long as I can.
EDIT2: They're gone now. :..(
EDIT3: PLease I'm at 80% done, I just want to see the hobbit in all of it's glory.
EDIT: fuck it, why bother

@MortredMaul - 01.12.2023 16:39

Where am I supposed to watch this legally?

@midnightcharasmr - 06.11.2023 22:00

I’m dying to watch this. I was backpacking SE Asia when part one came to theaters. I took a 16 hour bus and a ferry to get to a theater for opening night. I can’t explain my utter dismay/shock/disappointment at how terrible the film was. I waited years to watch the others and they were even worse than I suspected. I watched The Bilbo Edit and it was everything I’d hoped Jackson’s would be. I’ve heard this is even better. Is there anywhere I can watch on my phone?

@trevorthornley8835 - 15.10.2023 23:08

This is the version that I will typically watch and I'll watch the theatrical versions (minus botfa) when I watch the extended versions of lotr which don't actually too often. I watch them when I really want to get lost in middle earth.
Hobbit trilogy: 7/10
Hobbit fan edit: 8/10 at least at this point.

@thomaseubank1503 - 22.09.2023 10:50

Just needs the beards.

@pdooders765 - 08.09.2023 02:43

I really don't understand why so many people hate on the Hobbit.

@r-saint - 24.08.2023 16:11

Keep the torrent alive brothers!

@Deviljavugaming - 16.08.2023 12:01

i cannot access the site to watch/download the film, is it still available?

@ashleytaylor7621 - 15.08.2023 05:36

sooo how come the link doesn't work?

@nathanaelstrickler - 11.05.2023 09:02

Thank you so much for not only this amazing edit, but providing the .iso files and cover art! J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit sits gorgeously next to my Lord of the Rings boxset, and, as with many others, is now a part of my annual marathon. Can't thank y'all enough!

@hiattgrey9161 - 08.05.2023 01:04

I watch this before watching the extended edition of The Lord of the Rings. Great job on this.

@vishnunaidoo3258 - 02.05.2023 16:22

I think I am one of the people who like The Hobbit Trilogy more then The Rings Trilogy.

@TheRocking321 - 07.02.2023 11:16

I'm so glad this exists! A four hour, nonstop adaptation of The Hobbit to me is THE WAY the film should've been made. So sad that even artists like Guillermo and Peter can get fucked over by the scumbags in the movie business.

@TheRocking321 - 07.02.2023 11:16

I'm so glad this exists! A four hour, nonstop adaptation of The Hobbit to me is THE WAY the film should've been made. So sad that even artists like Guillermo and Peter can get fucked over by the scumbags in the movie business.

@Kale13000 - 18.12.2022 07:01

Holy SNAP. My least favorite part of the originals was how long the battle was at the end, you managed to not only shorten it, but still maintain a cohesive scene. The way you managed to cut between Fili and Kili works so well. I’m trying to download the edit now so I can add it to my frequent rewatched of the LotR trilogy

@twinkthatloveslotrtrilogy7676 - 04.12.2022 23:07

Thank you for your work finally i can enjoy the hobbit trilogy without some stupid changes

@thomasspoeneman6316 - 11.10.2022 03:35

I just want to say me and my dad love this fan edit and we appreciate all the hard work you did to make it happen

@Johnnybiglong - 06.10.2022 20:40

Great edit, this was mostly what I've been looking for for a long time. A few things I would have kept would have been the stone giant scene, I just thought that part being cut out looked odd. I also would have kept the scene from Laketown in the extended version where Bilbo says "Thorin Oakenshield keeps his word," to me that scene just cements those two's friendship. Also even though the scene where the dwarves are struggling to find the keyhole, though a little drawn out, I felt it was necessarily drawn out and should have been left in.
Overall it was a great edit, the transitions were great, the pacing was amazing. Oh and the use of the original Hobbit theme at the end battle when Thorin charges the orcs made me cheer out loud, that was something I didn't expect and really appreciated. Thank you, this will be the version of the Hobbit I will watch for the rest of my life.

@guifre1989 - 02.10.2022 17:53

next fan made, the lord of the rings

@dillonino204 - 30.09.2022 21:50

Just curious to get everyone’s reccomendation of which I should watch right now. The cardinal cut or the tolkien cut? Which do you all prefer and why?

@Wrestlingmann - 25.09.2022 06:15

I've been looking to rewatch all of the Jackson films but with this instead for years. I think I'm gonna finally do it and Ive heard this is the best edit. Side note: Looking at your website I actually found out we went to the same high school. My sister and your sister were like besties at Stafford. Anyways. Congrats on your work my man.

@JOVONO - 01.09.2022 04:27

You know what would be cool but a lot of work
If you used some sort of software/programs to make some of the character’s appearances better like de-age Ian McKellen to look like he did during the lord of the rings (Ian McKellan still looks good but he is obviously older) and make Thorin older and look actually like a Dwarf
Thorin is meant to be the oldest Dwarf in the company but looks like one of the youngest and him, Kili and Fili just look like regular men

@Stargazer1974 - 24.08.2022 23:05

Is there by any chance any possibility to have Greek dialogues also? It would be great!!

@reneshpanchal1889 - 15.08.2022 01:46

This cut is the new cannon. I do not care. It definitely is the way to watch the hobbit.

@athanatos2278 - 12.07.2022 22:38

Can I get a link to the full movie pls

@Uigig - 11.04.2022 00:23

I just saw your complete edit and enjoy it, in perfect HD and amazing 5.1! I always thought what The Hobbit would be like if I reassembled it by following the book and removing everything that had nothing to do with it and spoiled it; although I was always lazy, and I recently discovered this project that successfully made it. So congratulations and a thousand thanks for making me enjoy this way and giving me the definitive and perfect work.

@misshobbity - 30.03.2022 01:45

I remember how disappointed I was after seeing auj in theatres and the jarring way it was filmed along with the overuse of cgi. I'm about half an hour into your edit and I'm enjoying it 100% more than I ever had, I'm excited to finish this whole edit and have a Hobbit film that I can actually watch and enjoy rather than the actual Hobbit trilogy which has always made me feel hollow. I'm not expecting a LOTR because nothing can come close to that but its already amazing that I am enjoying this edit as I really am no fan of the Hobbit trilogy films.

@bixie326 - 27.03.2022 06:41

I just finished watching this edit of the movie, and WOW! It's incredible! I absolutely love it! Thanks Maple Films, for your great work!

@Alex-ze2xt - 02.03.2022 13:55

This is the absolutely best The Hobbit out there. Finally I can enjoy it!

@dionisishotzias - 26.02.2022 16:33

i love this movies soooo muchhhh

@limaxe3432 - 06.01.2022 06:16

I just watched this work, simply fantastic, the only version I'll watch now, I was very happy to have it with Portuguese subtitles, it would be a dream to have a dubbed version

@pinkfloydhomer - 31.12.2021 18:31

Where can I find Danish subtitles for my kids?

@danielmisciagna19 - 31.12.2021 10:17

This has become the only way I can watch director Peter Jackson's vision of The Hobbit. It is now part of my Middle-earth movie marathon (in place of the overstretched Hobbit movie trilogy). It's so nice to experience it as one film with all of the side-quests, most of the unnecessary characters, and many of the silly CGI moments omitted. Truly a remarkable improvement presented in great HD quality and closer to what a Hobbit movie should have been. It is well edited and J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit is more faithful to author J.R.R. Tolkien's source material. I highly recommend this film-edit to anyone who was disappointed with the The Hobbit movie trilogy like I was. Thank you Maple Films!

@thomasmccarthy9758 - 19.10.2021 13:13

The original just bored me to death, I thought my ass would grow roots in my chair as I sat and watched with growing disbelief how far from Tolkiens story it was. This restores Tolkiens story to the best that can be done without access to all of the material and is a better job than what the studios put out, its now closer to what it was probably intended to be and watchable, better colour, better editing, more coherent, less boring if that's possible, more entertaining, it's what it's supposed to be a fairy tale prequel to the Lord of the rings and not an epic for epics sake. So nobody should fall asleep watching this edit or worry about having to shave due to the length of the film, it's just right and your kids can watch it too and enjoy it for what it was supposed to be and they won't have grown up and gone to uni before it's over! Great job, well done by a Tolkien fan who strangely has technological ability as well as enthusiasm for folklore , very happy, very pleased with this cut. I highly recommend it as a Christmass film, Christmass eve, glass of port, put your feet up a roaring fire and the kids entranced. I guess it made a hobbit of me and restored my faith for a moment, I'll get to be a kid myself again and share their pleasure at least to the 25th of December. Its a happy edit and that's all it needs to be. T

@Marunius - 12.10.2021 12:18

Cardinal cut video made me come here, which one is better :O?

@Hearthian - 02.10.2021 17:08

I just finished the edit and wow. Really solid work. I once hated these films, but this helped me to love them. Thank you.

@jacobhuttner3005 - 09.09.2021 04:54

So what are the main cuts from the film? I've seen my fair share of fan made films of the Hobbit. Why is yours any better? Just curious.

@MelodyMecato6156 - 10.08.2021 01:43

Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you also alter the soundtrack in some scenes? If I recall, the scene where they're attacked by the wolves and orcs used the Nazgul theme which made no sense, but when I watched your cut it used a different theme.

@MelodyMecato6156 - 10.08.2021 01:36

I mean, you're never gonna be able to get rid of the distracting cgi and overall saturated artificial look, but at least we have a version that's watchable lol.

@_fantomas - 11.07.2021 20:16

I just learned about this and im so excited to watch it with my bf! It will be his first time watching the hobbit so i wanna do it right

@furthermore7924 - 09.07.2021 14:41

The Hobbit movies are in no way BAD films, but really don’t stack up when compared to the source material. A whole lot of stuff was added that didn’t need to be, and it’s hard to justify a lot of the fluff.

@ernesto.carloz - 02.07.2021 14:06

Where can I watch the edit?

@markjosephbacho5652 - 13.05.2021 16:25

Where can I watch this?

@ThrawnaDelRey - 07.05.2021 06:58

Just wanna say I watched your edit for the second time last weekend with my 60 year old father and we both loved it. Your edit really does elevate the films into a masterpiece. Like another user said, it now sits in a USB stick I pull out whenever revisiting the Lord of the Rings movies.

@louthegiantcookie - 06.05.2021 21:44

Anyone here from OSW's Hobbit review?

@angrykermit3192 - 02.05.2021 21:49

The only downside to the fan edit is it renders your blu ray copies of The Hobbit trilogy useless.

@angrykermit3192 - 02.05.2021 21:48

Three words: less is more.
