Top 10 No Longer Obtainable Titles in World of Warcraft

Top 10 No Longer Obtainable Titles in World of Warcraft


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Fydron - 26.11.2023 21:50

I got to be honest mmo's should have way more things that would become more unique over time that you get from stuff like original mage tower and breaker of the black harvest.

Adam Black Edition
Adam Black Edition - 10.11.2023 19:38

bah... how many people ever got "the insane ?"

ChaLo3 - 25.10.2023 00:20

isn't warlord of draenor still available :O

Roger Stalder
Roger Stalder - 23.10.2023 12:20

Do a List with Top 10 No Longer Obtainable ''achivements'' in World of Warcraft
''Last Man Standing'' got to be in there 😉

Q - 08.09.2023 19:10

Story time: For weeks we were trying as a guild to complete the "The Undying" (10 man version) and failed every time. So this one time, I randomly log in, non raid evening, and I see people from the guild gathered few randoms and head into Naxx.
Guess what happened...
After that, I never got the chance again and never got the title.

Salvation73 - 03.09.2023 20:42

I barely raided in WOTLK and never after that but was all in during BC. I have #9 and #10.

MesaTheinsane - 12.08.2023 13:35

Apart from scarab lord and the undying, i've got every title on this list 😅

Schneeteufel - 26.07.2023 03:56

I have two of those, Black Harvest and Lady of War. Pretty much the only ones you can do solo, because I never was in a raid group who was good enough to do it AND cared about achievements.

Marshal Dunnik
Marshal Dunnik - 17.07.2023 02:22

For my guild the most nerve wracking part of getting Undying was of course the Safety Dance (Heigan the Unclean). We also earned Champion of the Naaru and Hand of A'dal - as did pretty much every other top raid guild at the time, and these percentages along with the infamous stat of only 3% of players that cleared BT is what caused Blizz to make raid content more accessible, culminating in LFR. Why make raid content that 97% of players won't ever see? They must have asked themselves.

Jason Bequette
Jason Bequette - 11.07.2023 14:57

What about titles that not only are impossible to achieve now but were removed from the players that had them? Like "Keymaster"? I'll never get over that one.

Anders B
Anders B - 23.06.2023 17:12

The worst part of these titles is that Blizzard wont let you move them across accounts.

My problem is that they will let me merge my characters into 1 account, but the one with all the titles hasn't been used since WOTLK came out and the other account has 700+ mounts and 1300+ pets, not to mention the other achievements and titles etc.

They said, its one or the other.

So that account with the unobtainable titles gets logged into once every couple of years with no sub just for posterity.

Roo212 - 16.06.2023 16:18

Ahh the Black harvest title.

I remember doing the quest and beating Kanrethad as I wasn't maining a Lock at the time but my friends and brother who did play Locks were always speaking of it in Guild Chat so i leveled my Lock and after watching a few vids from Aecthal modified his strat and beat the challenge. Eventually Blizz changed the mechanics of the fight tomake it "more doable" which I thought was silly but I didn't care.

Was pretty neat and I got so many offers by other players to play their account to get them the green fire but I declined.
Before the end of MoP I quit wow and came back in the middle of BFA. After 3 weeks of playing a guild mate stated I should have the title so I checked and I did not.

So I sent in a ticket and the GM gave me the run around saying I had played the toon for 3 weeks so they didn't know if I had just got the green fire etc.
After showing that I never set foot onthe isle since returning the higher ups (ticket was escalated up) the final answer was " We jsut don't feel right giving away such a prestigious title."

Which was the exact words messaged to me by the GM. My response was "It's not a prestigious title" the GM replied " What do you mean?" and I answered "If the 7th player on my server doesn't have title it can't be very prestigious now can it?" He literally stated "ouch!"

To be honest that was almost as gratifying as when I beat the challenge. Gosh I remember every detail of the fight and the very small things many guides didn't explain to people that i figured out on my own.

Bitter sweet.

The Real Zerberus
The Real Zerberus - 15.06.2023 19:42

Still annoyed at myself that I missed hand of A'dal.... I raided BT and Sunwell when they were still current, and still had the quest on Wrath release and just figured I´d do it some day on off time.... fast forward some 15 years later of forgetting to do it with my main, despite farming warglaives on numerous alts, and when I finally got around to it I found out that it had been permamnently removed a few years ago.

But at least I have 2 Champions of the Naaru, I guess that counts for something, lol

andromidius - 06.06.2023 01:09

Oh, the Green Fire quest. Was a lot of fun. Pretty challenging. Was glad I got to do it!

andromidius - 06.06.2023 00:51

I'm still slightly salty I never managed to defeat Kael'thas in TBC. Did everything else. But not him.

chris - 01.06.2023 13:31

1/3 of the WoW player base is now in classic. These retail xpacs are full empty 30 button rotation crap profession weird nonsense and they just keep piling it on lol. Anyone that tries classic is going to immediately change over into actual challenging play with a variety of choices and directions and having to actually contemplate and use your brain. DF is complete full retard bs

Apex Flex
Apex Flex - 17.05.2023 13:26

No 'Vanquisher' title?

DFFUSE - 09.04.2023 06:01

Ugh why am i watching this, I have almost all these titles lol. I'm starting to miss the game

Frostfyrezero - 07.03.2023 00:58

Farming the Gladiator garrion titles was a wild ride, especially trying to kill 500 pandaren.

Gilafax - 03.03.2023 11:07

I'm one of the 1% of the warlocks that received "Of the Black Harvest" titles so I guess I'm kinda a big deal.

Here’s The Tale
Here’s The Tale - 11.02.2023 19:13

I have absolutely 1 of these. Lol

Quesly1 - 03.02.2023 04:28

my guild was like 10% away from immortal, but our offtank died to a voidzone he couldn't see while tanking all the scarabs, heartbreaking I felt bad for the guy

ObiWill1 - 14.12.2022 18:20

"the Flawless Victor" title wasn't in here. Easily one of the rarest in the game. Was only available during WotLK & required 10 arena wins in a row at 2000+ rating.

I actually got 12-13 wins in a row at around 2100 rating in the first season of Cata & was so stoked thinking I had just earned this title when I hit the 10th one only to discover it had just been removed. Removed for what reason I will never know because it had nothing to do with current raid content or anything like that.

Clint L
Clint L - 05.12.2022 23:11

I have all of these except Scarab Lord and the Garrison titles. I didn't realize Grand Crusader was that rare.

Neurotik51 - 14.11.2022 15:14

Sorry but Champion of the Naaru and Hand of A'dal are not rare.

EvenstarTV - 09.11.2022 10:24

10 till 5 I got them all 😁
4 till 1 no 😅

John C
John C - 09.11.2022 01:59

anyone wanna buy my old Dk account with deaths demise and celestial defender lol

Dtreatz - 17.09.2022 09:42

unobtainable achievements make no sense to me tbh, cause it's not even a flex really.

'so cool' you have a title that literally nobody can get anymore by doing things in a time period that we are no longer in!


Lyonsbane75 - 21.07.2022 19:50

Wow. Great video! I have 'The Undying' title on my main. Those Nax raids were a lot of fun back in the day with the old guild. Spare Heals or Tank armor. Good times.

Maximize - 29.06.2022 04:37

Mistwalker and Champion of Ulduar were ignored for which reasons?

SteakOnSpear - 13.06.2022 09:37

I got the Black Harvest achievement. One of the coolest wow event i've ever done. Spent so much time figuring out how to beat it.

science academy not can give nation definition
science academy not can give nation definition - 09.06.2022 06:10

unobtainanble title warcriminalcraft top10 racist game is lie propaganda to force players to kill nations.
What is nation?
Humans born without nationality, born without fascism, nationalization in childhood make them.
False value, false enemy, false nation definition make false enemy, destroy value of life.
Nationalist kleptocracy created fa, refuse value of life and human rights.
Reward for worsening is kleptocracy support, steal reward system.
Support nationalist kleptocracy, participate in war crime.
Wikipedia false nation definition changed always.
They kill for nation, they not know what nation is.
Not can distinguish between race and nation.

Golden toilet marauder hilterugend science academy economy, kill and loot.
Big cost in money and time.
Sacred satan religion war godless church.
Killing for religion of peace, priest ten commandments.
False race definition, false nation definition, make players to kill nations, made fa.
Overpopulation family values.
Booze narcologist barmen alcohol chemical addiction for children.
Many program errors.

Jimmy Jamz
Jimmy Jamz - 30.05.2022 04:11

I have the Undying title in retail and hate to say it but I am the reason why my group didnt get grand crusader...... =( those bug adds on Anub...... i missed 1 yep just 1 holy wrath and it cost us the title and rewards. When he says you had to perform flawlessly HE MEANS IT!!

JRgaming - 27.05.2022 16:20

Herald of the Titan and Scarab Lord were the two titles I've wanted the most. Unfortunately couldn't get.

Also notably the Shattered Sun. I remember I had to pay 1k gold for it after getting exalted but I was grinding for epic mount and it's the title I see literally no one with. I wish I bought it looking back now.

Also lost out on the immortal title on Kel at the last minute. Never attempted it again

onagda - 25.05.2022 16:32

I missed getting the Scarab Lord title in Wrath simply because I got DCed and it wouldnt let me reconnect, I waited until the last minute to do the quest chain and was punished. At least I have "Undying" and "of the Black Harvest" I guess

caloyun - 12.05.2022 10:24

"Lady of war" sounds amazing to be honest lol

Patrick Bateman
Patrick Bateman - 07.05.2022 16:20

The list is missing both the Champion of Ulduar and the Argent Defender titles, kind of strange to put Undying on the list as that title wasn't rare at all.

Adam Griffin
Adam Griffin - 03.05.2022 23:36

good to know my of the black harvest title is actually uncommon lmao, so many people have green fire now its insane, but those chumps did it later on and not when it was current and difficult :(

pojuh - 28.04.2022 13:56

What about grand Marshall and vanilla pvp ranks?

Kevin Stewart Hagström
Kevin Stewart Hagström - 27.04.2022 18:12

Correction on the scarab lord mount. it was NOT the "only legendary mount that could be obtained ever" as the phoenix from Tempest Keep used to be legendary too during both BC and Wotlk, not sure if it was in Cata or later that its rarity got changed for some reason (likely because they reused it for the dark phoenix & later pandaren phoenixes).
(although that title is a bit of a sore spot/annoyance in that so many changed to new servers and got the title and mount until it was changed during/after wotlk, as many knows).

Suppose the closest thing they've done to the big server-crashing 10h event, was the WoD launch where they forced the entire server into the same spot on the map to watch a cutscene and step through the dark portal. That really crippled everything, had a friend on lower populated realms that said it was mostly fine a day or two after, but i played on a high pop server and WoD was completely unplayable at launch... at least i wasn't one of those people that got stuck in the Garrison the whole time.

LordReepa - 27.04.2022 11:31

I have 10, 9, 7, 5, 3 (before nerf making it easier the final time), 2, and 1

António Fernandes
António Fernandes - 20.04.2022 23:32

I got so angry when Blizz removed my title "THE FLAWLESS VICTOR" For wining 10 games in a row above 1800 ranking

Cousin Ivory CIV
Cousin Ivory CIV - 19.04.2022 19:12

7% is alot or people

[ ]
[ ] - 19.04.2022 17:17

What about The Undaunted or The Proven Defender/Damage Dealer/Healer Endless Wave 30?

Mika Misaki
Mika Misaki - 18.04.2022 02:03

Haven't played this game in years and I have most of these titles, w00t

White92Guy - 17.04.2022 21:41

NGL, the fact that story content get's patched out basically kills a game for me. I had interest in WOW and then everything I see mentions quest and stuff being patched out and I get for game size sake as well as new/removed mechanics but that's the devs fault.

Dennis Küster
Dennis Küster - 16.04.2022 15:39

Pretty sure 'Lord of War' and 'Lady of War' are still obtainable

FearGX - 16.04.2022 15:08

i am a proud owned Of the Black Harvest title. prob the hardest thing ive ever done in WoW.

Slybby - 15.04.2022 15:19

Celestrial Defender was my rarest titel.

zax2004 - 14.04.2022 14:07

I have 1,2, 3, and then none of the rest until 9 and 10. lol. Undying and immortal always... ALWAYS bugged out/someone went linkdead and died/someone just stopped paying attention... Soooo many runs ended with some moron dying to sapphiron or kel thuzad
