Arknights CC#2 Day 10 New Street Risk 8 Guide Low Stars All Stars

Arknights CC#2 Day 10 New Street Risk 8 Guide Low Stars All Stars


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@Eckogen - 13.02.2021 17:03

Operator Replacement Suggestions (ORS):
Kroos: Any Sniper.
Lancet: Tender Loving Care.
Dur Nar: Asbestos/Nian or E2 Spectre/Blaze.
Earthspirit/Orchid/Podenco: Any Slow Supporter.
Gavial/Sussurro: Silence/Shining, or any ST Medic.
May: Skill 2, level 7. Recommended for the stuns. W, or any high rarity ST Sniper.
Ethan: Skill 2, level 7. Recommended for the binds. E2 adds one additional second. Manticore S1.

@nuby_eksdi - 14.02.2021 13:36

can i substitute may with ceobe s1 level 7 with elysium s2 help

@vmarius3094 - 14.02.2021 13:30

I swear everyone makes strategies only with Myrtle as if everyone has one ...

@tonduong9486 - 14.02.2021 13:15

I tried so many times with Kyo's guide, took me like 5-6 times until success then I found your guide. I rerun this stage with your guide and immediately succeed in ONE F-ing TAKE ! I thank you ! Wish found your guide sooner.

@OtakuSanji - 14.02.2021 09:21

I was not expecting this stage to be so annoying. Thanks for the guide! ^^

@ConcreteEcho - 14.02.2021 05:45

OK ALREADY, I'll build Ethan!

@Landryjongte - 14.02.2021 05:41

you can also create a zigzag for them to run through, none of them reach my defenders

@ragunalest5234 - 14.02.2021 05:38

This one is damn harder than the week 1, but I used the deployment guide of week 1, and I didn't use the lv 3 contracts, Exu support for the win, now I dread what would East Armory week 2 (the stage I hate the most) bring.

@teedeegremlin - 14.02.2021 05:24

You know it's serious when you gotta bring in 3 slow supporters and a stunner.

@Gar1onriva - 14.02.2021 05:13

I've really been struggling with this level. It's got me incredibly frustrated as I've been following a pixel-perfect strategy by someone else and it kept ending in failure.
I came to see how you did it - which is a very different way - but I'm afraid I can't stand to watch.
This is going to sound harsh, so I apologise for that. Nonetheless...
The increasingly convoluted nicknames you use for operators really grates on me. The more absurd you make them might be good for a laugh, but I don't watch tutorials/guides for a laugh. I watch them because I've tried the level 10 times and my knuckles are bleeding from the frustration. I watch them for clear, precise instructions on how to do something.
Your methods are still amazing, your skills still incredible. Your precise explanations of which skills and levels are needed is perfect. But in the actual level part you seem to challenge yourself to come up with the most outlandish names for various operators - or else a silly phrase or caption to say when placing them - and it ONLY serves to detract from the precision and clarity of the guide.

It sounds like a very petty thing to be annoyed about, and I apologise for this, but I'm not going to apologise for this. You used to say stuff like 'Place Vanilla facing down'. Now you say stuff like "the thicc defender" or "Coco Diyo?". I don't even know what that second means or how it denotes Kroos. I'm sure it's some reference to...something, but that's my point. Unless your viewer is very familiar with your nickname or what it's referencing, it becomes a completely unneeded speedbump in understanding. It's not a massive speedbump...but why put it there at all, y'know?

As I said, this could be called a petty complaint. But if no one says anything, you might not know it could be considered a problem.

@godsela5328 - 14.02.2021 04:49

this is the stage that I hated most, the slugs and drones stage can't compete when it comes to complexity, great guide as always!

@maskedheretic9629 - 14.02.2021 02:05

Great guide. Thicc defender handling that middle side nicely.

May's stun helped a lot this stage.

@HourglassKeradon - 14.02.2021 01:52

This map actually confounded me, so thank you again for the guide. For some reason I keep forgetting the significance of that defense tile. ...strangely my Dur-Nar kept dying despite two healers (Silence and Ansel, as I don't have Gavial built). I was kinda running out of time, so I went with my usual cheese - E2S2 Blaze and Eyja S2 in place of Orchid to burn away the crowd, bringing in an Angellina in from the Friends' list to help with Possessed Soldiers from the left. ...clearly I need to add her to my own roster, considering how often I keep using the ones in my friends' list.

@ElemXCR - 14.02.2021 00:33

Thanks for strat. I didn't need Ethan. Only cuz I forgot to pick him up.
If you got Gladius and W, its plenty enough to down/keep the red doods stun. Gladius stun last for 4 seconds and W's s2 claymores can do plenty of stuns. They never made it past the highlighted block the game recommended you to place on.
As for the bottom lane, I leaked one invis dood. Borrowed friendo's Nian and could've been prevented with activation of her +1 block skill.

Note: I have high rarity operators in use, most are 5*+6* except above mentioned like Gladius. Also Orchid cause I'm a non-believer of slow support operators :)
In all, same strat layout, just modified to my roster.

@StreamoftheGame - 13.02.2021 23:42

If you don't have a Durnar in your swing, and the mobs pass - place any caster next to the defender and the level is passed.

@V-Oblivion - 13.02.2021 23:01

Why the third block though?
Possessed units always go up.

@LunatheMoonDragon - 13.02.2021 21:35

After suffering through risk 8, it was so satisfying to just sit down Blaze on the challenge + support contract. bye bye enemies

@HIWTYLSL - 13.02.2021 20:26

Used a s2 lv80 mostima in the upper right for fun instead of another supporter. But other than that this guide was immensely helpful

@Mr.WhiteCat_YT - 13.02.2021 19:52

Can't wait to complete CC#2 tomorrow~ 👀

@evovn5835 - 13.02.2021 19:48


@peyerspatch - 13.02.2021 19:11

Three slow supporters top left worked for me. Though angelina s2 was a poor choice on my part (s1/s3 better). What ended up happening was she would focus too much on one soldier (overkill) while the other had a lot of health left

@gordonkhoo7601 - 13.02.2021 18:44

I literally use 4 medic on my cuora to survive (not include lancet)while using my friend's thorn

@iyanirnandirahmawan1229 - 13.02.2021 18:19

My ethan just level 1. And my friendlist supp dont have menticore or ethan, what should i do?

@TheJemikChannel - 13.02.2021 18:03

You saying raise your flag when deploying sunflower vanguard is the funniest shit ever

@LordZero666 - 13.02.2021 17:52

I was like one hour triying to figure out this one, but the last one always killed my defender and i couldn't figure out how to draw the maze.

I bet this will work.

@thefool8224 - 13.02.2021 17:37

I just used feater and 2 slow supports for the angry bois. and im surprised it worked

@tanthientruong3820 - 13.02.2021 17:29

Friendship ended with cuora, thicc defender is my new best friend.

@Eckogen - 13.02.2021 17:22

PSA: the challenge contract can be taken alone and combined with the support contract for ease. This counts as completion.

@ra6765 - 13.02.2021 17:15

Tfw the daily cc map is harder than the permanent map

@th3TwistedLight - 13.02.2021 17:07

Man, when Eckogen's video is longer than 5 minutes, you KNOW you have no wiggle room .

@sakumaminori8786 - 13.02.2021 17:05

Well, here we go~

@jaouadaui - 13.02.2021 17:01

dawg this stage gives me ptsd

@mythicalskeleton1546 - 13.02.2021 16:59

Its sad how few people use Jessica at s1 instead of may

@sarkazgrudgebearer - 13.02.2021 16:59

Yes finally I can beat this stupid stage thank you
