AN HONEST REVIEW: The Elder Scrolls Online - Gold Road

AN HONEST REVIEW: The Elder Scrolls Online - Gold Road


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@juniperfire - 03.09.2024 21:43

Dude same how i felt with Riften. I was like wth is this? Lol as my #1 place to hang i was so confused. As a whole Golden Road was mildly disappointing after all the hype of a new prince. I was so excited for her but it felt so short and so rushed.

@allen2879 - 05.09.2024 00:29

Game isn’t even cross-play/save lmao

@gamingguru2k6 - 05.09.2024 01:49

Isn't Akatosh already a character that sees all realities, but he is an Aedra and doesn't count, I guess.

@woot7839 - 05.09.2024 09:00

dude am i tripping balls or does that potted plant look like an argonian's side profile, yknow like those feather hair things n shit

@theo-so1tr - 05.09.2024 10:47

your burnished bronze autumn laurel looks fucking sick, nice

@ravenbelote1801 - 05.09.2024 23:25

The little fox is so cute....😊

@leilanidixon6 - 05.09.2024 23:35

Can you please do a video on how to scry please. I don’t know where to go or what to do.

@GalacticArchivist - 06.09.2024 02:27

would you make an updated review? I'm curious what fixes, if any, they've made since launch

@hotdicksonrice - 06.09.2024 19:03

While I don't share all of your opinions on it, I really appreciate the fair review. No rage bait just an honest review. I thought it was a mid chapter. Completely agree on the story. I really liked Ithillia and saw a lot of potential with her, but they really dropped the ball on her story. I've done a lot of experimenting with scribing and had great success filling in much needed gaps for a variety classes and roles, but you are totally right about the grind. Here's hoping the new mystery companions are great and redeem the chapter.

Elsweyr is my all time favorite chapter and it just seems like a stream of dissappointments since.

@BBQWrap-s5s - 07.09.2024 07:09

Are you Aussie? You have the least remarked Aussie accent ever and tbh I like it, I like how barely Aussie you sound, or kiwi, idk which of the 2 are you but I do like that your accent is barely existing, is kinda refreshing, I wish you would cover more games tho.

@IceStormGale - 07.09.2024 17:40

Thank you for this honest review. After getting Necrom on sale, I considered trying to give Zenimax the benefit of a doubt, to see if after managing to make an eldritch Prince’s realm and DLC boring (somehow???) they had done it to build up to something meaningful. It is painful and disappointing to see it truly was for nothing.

@irishdragon85 - 12.09.2024 08:48

I haven't really done much with the Gold Road expansion. I've mainly just been scribing and doing trials with my guild, so I haven't had a full chance to explore EVERYTHING yet.

But I do have to say I enjoy the "mirror" dolmens, and LC has a nice set that drops for 1b builds. Or atleast it workd wonders for me. When it comes to the trial itself I really enjoy the whole "mirror swap" mechanic on the last boss. It makes it fun and chaotic.

@petermarczakowski6693 - 12.09.2024 17:24

Can I worship you, Azura? I always considered myself a Dunmer

@Garrett0329 - 17.09.2024 01:56

I freaking loved your idea! You should work for Bethesda! I absolutely loved the idea of going to different timelines. I last played eso back when greymoor released. I was enjoying it mostly because the art. The stories sucked bawls and they didn’t keep me playing.

So I uninstalled It, and deleted my account so I don’t have the temptation to experience suckage again.

@Asmoe-n3i - 18.09.2024 07:57

You seem perpetually bored even when youre praising something lol

@PainfullySubjective - 19.09.2024 13:53

i like your leaves wreath. leaf wreath? flower tiara? your head thing. is nice!

@CallUsVenommm - 21.09.2024 10:35

Unless it has a price tag attached Zenimax hasn’t cared for years.

They limp in enough to get paid and then all effort goes into micros.

@Falicon - 25.09.2024 03:34

They dropped the ball almost 7 years ago, Azura.

If you had started in 2014, you would have noticed a big change around 2018 when the quality started dropping drastically and the copy paste mantra became their staple.

It's a game which isn't made to retain your time these days, just short bursts of play.

They've probably followed consultation agencies guidelines whereby games should be less time engaging, but they can still take your money other ways.

Even the fox is telling you: Stay in school and 我们都知道为什么 (google translate that)

@FabresFour - 26.09.2024 21:53

My opinion is COMPLETELY different from yours regarding the Scribing questline. I had SO much fun reading the quests, I loved all the characters, and honestly, the tasks turned out to be really enjoyable! Discovering ancient spells while, I don’t know, fishing? It was a breath of fresh air after so much time just walking forward and killing monsters repeatedly in ESO. A quest that gave me different tasks from the usual, you know? I had a lot of fun!

And I could NEVER compare it to the Psijic Order, where you spend 8 hours doing the exact same thing across multiple maps. At least in the Scribing questline, there's variety, right? Plus, you only need to do it once on your entire account, unlike the Psijic Order, where you have to do it on EVERY character.

Honestly: I had SO much fun with the Scribing questline, and it was worth more than the main quest of the chapter – more entertaining characters, more interesting locations, and more enticing rewards (literally, new spells, lol). I'm sad they didn't enjoy it as much as I did!

@FallenYggdrasil - 28.09.2024 11:37

Тhanks for the review! I haven't got it yet. Now it's on sale and I wanted to hear someone's review. Bought Summerset recently and also got a companion. Still have time to decide...

@jesusarmandocontreras2742 - 29.09.2024 16:19

I have to admit I prefer when they take a little liberty when adding locations from the mainline games. Wester Skyrim is a 1:1 copy of the Skyrim counterpart. Vvardenfell is relatively nice

@bluehawke456 - 30.09.2024 05:06

Played ESO on and off since Beta. Bought Gold Road just to keep up with the chapters. But forget all that about the story. What outfit is your Sorc wearing? Looks awesome. Can I get the details?

@SoulmatePrayersDaily - 30.09.2024 13:36

You are a beautiful girl :D

@wakkablockablaw6025 - 04.10.2024 07:18

Can someone spoil what happened to the new deadric prince for me? Could she be in TES 6

@leloo12n1 - 10.10.2024 02:38

I still wish that she wasn't forgotten at least not by her own daedre..

@azuris0078 - 14.10.2024 00:28

Ithelia looks like Angelina Jolie.

@thedrake5072 - 14.10.2024 11:24

Story: 2 I guess
World: Meh, I've seen better in this game. The wildburn is the highlight, why are we stopping it? 4 / 10
Ethelia Story: Literally the only reason to play this expansion. That was some killer story. 8 / 10, needed more.
Bosses: Good. 7 / 10
Dungeons: A bit empty. 6 / 10.

@MedeirosCMV - 15.10.2024 13:59

Love the mug, can I have the extra key 🔑

@frateranpvbail-shm6912 - 15.10.2024 15:11


High Isle, Necrom and Gold Road have been absolute disgraces

@frateranpvbail-shm6912 - 15.10.2024 15:13

Ithelia's realm is San Francisco

@GoblinsLoft - 15.10.2024 15:38

"PTS" = Public Test Server ... PTSD = Public Test Server Derangement?

@gamingandfishingchannel5035 - 21.10.2024 14:56

Took a break from playing for like 2 years came back paid the $40 for Gold Road and stop playing after a week. The game has become a snooze fest and the developers are too lazy on making this game much better. Last time I had fun in this game was when Summerset was released. One of the MMO's that I literally fall asleep questing.

@chocolateboy4798 - 23.10.2024 14:49

OG Elder Scroll Was Top Tier

@Gamerlife-yf1kx - 09.11.2024 09:14


@Ditronus. - 12.11.2024 06:49

"I cast horse!" Lol.

Man, the biggest downside to eso is the dated animations and models in the game. Ouch. Combat suffers greatly from how stiff and bad everything looks. I've always enjoyed exploration and all the other chill activities though. ESO weaknesses are WoW's strengths and vice versa.

@pablorocha6379 - 03.12.2024 16:32

What do you expect in a MMO as far as the story goes its either a bad guy taking over the world or a cataclysmic event destroying the world

@j.d.4697 - 06.12.2024 03:13

Along with Leyawiin, West Weald and especially Skingrad may be the nicest place in the whole game.

@SecondFootOfficial - 11.12.2024 05:13

you're pretty

@dthewarlock9809 - 12.12.2024 22:29

“For the first time in Elder Scrolls history we get to meet a new Daedric Prince”
what about Jyggalag?

@flipflopfrog602 - 23.12.2024 20:03

It's absolute dog shite.

@W01theonlyonetowon - 24.12.2024 18:46

when will they add whiterun.

@Bowmanganie - 30.12.2024 06:58

I agree and disagree. I concur on the horror that is the quest line to be able to scribe and get the drops from the dailies. I play on Xbox and Playstation so I get to do it twice and so far I have not been able to make myself get through it on Playstation. The story quest line I do like. Also since I am going thru Necrom on my PS, I am seeing a lot of foreshadowing that I did not notice when I went through it the first time on my XB. I agree, they could have done a lot more with Ithelia and I also wonder why I am stopping her just cause Hermon is upset about stuff. How about F Hermon. Dude, you be nasty. I also would have liked it if they made Ithelia as hot in the game as she was in the promo. I was ready to join her from the commercials. The Mirrormoor Incursions are a nightmare, probably because I am just a slightly above average player and not really able to solo them. Like the Harrowstorms, unless you got a handful of people there, well, good luck. As for the trial, the one time I have had a chance to do it was on vet, and we could not get past the first boss with the light and dark rooms. So I disagree about your assessment on how easy it is. Overall, I am enjoying the expansion. I waited till it was 1/2 price because they always go on sale about 6 months after release for 50% off. Skingrad doesn't bother me. Still figuring my way around the place, and to be honest I really do not remember much about it from Oblivion.

@dillonhelms7810 - 02.01.2025 09:59

Pov: When you start playing ESO and you find this Soul Gem

@andrewfontana3136 - 04.01.2025 02:35

This is a good example of the state of eso now. Even players who love the game hate a lot of it and spend hours upon hours doing content they don't like. This means those players, and there are a LOT of them, just race through most content ignoring dialogue, 'trash spawns', and even loot in dungeons, just so they can get to the end of it and onto the next thing. This constant speedrunning probably seems fine for players who only think of themselves but can really destroy the immersion for players who still actually enjoy the content they are skipping.

@ircjesselee - 09.01.2025 11:25

Ithelia gave me Ultimecia vibes from Final Fantasy 8.

@glassspandex1 - 13.01.2025 07:35

@yttrxstein4192 - 01.02.2025 02:32

Careful about who gets the blame about the continually formulaic storylines and quests. It's not the writers' fault, or the developers. It's the fault of internal producers and production designers, who decide on plots and high points in literally dozens of over-long meetings. This is design by committee, based on predictive marketing algorithms and nothing else. Thats why it, and most games suck these days.

@gamingempirewatch - 11.02.2025 21:40

Really? I thought necrom was probably the coolest since greymoor/summerset. It tied in moriath again and painted his true intentions and Role over the other daedric princes, along with the lost daedric prince concept and how they were so "powerful" that they had to be sealed and destroyed, leaving the one last champion to bring the prince back. On top of that, the world design was a fresh new taste of something OTHER than grasslands and forests like the usual. Coming from elder scrolls skyrim, necrom was a solid 8/10 in my opinion, second to summerset.
