Baby's Second Trimester Growth & The Anatomy Scan

Baby's Second Trimester Growth & The Anatomy Scan

The Doctors Bjorkman

3 года назад

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Anita Kay
Anita Kay - 04.09.2023 21:34

I’m pregnant with a little boy, and he keeps hiding his face.

Sarah - 20.08.2023 08:38

I had my anatomy scan and they said my baby is 97 percentile which means my baby is huge now I am wondering if he will actually be a huge baby and how accurate is this?

CassBlast5 - 30.07.2023 08:32

I really enjoyed the little plug for rutabagas 😂

Maureen Casey
Maureen Casey - 28.06.2023 01:47

In my 18th week I started to feel the baby kicking me, which is wild as i know they're still small (and I am not really showing yet much either). But this kid is a strong kicker, even crazier now in week 19. It feels like I am getting kicked with a finger size limb. Wild! Even my husband can feel it through my stomach which is fun!

Jessica Briner-DeVore
Jessica Briner-DeVore - 05.05.2023 01:05

I’m currently 18 weeks and I get my anatomy scan this month 😊 I love your channel. I’ve been watching my whole pregnancy

C.A Valenti
C.A Valenti - 30.03.2023 09:11

I had my developmental ultrasound at around 21 weeks, and it wound up taking an hour and a half, because he would not settle down. He spent a solid seven minutes just doing somersaults back and forth in my uterus. The sonographer was both frustrated, but thought it was adorable. He just wouldn't cooperate, they managed to get everything at least, just took a long while.

Kim D
Kim D - 18.03.2023 20:30

I am 17.5 weeks and started feeling my baby move right at 17 weeks! It felt like twitches exactly like you described. It’s almost hard to believe I’m at 17 weeks, it’s crazy how time flies!

Samantha B
Samantha B - 28.02.2023 17:19

Lol I wonder if you could write off that produce as a business expense.

tiff and fam
tiff and fam - 28.02.2023 07:58

Hi Drs ☺️ my anatomy scan is next week ☺️ I'm 20 weeks 5days with my first baby boy after 5 girls and I think I've been feeling tiny kicks but not sure 🙏 Praying my baby is doing great 🙏

cubegame - 21.02.2023 04:06

Is dude a mouth breather? Why is his mouth always open

Amy S
Amy S - 14.02.2023 23:04

Hey guys I've been watching and loving your videos!
My husband and I are fellow IVF parents to be and we've been doing lots of research into the necessity of a fetal echocardiogram. I actually found a very relevant and helpful study done by Dr. Kurt, thank you very much for your work!! I was wondering if you guys ended up doing a fetal echo (and I completely understand if this isn't something you'd like to share so feel free to ignore)?

Giulia - 12.02.2023 13:24

I'm kinda confused cuz all of my doctors and pregnancy apps, say that the baby it's able to hear at 15weeks😅

soundsliketea - 30.01.2023 10:34

Hi. I just wanted to ask about PUPPPs and what could be recommended to settle the itch? Is using nappy rash cream ok if it contains benzoates?

Natalie Lungu
Natalie Lungu - 08.01.2023 18:33

Opinions on the whooping cough vaccine? It's recommended from 20 weeks on. Have you taken it?

Punam Ghale66yy
Punam Ghale66yy - 23.11.2022 16:07

Now 15 weeks of pregnancy i am elderly primi gravida i am worried about my pregnancy journey .is aminocenthesis important for me ?plz suggest me

TheLoofagirl - 20.10.2022 17:37

That must have been a fun trip to the grocery store!

Courtney Sheegog
Courtney Sheegog - 17.10.2022 22:41

Week 20 and my Anatomy Scan is tomorrow 💙

Maya kumari
Maya kumari - 28.09.2022 11:06

U both are so much fun to listen to.. tnk u & good luck! ❤️

MR - 13.08.2022 00:33

Hi, I am 18 weeks 5days. I had my anatomy scan 4days back. I got my results. My doctor said my baby measures smaller (5 percentile) and Nothing to worry baby head growth is good. She said I would need another ultrasound after 4weeks to see how baby is growing and measure the baby. I should be fine but I still think about my baby’s growth. Is there anything to worry about? I am from Indian origin (south Asian)

Ashley Lanza
Ashley Lanza - 28.07.2022 15:13

Had my anatomy scan at 21 weeks. What an incredible appointment! My cervix length measured 2.83 and doctor said it is normal, but Dr Google said under 3cm is short. I know I should trust my doctor but still concerned. Any insight? Love you guys!

Fight TheEvilRobots
Fight TheEvilRobots - 26.07.2022 23:49

I wish there would be some representation of what it's like to be pregnant and plus sized. It's so normal and common and yet talked about with such shame, if at all.
Most of these skinny moms have bellies at 20 weeks that I had at age 13.

Adobi - 06.07.2022 00:42

I always get confused by the fruit bc I feel like an apple is bigger than an orange or avocado.

Anastasia Finogenova
Anastasia Finogenova - 21.06.2022 03:02

Those veggies analogies are so random 😂 like I wouldn't imagine a tomato being bigger than an orange

Everyday Easy Recipes
Everyday Easy Recipes - 14.06.2022 01:57

Do you need a full bladder for anotomy scan? I was told i dont need to.

Edith - 08.06.2022 04:44

Found your channel and I'm 13 weeks pregnant. I'm learning a lot from your channel!

Mailen Ruiz
Mailen Ruiz - 02.06.2022 18:56

Can you talk about low layered placenta?

Mia Maui
Mia Maui - 20.05.2022 05:57

Thank you so much for your content! I really appreciate informative channels which are science-based, yet do not disregard other kinds of approaches or beliefs. It is also great that you have included both (especially in later videos) - a perspective through the doctors' knowledge and your own personal thoughts and trying to keep them as separate as possible.

One thought though. I remember, at the end of one of your videos, you recommended a couple of books for expecting moms, but I can not find this video anymore. It would be so nice to have a separate video or a list somewhere, with the recommended books about the pregnancy, birth and the first year of a baby.

K - 18.05.2022 06:26

Hi Doc, I would just like to ask if you do have a thyroid disorder? I’m on my 6th week and just found out I had non toxic multinodular goiter

Smart Investor 4627
Smart Investor 4627 - 16.05.2022 07:46

what books do you recommended for new parents

Kara Cole
Kara Cole - 15.05.2022 20:48

Since I am expecting DIDI, B/G twins, I’ve had an US every four weeks since week 5.5! Not happy to be high-risk, but it has been super cool to watch them grow from a poppyseed to an ear of corn, so far! Thank you for this fun demonstration. ☺️

HomemakerSuzy - 26.04.2022 23:45

So lucky that my husband has been able to come to all my apts. Mine did take over an hour because we were doing an amnio at the same time, and little man was stubborn. I had to hold my bladder after that hour scan, then do the amnio, and still wait because they decided to see if he would move to get the final picture 😂 it was torture, but worth it to get all the pics in one apt, and to find out everything was good.

Ibtissem Hamida
Ibtissem Hamida - 23.04.2022 21:17

My naughty boy decided to give us his back and A.S 🤣🤣🤣 it was hilarious to get him to move so we can have a full anatomy scan :p I guess he didn't like the new Obgye 😏😏😏

NiniannE - 20.04.2022 00:32

I've just entered my 2nd trimester, first child.
So far is the worst trimester!! I've started to vomit, although the nausea (never severe) diminished, and also my depression got really really worst...
so yeah... the worst one so far...

MistyMoon - 22.03.2022 11:40

Week 29 and I’m about to give birth to a fruit salad 🤣

Alex Areeda
Alex Areeda - 19.03.2022 19:56

While the 20 week ultrasound is exciting, it can also be a time where you receive heartbreaking news. My wife and I, last year, we're pregnant and thought everything was fine until the 20 week ultrasound. During COVID, I was allowed to be in the room for the anatomy scan but was sent to my car while my wife met with the doctor. I then got a call from my wife and the doctor was on the phone. I don't remember everything that was said except for "there are abnormalities and we don't know what's wrong". The office then sent my wife, by herself, sobbing to my car. They didn't even attempt to get us an appointment right away to figure out what was wrong. We waited two weeks until we had an appointment with MFM. All we knew was that our baby was measuring 2 weeks behind. At 22 weeks we had another scan and then met with a genetic counselor before choosing to have an amniocentesis performed. We waited two more weeks until we got the results. The news was horrifying. Our baby had Trisomy 18, which is a fatal chromosomal abnormality. Our baby had the typical clenched fists and rocker feet that T18 babies present. Little did we know it at the time, but she would only be with us for 4 more weeks. Our daughter was still born at 28 weeks. So I say all that to say this; go into your 20 week appointment eyes wide open. We all know that some pregnancies don't end with a baby but no one ever prepares you for if it's you that suffers a loss. Be prepared, insist on having a support person with you, and advocate for yourself and your baby. Don't take no for an answer. I am still jealous of other parents, even almost a year later, who gave pregnancies that go by normally and end with a baby. I'm jealous that they are able to happily plan for their baby. While our peers got to decide how to decorate their baby's nursery, we got to pick our baby's urn. I'm sorry for the dark mood of this comment; I don't intend to rob any of you of your joy. I do, however, feel the need to warn you about the dark side of pregnancy because I've been there and will always have that be part of me. It is very real and to all of you who say that no matter what you would still make the same choices, let me tell you from experience that you don't know how you would react. You don't know what you're going to do, think, say, or respond when it's your baby who is suffering. So be thankful that you are pregnant, enjoy the little moments during pregnancy. Yes, I'm saying be thankful for and enjoy the morning sickness, the exhaustion and the changes in your body. Be in the moment. I wish any pregnant moms out there the very best and the best of luck. I hope that you don't have to experience the pain that my wife and I have. I hope you have many years of happiness and memories with your little ones.

Fatima Fatima
Fatima Fatima - 17.03.2022 20:31

yesterday I had my second Ultrasound, and, on the screen, I saw this (lethal skeletal dysplasia) is that normal to see it on the screen? or that means there is a detection of a defect. I haven't seen the doctor yet. I asked the nurse if everything looks normal, she said that the doctor will go over everything next appointment.

Sterlyn Villegas
Sterlyn Villegas - 09.03.2022 16:41

i'm 32 weeks so so excited 😇

Dana Kenyon
Dana Kenyon - 23.02.2022 12:01

You would have cooked some lovely meals with all those props for the video!

M Z - 05.02.2022 21:31

I am in my 24 weeks, and today is the last day of that week. Two day ago, I went for a ultrasound scan, the staff said she was about 1pound and 3 ounce. It sounds close to what your guy described, but the doctor said she is too small. Does he have a different standard?

April Menchaca
April Menchaca - 29.01.2022 06:00

First time watching you guys are such a cute couple,congratulation's by the way!!

Nachannachle - 23.01.2022 05:39

I appreciate the effort, but the fruits and veggies you used to convey baby's size are confusing more than anything. Banana -> pomegranate? Coconut -> grapefruit? I think it makes more sense to compare to fruits/veggies every 2 weeks, rather than week by week: Banana -> Coconut -> Cantaloupe -> Lettuce. 😋

Solomon Getty
Solomon Getty - 14.01.2022 21:51

None of the fruits matched the lengths but nonetheless love all of this info!

Libby Garcia
Libby Garcia - 11.01.2022 14:48

Thanks for this video. I actually watched to see about being called back for a second anatomy scan. My little boy was asleep during the scan so they couldn’t get the measurements of certain bones. Got some cute pictures of what looked like sucking the thumb though! 😍

ShadowGalactica - 22.11.2021 16:49

The anatomy scan is the one appointment my husband can't go to because of work. Sadness.

Katie Ohh
Katie Ohh - 11.11.2021 00:19

Anatomy scan tomorrow!!! Can’t wait to see my little girl 💜

Syeda Sameera
Syeda Sameera - 08.11.2021 00:30

Can you talk about Nuchal Translucency and genetic testing at 10-12 weeks please

Sara Roscioli
Sara Roscioli - 04.11.2021 05:02

I’ve never seen a man so uncomfortable holding anything as I did with you and the artichoke 😂 anyway I love your videos!! You guys are great and I hope your channel really takes off because you guys are great!

Mayette Mendoza
Mayette Mendoza - 20.10.2021 16:57

hi doc i notice a lump in your right neck, im following ur vlog and in ur previous vids i didnt saw that lump. i hope its nothing.

Melissa Girard
Melissa Girard - 10.10.2021 18:10

Love the rutabaga cooking suggestions ;)
