The FFXIV Healer Nightmare

The FFXIV Healer Nightmare


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@akane.sakurada - 11.04.2023 19:36

Remember, when people asked Yoshi-P to make healing less boring he said "just play ultimate lol"

@HappyHubris - 08.05.2024 16:25

Finally giving up on healing in 7.0, as someone who healed every other MMO he's played. There's just too little to do, and the binary mechanics of even savages mean that you mitigate the current mechanic and go right back to single nuke spam.

@tukos7370 - 06.05.2024 10:36

the healer role doesn't need new actions. It needs quality of life and UX improvements.

@GayDemiDemiboy - 23.04.2024 19:23

The fact that my main healer class is Sage and I actually like mint chocolate chip 😭😂

@GayDemiDemiboy - 23.04.2024 19:21

You're bored when everything is going right. But then if something goes wrong and you actually have to work to heal people, you get angry. That's just healer life 🤷🏼

@rjhick1 - 16.04.2024 20:13

Im so glad I played the game fresh when it came out and didnt play my from 0- to max level after the healer nerfs.

@inkwyvern5171 - 05.03.2024 15:25

Wow, that's so typical of this game though. I'm new to the game, and so far all I've seen is the same quality everywhere else. The only thing people lord about thi sgame is the story, and fuck no I skipped all that, no thanks, garbage

@Kitsune10060 - 16.11.2023 16:14

I play Tank and DPS so I can't relate. Unless you want me to go off about idiots I have to deal with as a tank. Cause I can.

@yumikimiko398 - 01.11.2023 19:06

I main WHM because I’d rather heal my party myself and know we’ll survive than rely on another healer to actually do their job xD

@andrewowens4421 - 18.10.2023 02:16

So it's either "You do too well and are bored out of you mind, or you're agonizing over everything as things devolve into chaos."

@Fransens - 03.09.2023 20:27

Been passionate about being a healer main since WoW beta times.
But since FFXIV gave me the opportunity to try out all classes on a single char without having to go through the hassle of doing all the unlocks like in other game I tried tanks and all dps and crafters & gatherers too. And what can I say, I now play pretty much every class and have fun. So this is a mild disagree here from me.

@wolflithay6380 - 08.08.2023 17:42

Ngl playing healer is scary, i have to keep everyone up, and buff dps while also doing damage and dot, i think it’s because i picked up AST, its so hard to manage 😂

@TamaraNikolic8892 - 22.07.2023 22:36

If you aren't healing in lower level dungeons it means the tank isn't pulling enough.

@SniperKing-O - 14.07.2023 07:31

1. One Button Spam.

2. Overabundance of the same healing spell or ability that perforn the exact same task.

3. Warrior being a better healer than HEALERS!!!!

These are pretty much my three big pet peeves about healers in this game. I would hope 7.0 would improve healers, but I very much doubt much will change and if not get worse. 😅

@akemus9788 - 26.06.2023 13:06

I started the game as a paladin, but as I leveled the other jobs I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed playing as an astrologian. So much to do and I also tend to over heal but it's so much fun. Getting commendations from the entire party is nice too

@kiriseraph9674 - 14.06.2023 00:36

I like it, feels chill. Not a ridiculous button mash of 5% heals like in wow XD

@hennyzhi2261 - 07.06.2023 21:09

I think me two years ago would have given healer a shot as a secondary job if you had one other option other than going down the white mage route through conjurer. I did not want to start my first MMO with a healing role unless it was something I felt had a simple beginning and real depth going for it later on. It's why I gravitated to pre-Endwalker Paladin and Dragoon + Monk shortly after. Starting out as a healer is being forced to eat vanilla ice cream when the devs should, for the love of all that is good, make arcanist start out in the healing category rather than dps - make adjustments to it's kit if necessary to still have it straddle that line between the choice you make at 30 between leveling scholar or summoner. People don't get a feel between the different types of healers the same way they do with the different tanks or melees. So it wouldn't surprise me if I looked at the analytics right now and saw a disproportionate amount of people in the pure healer preference which, from what little healer experience I have, is more of a reactive + less demanding way of playing which is cool. I just hate that there isn't the choice right away, and part of me thinks that's created this feedback loop where the devs don't want to add complexity to the healers because... they've never given fresh players a chance to even see shield healing, something where your knowledge of fights is rewarded because you can prepare for things better than kits with just big heals on them with less mit.

@OldRecordMedia - 08.05.2023 05:05

I dropped healing after Shb. Shit's boring and unrewarding. All healers are now 2 button classes and with 20 different flavors of healing.

@peger - 04.05.2023 14:25

Just wait till you will be running with tank who can't hold aggro or refuse using any of the skills. Now real fun begins :D

@devonemedlock1237 - 03.05.2023 21:04

Best thing about healing in this game is the insta-que for roulettes, I will admit that I'm the type of healer that likes to keep people close to full health as much as possible. That's just how I like to heal in all rpgs with healers. Gives people more freedom to mess up without having to worry about them getting downed. Plus as a healer healing will always be my first priority over damage.

@mixedlatte2879 - 01.05.2023 16:42

I know this is a Final Fantasy video but that Maple Story Kerning City BGM you played in the middle of the video, brought back so much memories. Great Vid <3

@guffels - 01.05.2023 16:38

The top end of healing is seeing how low you can let people get before they have to be healed. Nothing like hitting a Macrocosmos to bring everyone from 10% to full and getting all the coms at the end of a fight.

@JohnkyTonkbadonkadonk - 01.05.2023 15:48

I play healer because DPS queuetime is awful, I dont like being the center of attention, and someone has to do the shit work, so I volunteered as tribute. You're welcome.

@UmbraWeiss - 01.05.2023 10:52

The real healer nightmare is when you need to abandon your Alliance because they always die from the same thing, me and my tank laughed or asses off in one alliance raid because everyone died in the simplest things possible, after 3-4atempts to res everyone, even the other 2 alliances gave up on them...

@456blaa - 01.05.2023 08:08

"I really should play something else" Yeah. like not white mage. 50% of your gripes where white mage exclusive. I would say get new material but. this was funny enough. good vid.

@eolendes6432 - 20.04.2023 21:37

The tragedy of healers in FFXIV:

Your reward for mastering your class, knowing your abilities, making good efficient use of your skill set and understanding the encounters you're in is pressing one button over and over again and refreshing a DoT.

And these aren't deep skill sets with complex internal mechanics. Oh no, they are as shallow as they get.

@LyenWorks - 19.04.2023 22:39

If u Whm u have barely zero to no excuses for letting ppl die. I learned that the hard way...😅

@briandye9311 - 19.04.2023 20:35

This is not a game for people who like healing. Do what I did and play other games. I learned after two years they will never fix the problem because their game is popular. I can't wait for Ashes and Throne/LIberty is coming up soon. If you heal FF14 is not for you unless you like spamming one button for ninety levels.

@millenia111 - 19.04.2023 05:09

I dont know how healers in this game cope with the really bad delay.

@shadowbuddy8034 - 17.04.2023 15:46

Videos like this make me wonder if my time as a healer in FFXIV is an anomaly, in nearly every queue I've had, 90% or more, I've only really had bad tanks or "Chad" tanks, they either don't know to use their damage mitigation properly, or do insane pulls that have me using nearly every button in my kit to keep them alive, I've only had a couple of runs where I was bored, but I was almost grateful for that. Mostly because with either of those two tank options, you get blamed when we all go down, not the tank

@Nightly- - 16.04.2023 21:29

As a tank main, I like that healing in this game is accessible enough that even a lobotomized patient can do it. But its very sad that so many people are shit at healing.

@Orphan_of_Kos_or_some_say_Kosm - 16.04.2023 20:29

"The innate pressure of having the sole responsability of keeping your team alive" I fucking wish, my #1 problem with healing in FFXIV is that it's entirely dependant on dipshit dps and tanks using their Feint/Addle/Reprisal/Tactician-equivalent/Tank 2min AoE mit to survive Savage/Ultimate mechanics. If at least Feint/Addle/Reprisal were removed and just Tactician-equivalent/Tank 2min AoE were kept, I'd be somewhat happy.

@drake713 - 16.04.2023 15:50

Take a break from healing, watch a random healer, and quietly die inside and return. The times I've seen crap healers while levelling other jobs is too many it breaks my heart...

@obamaorb7426 - 15.04.2023 12:14

I wish the healers just at least had some kind of identity to them. Give scholar their DoTs, bane and tri disaster, Give astro back their different cards, sleeve draw and hybrid healing, give sage more resources like Phlegma and Toxicon to manage and more interactivity with eukrasia into the rest of the kit. I’d honestly be fine if they leave whm as it is as the easy beginner healer (lets be real the only people who want healing to stay as it is only play this one anyway.) maybe leaning it even more into being incentivised to use GCD healing than it already is by having more resources like thin air and indulgence that work in tandem with gcds, or perhaps something that turns your regens into equivalent damage to the enemy you have the highest enmity on (so you don’t lose potency using regen and medica 2, but make it a 1 min cd that allows these abilities to be used for the missing glare of equivalent damage.)

@nonanimeprofilepic - 15.04.2023 10:36

i want your femra

@jakexx2 - 14.04.2023 16:26

you forgot about the anger you feel when a party member runs out of range and then blames you for it

@blueray222 - 14.04.2023 11:30

A good friend of mine tried out FF XIV shortly after Endwalker released, and I never found out that he had quit after just a few hours and getting to the 16-17 range until several months afterwards, or that that he had tried it at all. He told me that he had started with Conjurer, hoping that playing a healer would get him through queues faster thanks to less people playing them, only for him to tell me: "Maybe there's a reason nobody wants to play healer" That truly said it all, from the mouth of a completely fresh player with few preconceptions. He said that the tiresome and boring quest design was doing it too, but ultimately it was the complete lack of fun in playing CNJ that sealed it.

@AxelFireDancer - 14.04.2023 07:14

Deep dungeon as healer…solo…all of them 👏 ultimate flex

@sunstonespice - 14.04.2023 01:23

SCH is more a 90% cacao dark chocolate. Some people just crave their joy to just be openly bitter.

@Thejackel79 - 13.04.2023 22:24

As someone who has been trying to clear P8S as a healer in PF for far too long I feel seen.

@Narniak69 - 13.04.2023 13:32

So much soy...

@kaelothsgaming8199 - 13.04.2023 03:38

The real healer nightmare is when you are tanking the Dead Ends dungeon, get to the first boss, and the healer won't use esuna... So, you wipe several times on the first boss before rage quitting. Because pressing esuna is TOO DAMN HARD. Come on, man!

@DigitsRPG - 13.04.2023 02:25

Bring back Cleric Stance, you cowards.

@JS-kr8fs - 12.04.2023 23:58

Healer: "What is my purpose?"
Yoshi-P: "I dunno."

@aluralovell6829 - 12.04.2023 23:18

Personally I've never had an issue with the "Boring" rotation, maybe it's just me but I kinda felt like the complaint was mostly from people who just enjoy things being more difficult to do. I think the current rotation is fine and more easily allows for me to switch from damage to healing at the drop of a hat, I won't have to worry about my combo or rotation so to speak being ruined, especially when I have either newbies or people who actively choose not to play properly. To me it always minds cams off the same way as people complaining about holding aggro as a tank being too easy and I say this as someone who has played since Beta back when playing all these jobs were in fact harder to do and we still had attribute points to worry about, back when Cleric Stance was a thing and we and Lucid Dreaming was still call Shroud of saints when Eos and Selene actually had different abilities and the Astrolgian cards weren't basically all the same. Am I saying there are more issues? No oc course there are but I personally don't think the rotation is one of them.

Personally, I love being a healer and my biggest issue being a healer is head-headed players that like to blame me for doing the dumb thing they know they shouldn't/can't do then are surprised when the obvious dumb thing goes poorly.

@gorth2228 - 12.04.2023 22:51

One day bard bros, one day...

@LordEverlost - 12.04.2023 22:34

As a healer I will drag you to victory kicking and screaming if I must.
I miss my 3.0 Astro cards.

@jkdragonjk6895 - 12.04.2023 22:19

I mean seriously, if they are going to make healers so simplistic, the least they could do is turn them into green dps and give them a 3 button damaging rotation and some damage ogcds
