Self Evaluation | Performance Review Tips to Slay Your Self Assessment At Work

Self Evaluation | Performance Review Tips to Slay Your Self Assessment At Work

Jennifer Brick

3 года назад

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Jennifer Brick
Jennifer Brick - 08.12.2020 19:05

Do you know goals you are setting as part of your self assessment for your performance review?

ogj13 - 09.10.2023 22:20

I hate the self appraisals and goal setting. Is like putting in the same thing every year , is so frustrating and confusing to fill these out. I hate them and probably why my raises every year are crap! I just self appraise with the numbers but never type anything on comments because I just don't know what to say or what goes where. 🤦🏽‍♀️

سهى دنديس
سهى دنديس - 02.10.2023 18:43

Fast speaker

Japz Lb
Japz Lb - 13.09.2023 08:21

She talked to fast so next vid

Nathan Lenon
Nathan Lenon - 22.07.2023 21:00

I think you are fantastic and have an excellent communication style. So, I agree with you about growing from your strengths.

Bessyisyourbestie Forever
Bessyisyourbestie Forever - 15.03.2023 22:17

"...step out of your comfort zone for this brief period of time. " This hit it home for me. Thank you.

Kat Halstead
Kat Halstead - 31.01.2023 23:27

Working on my self review for work right now, and honestly, the don't be bashful part I feel that. I am always so uncomfortable talking about the things I achieved.

Andrea Colley
Andrea Colley - 13.01.2023 17:41

Jennifer, thank you for those words of wisdom. One gigantic point that you made was to focus on your strengths and how to improve on what you are already good at. That is a game changer for me who typically focuses on my shortcomings (not necessarily in a self-assessment, but in general and I'm betting that it prevents me from shining the way I can.) Best 9 min I've spent in a long time!

J Gon
J Gon - 12.01.2023 00:12

So either your manager knows what your strengths and weaknesses are or they are terrible at thier job. These are mostly pointless. Never select anything buy the highest value and let them tell you why you are not at good as what you claim. T

Truth&Dogs Chell
Truth&Dogs Chell - 20.12.2022 03:58

This was AWSOME information. Thank you so very much!

City Dweller
City Dweller - 12.12.2022 08:10

I don't mind self assessments because it is a time to advocate for yourself. Peer reviews are what I have a problem with

Ann Marie Hicks
Ann Marie Hicks - 05.12.2022 19:16

This is helping me so much today. Thank you!

R M - 15.11.2022 22:51

Thank you for the tips, But what I really want to know it's who's idea was this? When did this became a trend in HR? This is the manager's job. Knowing the value of the employee, measuring their performance, and adjusting it accordingly is what they get paid for in the first place. Self evaluations just sound pointless. And in my experience, they mostly are. It's the manager final say that's counted over if that employee receives a promotion, or gets to stay in the company. Self evaluations sound like a ribbon HR professionals put into something that's a bigger issue without fixing the underlaying problem, which is a fair and comprehensive way of conducting employee apprasial.

laughingvampire - 19.10.2022 18:58

this thing of self-evaluation like this feels awkward, weird and unnecessary, especially after 2 months in a job.

Phillip Weaver
Phillip Weaver - 15.10.2022 16:04

I want to make a more thoughtful reply when I have chance, but I'm forgetful

senoritaconparaguas - 28.08.2022 12:57

Thank you for the great tips. And your talking pace is just perfect for me. :)

_itz Madison
_itz Madison - 12.08.2022 08:08

Not me self reflecting around 8 mins in because I set the playback speed to 2x 😅

Erica Peterson
Erica Peterson - 05.08.2022 15:04

I agree with some of the other commenters: you talk too fast

Maleshesh Matthew Gauis
Maleshesh Matthew Gauis - 15.12.2021 13:10

great topic, but you are too fast!!!

Ashbat Bat
Ashbat Bat - 10.11.2021 07:49

OMG you talk tooooooo fast‼️ 😱

Lauren - 05.11.2021 03:15

I have a self evaluation to do and I’m not sure if I should put outstanding (the highest) or not do it at all because I don’t want to come off as full of myself! I put exceeds expectations last time (I was fairly new) I’ve gotten so many compliments and appraisals/recognitions this year and worked my butt off.

michaelC2585 - 18.08.2021 23:22

Jennifer this was a great video. First view but I subscribed and liked.
This week is my last to turn it my first year end self-eval at a new company.

Thanks! -Michael

Jon-Patrick W.
Jon-Patrick W. - 26.06.2021 02:53

I love your video, Jennifer! Thanks for your help!

C Beez
C Beez - 11.06.2021 21:21

What does UAQ mean?

Slurp Die Durp
Slurp Die Durp - 13.05.2021 23:48

So you don't emphasize on the points that could have gone better?

Amy Shafer
Amy Shafer - 30.01.2021 15:33

Thank you! I’ve been with a company for a year, furloughed for 6 months, new management and written up for medical reasons (not calling in daily while in icu and almost died) and again for not performing to standards which are higher for me than the rest of department. The situation is equivalent to bullying under our new manager. Everyday I did something wrong even when I didn’t they put a twist on it that I did something wrong. I feel the self appraisal will be my time to shine and help me regain focus to mend. Now to watch your videos.

Righty loosy Lefty Tighty
Righty loosy Lefty Tighty - 09.12.2020 23:28

Hi Jennifer love ur vids.
I’m a new hire and I was wondering is it a normal thing that I think about work even at home (I work 12 hours) it’s bothering me
Also my colleagues make every small mistake I make into a catastrophe (they’re joking but it’s annoying and sometimes it legit scares me)
One last thing. I feel like I’m an idiot when I think of quitting after getting experience (I work in a plant so it’s exhausting and to put the Cherry in top it’s toxic af here)

Ur videos REALLY helped me in the last month have an awesome day

sophisticated MM
sophisticated MM - 09.12.2020 02:45

Excellent topics for work related issues, fortunately I get to work remotely from home now.
