Why did Peter discontinue the ketogenic diet? And what's his dietary strategy for 2018? (AMA #1)

Why did Peter discontinue the ketogenic diet? And what's his dietary strategy for 2018? (AMA #1)

Peter Attia MD

4 года назад

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@Caladcholg - 11.12.2023 17:50

It is so reassuring that even the professionals reason for quitting a keto diet is boredom, not health. Your lucky, Peter. It's too the point even dipping back into 'healthy sugars' is too much for anyone with insulin related mental/ physical health issues; boredom in exchange for sanity is a bargin, so feel blessed you can just go home and go 'nah', or 'I'm just too lazy, hahaha'. You say 'in every dimension things got better'; your biomarkers (objective) your mental clarity (subjective, but I belive you), and still you decided you were healthy enough to trade a little in each of those categories to eat bananas and curry, which I am genuinely glad you are able to do, and wish it was more of an option for others. This is ultimately one of the best indirect endorsements of the ketogenic diet by a pop-health professional I've come across.

@LWT1331 - 08.12.2023 20:42

I've not met anyone on keto berrate me for doing it wrong when I had hunger issues in the first few weeks. They point out things to look out for, but it never felt like berrating. Maybe you just have bad luck in people.

@hippiegirl5167 - 01.12.2023 03:17

I was keto for 3 years . I am no longer keto either but it did teach me how to eat so now I’m pretty much low carb

@Joseph93 - 30.11.2023 19:52

Wtf, eat a tub of sour cream? Doesn’t sound right at all.

@uffa00001 - 24.11.2023 17:44

A ketogenic diet is something you do for a specific reason: break insulin resistance, prepare for chemotherapy, lose weight, prepare for a fast. If you have no reason to do it, why should you continue doing it? Is it a religion? Ditch processed food and sugar, eat plenty of raw vegetables and cooked vegetables, and then all else will be right, you cannot go wrong. Wholemeal rice, wholemeal bread and pasta, fruit as a snack are all healthy food and there is no reason to abandon them in a rational diet.

@Frederer59 - 23.11.2023 18:14

It's about living hunger free. Rice and almonds - arsenic and oxalate. Yummy.

@estelagraciamedrano9772 - 23.11.2023 07:16

Well keto nutrition was used in JOHN HOPKINS +100 years ago to cure epilepsy and other neurological conditions. Soo ITS was not New in the 1970s not now

@Michael-4 - 22.11.2023 15:50

How do you know insulin isn't very high at peak BG?

@adamkhabazian3249 - 22.11.2023 11:37

maybe you miss coke and mcdonalds and other crap. what a scumbag

@michelephelps1087 - 22.11.2023 06:00

I can understand where he’s coming from. Food shouldn’t be an all-consuming obsession. Food is just food. Currently I’m doing dirty, lazy keto. My weight is down, joint pain gone, sleep improved and I enjoy what I eat. At some point I’ll add in more whole foods. I guess the key is learning to listen to your body.

@dchingy - 21.11.2023 06:50

Sour cream didn't grow on trees

@fragelicious - 19.11.2023 19:04

I eat low glycemic vegetables' in big salads once a day, never kicked me out of Ketosis and I've been here since 2018. Going from 230 to 165 lbs in 3 months was great, but the mental clarity, lack of any inflammation in joints and muscles, one meal a day convenience, and consistent off the chart energy levels keep me here. at 63. You can't sit on the couch and snack on jet fuel snacks all day and that not manifest into metabolism issues. 35" biceps for example.

@bluzedogg - 19.11.2023 16:06


@snowfleece - 19.11.2023 01:11

I'm struggling to adapt to Keto one month in. It's rough!! But it has all but arrested my disabling daily migraines (and for 6 months they had progressed to literally daily). I've only had 2 migraines since and they responded to minimal medication. Didn't have to take my $100 migraine pills that make me feel loopy.
But it's interesting to listen to this. I wonder how sustainable it will be long term. But I am motivated to continue because as hard as it is to adapt, not a single day is harder than a migraine.

@linsteele1820 - 18.11.2023 17:12

Ive never been on pure keto, just lower carbs and 8 hour or less window of eating, a1c came down, triglycerides and bp csme down. But lost too much weight; it is stabilized now. Still taking 2 metformin pills 500 in am, 500 in pm. I would like to stop the meds

@ronyoung1270 - 18.11.2023 12:18

Just finished a 72 hour fast a week after beginning keto/intermittent fasting. I’m down 12lbs in 9 days and have gone through a total reset of how 😅 view food and the quantity of food I consume. If you eat so much that you feel really full then you’ve over done it. Should feel content but never stuffed. The less you eat the longer you’ll live without health problems.

@lucasp1185 - 17.11.2023 18:10

in summary: he missed eating some of the carbs he use to consume..for example a banana...so he change to intermittent fasting...if it weren't for that need he would still be doing keto diet....

@gigilaroux762 - 16.11.2023 23:42

I think it depends on the carbs if I don’t have carbs I have no energy. I can have a high protein coma. Moderation, low GI choices, portion controls, IF can be enough.

@FaithFitnessAndFasting - 13.11.2023 16:35

You gotta know your own body, and not be too attached to any way of eating. I'm carnivore but have done the Daniel Fast and felt amazing. I honestly think we should mix it up, because it allows our bodies to remain resilient and able to handle all food forms. Some people get their bodies to where they're virtually unable to handle anything but one set of food items, and that is not ever a good thing. Eating with the seasons and more in tune with your local area (macrobiotic diet) is probably the only thing I think people should adhere to more.

@lorenzom30 - 12.11.2023 04:46

Bottom line, areas of the world with the longest lifespans like Okinawa Japan consume lots of carbs.

@atetraxx - 11.11.2023 23:27

Lol ice cream is fake food? That's hilarious. It's just cream dude. You talk about eating sour cream did that grow on a tree?

Stop treating good like there's bad food and good food. It's just food.

@jeanbaptist6255 - 09.11.2023 22:45

When you are at less than 70% of max hr. You are using fats as your primary fuel source. That's why I dont do that diet. Maybe no during some glucose sparks, but do zone 2 training to be more resistant to those

@AllGainsWholeGrains - 08.11.2023 03:04

Keto can teach you how to avoid processed foods but carbs are essential for our well being. Whole grains all day baby

@walkaway9367 - 05.11.2023 14:46

some people use keto to lose weight, heal the liver and kidneys, and for mental acuity. but for many of us, its type 2, arthritis, and other metabolic diseases. i have severe arthritis and the ketogenic diet is a must if i choose not to have pain.

@tommethans7827 - 03.11.2023 16:10

There's no "one diet" for everyone. Totally agree

@dealwolfstriked272 - 26.10.2023 21:12

Keeping it real here....my new passion :) NGL Attia looked amazing when he was guzzling olive oils and miserable cause of not being able to eat the cake at his daughters parties. He suddenly felt that carb loading was more beneficial to his sportsmanship and jumped off the keto "bandwagon" and looks not as good as he did when he was eating extremely high fat.

@naruhodo251 - 26.10.2023 18:19

90% fat? You are too extreme. It is not sustainable. That's why you need to quit.

@naruhodo251 - 26.10.2023 18:14

You don't have diabetes, that is why you don't need keto.

@moonstrukk126 - 24.10.2023 03:39

Interesting. Why not just eat carb meals occasionally. Why throw the whole diet away? I don't understand the mentality

@joelkoonce8559 - 23.10.2023 07:53

I started keto 14 months ago, I had pre diabetes and obesity, it saved my life. I made My weight goal and no more pre diabetes. Now to gain muscle and cardio is My focus. 😊

@rickfrancis2717 - 22.10.2023 10:14

I’m 63 have lost 60 lbs in 4 months. I am thinking much better. Level energy off the charts. I occasionally for a day will go off. Never eat breakfast occasionally do a 24 hour fast. I usually do not go lower than .5. When I do I start climbing the next day. I feel that metabolic flexibility is the way to go. Parkinson’s disease is on both sides of my family. My brain needs ketones. Glucose not much of an option.

@2023Red - 21.10.2023 20:23

Atkins diet renamed keto. I lost weight but my concern was artery damage from IR. I cheat about twice a month. At age 75 with two heart attacks, my numbers are excellent. I suggest you consider CRP lab to see your inflammation marker. It matters.

@mamanitubea - 21.10.2023 20:06

No thanks! Much rather keep up my mediterranean diet with fish only

@victorash4130 - 21.10.2023 04:51

In and out of keto now returned to keto as cancer reading up a little… no problem to do this I’m 18/6 Trd and enjoypreparing keto… BUT although my sweet tooth has left me, Ai occasionally miss a banana and pizza , cakes etc… my saving grace is am rarely lazy and enjoy prepping keto and tell myself I’m good at it!? I’m 78

@keithzastrow - 18.10.2023 21:48

I don't like keto anymore than I do vegan tbh. For 8 months now I've been doing more Adkins as far as the % of fats/carbs/protein goes. So basically higher protein and lower fat than keto is. Both are low carb but keto is stupid low carb and unsustainable for most people imo. I've lost 40 lbs so I know what I've been doing works for me. keto is unrealistic for me. I basically do TRF 18:6, low carbs, almost never eat breads or pastas or white potatoes. Almost no ultra-processed foods (cheat once in a GREAT while). No fast food. You do that and you will lose weight and be WAY healthier.

@simonsmedley5434 - 17.10.2023 17:55

Sounds like you are a food addict!

@Boostisablast - 15.10.2023 16:14

I’ve been on Keto for over a year. A 9 and 12 year old live with me. It’s tough making multiple meals and it was annoying at first. Now they just pick on me and we move on haha!

@ericb7937 - 12.10.2023 15:30

I prefer intermittent fasting. It's just way easier for me

@deblynne9440 - 12.10.2023 08:01

I cringed when he said "Don't you know how BAD that is?" to his little girl. I suspect as soon as she's at a friend's house she's eating all the things that are considered "bad" at home. Growing up with a host of forbidden foods doesn't necessarily foster a healthy relationship with food.

@NathanOen - 12.10.2023 03:43

Finally. Most of western people specifically US people have no real people to look up to. The oldest people in real life I saw and met and know never go to gym, have no keto but more on plants based diet, eat meat occasionally and don't eat too much nor talk about foods like us now :-) and breakfast is not mandatory.

@Johnson-fd4bt - 12.10.2023 03:33

It does not make sense

@yoe91 - 11.10.2023 18:16

Oh, so. He discontinued because he wanted to eat carbs again. Right.

@bacsigabe29 - 07.10.2023 09:55

I also stopped keto because wanted to have vegetables more often and my gut is thanking me so

@johnpalmer474 - 06.10.2023 19:12

Just highlighting a lack of fortitude... Ditch the processed foods! Eat real food! You don't have to do Keto to eat properly!

@nin6246 - 04.10.2023 00:52

I agree with Peter, the ketogenic diet IS NOT for everyone. If you enjoy sugary foods and love processed and/or fast food, the keto diet is not going to work for you. I've been in moderate ketosis for over 3 weeks now and feel the best I have in my life.

@andrewmichaelsevilla7108 - 30.09.2023 16:54

too bad for you..i hope you do not get too fat

@evankolpack - 29.09.2023 19:04

"Maybe I'm just too lazy" says the guy who exercises 4,000 calories per day 😂

@caryt59 - 26.09.2023 08:12

So you are put-off by someone is saying that "ketosis" is for EVERYBODY? And that was one of your main reasons for stopping? Seriously! Sounds like an excuse! I have never heard anyone say that! If you just missed certain foods then just say that, but don't blame it on some sort of imaginary consensus of keto dieters! There are people that say that VEGAN diets are for everybody! So what? Do you stop eating veggies, then? Some say that a supposed "well-rounded" diet of all of the food groups is for everybody! Will you stop eating that way too? You couldn't hang anymore! FINE! Just be honest with that!

@integralsun - 25.09.2023 21:32

Peter is about 50 years old. Probably doesn't have any serious health issues. For many of us that are twenty or more years older than Peter we may have more immediate concerns we're addressing. While Peter can moderate his diet restrictions to suit his current health concerns, others may not have that luxury; but more to the point, I'm not thinking one doctor's dietary changes is going to impact me from choosing an optimal diet for my needs. In short, I prefer to listen to a health expert that has more skin in the game.

@realtimeltd - 24.09.2023 21:05

Low carbs are good... With moderate fat and protein
