1000ug LSD Trip Report: 'What Could Possibly Go Wrong?'

1000ug LSD Trip Report: 'What Could Possibly Go Wrong?'


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Joshua Tyson
Joshua Tyson - 13.10.2023 16:44

I just took amanita muscaria gummies last night, and I had zero preparation or precaution. I took an entire bag worth 3,000mg of the extract and was in a moving car with an empty stomach. It started to hit me at first with the severe disorientation after about 20 minutes, then after I got home I was waiting what felt like several years for every second to pass. The colors shifting and losing value and fading between lines, patterns I could never imagine formed by things in my home, and not even mentally recognizing my own home, was all almost enough to make me absolutely lose my mind, and the feeling of impending doom and never-ending dizziness had me freaking out and feeling physically sick. It took 3 or 4 waves of an absolute visual beating for me to finally ease into the last bit of the trip, where everything was absolute bliss and I wanted nothing else in the world. When I say just existing felt like pure mental suffering before that, I can’t even begin to describe how certain I was that I was going to die or the complete loss of my sense of time and reality. I was in one dimension and every dimension, my mind was constantly shifting through different realities like my eyes were the screen of a TV looking inward to the LED’s showing an unfamiliar hellscape. I was trapped in my own mind, but with thoughts that weren’t my own. Hearing people that weren’t there. Words I couldn’t understand. Sounds I couldn’t fathom. This is coming from a guy who took 1200ug of LSD for his first actual trip and had the best night ever. Everyone, when taking any drug ever, be safe and be cautious, but especially with psychedelics, you’d better treat them with respect, or they’ll give you an unbelievably hard time, and they can really fuck you up in ways you cannot prepare for. In short, trip safely.

Breyde Breymeyer
Breyde Breymeyer - 13.10.2023 03:47

shii I did a whole 10 strip lmfao

trustworthydan - 13.10.2023 03:13

Idk about doses, i just do it.
Once i did acid for a week straight, first day i did one hit, second day i did two, third day i did three, and so on. Finished the week up by going to work as a call in while coming down from a 18 hour tripfest. I dont condone pushing drugs on people, but do acid once before you die.

Edit: be in a good state of mind and have good friends around. Ive never had a bad trip, but i wouldnt be able to deal with it now days, too much stress.

129 - 11.10.2023 20:02

i fell inside my water bottle and started drowning

sync - 11.10.2023 03:30

i once got stuck in a bad trip from 2cb, i lost grip of reality and also thought i was burning in hell or something, couldnt see anything that should be a room just colors

ImCareless - 10.10.2023 20:09


Pÿro - 10.10.2023 04:06

Sadly my 1000 mg trip wasn’t as mental as seeing different places but I felt as if I had 4 heads with pieces of my personality connected to them and I was having crazy insanity trying to talk to my girlfriend at the time. Moral of the story stay away from bad people on phycedelics cuz when I wasn’t around that woman I would go into the trance of “this is how things are “

St.Coiled - 09.10.2023 23:52

i want to have a trip this bad for some reason, i want it to teach me

Park Bills
Park Bills - 09.10.2023 14:28

I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years. With so much anxietyNot until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms

Dustin - 09.10.2023 09:34

the silent hill music makes everything so much better

torpedro8 - 08.10.2023 20:11

Nice video! First animation is from a game? Ty

Cyber - 08.10.2023 08:59

for some reason this makes me wana do it

RevASMRider - 08.10.2023 06:05

Our ego is our hearts, our hearts are sinful, we’re not scared of death, we have everlasting life

Timothy Majors
Timothy Majors - 07.10.2023 22:11

I can relate , I have been outside space and time and been one with the either. Changed my life , opened my eyes to truth and possibilities . Life is so much more than a regular person can ever understand . You have to go looking for anything to find something.

GoolmeGaming - 07.10.2023 21:09

I took 150ug and when I closed my eyes, I dont know for how long, but I was a rapper and I had just left a strip club and went in my limo. It was so realistic, even now it feels like a memory. something I actually did. When I opened my eyes again I was so suprised that I was suddenley in my living room again.
Cant imagine what 1000ug feels like.

Xyz - 07.10.2023 02:30

What is the name of this game?

Vincent - 07.10.2023 01:41


marc carter
marc carter - 07.10.2023 00:16

Triple drop. Done that a few times as a kid. Sniffing Glue on Acid was wild. Did that once lol never again!

Water - 06.10.2023 08:35

Ass raped and mauled by pitbulls simultaneously… now that’s a bad trip

Brandon MTB
Brandon MTB - 05.10.2023 21:54

I've only been trying out weed so far. Even with that I have been able to realize that I am everything and that the ego is an illusion. I can not imagine how insane your experience was.

Francis Drouin
Francis Drouin - 05.10.2023 08:55

Man I would love to enjoy this story without it being cut by an add every 5 minutes

A KHAN - 03.10.2023 22:30

Its all a mind game, you can make it the best day of your life if you want. Never fight the trip. Let it shower over you! LSD never gives you the trip you want always the trip you need🎉

Cincinnati Pedal Steel
Cincinnati Pedal Steel - 03.10.2023 13:33

“Religions like Christianity hide behind the possibility that there is an afterlife because they are afraid of death….”

You couldn’t be more wrong. You clearly do not understand true Christianity.

Cincinnati Pedal Steel
Cincinnati Pedal Steel - 03.10.2023 13:21

“After about 30 minutes I found myself wondering why I felt the way I did….”

EVERYONE: “maybe it was those 1000 micrograms of LCD.

rjac001 - 03.10.2023 09:10

Pro Tip: Always have a big glass of orange juice nearby as that will bring you out of a bad trip

SolusPL - 03.10.2023 05:36

I know ppl in ranches that’ll drop ~a sheet.. I personally have done 15 papers and 10 gels (some say insane I say not at all compared to what I’ve seen) lsd abuse is so insane I’ve seen droppers and bibles just dropped shits wild it’s… it’s scary and genuinely wrong if you don’t have the strongest mental foundation I was trying to off myself and ofc lived (I took a lot of other stuff than just Lucy) and I didn’t feel right for 6 months after

Rascal Jenkins
Rascal Jenkins - 03.10.2023 02:53

The effects of that much sugar couldn’t help. I urge everyone to try psychedelics while fasted and compare your experiences.

Brody Cole
Brody Cole - 02.10.2023 12:55

My brother which I consider the trip God because I've never heard of a single human who has tripped harder willingly he calls them his "big trips" when he wants to trip "hard" a example of a "big trip" is 50 gel tabs a few grams of mushrooms not alot but 5 or 6g of mushrooms a bit of ketamine idk much about ketamine so idk really how much he does but that's lsd psilocybin mushrooms ketamine so far he also gets his dab tool and does a few dmt dabs out a rig he only uses for dmt he does some Molly and that's just the psychedelics he also does a number of pills and other things like ghd and nitrous oxide this is why I believe he is the trip God and if your wondering yes he is mentally ill because of trips like this he's developed schizophrenia I also have schizophrenia but mine is a kinda sub category called schitzoaffective disorder I also like to trip and I want to get to his level but I'm not sure if I ever will most I've ever tripped is from 7g of mushrooms sadly though he won't trip again for a very long time because he's been sent to prison a week ago for nearly 20 years for drugs we think the judge wanted to make a example of him I love you man 747 forever

Steve French
Steve French - 02.10.2023 06:39

Please narrate a novel

Llkc - 01.10.2023 22:23

You got cyber slapped. Relatively common. I overdid NN DMT, saw some very weird stuff, disturbing flashbacks about another possible timeline that never materialized, and about the past 10+ years with my guardian angel, spirit guide, entity, whatever you wanna call it. It's the same thing. A year later all my mental health problems are gone, depression, anxiety, low self esteem, paranoia, distrust, hopelessness. I quit alcohol, I don't crave drugs and only smoke green occasionally. I have come to a satisfying understanding over the nature of this reality and it's implications on moral conduct and a good life. I was lost and I'm finding my way back.
I think a 'very powerful spirit' is guiding me, if I ask for help I receive it instantly. Recently in a very stressful situation I was able to turn the tide 180 degrees, and the stress was converted into energy, hope, and a will to act and solve the situation which I did. I am able to go into a hypomanic state and do not suffer from depressed moods. It seems a crime to me that these medicines are punished and illegal, yet I almost think it's better to keep away the so called professionals from these sacred experiences. There are some centers that help people to internalize their experience. The way to go

Paul Chase
Paul Chase - 01.10.2023 07:55

I took synthetic acid called Pandora and literally tripped so hard the whole room changed. I closed my eyes and had a contract with the devil written in this insane evil font and demonic language offered to me which would have exchanged my soul for worldly gain and I thought I was going to hell shit was terrifying and I had depersonalization for months after but I eventually got over it.

RichardTheWizard - 01.10.2023 07:28

Pretty sure if you take a high enough dose, there is a higher chance that the anxiety onset during the come up can induce a straight up panic attack that then becomes the trip.

eden - 30.09.2023 05:10

this isn't the first time i've heard of someone driving after taking a psychedelic... be safe y'all, we aren't invincible

J Darko
J Darko - 29.09.2023 08:07

I had a very similar experience when I was on near 1000ugs of LSD and accidentally smoked high thc weed out of my dmt bowl

Nick CYNN - 28.09.2023 12:12

I dropped acid for the first time a year ago, crazy experience, didn't take more than a tab but it lasted days

philgetmoney - 28.09.2023 07:00

Crazy I’ve had a similar experience on acid I woke up in slave times getting beaten with a club

John Ryall
John Ryall - 27.09.2023 21:33

It's funny when people who aren't the actual chemist think they know how many micrograms they've taken. Especially when they narrow the content of a sugar cube down to 142.86ug...
I don't know why people feel the need to bullshit so much about LSD.

memetard__ - 26.09.2023 23:35

I remember the first time I had LSD it was only a tab but I did smoke too I remember going into the ego death and just telling my friend exactly every ten minutes “holy shit I’m back” was a great experience tab lasted 5 hours longer for some reason

Embers Stark
Embers Stark - 26.09.2023 05:44

I remembered just melting and merging with the hidden dimensions as everything around me exploded with color. I ceased to exist. There was no "me" or "time". True ego death.

Shady473 Gaming [CM]
Shady473 Gaming [CM] - 26.09.2023 02:58

LSD encouraged my deleting of empathy, situationally. I saw in that moment by myself in the dark, love and lift those who do none to others.... and crush without mercy those who do much on to others.

Wes Cuijpers
Wes Cuijpers - 23.09.2023 07:16

Always have valium at Hand when You do lsd

Asshole - 22.09.2023 19:40

Its okay to not have your shit together. Whether in a trip or in real life. It’s all just a trip. It doesn’t matter. Anyway you present is a firework. No shame in not being able to appreciate anything because you perceive it as ’bad’

Zweihander - 20.09.2023 22:29

This is retarded unsubbed

Pull Up
Pull Up - 20.09.2023 16:25

I once did a 1000ug-1500ug trip and it wasn't AS horrible as thos guys but I also did mine in a room by myself with the intention of deeper personal understanding from the trip and it was definitely an incredibly indefineable experience. Geometric words and letters with color and sound, outside sources didn't exist, I was simply part of all and still am and never won't be. "God" was inside of em, there with me, speaking with me through the whole thing, sometimes kind and gentle, sometimes rough and rude but all was there of my own mind.

Liquid Cancer
Liquid Cancer - 19.09.2023 11:23

huh I always thought it was μg, not ug

Manu Trud
Manu Trud - 19.09.2023 04:41

alcool is the only substance i know to get over a trip of lsd

Marvin Hanson
Marvin Hanson - 17.09.2023 18:14

I accidentally dropped 1045 ug one and Im really experienced with high doses but never near there. I thought I died and because of this it removed the option of knowing it was just the trip and that it was going to be over. Scariest experience of my life
