The Meteoric Rise of Pyra and Mythra | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The Meteoric Rise of Pyra and Mythra | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Vars III

1 год назад

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CyberRenegade X
CyberRenegade X - 05.10.2023 07:44

Aegis is their name for a reason, why’d you think it was gonna be fair?

Linkram - 04.10.2023 18:46

The only reason people play pyra&mythra is because w a i f u s. be honest.

Hyun-Shik - 20.08.2023 18:51

If you think a character is super OP and you always hate losing to them, you could always them. This is what made me switch to Aegis.

Elwin royale
Elwin royale - 31.07.2023 21:11

I was watching the nintendo direct and was so hyped when i saw xenoblade chronicles 2 and was hoping for more story and was sad to see it was just a dlc character

Jake76667 Productions
Jake76667 Productions - 26.07.2023 03:39

as a pyra & mythra main, i 100% agree with you

Dorian Crutcher
Dorian Crutcher - 23.07.2023 21:10

God i hate them so much. They're so broken

AgentSoulStrike 923
AgentSoulStrike 923 - 22.07.2023 23:26

This character truly is bulls*** in my eyes.

ZERODE11 - 21.07.2023 21:00

I hate this character

zoroark MASTER
zoroark MASTER - 20.07.2023 04:20

I just play them because XC2 is my third favourite game of all time and Pyra&mythra (specifically them alone without Rex) was the character I wanted the most to be in smash

GaboGabilia - 17.07.2023 10:38

I believe in: playing the fighter's game of origin makes you stronger as them 😎

MorrisPXG456 - 25.06.2023 18:07

But the cost is that you getting cross teamed by loads of Low tier users and they just don’t fucking care,I have been crossteamed by a toxic marth and Jigglypuff Players and I have filed a crossteam report.

Is that the reason I use a top tier mean I’m getting bickered and ganged on

iishiir - 21.06.2023 23:37

I played them bc i like xenoblade, but then I saw that they are just really good in smash

TF Thief
TF Thief - 18.06.2023 13:12

A ZeRo quote that really stuck with me is: "In Smash 4, Cloud didn't beat you because he had cheese or gimmicks that he could rely on to close out stocks early. Cloud beat you by being a better character."

The Pawchoe
The Pawchoe - 07.06.2023 19:56

Super anime brothers

Pocket Groyper
Pocket Groyper - 07.06.2023 00:02

I think we all know at least 50% of Pyra/Mythra players exist because of those big anime milkers...

ze_Darku_Magician - 28.05.2023 19:25

I usually prefer playing characters that are in the middle tiers (Some of my usual picks are Marth, Robin, King Dedede, Shulk and Luigi) but I'm making an exception for Aegis because XC2 is my favorite game of all time (played it 5 times) and no one can take that from me. My only problem with them is that everyone else always gets annoyed when I pick them.
(I know Shulk is theoretically top tier but when I play him he's mid so yeah)

markos50100 - 27.05.2023 09:34

Why everyone plays pyra and mythra, for 4 big reasons, 2 on each.

ItsEndyPlays - 22.05.2023 12:10

Honestly... yeah
As an Aegis main and Byleth secondary who was a Dark Pit, Joker and Zelda main prior, I genuinely just had difficulty doing everything at once, and was still playing those 3 previously mentioned well after the release of Aegis...

Then the day came, I was doing a random 1v1 with my friend, and got Aegis, and I just loved the way they flowed and how their moveset felt, and I started playing them more and more (thats the same case for Byleth)

I even admit, I am not good at the game, I am carried by the character I play
That still doesnt help me though against my friends playing their mains though...

And how you mentioned earlier about people dont really know the character theyre playing from their actual franchise or because theyre a huge fan of it, they just play em because of theyre playstyle, however Smash did that to me in reverse, after i got smash, i got Fire Emblem 3 Houses and Persona 5 Royal, and plan on getting Xenoblade 2 soon

Omega Haxors
Omega Haxors - 17.05.2023 12:58

Smash 4 Cloud was a general all-around good character. The main issue with him is that you could literally button mash because all of his attacks had massive range and zero punish window. I can't think of a single character who can button-mash their way to victory.

Luis Reyes
Luis Reyes - 07.05.2023 23:36

Pyra/Mythra is Sakurai-san's compromise to those expecting Mai Shiranui to be in Smash.

At least that's what i believe. 😅

Classic Jesse
Classic Jesse - 05.05.2023 11:50

I honestly cant stand the addition of these two the fact that i can not know the character pick it up and do really good doesnt sit right, easily spamable moves great frame data and high damage. It honestly destroyed the balance of what was the most balanced game in the series yet.

100% Organic Fresh Memes
100% Organic Fresh Memes - 02.05.2023 06:09

Gotta love how even Vars, who tries to be as objective and fair as possible, outright states that Aegis is straight up overpowered and doesn't have adequate weaknesses to balance out their strengths. Makes me glad I stopped playing Smash.
Mythra straight up just seems like Speed Art Shulk if he didn't lose jump height and had better smash attacks.

Max Louhio
Max Louhio - 01.05.2023 03:40

They're cute and fun. And very very good. One of the only top tiers I play in any game

Am4t3r4su - 26.04.2023 22:02

Legit I play them because... Well... They are a character I enjoyed in Xenoblade 2. Legit the only reason I would play lol..

I don't care about viability XD

Drunked Owly
Drunked Owly - 26.04.2023 09:35

Because of their massive t

Rhoem - 26.04.2023 06:39

Haha most swordie are easy to pick up so that doesnt chsnge much yeah she very fun to play enjoy most some feel clunk the pla6

Blue is chiII
Blue is chiII - 24.04.2023 03:03

I feel like they need nerfs, but they have such a dog trash recovery thats easy to exploit, so probably not.

BadAshe13 - 17.04.2023 15:45

Ngl Pyra and Mythra are the characters with the most impact in my life as weird as it sounds, I had so much fun playing them (mostly Pyra which is ironic considering I thought she was too slow for me to enjoy compared to sarcasm personified over here.) that I got Xenoblade 2, which I wasn’t even aware existed before the Aegis got added, and it’s now probably my favorite game of all time and I can always go back to it if I wanna just relax. So honestly the Aegis have legitimately affected my life in several ways and that’s really funny to me considering their game was a thing I wasn’t even aware of before they came out. Now I need to play a Fatal Fury Game….

High 5 the booty
High 5 the booty - 13.04.2023 00:34

My favorite dlc out of all of them, they're fun and fabulous but the recovery is absolute ass and so easy to exploit. Kinda like little mac, amazing on the ground but off stage , youre basically dead

RammusTheArmordillo - 01.04.2023 01:45

man you're really milking that "... or lack thereof", I think you say this in the last 3 videos I watched lol
I promise you can just say "lack of ...", it works just as good and it doesn't sound like you're trying to hit the wordcount of your essay haha

Nathaniel Reichert
Nathaniel Reichert - 26.03.2023 05:18

Yeah nobody plays P+M because of the double-weebage factor, just because she is a good fighter

J Pupper
J Pupper - 24.03.2023 12:40

I kind of stopped watching smash competitive since LITERALLY EVERYONE uses them and they'll never get nerfed.

Tri Vien Nguyen
Tri Vien Nguyen - 23.03.2023 14:00

Yeah, they definitely have two things going for them alright. Two big things.

BL00D_SP1R1T - 23.03.2023 03:57

Because they are super sexable.

Homophobic Rat
Homophobic Rat - 18.03.2023 12:23

I hope they give them the Ganon treatment next game.

Hungary - 16.03.2023 14:06

You could argue they're THE best character.

Blatherskite - 11.03.2023 12:27

I play Pyra & Mythra because of their totally rad tits

CRIMSON CRUS8DER - 11.03.2023 05:28

Character ruins the game, bad character. Booo

Xion Vebb
Xion Vebb - 06.03.2023 03:37

When I saw pyra first, I thought "ok, ok, relatively strong, but still a fair fight." When I saw mythra, I thought "SHE FUCKING TELEPORTING!! WHAT THE HELL??? HOW is she so FAST?!?"
I might be a bit too salty

Alan S. Wendelschafer
Alan S. Wendelschafer - 26.02.2023 23:29

I'll tell you why. They're cheap. I played against someone using it once and all he did was the same moves over and over again. At least, that's my experience with it.

Ryan V
Ryan V - 24.02.2023 05:49

Bro i was so psyched when she got in bc xenoblade 2 is one of my favorite games ever 😭

No Name
No Name - 14.02.2023 01:56

Because you don’t have to think when playing them

The One
The One - 09.02.2023 19:26

Waifus are rated E for everyone

Words to remember

Jesús Portillo
Jesús Portillo - 28.01.2023 18:56

Aegis in a nutshell: Mythra is broken and Pyra is the kill confirm

Arc Viper
Arc Viper - 18.01.2023 19:41

Pyra/Mythra are very fun to use and she is my secondary. However, I would say her recovery is abysmal. I've played here around friends enough that they know how to fight against her and I get stomped when I'm in a disadvantage state. IMO I think you are under-estimating how bad and exploitable her recovery is. You absolutely can't make a mistake off stage or you are done. You even see top level players like Shuton SD in finals because of slight mis-calculations off stage. If you check out the 2022 win/lose rate stats online Pyra/Mythra is in the top 15 worst win rate of all the smash characters. Easy to pick up, hard to master because of piss poor recovery.

LovelyDays Pass
LovelyDays Pass - 15.01.2023 06:45

As a pyra and mythra player I honestly picked her up bc she has the things you would want in a ideal character. Fast and have really good punish game. However I think the only bad thing about this character is that their recovery is so bad and so easily punishable

William Tao
William Tao - 10.01.2023 09:44

Imagine Rex as update fighter by rumors it be nice, but he destroyed Sora about some seconds.

Also lots realize more Xenoblade characters are coming as playable and non playable in updates.

Yankee 1147
Yankee 1147 - 31.12.2022 08:25

Played Xenoblade 2. Wanted them in smash. Got them in smash. Played them and coincidentally they are good characters

What more can I ask for

Zate - 30.12.2022 19:54

Theyre like roy but Mythra has a lot more usable moves which makes her much more flexible

Muffle - 30.12.2022 10:13

we just need Noah/Mio in smash now. i can only wish
