Ben 10 Villains Ranked!

Ben 10 Villains Ranked!

The Ink Tank

3 года назад

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@DragonstarTDB5 - 13.02.2024 19:19

Why is no one talking about Zacar he was awesome and the only villain that Ben actually tried to kill.

@eaglehood224 - 21.02.2024 11:40

I admit, I never even recognized Psyphon as a character until Omniverse so if anything? Yeah Omniverse made him more memorable.

@DanialTarki - 25.02.2024 22:12

Mostly fair enough rankings. Vilgax should’ve been in Ultimate, though.

@darkmaciek999 - 06.03.2024 06:52

You forgor Alpha...

@ODJJ-77.83 - 16.03.2024 14:04


@Crow-vk4vx - 20.03.2024 20:48

Timestamps anyone?

@blackthunderdragon6804 - 28.03.2024 21:03

Ok i think the dnalinens deverse ultimate for 2 reasons one the got a sort zombi/control vibe and two because that one ep that reveal that one guy who break out the control And lost his memory with i think is really creep and cool

@Lukas_the_Libra - 21.04.2024 18:26

The terminator rip offs looks more like cyberman (doctor who)

@crazyjoshuagaming6978 - 23.04.2024 01:25

Aggrigor had so much fucking plot armor it actually became unbearable to watch

@WTF_whatthefootball - 17.05.2024 14:18

Agregor is the only villian Ben could never defeat. I'm just gonna leave it here.

@eyismalieazlean1866 - 07.06.2024 12:35

Im sorry im watching this in 2024, but are we just gonna forget Dr Animo’s gorilla form in the classic game as well as 10k?? S tier deserved

@tjknight - 02.07.2024 03:26

Having watched all of OV recently I was very suprised that the whole "Vilgax is afraid of Ma Vreedle" thing was such a nothing burger. Really felt like some.of you let 3 seconds ruin a whole character for you imo.

He decided it wasn't worth it and left. The fandom makes it sound like he pissed his pants with all the vitriol but he literally has the same reaction that Kevin did back in AF and he doesn't get nearly as much crap.

TL;DR as funny as the headcanon for vilgax noping out of the episode is, there really doesn't need to be a reason. She's a pain in the ass for anyone to deal with. Either the joke landed for you or it didn't, it's not that deep.

@azrael6044 - 07.07.2024 23:07

Ma Vreedle Ultimate

@toddhardoin3370 - 15.07.2024 09:47

I refuse to believe that was actually Vilgax who ran away from Ma Vreedle. In my head canon that was a really Psyphon using hologram tech to disguise himself as Vilgax. Maybe he thought if he pretended to be Vilgax he could conquer earth easier or something like that. Either way I refuse to accept that Vilgax is scared of Ma Vreedle.

@Godrod197 - 15.07.2024 21:35

Rob is out here spreading democracy for the Tetremand species!!!

@grim-4552 - 19.07.2024 08:00

I genuinely hate that I physically can't stand to rewatch the show (classic to omniverse) because Ive seen them all so many times and every time I go to attempt to rewatch it since it was on my mind and available I take one look at the episode titles and the episode just plays in my brain and I end up going and watching something else. I have the same problem with basically all of the DCAU (even the Zeta Project) and most any other shows I watched as a kid.

@BenTennyson-UAF - 20.07.2024 12:02

I agree with you, Ink Tank members, Eon is just an average villain in the series and the movie but you gave him a justice to become one of the deadliest foes of Ben in 5yl

@Nightxx9199 - 04.08.2024 17:53

I simply can't like Aggregor due to how inconsistent his characters background is throughout the series.

@harpybeagle4931 - 11.08.2024 17:46

Id argue Phil is more entertaining than Servantis ever was like hes got no charisma to him the same way Albedo, Kevin or even Attea does. Besides his lonely crusade, we never see him off-guard trying to rationalize his thoughts about Ben in a vulnerable or even an interesting way. Conceptually it could be a deep divide between the gray areas of the Plumbers, but in practice he felt shallow compared to what he REPRESENTED. A part of Kevin still tempted to replace Ben out of jealousy and fear

Phil imo works as a great parallel to Max of what Kevin was to Ben, only if Kevin never changed. Like Kevin 11k. Plus Phil by himself carried a cool gimmick and expanded the lore in both his central episodes from Classic AND OV. I just cant say the same about Servantis

@narrowplanet1401 - 18.08.2024 11:04

I’m surprised that the evil alternate Ben’s did not get a mention, like Mad Ben i could see being in average

@ak.bricks-sf1ev - 02.09.2024 14:34

Think they gave albedo ultimate It's because he's the original Ultimatrix Owner

@eaglefangkaratedojo7473 - 19.09.2024 18:53

Does Enoch even have lines in UA? The only scene I remember him even being in is the one with all the forever knight factions meeting, and they go “Enoch” and briefly cut to his face

@EmenussGOamazing - 27.09.2024 14:26

I think Greg deserved to be right below Vilgax

@aleksrull - 01.10.2024 08:20

It sad we newer get new nemesis ten with strongest villains.

@anothergingeronthetheinternet - 19.10.2024 20:33

If there’s ever a Ben 10 movie I’m hoping kuro and ash get cast as the vreedle brothers

@shadow-tw1oq - 06.11.2024 05:55

agregor was so good dude he was too strong and smart for ben to beat him on his own

@marcroth2844 - 09.11.2024 23:20

Captain Nemesis's debut was amazing imo really established the difference between himself and Ben on what it means to be a hero

@jonahdengler3858 - 12.11.2024 01:55

Nobody likes Will Harangue! How dare you put him at the top! I personally think of him as a knock-off of Jameson! 😤🤨

@jonahdengler3858 - 12.11.2024 02:14

It’s pronounced sub-LUH-MEE-noh, “Patrick Stars”! 🤨

@georgenwafor760 - 21.11.2024 15:43

Some villains are missing
Captain boomerang

@goldenwolfae - 26.11.2024 00:48

my problem with zs'skayr is that i think the explanation of how he got in the omnitrix is really stupid. and i think its another tally on "azmuth is actually kind of an idiot" board. also the fact that omniverse moved his face around because cartoon network is a big baby is the dumbest shit ive ever seen.

@MrIrdatlan - 08.12.2024 12:45

The fact, that if Blue tetramands exist means that there are several shades of purple Tetramand.

@safartaqiyev1595 - 16.12.2024 08:51

little knowledge....

@michaeltuitt2847 - 28.12.2024 23:32

Charmcaster and Aggregor should at least be Ultimate. They've beaten the main protagonists multiple times.

@GUNUFofficial - 29.12.2024 21:33

Omniverse siphon to me gives off mild starscream vibes, which makes him 10 times better then pre-omniverse siphon.

@missilegrevious6126 - 01.01.2025 19:03

Albedo big dumb. He should have just turned off the time limit on his omnitrix and transform into himself

@unprovoked99 - 23.01.2025 15:46

I'm saddened that Liam didn't make it to the list, for anyone who doesn't remember he's the chicken guy in omniverse that was part of Psyphon's gang. he started out just being Psyphon's lackey but later on had multiple episodes causing trouble by himself and he was always entertaining

@leonardocavalheiro9881 - 26.01.2025 21:53

I feel like Zombozo it's such a waste after his first appearance. Every other time he shows up, he just gets goofier and not in a entertaining way.

Btw, i do love Vilgax from the OG series and Malware

@carolynbrognano614 - 28.01.2025 16:40

My input as to why Charmcaster may be Ultimate. She is the only villain (as far as I know) to actually kill the entire UAF trio. She won, but it was reversed cuz her dad didn't agree with her actions.

@aonbrogan8266 - 01.03.2025 19:36

"Dr. Anime is juiced, you think getting that Yeti was easy?" Is such a funny but true thing to say.

@sobhan1218 - 07.03.2025 20:34

I liked agreggor
