Shopify Multiple Variant Images - (How to Display Images Specific to the Selected Variant)

Shopify Multiple Variant Images - (How to Display Images Specific to the Selected Variant)

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Hoez Mad
Hoez Mad - 11.10.2023 10:07

Just when I thought I found a video where I didn’t have to code…

Vaizdink - 10.10.2023 00:25

When previewing the product (using a modal with a resize function), all of the images are shown without the filter function. Is there a way to fix this?

Simon Shinkins
Simon Shinkins - 09.10.2023 19:07

This is useful guide, but it would be much simpler to use metafields here rather than relying on alt text. You can simply add a variant metafield, which contains a list of images, and display those images when the variant is selected. Keep up the tutorials though, they're well presented and helpful for people.

Matt Clarke
Matt Clarke - 09.10.2023 00:43

Hi jan. Im using the sense theme. I go to inspect on my website then I go to my product liquid code but I cant find the code from the inspect in my liquid. Why do you think this his happening. None of it is there. A reply would be great

xelism - 19.09.2023 22:14

Hello, I'm working in Dawn 11.0.0, can't seem to find the code there. Any chance you know how to fix it in this version of Dawn?

SEGOYA Design - 16.09.2023 14:33

Trying to do this tutorial on Dawn 11.0. Sadly the code in the main-product.liquid is completely different... But thanks nonetheless!

Indu Reddy
Indu Reddy - 14.09.2023 18:33

Hello, I used this code for studio theme. It is working perfectly well on laptop. However, on the mobile, all the variant images are being displayed as a slider. Can you please help me fix this? Thanks in advance!

Milkify - 03.09.2023 17:21

For anyone wondering about updating this for Dawn version 11, here's how we got it to work.

Follow all instructions except for the below changes:

The Liquid file is now called 'product-media-gallery.liquid'

Update the JS function to:

filterImgVariant() {
console.log("thumbnail updated", this.currentVariant);
const thumbnailEls = document.querySelectorAll('[thumbnail-alt]');
if (this.currentVariant.featured_image && this.currentVariant.featured_image.alt) {
// Show only thumbnail for selected variant
const currentImgAlt = this.currentVariant.featured_image.alt;
const thumbnailSelector = `[thumbnail-alt='${currentImgAlt}']`;
thumbnailEls.forEach(img => = 'none');
document.querySelectorAll(thumbnailSelector).forEach(img => = 'block');
} else {
// Show all thumbnails
thumbnailEls.forEach(img => = 'block');

Fiction Surprise
Fiction Surprise - 31.08.2023 22:35

This is only working for Color Variant. If there are different images for Size Variant to display, it will not work. Would be great to have an example for it. Thank you anyway for this detailed tutorial, Jan!

Cris Woz
Cris Woz - 24.08.2023 14:12

Amazing!!! thanks a lot!!!

Stephen Jin
Stephen Jin - 24.08.2023 07:17

Great tutorial, thank you Jan. Just one thing, further modification is needed for this to work on mobile as well.

Serhii Kulik
Serhii Kulik - 15.08.2023 14:39

look, there is a store that I made through shopify and there is a product, this pillow, the problem is that I want the first photo as soon as the user enters the page to have a certain photo, but the problem is that the first photo that is on the page is a version of the pillow, there is gray and white and white gray, how to make what was the photo that I want and not pillow options?

Tiagoam - 11.08.2023 00:40

Hey, thank you for the useful video. I trierd to find the HTML Class in the "Refresh" Theme, but i couldnt find it. I tried it on the "Dawn" Theme and did find it immadiately. Can anyone help?

nosxing - 04.08.2023 17:59


Daw theme version 11.0 does not have the same code, I find myself unable to do this modification without expertise.
Would you do an updated version or send reference for it?

Thank you

Wen Quirós
Wen Quirós - 27.07.2023 09:58

When I thought there was no way 😭 I found this video 🤩and it worked perfect for me, thank you very much. Just I had to modify a different file, instead of main-product.liquid, it was in product-media-galery-liquid (my theme is Craft). The js file was the same as the video.

Deliciously Keto
Deliciously Keto - 23.07.2023 01:57

Tooooo long process

akash kumar
akash kumar - 19.07.2023 15:02


yo - 17.07.2023 14:53

Please please please please do an updated version for Dawn 10.0.0, please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

rishabh p
rishabh p - 12.07.2023 14:12

I can't find product media in main-product liquid on the dawn theme

Gino Pino
Gino Pino - 09.07.2023 22:48

How did you do the big variant images layout?

nkt - 08.07.2023 17:30

On point. Thanks for this brilliant tutorial.

MD ABDULLAH AL MAMUN - 30.06.2023 12:56

Hello Sir, if i want to do this stuff with size variant then what to do. Please Help me. My store doesn't have too much color, but has lot of sizes. Waiting for your quick reply. Thank you.

DigiChukar - 28.06.2023 11:26

I have copied the code perfectly for Sense theme and it’s also working
But there’s one problem that when we change variant, featured image of previous variant remain in the images
But if we reload the page it removes
Tell me how to fix this so that we don’t have to reload every time

rishabh p
rishabh p - 24.06.2023 10:36

Can you update this for dawn 10

Traytor - 29.05.2023 01:58

Update for Dawn version 9?

Iqbal Raza ozbix
Iqbal Raza ozbix - 27.05.2023 13:09

This is a very good video & I apply this to my store but it's working only in images stacked layout. If I select carousel layout it's not working properly & in other layouts. kindly share a video in which the variant switcher work dynamically on every layout. thank you

Jonas Krahn
Jonas Krahn - 23.05.2023 10:16

not working for ride theme

Vien Trinh
Vien Trinh - 23.05.2023 01:47

Not working on my site

Hakira - 23.05.2023 00:11

Hi, this video is exactly what i was looking for but for some reason when i copy the product_media-item there is no highlights and showing of this variable in the code is there anything that could help this please?

Talha Amjad
Talha Amjad - 10.05.2023 23:20

Superb tutorial Josie you nailed it.

Came back to your channel after some months and I loved the interaction of Jan Frey but He is doing other great stuff 🙌

Mike Constantino
Mike Constantino - 07.05.2023 09:16

How to group the image base on the color and also base on the size. Sample if Some one click red it will show red but then when someone click small only images for the red , small variant will show, smae with red and medium, and so on to other variant

Mike Constantino
Mike Constantino - 07.05.2023 09:13

I think this is one I looking for

Vitor Hugo Ferreira
Vitor Hugo Ferreira - 04.05.2023 13:05

Hello, thanks for the great tutorial. Really useful, please continue your great work educating us, newbies, on how to achieve these things.

Regarding this issue, i have a question for you. As you know, nowadays people are getting more visual and their searches are done a lot in the images section of search engines, instead of searching for pages. The Alt Text of the images is one the most important fields to insert SEO relevant information that leads people to our stores through the images they find.

So, is there anyway to use the Alt Text field to create this solution, which is using the Alt Text just for one word with the color we want, and also allowing us to insert our SEO friendly description of the image?

Again, thanks for your support and tutorials. Keep up the great work.

Jovan - 04.05.2023 10:04

im on dawn theme and the very first step doesnt work
when i go to search for the class in the main product liquid, nothing shows up
the product__media-item doesnt exist
has shopify changed something? can someone help at all?

Floor City
Floor City - 03.05.2023 00:43

This takes too long. I want an app that manages this seamlessly. It's annoying that Shopify doesn't allow you to just click the variant and add the images internally.

John Mcaulay
John Mcaulay - 29.04.2023 18:45

Hey man thanks for all the great videos, they've really helped me figure out Liquid / Shopify development.

Could you elaborate on how to use the variant meta fields a little more for this same task? I probably only need a few hints.

I was thinking of incorporating a variant metafield called color (which I already use for swatches) and then putting that color code into the filenames of the variant images...but I'm keen to know if there's a smarter way.

That way you'd still get nice alt tags on your images and also have this functionality.

Eder Solis
Eder Solis - 10.04.2023 17:52

Hey great stuff thank you so much. I only have a small problem in my store I have three color options available. Two of the images work when I select them, but when I hit the third option no image appears? What can I do?

Alok Singh
Alok Singh - 30.03.2023 22:04

This video is great but also suggest me for mobile screen, am getting all images at mobile screen

Catalin Catalin
Catalin Catalin - 30.03.2023 10:17

I would love to see how you handle a nice, optimized image snippet

SHIKHA SHAH - 24.03.2023 17:25

After doing all this, when we refresh the page, we get page not found error. Has anyone got the same error?

Progressportal - 20.03.2023 16:45

I did everything and stil have to refresh the page before the images show up. How can I fix this

Женя Свиридов
Женя Свиридов - 20.03.2023 16:12

A very informative and helpful, thenks a lot

Gourav kumar
Gourav kumar - 15.03.2023 11:36

Hey Jan, i just implement this code on Dawn 8.0, it showing only in " stacked view". please make a video or instruct in your code that how we cam implement it according to selected thumbnail view setting, i.e i want same color variants images display in "thumbnail slider" only. as of now my thumbnail slider showing all the product images and just above that , it is showing stacked selected variants images, which is look really bad.

kindly change the code accordingly so that we get selected variants image output in thumbnail slider only or according to thumbnail settings( stacked, thumbnail, thumbnail slider), just like by default it showing all images.

i hope my message is clear.

MARIA POLYCHRONIADOU - 13.03.2023 14:47

i cant find anywhere the product media item. i inspect then copy and there is nothing as product media item. Whats happening

Ashu Sanghavi
Ashu Sanghavi - 09.03.2023 13:29

Can same be done with thumbnail carousel ? If yes, can you please make a video for that.

Ty - 08.03.2023 07:53

hi Jan great video I can not find product__media-item anywhere in my coding I looked single handily for 2 hours and kept typing it in I'm on the sense theme does that affect it? I don't understand why it doesn't pop up

deepak-sharma - 07.03.2023 10:30

It was amazing tutorial but my product contains sizes too, and it creating conflict when I select new size.

Mohamed Shalaby
Mohamed Shalaby - 01.03.2023 23:43

Excellent video! Thank you so much. It works perfectly when the Desktop layout is on "Stacked". I guess it needs some adjustment to make it work with Thumbnails or Thumbnail carousel.

Bharat Gupta
Bharat Gupta - 01.03.2023 15:28

Can you update this tutorial for the latest version of dawn?
