Neverwinter Mod 22 - FAILED NEW Patch PS Freezing  Compensation With VIP And Gifts? Northside

Neverwinter Mod 22 - FAILED NEW Patch PS Freezing Compensation With VIP And Gifts? Northside


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Dustin D
Dustin D - 07.02.2022 07:01

Northside i have good news sunday february 6th i am now able to play neverwinter after ps4 patch 10.03

Rodrigo Nami
Rodrigo Nami - 06.02.2022 21:06

Anyone is having problem to get in qq's on the xbox. When i try to get in i got dropped out saing i didint aceppet the qq but i aceppet

Sarato_K - 06.02.2022 20:18

Still have the freezing problem after all the patches on ps5,

robert drey
robert drey - 06.02.2022 04:35

Still freezing even when all the friends deleted and have to use the spamming of the circle button sometimes does not work

Chris Biggs
Chris Biggs - 05.02.2022 21:54

I have only deleted 10 friends that I no longer play with and game runs smoothly, few lags but yea it works. Still not impressed 😞

Nannoc 32
Nannoc 32 - 05.02.2022 12:51

Just tried to login at 4:53am EST still freezing upon 3 seconds of login.

DragonLord - 05.02.2022 06:06

Compensation will probably be a week of VIP and a 10 pack of genie gifts lol FFS

Ansfrida Eyowulfsdottir
Ansfrida Eyowulfsdottir - 05.02.2022 05:15

Play Station players with a Friends list above a certain threshold of ZERO! Why rush to release a week early if it's just broken? Have they learned nothing from 8 or 9 years worth of broken patches on PC?

They should give every account 100k refined AD and 1 VIP key per day they could not play. Regardless of character level or if they actualy had VIP.


AdB - 05.02.2022 05:06

Strangest thing ever this patch today actually fixed it for me so I was going through my characters turning in BTC enchants into medallions and my DC which hasn't been touched since mod 15 got a tradeable item in the mail that says it's an artifact stat increase for deflect severity. What is this? Curious if anyone else got something odd like this in the mail from cryptic mailing back your enchants as this is clearly not an enchant or even suppose to be an inventory item?

Edit: also is the storytellers journal set bugged? My Brash strike isnt procing extra hit for weapon damage on crit hit, relentless slash (or weapon masters strike as I knew it as) is only getting 1 proc on initial swing but not the follow through? And on PS the bug where you deal 0 damage after sprint still is here

Terry Hayter
Terry Hayter - 05.02.2022 04:39

Lit them up bro how they go to work mess up and still get paid a check is ridiculous

Terry Hayter
Terry Hayter - 05.02.2022 04:38

Ps4 and 5 min then freeze

Terry Hayter
Terry Hayter - 05.02.2022 04:37

Patch patch still freeze not fixed spamm button bs

Stetson Clark
Stetson Clark - 05.02.2022 04:08

Still freezing

Chuck - 05.02.2022 03:14

Can't believe how bad they messed up on Playstation. Glad we didn't have to deal with that on PC. Btw, I finally got my HELLFIRE STEED!!!! I feel complete now! LOL 🤣 Thanks for all you do bro! You Da Man..

No La
No La - 05.02.2022 03:07

They work?

The Wolf
The Wolf - 05.02.2022 01:55

Nice video man ....and about a game well ...complete joke ...

Fredy Ramirez
Fredy Ramirez - 05.02.2022 01:54

There was update today for ps4 now it work good I’m happy be back in game I didn’t delete friends I don’t have lot friends in ps4

aboosh - 05.02.2022 01:44

Is it still freezing 🥶

Mansour Mm
Mansour Mm - 05.02.2022 01:32

Hi, I would like to ask you about account-wide enchantments if we can
claim them as many as we want or not? Thank you

Fall Witch 1
Fall Witch 1 - 05.02.2022 01:32

Thanks for an update. Looks like I picked a good time to take a break or I would be really cross.

Evgeny Kovalev
Evgeny Kovalev - 05.02.2022 00:30

Самое смешное что если зайти с другого аккаунта где ничего нет, то игра не зависает 🤦🏽🤣

Bryan Coontz
Bryan Coontz - 05.02.2022 00:26

Ps4 still freezing up

T Willy
T Willy - 04.02.2022 23:35

still freezing

Ceoshot - 04.02.2022 23:03

As always Northside great video written information. I just think this is another nail in the coffin. I totally agree that they should have waited. If I had a console I would have been really upset too. Stay safe buddy. Nermaleye signing out.

5th Scale RC is Key
5th Scale RC is Key - 04.02.2022 22:52

After patch I'm still freeze playstation

No La
No La - 04.02.2022 21:38

Can you imagine if people that supports the game buying 23000 zen but payment freeze and you get the zen 🤣😂. And you'll be like sorry but you didn't get my money because you have lots of friends 😂🤣

Niall Dafoe
Niall Dafoe - 04.02.2022 20:41

Well it's still freezing

xXDVP_PANTERAXx - 04.02.2022 20:14

Trying to remain optimistic. Friendless and still freezing is amusing to me, lol. Despite the side eye received from a lot of people, I still enjoy Neverwinter. Hopefully we will be compensated for this debacle but only time will tell. Thanks for another great video!!

ᛖᛊᛖᚲᛁᛖᛚ - 04.02.2022 20:07

Ps4 still freezing🥲

risen lewis
risen lewis - 04.02.2022 19:53

Update on ps4 new patch is out still freezing🤔

Nicht die Mama
Nicht die Mama - 04.02.2022 19:39

It still frezz on ps4

Toxic apple
Toxic apple - 04.02.2022 19:29

So, its still freezing after our last "fix"🤣(ps5)

ReaperOne-90 - 04.02.2022 19:29

Who knows, the compensation could be a abyssal chicken vanity pet uncommon like the one we get from Juma bag. Lol

Ian Haddow
Ian Haddow - 04.02.2022 19:13

Finally fixed the freezing on PS4 bro woot woot

Dramatik4Real - 04.02.2022 19:12

Ps5 still FREEZING after 2/4 patch

Kate - 04.02.2022 19:00

Just wow. Thanks for the info. Keep it real 💯

Alex Tonov
Alex Tonov - 04.02.2022 18:13

hahahah stay near the fire so you dont freez hahaha . Cheers

risen lewis
risen lewis - 04.02.2022 17:54

A month VIP 10 VIP keys 2black opals 5genie gifts. Am guessing.
Great video bro cheers.

d0n77 - 04.02.2022 17:42

Xbox also had issues this update and last...the game was freezing, could not move instances or do daily sign ins without constant freezing and crashing...i dealt with these issues for 5's still happening to ppl, but we have a fix on xbox, reinstall the game...updates are causing these's not happening to everyone from what i'm hearing, but it did happen to a lot of ppl.

Lee's Box
Lee's Box - 04.02.2022 17:04

I think the Three Stooges could run that game better. It's just unbelievable how many mistakes they consistently make. Time after time after time. After time. After time. Aft.....zzzzzzzzzzz

Miranda Powers
Miranda Powers - 04.02.2022 16:33

I didn't remove any friends, but I did create a new psn account and got on just fine. But what's the point in that, I wasn't able to get the quest to get to the new area. Even though the campaign says it's open to all item levels at the moment. That's crazy though. And I agree, extending VIP won't fix much. And the drops are garbage. All the shirts and trousers are identical with just different names, (some stat difference but... boring)

Segi shin
Segi shin - 04.02.2022 16:28

I'm actually happy they fix the barbarian sprint bug but the quque group is still there even you accept the dungeon or trial you will be kick from the group with no reason ..

Kaileenasedai - 04.02.2022 16:02

It still baffles me that they tried to blame Sony. Also that a lot of people just mass deleted everyone on their friend's list. I play on PS4 and let me tell you going through and deleting everyone one by one would have made me more annoyed than just waiting for the fix. Did I play a bunch more Skyrim over the last few days? Yes, yes I did. That said I'm baffled by how Cryptic treats its player base and just expects us to put up with it. There were a lot of people deleting the game and moving on in the last few days. If your player base is the source of your revenue don't treat them poorly. Cryptic does, over and over. Playstation wasn't compensated for Cryptics error in messing up reapers for us for several days, five I believe, and people had been working on that for the comp and mount boxes etc. Also before anyone comes for me about how it's a free game yes yes yes. We aren't entitled etc. Sometimes tho we are. Esp because they can't be assed to do their job which is to ensure that people regardless of what they play on, no console wars here, should be able to get in and enjoy the game. It just doesn't happen though and blaming Sony is just....I don't even know. I'm still debating with myself why I bother playing the game anymore.

sth trd
sth trd - 04.02.2022 16:00

that friend's list is bs...I only have three friends and still freeze. spam circle and psn was able to play but will freeze when joining group contents.

Ian Haddow
Ian Haddow - 04.02.2022 15:49

Awesome cheers bro 👍 it's a bloody disgrace everyone on ps4 agrees that it's the overloading of our postbags I bet they only give like 5 days vip and a black pearl I actually hope that gearbox replace the lot of them with professional developers etc because cryptic seriously don't give a crap even about people who support their game financially 👍 I will let you know as quick s possible bro

Trankos - 04.02.2022 15:31

Sooo Cryptic to blame something out of the game that was causing the crash, bluescreens and freezing. And sadly I know we won't get descent compensation rewards from them.

Cheers Northside 🍻⚔

Jackie Sullivan
Jackie Sullivan - 04.02.2022 15:21

They never did compensate anything, it's free to play game, and it was down, that's all folks

AdB - 04.02.2022 15:12

Curious to see what other gifts are. We shall see
