React Redux Full Course for Beginners | Redux Toolkit Complete Tutorial

React Redux Full Course for Beginners | Redux Toolkit Complete Tutorial

Dave Gray

2 года назад

384,956 Просмотров

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Yaroslav Dombrovskyi
Yaroslav Dombrovskyi - 29.09.2023 16:52

Super content, very interesting. Thanks

code comfort
code comfort - 27.09.2023 09:23

Sir could you please help me when i am doing it shows map is undefined please help me

Md Sameer
Md Sameer - 25.09.2023 04:49

not explaining the terms and redux api's did not helped anything

Tetyana Gon
Tetyana Gon - 22.09.2023 00:38

I followed you Dave within entire tutorial. GJ!!! TY!!!💙💛

vak vak
vak vak - 21.09.2023 22:15

I'm not fully get it. So I can have a method getTodosQuery and it will return a list of data and even a flag if it still loading or done. Then I assign the result to a new const and use in a component. But what if I need to acces some of loaded data in completely another component which is five level deep. Should I again call getTodosQuery?

Daniel Nguyen
Daniel Nguyen - 18.09.2023 21:32

Great course as always Dave! Can't thank you enough :). I have a question: In chapter 3, my posts consists 200 items instead of 100. I figured out that it was the React.StrictMode that made my useEffect called twice. Although removing the <React.StrictMode> solves the problem, I'm wondering if I should do it.

Azaan - 14.09.2023 20:12

Thank you for the free course, I got full help and I finished it

Let Me Bleed Her
Let Me Bleed Her - 11.09.2023 00:56

Ps: If you get a duplicate for each fetched post, remove <ReactStrictMode> from main.jsx.

gana venkatesh
gana venkatesh - 01.09.2023 06:08

@dave please help me, I am getting undefined function while extract the generated hooks from RTQ.

Thanks in advance,
Your help is really appreciated

Julián Castro
Julián Castro - 27.08.2023 23:12

how is it possible to reference extendedApiSlice within the extendedApiSlice definition? :|

Aaisha - 20.08.2023 13:22

I have re-watched it many times but still not getting some part 😭😭

World of Wali
World of Wali - 19.08.2023 19:28

Thanks a lot.

King AMV
King AMV - 17.08.2023 18:35

When i become a decent web developer, my next mission will be to find this man and buy him a drink and a car. what a guy

wladimir wiazowski filho
wladimir wiazowski filho - 17.08.2023 17:38

This is not a good tutorial. Just reading what you are doing, does not teach anyone. You have to explain. Give small examples. Do 5 or 6 small projects to increase the complexity.
Thats is just not a good tutorial

Sazzad Alam Tomal
Sazzad Alam Tomal - 14.08.2023 10:48

I am facing a problem. In postSlice file, when the fetchposts is fulfilled, we are concating the posts with newPosts. But in reactStrictMode, the thunk function is called twice. So instead of 100 posts. I am having 200 posts with duplicates. Can't figure out what I am doing different.

kaf - 13.08.2023 12:44

in chapter 5 when we use Profiling it's working at first but when we add React.memo it says 'Profiling support requires either a development or profiling build of React v16.5+.', why is that? and huge thanks for the tutorial Dave, you help a ton!!

Igris - 10.08.2023 16:54

Dave, This tutorial is perfect for beginners and your explanation is good to get understanding. The topics you are covered are most asked for job interview. Thank you I have learnt redux with this video and I just need to contribute in projects.

Code Magpie
Code Magpie - 02.08.2023 20:49

FYI! There is an extension for the useState statement that you have to install and that is very helpful. ush
I heard an advice, being a developer try to automate things as much as you can especially the repetitive tasks.

Code Magpie
Code Magpie - 02.08.2023 20:25

Now whenever I search for a video tutorial on something, I type "search term Dave Gray"
Before I found you, I was always looking for content from Mosh but most of his content aren't free.


Yes! Yes! I am feeling generous but I am feeling poor too.

Anyway love you.

Charsi Posting
Charsi Posting - 01.08.2023 16:54

sir how we come to know that which best name should be written in store...???
kindly anybody help me..???

Alaa Aldeen Subora
Alaa Aldeen Subora - 31.07.2023 21:39

Thank you for this great tutorial. I've been hearing everybody say to first use redux, when your application get's complex. The thing is what does that even mean? at which stage is an application complex? can you maybe put a number on it?

Siddharth punmiya
Siddharth punmiya - 23.07.2023 18:36

this course is really really good but i wont recommend to absolute beginners,because the guy explains things nicely but he kinda assumes that most of us already know some basic of react-redux and reduxtoolkit .This video was definitely good for me because already watched some tutorials before jumping onto this video .This video will definitely helps those guys who have some what knowledge of reduxtoolkit
thanks a bunch and awesome tutorials🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Joshua Riggleman
Joshua Riggleman - 17.07.2023 21:18

I'm less than 10 minutes in, but I am very disappointed by this video. There seems to be no clear explanation of anything up to this point. He does something, vaguely explains it, then moves on. This seems to be more of a refresher course rather than a "beginners" course.

Terrence Tyson
Terrence Tyson - 14.07.2023 04:11

This tutorial is one of the best tutorials I've tried to work through. Every line of code written is explained, and the source code matches the tutorial except where an update to the code is announced. However, I am stuck on one part in Chapter 3. When I add a new post, it gets added as the second post. Also when I click the emojis on the first post, the counts on the second post get updated. I was instructed to ignore try/catch blocks in fetchPosts and addNewPosts, and that Promises would be covered later. Is this what is happening, or have botched up the code somewhere?

Futuro FEDERAL - 13.07.2023 17:33

what's theme you use in the your vs code?

rizwan khan
rizwan khan - 13.07.2023 13:16

I think before jumping straight forward to this tutorial you must understand the basics of redux

Michal Nowak
Michal Nowak - 11.07.2023 13:11


Hamza Ashraf
Hamza Ashraf - 09.07.2023 21:45

Best ever tutorial on redux toolkit explanation is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Thanks Dave for a such effort

Manish Dobriyal
Manish Dobriyal - 24.06.2023 22:58

hello dave ..i need help this selector not working please help export const selectNotesResult =

Michael An
Michael An - 23.06.2023 11:14

Hello Dave,
I encountered an issue in Chapter 3. While using createRoot() from React 18 to establish a root for index.js, I noticed that fetchPosts() is being called twice upon the initial call. This is resulting in the same posts being rendered twice. Could you help me figure out a solution to this?

Walter Germanes
Walter Germanes - 21.06.2023 17:25

what's the difference between createasyncthunk and rtk query?

Mykhailo Maslyuk
Mykhailo Maslyuk - 19.06.2023 11:57

what is the difference between `onClick={() => function()}` and onClick={function} ?

Dani V
Dani V - 19.06.2023 11:56

One of the best coding tutorial I have every seen. Though I have already some past experience with React and Redux, the way you present and explain is superb and deepen my understanding. Thanks! :)

AnimeExplorer - 10.06.2023 19:31

HI Dave,
i am doing this course with typescript.
can you please help me
i am getting issue when i write the below line:
export const selectAllPosts = (state) => state.posts;

it says state of type any issue

Abdo Samy
Abdo Samy - 06.06.2023 04:15

When I click on Home link in the header it completely reloads everything ? How can I fix that ?
Thank you Mr Dave.

Abdo Samy
Abdo Samy - 03.06.2023 22:25

Is it better to use RTK Query or React query in a project in your opinion Mr Dave?

Code With Zain
Code With Zain - 26.05.2023 16:21

Hey Dave, can you please make the same video on mobix and mobix state tree

Rayen S
Rayen S - 13.05.2023 15:57

Hello Mr Dave Gray,
Thank you about the great Tuto .
But I find a problem with the code : Normally in getPostsByUserId 's providesTags !
Because if you try to add a post for a user , then if you will open the user's page for the first time you will find your new Post .
But if you will create an other post with the same user , and you will try to open the user's page the second time ==>You will not find your new post ! only old posts (from cache)
Please answer us with the solution and thank you :)

AbeerCodes - 12.05.2023 16:18

I can surely say that you are the best. Guru, my teacher

Arian - 10.05.2023 09:37

It was one of the worst Redux tutorials I've ever seen! You didn't explain anything, just copy and paste some pre-wrritten code, I can't say anything, just wanted to say that Don't waste your time watching this video, the best resource to learn Redux is its docs, Shame on you, Dave!!! I didn't expect that from you.

Neiko Chan
Neiko Chan - 09.05.2023 18:37

Hello! Thank you so much for this lesson! This lesson (and others) helped me a lot on my actual school project! I'm studding to reorient professionally to frontend developper and your lessons helped a lot through this journey 🐣 Thank you so much for sharing all this knowledge ❤🙏

Olya Churyk
Olya Churyk - 08.05.2023 18:02

It seemed to be a great tutorial until it didn't. Pasting a bunch of code without explaining its IMPORTANT parts, but some trivial "business" logic. I noticed that you used examples from the Redux Essentials documentation, so it would be great to receive a more detailed explanation and clearer visualization than what is already provided in the official documentation. Additionally, having to see all the typos and mistakes can be quite bothersome. I believe it would only take a few minutes to redo the last few sentences where there were mistakes in the code. Moreover, we often spot the mistakes before you do, so it doesn't even teach us to debug. Thank you for the first two chapters, though. It was faster to watch than to read, and therefore it is useful when you only want to check whether it is what you want to have in your project before diving deeper.

Diego Sanchez
Diego Sanchez - 30.04.2023 14:13

Sorry this could be a dumb question, but is this course up to date? ( I'm currently learning react :>)
