Module Federation - Micro frontend architecture | nextjs

Module Federation - Micro frontend architecture | nextjs

victor santos

1 год назад

23,585 Просмотров

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Sebastian Nieto R
Sebastian Nieto R - 21.09.2023 17:07

How can i use export pages but for app folder router?

Kevin Wang
Kevin Wang - 23.08.2023 13:49

very nice! Do you have an example of handling routing between remote and base?

gaurav mithas
gaurav mithas - 22.08.2023 18:05

it cant get any easier @victor santos, great tutorial!!

Guilherme Henrique
Guilherme Henrique - 14.08.2023 01:50

fala vitao, dá pra conectar um microfront next com um projeto só em react? usando esse plugin? vi no git que os cara tão cobrando pra usar ele

Piyush Sharma
Piyush Sharma - 08.08.2023 18:38

thankyou very much Victor, you solved most of my doubts, If you are available kindly answer this question, I want to fetch remotes names and urls json using a API call, so that I don't need to redeploy host application if I release/deploy any new component, kindly suggest a way to make remotes dynamic (fetching data using api call)

Marwa Ehab
Marwa Ehab - 06.08.2023 10:51

when I run the app after adding the config file I got this 'Internal Server Error' and this
error Error: 'entryOptions.layer' is only allowed when 'experiments.layers' is enabled

krishna chaitanya yelleti
krishna chaitanya yelleti - 22.07.2023 17:27

@victorsantos Can i get github url for reference ..

Srikanth Thyagarajan
Srikanth Thyagarajan - 09.07.2023 08:56

beautuful explaination, but the background music volume could have been waymore low , nice explaination kudos

Majkl Zumberi
Majkl Zumberi - 09.07.2023 00:06

How would you implement a auth dedicated mfe? Maybe using next auth library

Rael Lawrence
Rael Lawrence - 28.05.2023 16:44

Great content, but would be better without background music. It's loud, distracting and unnecessary...

Kapil Choudhari
Kapil Choudhari - 21.05.2023 09:35

Hi Victor, thank your for this video, am still watching. My only feedback is to reduce background volume to be able to understand what you speaks :)

Samuel - 06.05.2023 06:45

How do we share store between shop and the main apps?

julian yesid carreño gomez
julian yesid carreño gomez - 05.05.2023 20:57

En español

Vitor Boccio
Vitor Boccio - 23.04.2023 12:34

Hey, tks for the tutorial. Very easy to follow. Sharing components are easy, but I am having a hard time sharing data and functions to use across child apps. Do you have an example of that? Tks

DARK SIDE - 10.04.2023 19:31

Nice video. I knew many new things about how make microfrontends.

Wesley Oliveira
Wesley Oliveira - 29.03.2023 06:28

Someone knows how can i fix this error when i tryed to import a component with dynamic ?

"Cannot find module 'main/footer' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)"

Rabelo - 11.03.2023 01:29

Despite the content of the video being good, I fell asleep several times. Do not use this type of music, have the most active voice...

Fer Elaskar
Fer Elaskar - 01.03.2023 17:20

Hello victor, excellent video! it served me for my project but I wanted to implement the nav in another microfrontend but when placing it in my host application does not find the module of next / Link, I am obviously breaking the nav app. I was looking and I can't find how to solve it, do you have any idea how to solve it?

Arturo Gonzalez
Arturo Gonzalez - 28.02.2023 20:52

after config webpack, the app throws error …
'client-only' cannot be imported from a Server Component module. It should only be used from a Client Component. :(

DailyDev - 22.02.2023 14:59

Hi, this is a great video. However, im having difficulty using a css library (chakra-ui) it seems the apps dont share the styling. got an idea of a solution for this? Thanks!

Aramen Meza
Aramen Meza - 16.02.2023 20:44

Thanks for the contribution Victor, your example helped me a lot to solve my doubts about the architecture of micro-frontends. Now I just have to know the best way to deploy podruction 😅

mahdi ghoussein
mahdi ghoussein - 07.02.2023 17:36

const Header = dynamic(() => import("./header")); giving error

Kamrul Islam
Kamrul Islam - 04.02.2023 05:14

Use a monorepo managing package like lerna or nx or turborepo to make this process simplified. Amazing tutorial Vic

Matilda Wang
Matilda Wang - 02.02.2023 02:01

Hi Victor, thank you for the awesome video! What would happen to shop app when the main app component is not available at some moment for example being deploying or the server went down? Any safe-guard should be use on the shop app? Could you please also provide possible solution that is commonly used? Thank you.

ManOrInfinity - 26.01.2023 14:42

Bravo. You made it work mate. Thanks a ton.

Avinash Tiwari
Avinash Tiwari - 20.01.2023 13:01

is module-federation/nextjs-mf free?

deca dence
deca dence - 16.01.2023 13:34

Hello Victor, are there already stable solutions for implementing ssr, and if so, where to look for them? Thanks for your help!

Lê Việt Anh
Lê Việt Anh - 16.01.2023 05:27

Hi Victor,

I'm using typeScript, however, i have a question about an warning.

```Cannot find module 'main/footer' or its corresponding type declarations.ts ```

while import footer from main app to shop app.

Could you please tell me how I can fix it? How to declare the component?


Nicolas Couto
Nicolas Couto - 29.12.2022 04:12

Hello, tks for sharing. I have two doubts. Its a paid plugin? If not, I have try your tutorial, but when I config the next.config.js show me a error of webpack, I install the the webpack separetely like your instructions but the error persists. I downloaded the latest version of next and @module-federation/nextjs-mf, do you help me?

Dhaval Radadiya
Dhaval Radadiya - 11.12.2022 14:42

What is the content of _document.js of shop-app? Is it required for sharing components across the apps?

Santhosh Gowda
Santhosh Gowda - 08.12.2022 13:20

Hey Victor!

Thanks for a nice content.

I've a question that @mudule-federation/nextjs-mf depends on a plugin that is a paid licence isn't it? Do let me know if it's right? Or let me know did you deal with it!? How did it work when like you mentioned it has only read and view access?

Debs - 04.12.2022 18:46

Hello Victor! Thanks for this tutorial. I followed this, I was trying to use Tailwind css in both the apps. But css rules are not getting applied from shop app when I am checking main app and vice versa. Any thoughts ? Thanks in advance!

Ivan Hueso
Ivan Hueso - 02.12.2022 17:58

Hi, Lets say i have two apps and a developer i want to give access just to one of the apps. How will his app work if it's dependant of component from the second app i don't want to give access to?

Driveshive - 30.11.2022 09:38

Hello Victor, can you tell how to implement micro frontend with Next 13?

Nataraj Patil
Nataraj Patil - 21.11.2022 09:53

Hello Victor, can I use Module Federation with nextJs 13 which uses Turbopack? If so, please share any related references
