Assassin's Creed: Unity - NPCs LOD Fix Mod Showcase

Assassin's Creed: Unity - NPCs LOD Fix Mod Showcase

John Papadopoulos

1 год назад

7,982 Просмотров

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@igorostapenko6129 - 11.06.2023 17:36

Very good work, thank you. Now this game can look really better!

@Crimsongz - 11.06.2023 23:23

This is huge !

@acosadorempedernido3217 - 12.06.2023 03:54

so, what you did was remove the cloth based physics in their attires.

@paddington2063 - 30.06.2023 03:11

Can’t believe this finally happened. I’ve been looking for this every size months or so for years as I found the NPC pop-in crazy distracting

@scottgallagher3886 - 18.08.2023 02:37

Where can i downlaod this mod

@heymrmiyagi - 22.08.2023 19:17

bro game crashes when executing the cheat

@Makaveli.Kllmnt - 18.11.2023 07:37

Is this real?
Did you fix the flickering clothes of npc?
I can't believe this, can someone confirm if this is true?

@AnimeUniverseDE - 20.12.2023 02:54

I'm not sure what NPC mod toggle you're referring to in your description and article. The mod you linked just fixes LODs but still has severe issues with NPC LODs that will flicker as a result. What mod did you use to fix the NPC LODs?

@PewDiePieTooie - 08.04.2024 18:27

This doesn't work anymore

@minus8162 - 27.08.2024 17:21

Does it still works?

@nassiled - 28.12.2024 19:35

@john2gr hey there ! The mod does not work for me and a bunch of people. The bulidings are looking good but the NPCs are constantly flickering betwee two resolutions (like 1 ou 2 times per second, even unp close). Could you share your graphics settings, in case some options work better than others ?
