Ark Invest CEO Cathie Wood has a $2,000 price target for Tesla in 2027

Ark Invest CEO Cathie Wood has a $2,000 price target for Tesla in 2027

CNBC Television

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DAppDynasty DAppDynasty
DAppDynasty DAppDynasty - 21.09.2023 18:30

Intrigued to hear Cathie Wood's perspective on Tesla's future with a $2,000 price target in 2027, especially in light of recent earnings. Let's explore her insights on 'Closing Bell: Overtime.

Scholarly Reader
Scholarly Reader - 20.09.2023 18:09

Cathy wood is not the person to listen too. If one wishes to enlighten themselves. Th I s woman is a ZERO

baycan gunes
baycan gunes - 18.09.2023 22:32

it is up 100 dollar since this video.. so doesnt sound half baked, even for that ridicilous target imao.

Gary Hobbins
Gary Hobbins - 02.09.2023 22:10

As in any industry, discipline, or movement, including our Universal Spiritual Movement, we must put in the foundation. The foundation integrates the fundamentals. As in all fields, we experience leaders who always do not understand fundamental principles. When the fundamentals are in place we have an understanding or sureness that drives us forward. If the foundation is not put in we experience the indecisive and unfigurable mess of going in different directions. Tesla has and is integrating the necessary fundamentals for multiple world-changing advancements.

S N S - 31.08.2023 22:37

Appreciate the $2000 PT by 2027. Would it be possible to provide guidance for 2 years out. That way investors can adjust their 2-year LEAP investment to your predictions. Thank you for your insights.

Robert-D R
Robert-D R - 27.08.2023 11:28

I cannot believe this evil is here to mislead people.

Britney David
Britney David - 21.08.2023 04:58

Great video! I really do have a question. For someone with less than $5,000 to invest, how would you recommend we enter the crypto market? I am looking at studying some traders and copying their strategy rather than investing myself and losing money emotionally. What's your take on this approach?

Jeffrey Hulkman
Jeffrey Hulkman - 17.08.2023 08:59

Given the current economic difficulties that the country is experiencing in 2023, how can we enhance our earnings during this period of adjustment? I cannot let my $680k savings vanish after putting in so much effort to accumulate them.

👨🏻‍💻 - 12.08.2023 03:57

She seems so creepy and fake! Didn’t she say to Bloomberg it was gonna be $4k something a share, then $7k something… and THEN this week she dump the shares AFTER doing an interview saying how great Tesla is yet again 😂

Ryan Smithright
Ryan Smithright - 19.07.2023 00:36

Holy smokes. $2000/share?? It's going to be a wild ride one way or another. I'm onboard. 🧑‍🚀

TitsMegee420 - 12.07.2023 06:53

Love how these hedges funds always give an insane price target then sell stock a month later. Cathie will FOMO back when it's breaking into ATHs. "Smart money" is only an expression

Felter Hills
Felter Hills - 03.07.2023 19:22

have a feeling she always try to jack up the price before selling it. I don't trust her "analysis" at all.

Joe Lyss
Joe Lyss - 27.06.2023 10:53

How can you profess to owning Tesla and you yourself are selling. Can you explain that to your listeners????

Nicholas Richardson
Nicholas Richardson - 16.06.2023 18:29

@Eva Longoria you're right 👇👇

Benjamin Matthew - 16.06.2023 13:48

We work for years to have , $1million while some people I know Invest thousand of dollars in some meme coins and they become millionaires. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life.....

Bi Bi binxer
Bi Bi binxer - 08.06.2023 19:21

Patience is a virtue. What was $162 a month ago is now $230.

Shane Hooper
Shane Hooper - 04.06.2023 17:37

I mean she’s probably not wrong

Jimbo MacGee
Jimbo MacGee - 26.05.2023 05:41

Why do people still listen to this BS? Do people really think investors give out easy money earning advice for free like that? 😂

Gobbi Free
Gobbi Free - 23.05.2023 13:49


quantomic1106 - 21.05.2023 19:27

I'd be amazed if Tesla hit $700/share in 4 years. This woman is insane. She got lucky ones and her ego had gotten off the charts.

Flitzpiepe - 19.05.2023 00:44

😂😂😂 guess something wrong in her pear 🤯🤡

Funny Noodle
Funny Noodle - 15.05.2023 07:59

successful people always make bold remarks and bold moves. it is extremely risky but that's what makes them successful

Raymond Wong
Raymond Wong - 15.05.2023 07:51

My Tesla has Full Self-Driving enabled. My Model X does not let cars merge to our lane when there is an on-ramp to right side of our lane. My Model X braked hard suddenly when a plastic bag was flying in the next lane; my Tesla was most likely thinking it was a flying human being. My Model X uses 2 mega-pixel cameras. I look at the footage, they are not as clear as the videos I film with my 24 mega-pixel SONY and CANON cameras. So, I wonder if the FSD system really can see everything on the road, especially at night time. I tried to use the SUMMON function in my local Target parking lot. The parking lot was not even half-full and was certainly not busy in the morning. Yet, my Model X stopped at the left turn right about 50 feet away from me. It just stopped there trying to see if there was a road to its left after the left turn? When it rains, there are usually error messages such as "your car's left repeat camera is blocked, FSD not available" or "FSD is currently unavailable. The water drops from the rain most likely block the cameras or give them fish-eyed view of the road. OMG, so much for camera-only based FSD system. I don't know if Cathie knows all about the shortcomings of Tesla's current FSD system, or may be she is trying to overlook every single shortcoming and is not thinking about any needed improvement and hoping that FSD will just suddenly happen one day? She is definitely very optimistic and is definitely on a totally different league. Don't get me wrong, I do love my Tesla, but it has its own problems which Cathie seems being kept in the dark about or choose to ignore under gross negligence.

nnn - 15.05.2023 01:53

It's funny she's giving $2000 price target. And she did offload tesla stock not too long age.😅

chinese redneck
chinese redneck - 14.05.2023 01:32

She got lucky and rode the Tesla train up. Flash in the pan

Mark DC
Mark DC - 12.05.2023 04:53

Tesla's FSD development as well as future revenue from a robotaxi service is to be taken seriously but we're still a few years away from widespread implementation.

Puru Saxena
Puru Saxena - 11.05.2023 12:35

Smoking crack

Ron99 Ze99
Ron99 Ze99 - 03.05.2023 23:44

Please; 5 years again? Starting now ok. Please if so can you drop all the garbage stocks at ARKK and buy Tesla stocks. This way I revive my retirement money maybe before I join heaven 😅

Rafael - 02.05.2023 02:43

The 5 year horizon grandma 👵 every year the horizon gets more horizon what ?lmao

BobJuno - 01.05.2023 18:54

True scammer. Going on life tv in her pjs, what a joke.

Gordon - 01.05.2023 18:18

The more she talks, the more her glasses are fogging up.

Frank0020 - 30.04.2023 17:58

I hope so, but I don't think so 1k ? she is depending on robo taxi. This may or may not come to happen. It may be politically charged, and laws would have to be changed. Accidents could end up in court--even if false. I'm thinking my bull case is 1k I'm holding until it's golden.

Dodge - 30.04.2023 15:06

TESLA DO NOT HAVE FULL SELF DRIVING CAPABILITY!!! And the liklihood of them having it by 2030 is lower than a Musk's morals. Why are people still buying the avalanche of lies that flow from his mouth?!

kim young
kim young - 29.04.2023 19:45

Everyone has been preaching "buy now, stocks are at a discount" but I've been buying stocks at a discount since the beginning of the year and yet the cycle continues with more losses, I know the idea is to hold long term but God I could really give anything to see some growth happen to my portfolio.

Pranay Srivastava
Pranay Srivastava - 28.04.2023 15:58

Cathie wood predicted deflation in 2022 . Thats says lot about her investment advice

Independent Thinking
Independent Thinking - 28.04.2023 12:12

I’ve been in this business for over 30 years. Not until 5 years ago that I heard about Cathy Woods…
They want to position her like some guru expert!
Her funds have high cost and high volatility!
Why do I need this so called middle man when I can buy a Vanguard fund with 10% of cost this “guru” charges!!

TENET - 28.04.2023 07:01

Wishful thinking

Andre Rodriguez
Andre Rodriguez - 27.04.2023 21:06

I was at the DMV last week to get my Real ID. I’m 68 years old and a decent driver, but not like I was when I was 25. My point is all the people I saw my age and older where clueless on what they were doing filling out forms. One woman I talked to in line my age had fail her written exam 4 times that same day. There are so many “baby boomer” drivers out there. I welcome any type of autonomous technology in cars. It doesn’t have to work 100%, 90% would drive better than half these people on the roads today. I hope it can be developed within the next ten years. This will save countless lives.

Macabrew - 27.04.2023 18:48

Is 2,000 per share what she needs for her funds to break even?

TheFloridaMan - 27.04.2023 17:07

dillusions ;)

thejoyoftravel - 27.04.2023 17:02

Sorry, TSLR no hope as long as its a car company, until he becomes a dominant car software company, which seems also challenging

Rebecca Voodoo
Rebecca Voodoo - 27.04.2023 13:11

Tesla autos are ugly ..

Lisa Ollie
Lisa Ollie - 27.04.2023 12:50

Having the necessary strategy to profit in this market is one thing, but having access to exclusive market information that isn't disclosed to the public is quite another, which is why the pros are crushing it this time. That is why, before making any investment decisions, I try to consult with a financial coach. I've been using one since the pandemic outbreak because their entire business model revolves around trading long and short at the same time, utilizing profit-oriented strategies and lowering risk as a buffer against inevitable downtrends. Furthermore, because they have access to insider information and analysis, it is virtually impossible for them to perform poorly. I made over a million dollars after working with a coach for nearly three years.

Matt Brigner
Matt Brigner - 27.04.2023 09:16

That's all good until Elon musk wants to borrow from it again and shoot another rocket or have another space idea...

Wtf - 27.04.2023 04:26

Cathie is smoking something 😂

Dinis Criptowl 🦉
Dinis Criptowl 🦉 - 27.04.2023 00:06

I have targets too for 2049. Guess what it is. Clue: End of USD as global dominating currency.

LiteStuff LLC
LiteStuff LLC - 26.04.2023 19:32

They head already bout it before - today it hit 152 down -20 from Woods buy in price - so obviously if this was actually the price she bought at ; she already lost millions; no that smart. .. will Tesla go down more.. sure; there is a recession impacting everything about car purchases and Tesla has made significant investments in new plants and supply chain - they have to sell them. Who cares if long term Tesla sells higher ; if they can buy it lower why wouldn't you?
