How to ACTUALLY Lose Belly Fat (Based on Science)

How to ACTUALLY Lose Belly Fat (Based on Science)

Jeremy Ethier

1 год назад

7,113,999 Просмотров

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Nexxei memories
Nexxei memories - 27.09.2023 01:48


RiseUpBlue - 26.09.2023 21:33

can we address liver fat?

scrappy409 - 26.09.2023 15:37

Everything in this video makes perfect sense. My issue is sleep. As a person with ADHD, one of my most persistent symptoms since I was a child is sleep. I can only pull off abour 5-6 hours on a good night. It's really frustrating. My eating isn't great. I love to exercise. I love lifting. But I'm overweight and it just sucks to see the genetic cards are stacked against me. It's good to see there are other areas I can still improve. I will just keep pushing.

emanuel hernandez
emanuel hernandez - 25.09.2023 08:56

Great video !!! thank you.

JSu - 24.09.2023 15:08

for me is imposibble to sleep 7 hours at day, without an alarm I still sleep about 4 hours every night.

Closinhtown - 24.09.2023 13:46

One thing on the 20 favorite foods a questionable. Green peas are actually more of a starch than a vegetable. Not the same as a green vegetable.

Chosil - 24.09.2023 11:43

Thanks for this informative video. I (m, 60) do: Set goals, define a plan. Intervall fasting 12/12 only, low carb, more fat, no alcohol, no food with added sugar, no processed food, little to no snacking, leads to reducing insuline resistance. Weight training and walking, stairs, biking, functional training, fitness trails etc. with moderate increasing resistance and duration, regular HIIT. Further, I avoid eating out. No regular cheating, tough on sugar. Made all of this my lifestyle. No explanation to anyone. Mirror for control. I don’t look at BMI or scale. I take blood test twice a year to check values including insuline, calium, calcium, ferritin ao. Feeling good and balanced, lost weight, less bodyfat, better posture, less back pain, more energy, more confident. Works for me. Greetings to all finding the way that works for you.

SleepNo More
SleepNo More - 23.09.2023 21:31

Great vid but I wish you also spoke to an endocrinologist about the reason that women may store more abdominal fat than what is normal for their sex and how to reduce it in spite of hormonal changes throughout the ages (menstruation, menopause, etc.) Make the vid more inclusive

And as for the sleep study, maybe it's the HOURS you are eating that affects where it is stored, not the amount of sleep (since sleep deprived people are eating at hours others are alseep). I have a different sleep schedule than most but I get adequate sleep. I still have a larger waistline for my thin size. So, something to examine further). They should repeat the study with people with Delayed Onset Sleep Disorder

SleepNo More
SleepNo More - 23.09.2023 21:24

But if you have a thin frame and can't really afford to or don't want to lose weight? Tall ectomorphic female, asking. lose fat and gain muscle? (also hard to do past a point. Not trying to get a bodybuilder's physique either

Austin Iverson
Austin Iverson - 23.09.2023 12:28

Lol I felt called out during the sleep section watching this at 2:30am while pounding a bag of salame

Hephthali - 23.09.2023 02:12

Thank you Jeremy and all the experts. I really really needed this one.

siddharth ranjan
siddharth ranjan - 23.09.2023 01:08

Hey Jeremy, what I have observed is that my ab muscles are bulging out. And even since I do not have much belly fat, my tummy looks bulged out and is not flat. Can you make a video on how to fix that, please?

Thomas Lao
Thomas Lao - 22.09.2023 17:28

my takeaway: do weight lifting to burn off your carbs. do HIIT to burn off fat. dont do a gazillion crunches for a 6 pack.

Becca - 22.09.2023 14:56

Ughhh the sleep part is the most difficult for me. But thank you for telling us the difference jt makes ❤

Hassan Mohammed
Hassan Mohammed - 22.09.2023 13:48

The best video on this topic

Dajah Greene
Dajah Greene - 21.09.2023 05:55

Definitely explains why Moms gain weight- we don’t sleep 😅

Yuri Sirotin
Yuri Sirotin - 20.09.2023 20:02

There're four VERY important factors, sadly not covered in this (otherwise excellent) video - (1) exercise time of day, (2) correlation between food intake and exercises, (3) hydration and (4) carbs glycemic index.
1. The best time of day for exercising for fat loss is after you wake up - since you don't have accessible energy in muscles, hence energy comes from fat. You'll feel weak because of this, but it pays off. Better do a cardio than strength in this no-energy state, otherwise you can damage your muscles.
1. Another great time is immediately before going to sleep. This way you deplete energy stored in muscles, maximize metabolism and get leaner during your sleep. Strength or cardio - anything is good. Go with this option or the first one - not the both.
2. Doing exercise after not healthy dessert proves helpful to avoid fat increase, since you empty the energy storage, so more calories are taken to fill that gap, and less goes to fat.
3. Good hydration is as important as sleep - but not with sugar drinks.
4. Glycemic index in short: there are carbs that raise sugar level quickly (cakes, ice-cream, fruits juices etc.) - and there are those that take time (beans, low processed grains, cereal etc.) Try to eat less of the former and more of the later.

Isaias Chicas
Isaias Chicas - 20.09.2023 14:43


mongo88now88 - 20.09.2023 10:33

The last comment said it all: your belly fat didn’t get there overnight, so you aren't going to lose it in a few weenks. Right on!

Komics Reviewer
Komics Reviewer - 20.09.2023 03:31

Did Jeremy get the Vax??

maribel A
maribel A - 20.09.2023 01:08

I disagree that visceral fat is not as important. It should concern us very much. It is a sign of lots of inflamation in the body. Diet goes hand in hand to lose visceral fat and optimize your health and build muscles. Look into Dr. SEAN O'MARA his research is amazing

jester jake
jester jake - 19.09.2023 22:06

Sure wish I made enough money to eat the way I want it I eat that’s probably my only real obstacle 😢

Ahmad Mayahi
Ahmad Mayahi - 19.09.2023 12:52

To achieve your goals, stop obsessing over photos and scales. Stop all this shit. Focus on setting a goal, working hard, and maintaining a calorie deficit. You'll eventually see the results you want.

ghoffar 35
ghoffar 35 - 19.09.2023 02:22

After watch this video, I am have Belly Fat.

Sagar Kumar
Sagar Kumar - 18.09.2023 10:55

This product surpassed all my expectations. From 105kg to a stunning 65kg, it truly delivers amazing results. To see, Click here 👉Weird Mediterranean Ritual Dissolves Fat Overnight

Autumn Kaman
Autumn Kaman - 17.09.2023 22:24

can someone help me out? I have been trying to bulk up but still lose my belly fat that I have. I'm technically a healthy weight so I'm not overweight or anything but how do I balance a caloric deficit to lose the fat while also taking in more calories and burning it!

Daniel Wirth
Daniel Wirth - 17.09.2023 19:12

Real talk

Lucas RE:
Lucas RE: - 17.09.2023 18:32

If you just happen to be one of the unlucky few that have tried almost everything in your power to get manly, chiseled pecs, then there's something else that may help. Try go’ogling Baker Henistole's stuff, it lays down a 20 day plan.

uaigneach - 17.09.2023 17:39

I've went from over 50% bodyfat 275 pounds to under 10%. It is not difficult to lose body fat. You're just lazy, have no discipline or common sense. No one wants to hear the truth.

mrsmc2612 - 16.09.2023 15:22

A lot of favorite foods are garbage... So choosing from 20 foods is not a good idea. The quality of the calories will always be a huge factor. Does not take a genius to know that. Donut verses salmon... go figure...

Aries-blinqs - 16.09.2023 05:40

Hi Jeremy, I am a 32 year old, I look a little above skinny but with abdominal fat and man boobs with small body frame which makes the belly fat to look much worse. I started walking 8k steps a day on my day two. How much calories should I burn or eat a day to lose the fat and if I should incoperate other activities. Thank you

Magreth Lucian
Magreth Lucian - 14.09.2023 21:08

Just avoid foods that shoots insulin levels. Eat all the calories you can as long as it aint the kind that releases insulin n you loose weight

N P - 14.09.2023 20:44

Yet another channel that paywalls health and wellness

Sogex International
Sogex International - 14.09.2023 19:43

Please you can't target, (BELLY FAT)!!!!! You should know better.

Christer Ståbis
Christer Ståbis - 14.09.2023 04:09

One thing you didn't mention is the importance of testosterone. One thing to do for keeping (or increasing) your testosterone level is by weight lifting. As we gets older it is normal that our testosterone level decrease but we can use weight lifting for improving that level. A higher testosterone level not just makes it easier to gain muscles but also makes it easier to lose fat.
This is a very important thing to keep in mind.

Another very important thing for losing belly fat is to detox. The body stores toxics in the belly fat, so they will do as less harm to the body as possible. Therefore it hold on the the belly fat as long as you have a high toxic level in your body. Very important to know about. It is also good to lose belly fat at a slow rate. If you lose your belly fat fast, without detox, it is a high risk that the toxics will stores in other places in your body, like in the fat in your brain (which is not where you want to have toxics).

John Hall
John Hall - 14.09.2023 02:48

Laurin made me want to keep going. just started small with incline pushups and already see improvement in my upper body and its been less than a week and only 20-60 pusups a day.

Zed P
Zed P - 13.09.2023 14:29

When healthy eating, good sleep and exercise become the part of our daily life - and for life - belly fat goes away, sooner or later, inevitably. My life is about being more and more capable, not about 6 abs.

Krishna Nellutla
Krishna Nellutla - 13.09.2023 04:08

great one, thanks for putting efforts for education

Eric Wilken
Eric Wilken - 13.09.2023 03:36

Thank you so much for this video - I am learning so much.

lunthu ak
lunthu ak - 12.09.2023 21:56

Who has twenty fav food ... I can't even name 10 foods at random.

Michael Bajula
Michael Bajula - 12.09.2023 15:51

This host has an incredible physique

ChammyChanga - 12.09.2023 06:31

Eating several servings of oreos and milk while I watch this 😬

petrelized - 12.09.2023 04:49

Thank you so much t this helped me and my whole family.

Stapleton Cotton
Stapleton Cotton - 12.09.2023 02:03

I wonder how many people are watching this video (and all of the thousands of similar videos) rather than doing some exercise.

lionhigh - 11.09.2023 18:48

I have more fat around my belly than elsewhere. If I lose the same amount of fat, at each part of my body, there will be only some belly fat remaining. Do i need to lose all fat, to lose the belly?

Brent Louis
Brent Louis - 11.09.2023 15:53

Thank you for this! Really simply and easy to understand.

Jermaine Dontell
Jermaine Dontell - 10.09.2023 22:55

So you can’t lose belly fat if you don’t sleep enough?
