Dual Boot Windows 7 & Ubuntu (Linux)!

Dual Boot Windows 7 & Ubuntu (Linux)!


4 года назад

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@lliaolsen728 - 09.12.2023 03:04

How does it know which drive to install on? or does it automatically select the empty partition?

@johnz.2957 - 13.08.2023 06:25

@BTNHD I'm attempting my inaugural dual boot installation while following your video guides. I'm curious whether I'll need to tinker with elements such as Linux grub to successfully set up the dual boot. Additionally, is activating Hyper-V or a similar component necessary for this process? Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

@minerran - 15.07.2023 17:24

You lost me when you said "because I'm doing everything inside a virtual machine..." There is no VM in the Windows Disk Management utility so I have no idea how you jumped to that. Also dual boot to fixed partitions is totally different from VM use. Apparently from the comments, this video helps other people and I'm glad - they obviously are far smarter than I am. Oh well, time to look for a "dual boot for dummies" video. Basically my situation is that I have a separate disk that I want to dual boot to Ubuntu. I already have that installed and working, bootable using the bios boot selection. But I want to somehow edit the windows bcd menu to add a boot selection to that disk. See no way to do that.

@aspec1 - 14.03.2023 05:31

why did i watched a billion of tutorial that is so complicated when this one easier LMAO

@Caveasum - 23.01.2023 13:42

Ich habe auch Win 7 drauf aber bekomme den Fehler beim booten. error invalid EFI file path. Who can help please

@kentbulic9843 - 29.09.2022 03:38

Two years later and this video still helping people out! Man I was stuck on this for way too long, I totally forgot that you can boot from optical drives. Saved me from failing my computer networking lab. thanks man!

@skkksayfi4563 - 09.06.2022 14:52

But i installed ubuntu first

@groovynelson1575 - 11.10.2021 03:08

So I have a question. I installed Ubu 20.04 along side win 7 on my dell laptop. I allocated too much memory to Ubu. Can you tell me how to uninstall Ubuntu 20.04? Any help would be appreciated. I get lost cuz there are so many answers...Thanks

@47378tfkmf - 08.05.2021 22:02


@rodrigosfayy - 05.05.2021 19:23

Liked for the accent

@kevinblack3706 - 03.04.2021 04:24

you said you were going to do a video about installing Linux from USB onto a duel boot Win 7 machine. Looked everywhere and cant find it. Links to other videos you refer to in your description would be helpful.

@CryptidsRoost - 19.02.2021 03:34

I have a 500Gb hdd with Win7. Have partitioned 150Gb ready for Linux. I have already downloaded both Ubuntu Mate and also Linux Mint Cinnamon iso's, (not decided which to go for yet). I have watched a number of videos so far about dual-booting but none seem to apply. My issue is that I cannot create a boot disk for Linux/Ubuntu as:

A/ I have no spare dvd discs, plus
B/ my disc drive (D:/ - DVD RW hdd) has packed up... I think the laser may be misaligned.

I do have PowerISO and have created a virtual drive (E:/) Is there a way I can do this installation with the virtual drive?

@PanamaSticks - 11.02.2021 04:51

So what if you already have partitioned the drive and formatted the Linux as EXT3 and swap partition as linux swap? Will the installer know what to do?

@TheUnholy_ - 28.01.2021 02:15


@bubukita4921 - 26.01.2021 14:55

can you do a video to remove ubntu and install window 7/10

@bubukita4921 - 26.01.2021 14:50

can you tech install window 7 with current ubuntu 20.40 at the same computer

@SiddharthSingh2014 - 31.12.2020 21:50

I installed windows 7 first then ubuntu recently but i am not getting choice of selecting os, moreover it directly starts with win7, pls help me asap

@nemanjam6574 - 27.12.2020 21:35

I have an older laptop, so I don't have enough memory on my internal hard drive to store Ubuntu.
Could I do this dual boot with an external hard drive and what are the disadvantages of that approach and could I run into any problems?

@abrilmonteros688 - 26.12.2020 20:09

is it work on 32 bits

@dani.munoz.a23 - 30.09.2020 19:37

Question, since it already just has an option to install it alongside windows 7, can we just do that without resetting at all? And also is there a way to do this without actually creating an installation medium and instead just download ubuntu and boot it up

@shuvosaha3229 - 02.09.2020 19:11

sir i have an old pc..on this pc I can't install python update version. One of my fb friend said i have two options
1) upgrade your CPU
2) go to Linux
sir if I go to linux ,will i be able to install python update version??
sir i want to be a full stack web developer. will I be able to install those software requirements for becoming web developer by switching to linux?

@carlosritalo7866 - 25.08.2020 05:40

I separated 15gb on SSD to install Ubuntu and such, working normal and beauty
My question is: would these 15GB be just for installing Ubuntu or these 15 GB is for everything that installs on Ubuntu?

@yusufsamodien5502 - 19.08.2020 19:52

its nice to have a recent video, not something from 1852

@II_xD_II - 05.08.2020 17:38

plz make a video bout how to remove windows and permanently use linux

@KingSteven77 - 14.07.2020 17:59

How do you get the iso?

@terriblepeanuts9476 - 28.06.2020 19:42

What if you ever want to un-install Linux (or Windows) and bring it back to a single-boot system? Is that possible without losing data or messing anything up?

@cyrilpinto418 - 09.06.2020 20:00

My Windows 10 Home - Dell laptop comes with Device Encryption. To access the bootable USB I need to disable Secure Boot and then am able to use Ubuntu using the "Try It" option (I also have to enable Legacy Boot).
Once I'm done trying Ubuntu, the issue I have is that Windows keeps asking for the Recovery Key. The only way I can access Windows is by re-enabling Secure Boot.

If I do install Ubuntu / Manjaro do I need to re-enable Secure Boot to access Windows 10. If I do so, will I face any issues in accessing Ubuntu and Windows the way it's shown here.
Really need some guidance on this one before I install Ubuntu or Manjaro.

@Sharath_V - 10.04.2020 10:44

Does it erase the hard disk?

@Sharath_V - 10.04.2020 10:44

Does it erase the hard disk?

@probizdiy8064 - 11.03.2020 10:49

Maybe you can make instructions on how to boot in iSCSI and how to propagate it for multiple users. Thanks!

@SalvadorSTMZ - 04.02.2020 19:16

Does this also work with Arch Linux since it doesn't come with a fancy installation UI

@doubleimage - 24.01.2020 15:53

thank you, you have helped me a lot

@ronald0122 - 23.01.2020 00:57

what is windows 7?

@terry6020 - 22.01.2020 18:49

You mad genuis
