Ronni Ancona’s Celebrity Impressions Are Incredible

Ronni Ancona’s Celebrity Impressions Are Incredible

The Nightly Show

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@kopwolfGaming - 15.11.2023 02:48

biggest impression is her fake normal accent

@jimmyrustlerz - 31.10.2023 00:15

lmao this failed show was so bad. the different "celebrity" hosts was embarrasing

@andreventer3810 - 02.09.2023 22:24

That Audrey Hepburn was amazing! Sometimes she sounds exactly like Ronni Ancona!

@mcduffxyz - 24.08.2023 18:42

She's fantastic!

@robertm7071 - 22.08.2023 14:52

Awful impersonations. Her Audrey Hepburn sounded more like Mahatma Ghandi. I didn't know Audrey came from India?

@blackporscheroadster-yw8hb - 12.07.2023 23:58

The presenter always mentions impersonations they can do, as it's obvious they discussed it before filming. Manford just happened to mention Ruby Wax.

@tdr2512 - 23.06.2023 12:24

Was she in Last tango in Halifax?

@neoandersonwick3263 - 27.05.2023 03:52

She's an amazing talented lady

@numbat0072 - 13.02.2023 07:42

fantastic talent !

@politicalprincess1 - 08.02.2023 22:58

Her Ruby Wax is amazing!

@leehowson440 - 05.02.2023 14:56

Ronni ancona and Ellie Taylor in the same room.
Yes please

@CH3FFI3 - 10.12.2022 13:09

All of the second rate celebrities on today's shows when we could still be having these titans.

@blackporscheroadster6415 - 02.11.2022 14:18

It's going to be a show that's on nightly....what shall we call it??

@jonah406 - 06.10.2022 22:04

Stunning, no other word

@ROOKTABULA - 20.09.2022 18:21

This is the 3rd clip I've watched after seeing her in a 'Grumpy 80s' show where she was witty. Honestly, most of her impersonations aren't really that spot on.

@XoXo475 - 19.09.2022 07:46

Didn’t recognize her ! Wonderful talent tho

@BobbyC-be9vy - 13.07.2022 20:34

Her impressions of Ruby Wax and Jennifer Saunders are brilliant.

@BobbyC-be9vy - 13.07.2022 20:30

Her impression of Audrey Hepburn is good, but to my ear it’s awfully close to a generic south Asian (Indian) accent.

@bristolfashion4421 - 03.06.2022 22:06

sheez a luv erly

@DaveInBridport - 01.05.2022 20:17

Very underrated

@ajorngjdonaydbr - 31.03.2022 16:50

Her Nigella Lawson impression is absolutely spot on

@TI_Ted - 01.03.2022 23:44


@trebleking1641 - 08.02.2022 21:08

Ronni's a lovely Scots lass...

@ianhill4585 - 03.02.2022 16:39

Ronni's impersonation of Nigella , used to make my trousers feel awfully tight in the frontal area.happy days.😁

@justalex3525 - 30.01.2022 23:04

Her Jennifer. Saunders was on point.

@mmc1086 - 26.01.2022 00:57

For some reason I can’t watch🤦🏻‍♀️though I chose to watch and want to, it’s too cringe

@David-cm4ok - 23.01.2022 02:45

Ronni is fine though.

@petermanley7525 - 20.01.2022 15:23

Ronni has so much talent , we need to see much more of her on TV and hear her more on the radio.

@Muswell - 18.01.2022 01:19


@Magicalfluidprocess - 17.01.2022 13:24

Good impressions but this is lame

@MrBonafida - 15.01.2022 07:04

Always fancies her. Must be me.

@beesfoot - 06.11.2021 14:03

Ruby Wax was perfect

@nazosman984 - 09.10.2021 21:58

Are they though??

@snellavision - 15.09.2021 14:30

It's embarrassing watching some do 1 out of 5 impressions well then explain the method they use for doing mostly bad impressions 🤣

@yaseenbradley9829 - 26.07.2021 17:26

Beautiful woman

@frankiedeans7637 - 25.07.2021 22:49

Ronni is a great Scotswoman..

@JoeRivermanSongwriter - 29.06.2021 03:40

She's gorgeous.

@michaelhoward963 - 29.04.2021 12:26

Ronni is beautiful

@20thcentury94 - 11.04.2021 07:22

Had a huge crush on in my younger days 😅

@balygaby - 03.04.2021 23:46

I think she looks like Melania

@wickedblue1974 - 14.03.2021 17:18

sexy lady

@wrightyy - 05.03.2021 23:34

She's also really funny and fit.

@downundanow5569 - 18.02.2021 12:54

The Katherine Hepburn 'impression' sounded as if K H was born in India 😕

@williama7124 - 09.02.2021 21:21


@ColinH1973 - 03.02.2021 17:29

Can't stand Jason Manford. Overrated and just not funny.

@Lyrakill - 29.01.2021 00:14

eh she was ok

@philipterzian4581 - 15.01.2021 05:24

Her Katharine Hepburn impersonation was closer to Norman Wisdom than to Katharine Hepburn.

@corroded67 - 31.12.2020 13:00

Brexit 2020 bitch!! 🖕

@bearvillebear1468 - 12.12.2020 20:06

I have a question for you: do you want to go to Heaven?

Here's another: WILL you get there?
Let me tell you 1. Whether you
will go there and 2. If you find you're not on your way there, I'll tell you how to get there.

Only two kinds of people get to Heaven: perfect people, and forgiven sinners.

What is perfect? Well, not stealing regardless of how insignificant it may seem, not saying a single evil word against anyone - not to mention God sees our thought life. And like a judge in court, a penalty has to be paid when evil is done and laws are broken (e.g. if a murderer was let off in court there would be uproar so how much more God)?

In short - we arent perfect, at all. And rather than Heaven, God, if giving us justice, will have to make us pay for our crimes by death and eternal damnation in an everlasting fire and torment.

There is a way that we can be saved. Jesus - the Son of God - came down to live a perfect life without sin, conquering all evil and the devil's sinful, lustful traps that so easily ensnare us. Jesus overcame all of that, and then was sentenced to death on a cross.

While on the cross, God poured out the anger and wrath of sin on His Son - getting Jesus to pay OUR fine of damnation, unbearable pain and being separated from God. EVERY single evil thought, word or deed that doesnt line up with God' perfection, every sin you ever have committed or will commit knowingly or unknowingly, Jesus took the complete, undiluted wrath for.

And, like a fine in court, Jesus paying for it means that we can go free. Not just free, but we can experience God's love as all punishment was carried on the cross and crucified there for all who believe.

He rose again on the third day, demonstrating His sovereignity and innocence and power over not just the sins of this life, but DEATH.


There will come a day when Jesus will return and those who died believing in Him will rise from their graves will go to Heaven, and those who rejected His salvation, message and teachings will suffer Hell to pay their deserved fines for all eternity without a second chance.

He wants you to repent (turn away from your sin and pursue God's perfect intent for your life, striving in the opposite direction).

This is your chance now.

God has a plan for your life, a plan that involves you being recreated into the perfect moral image of Him as we were before the sin in the garden. He loves you and doesnt want you to suffer - Hw wants to show you mercy and show you what true love looks like. He suffered FOR you to set you free and you can walk in His strength, experiencing His love, being taught what it means to be part of His family.

He loves you and wants you to have faith in Him, letting Him take the wheel of your life (dont forget, when you're doing God's will you're doing the will of perfect love - when you follow God you can be certain that you are never doing the wrong thing- imagine how cleansing that feels).

What if I still sin when Ive accepted Christ's death and resurrection on my behalf?

Thats why Christ died. For your SIN. When God looks at you, striving towards Him or even falling, He sees the righteous life of Christ covering you in place of your current, sinful reality. For those who strive to turn from sin, regardless of the pitfalls, God sees Jesus's life in place of your inability, and His blood so that yours will never have to be shed for your sin.

Sound opposite? Thanks to our natural sinful nature, it likely does, but God knows our weakness and struggles and pitfalls with sin. THAT'S why He died for us. Just pray to God, tell Him you are struggling and are unsure - God can and will work with even the slightest desire within you to follow Him and be free from sin.

Ask Him to make you willing - if you are willing to be made willing, pray for it, simply shut your eyes and talk to Him.

When Satan knows people have left His camp, He will not take it lying down, He often tries harder with more trials and temptations but EVERY trial is Father-filtered, Satan cannot do anything beyond what God permits, and God will only allow things that will strengthen you or bring you closer to Him so long as you cling to Him and trust in the promises of His word.

Where do I start to learn about God's plan and His promises to me? Well, I'd advise you to have a look at these Bible chapters relating directly to Christ's life and our redemption, it tells you exactly the things Christ did, said, and how He lived. Try a read of Matthew (or Luke if you want a more detailed account). Do it in stages and try and imagine the events and miracles as they really happened - the Bible is a true account after all.

And when you struggle and fall, kmow you can pray for forgiveness, dust yourself off again and get up because Jesus already bore our guilt and shame.

God wants FAITH from us, not legalistic works and outward piety, but FAITH. The gospel is faith alone in Christ alone, Christ already lived that perfect life FOR us, but obedience to His will and the fruits of the spirit "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" are what come through true maturing faith and a relationship with the conquerer and overcomer of the world and its sin. Trials come to strengthen us and produce these fruits and an obedient, fulfilling life overtime. Its a lifelong process of faith and striving alongside God, but remember that Jesus is the ultimate foundation, the reason we are given Heaven through His soon return in the first place. If you lack faith (as i did for a long time) pray. God wants honesty from us and is eager to recieve us when we come to Him and pray for faith. All it takes is a little - Jesus said all it takes is faith "as small as a mustard seed", the smallest seed in the world. God will take it - give it to Him amd ask Him to make it grow. He desires to, He wants to and He will give strength and faith to His children in time when they ask Him.

So in short, WHEN - and note it says WHEN - we sin on our striving towards Gods will and life of love and service to others, Remember that God understands our faults and can sympathise with our weaknesses, He wants us to see, understand and walk in His perfect, unfailing love and strength rather than our own, because His love and His strength never fails.

If you want to let Jesus into your life, even to help you to take the first step, then read through this prayer here once to get the gist of it and then just say it - trust God and give it all to Him because He has a plan.

If you take a step - just a step - towards Him, He will take a step towards you.

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and there is nothing that I can do to save myself. I confess my complete helplessness to forgive my own sin or to work my way to heaven. At this moment I trust Christ alone as the One who bore my sin when He died on the cross. I believe that He did all that will ever be necessary for me to stand in your holy presence. I thank you that Christ was raised from the dead as a guarantee of my own resurrection. As best as I can, I now transfer my trust to Him. I am grateful that He has promised to receive me despite my many sins and failures. Father, I take you at your word. I thank you that I can face anything now that you are my Savior. Thank you for the assurance that you will walk with me through the deep valley. Thank you for hearing this prayer.
In Jesus’ Name.

Amen xx

@wozabrown - 01.12.2020 00:23

Not only is she a fantastic comedian and impressionist but she is also very beautiful 😜👍
