How To REVERSE YOUR AGE In 40 Days With WATER FASTING | Dr. Alan Goldhamer

How To REVERSE YOUR AGE In 40 Days With WATER FASTING | Dr. Alan Goldhamer

Tom Bilyeu

3 года назад

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@thelatestgreatest8082 - 12.02.2024 22:52

This guys an idiot and contradictory. “You gotta eat a ton of food on this diet. But don’t use salt cause you’ll eat a ton of food,” he says. What a moron. I am full on with fasting but this is not a guy to follow.

@tyava2 - 12.02.2024 19:24

Just completed a 5day water fast. I should say it's not easy but doable.

@beverleycumming1876 - 12.02.2024 02:01

More variety better microbiome

@beverleycumming1876 - 12.02.2024 01:35

You should learn to not interrupt your guests…impolite and annoying

@zarbor021 - 10.02.2024 17:51

Wow . This guy Is a Pro on the subject .thx .My wife did 7 days : B.pressure gone . Insulin issue much better after . Works like a magic . Had visceral fat bump on neck - gone

@david894 - 09.02.2024 20:39

The second he mentioned the Mayo clinic, I became very skeptical. The Mayo clinic is in it for profit, not health. Also, people are healthier if they eat meat. Whether it be carnivore, keto, high-protein, you need animal fat. PERIOD!!! Human are omnivores!!!

@alaskacpu - 09.02.2024 01:23

Why is our food made to hurt us. ? Ultra processed food kills all nutrients and minerals. Everything has sugar. Why does milk have sugar ? It shouldn’t. I could go on, but every one understands. Our food is killing people and our Government doesn’t care. ❤

@user-gq1ui3gc1c - 08.02.2024 19:41

Just want to say thank you Doctor.

@bigwill9421 - 08.02.2024 19:13

I've seen shredded Cauliflower being used as a Rice substitute.

@maconis1 - 08.02.2024 19:06

I've become a fasting pro. It's a lifestyle food is a product nowadays!

@aultnathanielsz3273 - 08.02.2024 15:57

In a state of autophagy, does the body consume healthy muscles, e.g., heart muscle?

@theonewhoknows9615 - 08.02.2024 07:59

This mind blowing (fasting) because when I stopped drinking (alcohol) and I fasted 16/8…. I could taste alcohol in my mouth after the 2nd day

@dario_trader - 08.02.2024 01:23

Plain water should be your primary choice during fasting. It keeps you hydrated without adding any calories or disrupting the fasting state, I'm fasting while I'm creating web apps to whom request it by this channel

@RoseBtrfly - 07.02.2024 06:00

I’m 100% carnivore
None of what he says here is true… For me!
All my numbers are perfect and my blood, my urine, my heart rate and pressure. I lost 100 pounds healthier than I have been in years! Fiber was killing me oxalates in Vegetables was causing me to pass stones regularly. Some people are just different. And you cannot lump everybody into an SOS diet! fat is necessary to the human body. Just not highly processed vegetable oils and seed oil’s. With this true North fella… You definitely have to eat the chicken and spit out the bones because it’s not for everyone. And it might be good to share the nightmare stories from true North clinic before you start thinking this guy is all that.

Rice is a waste

@RoseBtrfly - 07.02.2024 05:28

Nobody ever talks about true North negative stories. He says 20,000 people walked in and 20,000 people walk out… This is not so!

@Querencia7779 - 07.02.2024 03:40

Dr. Alan needs to slow down speaking!

@ilou224 - 07.02.2024 00:03

I agree about everything but the meat argument. Plant based foods are much harder on me than meat and fats. I have and will fast but never switch to plants only.

@Y0uraya - 06.02.2024 11:16

animal dont mix fruits

@BUIKPAN - 06.02.2024 05:23

Steven Gundry completely disagrees with your Olive Oil take. He uses 1 full liter per week. Former heart surgeon.

@kimgreenlee4064 - 05.02.2024 17:34

I love vegetables but they aren’t satisfying. Especially with no salt or butter or oil. Satiety for me comes from animal protein and fat. I don’t know how you follow this plant based diet and feel satiety and not hungry all the time. There’s a difference in being full and feeling satisfied.

@melanieanastos - 05.02.2024 10:21

My longest fast was 58 days and I felt great !!!

@DenisDeCharmoy-fl3ht - 05.02.2024 06:15

Eat Carnivore, only eating meat everyday. Plant based foods are trying to kill you. I'm 68 and I've reversed diebetic and high blood pressure in 6 months. Only eating meat, good red beef.

@bark4777 - 04.02.2024 22:35

I completely disagree with getting rid of salt, that's nuts, salt is very important for health.

@carmelrose6327 - 03.02.2024 17:25

Thank you God for making our bodies so complex.🎉❤🎉

@phelanisserelaford5426 - 03.02.2024 15:27

I am a carnivore and have never had any of the experiences that he speaks of in this video when doing a fast. I find it very interesting that he is observing this in people he's treating. I believe it may be due to a lot of carnivores who are eating processed meats, as well as those that add in process dairy products.

@renjackson3822 - 02.02.2024 17:36


@paulmarcellus8409 - 02.02.2024 15:06

Is daily inulin a good source of fiber while learning to get sufficient quantities of plant foods??

@user-vu9gd8ed1h - 02.02.2024 08:06

I would love to do this but i work out frequently , lift weights, run and incorporate moving my body in some way every day. Afraid I’d pass out

@helenbozzo6545 - 02.02.2024 02:25

I fast 19/5 every day to start autophagy. I am wfpb.

@chuck0837 - 01.02.2024 20:15

I’m right with you as I eat meat with lots of vegetable base diet. Super low carb and intermittent fasting-it is working…
But I still fight the fatty liver and central fat.

Historically I have a condition where I lose a crazy amount of salt. I work outside and when the temperature hits 80 I can get alt haze on my face and arms
I also crave salt and I have a little chunk of salt in my truck console that I lick on in the afternoon many times .
Here’s the thing, if I quit salt my daily urine excretion drops to almost nothing.

Regarding potassium; I get cramps at night mostly after work and I found 1/4 tsp of potassium bicarbonate in water to quickly resolve the cramping. And if I know the day will be particularly hard I’ll take 1/4 tsp in the morning too.

8 months ago I started adding my own mixture of BHB Salts to my drinking water ; I had the most fantastic results. Cramping is down 95%.
I almost never get the salt haze. And my desire for salt has gone down greatly.
It really doesn’t take all that much BHB mixture either.

I am curious if you see or know anyone doing in-depth studies on butyrate production in the gut?
I would love to hear them speak on how to optimize that natural environment in our intestines.

Thanks so much for your work 👍

@handelzhuiz1812 - 01.02.2024 10:43

het is toch geen pan he.. die witte tanden .. ze zijn nog witter dan ze JBL's

@h.chappelle2720 - 01.02.2024 06:48

I am not Jewish but I used to buy Matzah sometimes, loved it with swiss cheese. That was years ago, now I use pita bread (low carb), I try to get organic, but sometimes I cannot find it. I am mainly renal-vegan-Keto.

@h.chappelle2720 - 01.02.2024 06:20

I have kidney issues, stage 3 B CKD, I cannot do a long water fast. Maybe for two days, probably not. I do intermittent fasting and often on renal-vegan-keto or one of those. They help me, but I have still issues. Trying to get healthier. I am 60 years old.

@h.chappelle2720 - 01.02.2024 06:12

Can one use zero sugar vitamin water for fasting, including water, water with apple cider vinegar and apple pectin powder, water with lemon?

@ianhendra4836 - 01.02.2024 00:50

Have you ever seen cave paintings of our ancestors growing veggies? And it's evident that enforced fasting was how they thrived for 1.99 million years before agriculture and over-processed junk from BigFood led us to die from the metabolic diseases that now kill 2/3 of us. And how come Native Americans were the fittest, largest, and longest-living people on the planet until Europeans invaded their lands and destroyed their predominantly carnivorous food sources? Do you really not understand the roles of ruminants both in our evolution as a species and in the biogenic carbon cycle that maintains the soil and keeps our planet green? Ever wondered why we do not have the same-shaped abdomen as a gorilla?

@634shy - 31.01.2024 14:33

I can't even do it for a day, I'm diabetic, will go in to a coma.

@ericdincauze3984 - 30.01.2024 06:21

Wrong, salt doesn't give you high blood pressure!

@jamesdwyer-qz8do - 28.01.2024 23:03

Tom, Dude. You really need to STOP interrupting your guest. We tune in to hear these experts answer these questions. Your insecurities get in the way. It's OK, you're the host of your show. You are important. Thank You.

@mayj257 - 28.01.2024 22:51

Good until he did not condone variety of veg, fruit, meat , beans etc

@mariaelingscates43 - 28.01.2024 07:11

Hysterical that so many of these guys say humans didnt live long. Guess they have never read the Bible. Those people lived hundreds of years.

@Beef_it_to_be_fit - 28.01.2024 03:40

"We use a very specific refeeding protocol." Yeah mine is "Drink electrolytes in your water before you eat. Refeed slowly." I like how he made his sound like a huge medical formula.

@MrsK632 - 28.01.2024 03:28

water tea and coffee mang, real easy

@brycecolwell4304 - 27.01.2024 23:34

Beyond some high motivation and desire,it's the psych for me.the mood change .the comfort. Which admittedly last for what, 3min? 3 min to eat it,3 days to burn it,lifetime regretting

@brycecolwell4304 - 27.01.2024 23:31

Doesn't it all make sense.knowing what else I know. The medical industry, insurances,food .make them eat,make them take meds.lrt them die it's not alarmist.its facts.

@pjflannery7680 - 26.01.2024 00:38

They are in it for the money...! This presentation tells it all...!

@regenerativeliberty7915 - 25.01.2024 16:51

Should have asked him how you are making Vit D in the sun without animal based K2? Right about fasting, but so off base with diet. I was 420lbs, now 160lbs. Tried every low fat, vegan, vegetarian protocol you could think of with exercise and that is how I got to be 420lbs at 20 years old. What worked, eat meat once a day and fast for multi days once or twice a year. Oh and I am a T1 diabetic and with the changes from whole food diet to Paleo to Keto to Carnivore, I was able to use less insulin and improve every health marker with every decrease in carbohydrate intake. On a raw meat protocol you can get your insulin use down to 4-6 units/day; cooked meat 6-10 units/day. You should bring this guy back, I would love for this Doctor to show me all his T1 patients that use less than 4 units of insulin per day and no rapid insulin and have great labs??? Let him bring it and prove what is coming out of his mouth, as I can back up my protocol with amazing results.

@em3rge1 - 25.01.2024 07:33

Can i drink black tea on a water fast?
