Azure DevOps - Lesson 12| Azure Boards Tutorial | Customize Azure Boards | Introduction Azure Boards

Azure DevOps - Lesson 12| Azure Boards Tutorial | Customize Azure Boards | Introduction Azure Boards

Ravikanth FicusRoot - Tech Videos

3 года назад

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@redfoxie3054 - 18.05.2023 15:51

thanks for video, but manually drag tickets to swimlanes are very uncomfortable. Tutorial says that also criterias can be chosen so that it has been done by the program automatically , but as I see you also dont have such option (

@lgalardi - 05.01.2022 17:50

Your videos are very helpful

@arunkay2937 - 21.03.2021 20:05

Most detailed and clearly explained videos on boards... Thanks

@tbfladies1337 - 03.03.2021 03:47

Hello. I emailed you and waiting for a response

@tbfladies1337 - 25.02.2021 23:01

Hello Ravi, please I need one one tutorial. What’s a good email to reach you? Or phone number?

@kumar-mi6bu - 08.11.2020 10:14

how to connect with you ravikanth .i need realtime hands on projects traning with azure devops & azure admin

@kumar-mi6bu - 07.11.2020 13:00

Hii ravikanth your videos is very good ,can please make a video for azure devops scratch to upto release build & deploy uAt & producation involved same pipeline both developers & tester ....etc .how the realtime people working in a organisation useing azure devops step by step upto ending
