The Future of Unity’s Game Engine

The Future of Unity’s Game Engine


5 месяцев назад

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@jasonabc - 12.01.2024 19:44

They flew you out there so I don't think you can make an unbiased review

@raisnaix - 12.01.2024 01:42

Godot > Unity

@KDSBestGameDev - 11.01.2024 16:51

We moved to unreal, but I hope Unity will become better. They still have runtime fee, which sucks hard.

@steveh8475 - 10.01.2024 08:48

Ugh, I’m beyond tired of the THICK PR and marketing glaze over everythingggg… :/

@SergeiShoigu1955 - 10.01.2024 06:33

Unity unity unity forever

@newdiary6978 - 09.01.2024 19:35

Im still stuck at version 2022 😂 I dont wanna upgrade the version or else........ Lol

@CrusaderGabriel - 09.01.2024 06:56

Lol I’m the opposite to most people. I was writing my 2D engine with C++ and SDL but then woke up depressed and said “F it, I want to make a game, not and engine” and went back to Unity (after probably 4 years of not touching it… btw during those 4 years I went hardcore into 3D art and was occasionally working with Unreal which is my default engine for 3D, but wanted to make some classic arcade 2D games which is why I went to write my engine). I’m still a bit skeptical about fully returning to Unity tho, which is why I’m in this video but I’m remembering how stuff works in unity while I decide if I stay there for my 2D stuff or go back to write my own engine

@CrusaderGabriel - 09.01.2024 06:55

Lol I’m the opposite to most people. I was writing my 2D engine with C++ and SDL but then woke up depressed and said “F it, I want to make a game, not and engine” and went back to Unity (after probably 4 years of not touching it… btw during those 4 years I went hardcore into 3D art and was occasionally working with Unreal which is my default engine for 3D, but wanted to make some classic arcade 2D games which is why I went to write my engine). I’m still a bit skeptical about fully returning to Unity tho, which is why I’m in this video but I’m remembering how stuff works in unity while I decide if I stay there for my 2D stuff or go back to write my own engine

@amanitamuscaria5863 - 08.01.2024 23:18

So in other words: Absolutely nothing has changed and what has changed is absolutely meaningless.

@Jasmine-cn4wc - 08.01.2024 23:02

It's evident that Unity has taken significant steps to address the fallout from their recent mistakes. great coverage of Unity's recent developments👍Thank you!

@ramiwolf3190 - 08.01.2024 22:44

I want to develop my first game, but I have no rules and no experience

@theplaymakerno1 - 08.01.2024 18:44

As long as we rely on proprietary software, we will always be at the mercy of the companies. It is not a Unity Game Engine problem, as much as it is a reliance on proprietary engines' problem.

If people donated to small free software organizations, we would have great alternatives.

@hunter7777 - 08.01.2024 18:42

I still don't trust Unity anymore & I don't like that they are focusing on things like Muse & AI rather than fixing the core things in Unity that they have ignored over the years. I have tried Godot, but it is very heavy in coding & I am not a coder, so I like Unreal because the nodes are more my kind of coding.

@space6835 - 08.01.2024 03:51

I'm gonna stick with unity 2023 and earlier versions until I get a grasp on how game development works. After that I might switch to Godot if the c# scripting is good or maybe unreal and learn c++

@TamilgamingFunnymoments - 07.01.2024 21:39

I have created two canvas in unity the keyboard nav works on the main menu canvas perfectly but When i enter the options canvas no button is selected and i cant nav without mouse. what i should do ?

@wellweldedgames - 06.01.2024 15:50

The future of Unity is Unreal

@hamdankhan9639 - 06.01.2024 14:29

I used to be a unity developer and i wasnt happy with unity because of the lousy animation system and having to add Rigid Bodies to literally everything it just consumes a lot of time and when i found out about Unreal enigne 5.4 i was totally blown away and i have to say Unreal engine might be the Most powerful engine out there because of the new feature called NANITE where you can have infinite geometry in your world!!! and a new and improved lighting system LUMEN there is n way im going back to unity UNITY IS DEAD TO ME

@zohanrock - 05.01.2024 21:18

I don't know man, the board that allowed all that to happen didn't change right? So in the future, it's possible that they might try again, one way or another. Remember when horse armour came out for Elder scrolls? There was an uproar and look where we are now.

@MrFrostCA - 05.01.2024 11:55

Im still finishing my current commissioned works in Unity but already porting all my tools to Flax, Stride and Godot. Mainly because the tech for the runtimefee is already in place deep into the game engine files. Which makes me wonder, what other things beside counting installs, is doing. Looking back to Unity's recent history, it wouldn't surprise me if in the next 1 to 3 years, players or devs start discovering that games made with Unity are collecting data to sell to ad companies. Like I said, the tech of the runtime to count installs is already in place. God Knows what other things do that we devs don't know and don't have control over it.
Unity 6 looks... somewhat solid. But like I said, the runtime fee repercussions is beyond the licensing. And I don't want any more drama.

@cernunnos_lives - 05.01.2024 05:13

I'll be sure never to use companies that i don't like (if i can help it). And since this is about games, yeah.

@imclueless9875 - 05.01.2024 00:14

TLDR : Unity paid me to change your mind about leaving the platform and talk about their basic new features that other engines already do WAY better.

Do yourself a favor. Stop using Unity.

@mikeluna2026 - 04.01.2024 14:04

I don't get why so many people dunk on Generative AI, as a solo dev in a third world country I HAVE learned how to do everything on my own (from game design to coding to 3D modeling, texturing, animation, music composition, etc) but I AM ONE MAN, and 99.9% of the time I can't pay other people or buy assets, so I think generative AI is a godsend to speed up work. Similar to using premade assets, if you just use them as they are you are likely to end up with some cookie cutter asset flip stuff. If you are not lazy you will use AI to create material you can further edit/customize to what you really need (and in some cases you'll have tools like ControlNet available which can mitigate randomness if you have some technical skills). There are also official models made with only free/MIT content. It's honestly really annoying that there's always people really rude to you just for getting excited for new tools.

@ashleyanne2056 - 04.01.2024 10:52

Glad that Unity realized they needed to pay to fly out anyone who still would hear them out.

They really shit the bed super bad.

@raesdzaky2757 - 04.01.2024 05:35

Honestly excited for Unity, considering the fact that many people use Unity to make VR games makes it good that now Unity is forwarding in the VR market!
The AI will be a large step forward, some people might not like it, but it will make projects faster and easier.

@vasco407 - 04.01.2024 01:33

"we have heard you. we apologize..." These words are not from the d!ck head that wanted to charge for reloading a gun. that lunatic was the one that had to admit what he did was wrong. but instead they did the corporate thing of damage control and pretend they changed by asking someone to say they are sorry. Unity needs to learn their place. else big companies will sh!t all over their consumers

@floatingchimney - 04.01.2024 01:24


@Skeffles - 04.01.2024 00:41

Good video! It's very interesting to see what Unity does to try and steer itself back. I suspect most devs that left will stay gone as they've put in the effort to move, but for those that stuck around it will hopefully benefit them, assuming they're okay with the new pricing structures and whatnot.

@kummingchang5243 - 03.01.2024 20:29

Unreal vs unity vs rpgmarker vs xna vs ogre vs renpy vs abdobeAIR

@philstanfield7771 - 03.01.2024 08:12

Is Future Unity gonna steal more videos? The Kyle Hill videos are pretty blatant.

@BenjaminFlagg_GameDesigner - 02.01.2024 17:16

"ALMOST cost them all of their developers"

Oh no. Devs have left them in the absolute dust/rear-view mirror. I switched awhile ago to Unreal, and will I will always have a soft spot for Unity, I have never looked back. I wish them the best, I'm just hoping they right the ship. I still won't ever go back, nor will most designers/systems devs, but there are a few 2D designers I know that would still enjoy using Unity. I just don't want this video to be a mouthpiece for Unity (when you said they sponsored your trip, I definitely noticed a rather positive, almost pre-written corporate script-like delivery to your dialogue. I'm hoping that's not the case though! There was still plenty of positive, unbiased insights. Here's hoping for a good year for the game industry ALL AROUND! God know we need it (despite it still being mostly successful). 😅😂😊

@tommylough - 02.01.2024 07:07

I’ve always loved the vibe but it’s about the journey

@olavschioett4101 - 01.01.2024 16:06

Sorry for my inpropper english, From a porfessional pov, the way unity has proven to be able to change things first to one extream licenceing situation and then to a entirely different one, makes them unreliable and unpredictable when calculating future financial charts. And for that reason unity is no longer a option for a probaly run buisnes

@zanagi - 01.01.2024 02:02

all the new unity update is paywalled 30$ lol..

@RobLang - 31.12.2023 19:17

Brilliant roundup, Sam! Completely agree with your assertions. I think they had nothing engine wise to show at Unite because they hadn't really been working on engine tech. Hopefully the new CEO will rectify that - I have good vibes from him too.

Happy New Year to you! Let's hope for 2024

@dukequack6209 - 31.12.2023 07:29


@cookingtravelingmusicandmo2999 - 31.12.2023 04:56

Wow , excellent video ! ❤

@shotbyadrone - 31.12.2023 04:45

I loved it. 😍 Thanks for your great content.

@castoramabuche - 31.12.2023 03:26

In a handful of years, AI will bring so much to the table that people will be FORCED to use it even in everyday public places. Isn't that simply insane to think about ? After the computerisation of work places, printing etc... after the mobile phonisation of MOST entreprises, workplaces ETC... AI will bring so much competition because some people will use it and DESTROY everyone else, and the meta will be so stuck and problems are going to be so huge and painful for people to bear that people will basically be FORCED to live with AI, isn't that FREAKING INSANE TO EVEN HAVE A MERE THOUGHT ABOUT ???? The monetary gain will be so F*CKING PHAT AND UNPRECEDENTED THAT TRIPLE AAA STUDIOS WILL BE FORCED TO USE AI... IF IT'S WASN'T THE CASE ALREADY FOR THE VI BECAUSE IT STILL WASN'T REALLY UP WHEN DEVELOPMENT STARTED AND EVEN SO I CAN EASILY IMAGINE THE PHAT AMOUNT OF AI THAT WAS ALREADY USED DURING DEVELOPMENT FOR ALL KINDS OF REASONS. JUST IMAGINE THE NEXT GTA WITH F*CKING INSANELY BEAUTIFUL AI PROMPTED SMOOTH FLUID ULTRA CREDIBLE INTENSE GEORGEOUS EPIC LOOKING ANIMATIONS .... AI PROMPTED NPCs YOU CAN TALK TO, HALF AI PROMPTED ENVIRONNMENTS, QUESTS, STORIES, BRAINSTORMS ???? WHERE WILL OUR POWER STOP ???? WHAT THE F*CK HAS OUR WORLD BECOME ???? HOW F*CKING ORGASM INDUCING HAS OUR LIVES BECAME ???? TRIPLE AAA STUDIOS WILL HAVE TO DO IT THEY WILL BE FORCED TO IT WILL HAPPEN.

You're very hot by the way.

@castoramabuche - 31.12.2023 03:08

still amazes me that we're talking about AI like it's bread at the grocery store when literally a handful of years ago it was the craziest shit you could even imagine in the creepiest anticipation movies people couldn't even comprehend.. 🤯

@castoramabuche - 31.12.2023 03:00

and I wonder if AI can for instance, say help better an engine like Unity, will they just be kind of forced to use it at some point. Like if they ask it to propose something and the idea is amazing. They then will have to incorporate AI in their brainstorming sessions right... So yeah okay go for it I guess they have to. They probably already use it in various ways anyways.... and if it can advance their endeavour and the meta then they pretty much have to do it right. I guess the future is "already" (reference to "they're already here", you'll know if you know, they were right, nobody listened) here and some people do live among AIs already, isn't that freaking insane ? Who would have thought that a couple years ago ? Nobody. And the thing is AI is just like people were scared it was going to be but some are way more useful and just peaceful than any anticipation author thought of depicting them to be. Who would have even envision that even ten, twenty years ago ?

Also, the PS5 brought us almost full capacity graphisms and performance. The PS6 will bring AI to the table and it's going to blow us to bits let me tell you that.

@castoramabuche - 31.12.2023 02:49

wow, with such easy access to IA, better looking engine, triple AAA studios and devs will have hell of a competition. games will look better than ever ! also some devs have clearly gone full Unity over the past couples of years and made game on a bigger scale but the engine itself still was still a little clanky and honestly not really good looking in some parts regarding lighting or say texturing compared to Unreal Engine for instance which started to make big highly visible projects look a crank clanky. So now this will be better and games for the next decade, AI boosted (not entirely AI I hope), with better lighting, better texturing and better performances are going to be freaking awesome. I'm thrilled and so happy. Congratulations for your video.

@MrYuck-ec5do - 30.12.2023 19:51

70% of what's coming to unity has been "coming to unity soon" for 4 or 5 years now. So done with these losers.

@phantomapprentice6749 - 30.12.2023 17:02

So all they needed was to change CEOs and you are back with Unity? You are more forgiving than I would be.

@thomasparker7305 - 30.12.2023 16:09

I'm not sure i want unity games on my computer. To track installs will unity be putting on my computer spyware from unity?

@Mballs2478 - 30.12.2023 13:33

Hey what is your star sign?😃

@mrteco4236 - 30.12.2023 07:56

Why should I care about what the company's doing? Unity is a good engine, so I use it. I don't care about all of the drama.
If the entire company goes bankrupt and everything goes out of support, how will that have an impact on my development?

@user-rm2pj9jf8s - 30.12.2023 04:37

I don't think it's replaceable. It's a good GODOT engine. But there's no community that UNITY has been building.

It's hard for people in countries like me that are far from a major game industry to learn GODOT. (I'm Korean.)

That's not to say godot is bad. However, most ASSETs are mainly made with UNITY and UNREAL in mind.
