Is Leviathan an expansion worth getting? I like the extra stuff it adds to the favor system, but the reviews are so overwhelmingly negative.
ОтветитьHow do you even know all that stuff where to look the forts, the advisors, the boats the favors I am jus surfing through the game with things happening to me :)
Ответить"I've never played as Lithuania" says he in the most Lithuanian accent of all eu4 streamers
Ответить"I'm actual an idiot!",
Yes... we all are, man. It's in our genes!
What if bohemia rivals austria?
ОтветитьI see you always crank the corruption slider all the way up. Why? Having a bit of corruption and fighting it with the default slider setting is the optimal way to go. Moving the slider all the way up murders your economy. The corruption will go down eventually, and it goes down faster by simply being ahead of admin and diplo tech, which is a far cheaper way, than paying for it yourself.
ОтветитьYour fired!
Nevermind, your unfired, come back
Fun fact at that (really) time Lithuania was a duchy of the 3 nations include Ukrainian at that time it was rusinian, rusians in our time just simply stole our name in order to start a war)
ОтветитьLithuania has money issues because at the start of the game it has bad trade node bad trade goods and bad tax money. It Also maintains way too many troops especially cavalry. Its like a beggar version of France.
But in mid game it's one of the best to play tall as. All those ruthenian land are really nice for devinvg.
Open Aristocratic + Espionage, with Poland or Lithuania. Think of the memes, man!
ОтветитьIf you dont Rival Poland in the begining, and ally instead. You can use them to PU Bohemia. Of course Austria needs to rival bohemia too.
ОтветитьI played Lithuania to get this achievement in 1.33, I got insane RNG and somehow directly inherited Bohemia like 2 years in
ОтветитьSo you just deleted your entire navy without even trying to sell it??? Who is this video for?
Ответитьmuscovy: did you just say Lithuania was the only grand duchy in europe?
ОтветитьAs Lithuanian i can confirm its most powerfull countrie in Europe
ОтветитьPlays Lithuania
uses Polish king Bolesław Chrobry for thumbnail
Hello am from Lithuania
Ответитьwhich dlc´s do you have ?
ОтветитьI think it would be fun, if you would just be bolder in declaring wars. If you are such a big country and outnumber the enemy with your allies ,or without them, i think it would be entertaining to just go for it :D
Great videos
I feel like the goal for next week should be just to survive.
ОтветитьAs a lithuanian I approve.
ОтветитьPlayed as Lithuania couple months ago. First i went for the Livonian Order. Mil access through Novgorod allowed me to win the race against Denmark so i full annexed both Liv and Riga. Next was Novgorod. There i wasnt able to take the whole state for the mission cause Muscovy took their opportunity. But i snatched the province of Novgorod and Neva away from them. This is crucial cause it blocks Muscovys missions and keeps them weaker.
Only then did i went for the PU over Poland. Because Poland wont get crushed right away by others unlike the Livonian Order and Novgorod. So Poland can wait while i take lands which otherwise would get taken by much stronger nations. And i dont think annexing lands from Poland instead of going for the PU is worth. Cause Polands neighbours would join the feast and take lots of good land away from you. And even worse, most of them are part of the HRE.
Next was crushing Crimea which is important to do early on before they might become Ottos subject. And then another war against Muscovy for the rest of the Novgorod provinces to get the PU CB on them.
After i PUed Muscovy the game became easy. Expansion routes were the Balkans, the steppes, Scandinavia and after i dismantled the HRE Germany aswell. Later on i formed Prussia first and then Russia. Never liked Poland and Commonwealth cause of the arkward gouvernment type and the Szlachta priviledge you have to carry around for way too long.
Having to see you play my country that i live in just warms my hearth much love man :D. Continue to watch all your videos
ОтветитьUgh. The Word start. U should wait few mintaj and finish 2 first mision and hot claim on all chrome and lubinian order
ОтветитьI just can't get in to this. I can't stand his accent or his moustache xD Also flurry is way better at the game :P
ОтветитьOrtodox privilege isnt that good, should have given the tolerance and still convert them, with +5 total you have no unity issue and conversion gives a ton of papal influence which can be a lot of buffs including inflation, interest, or free stab, which you needed.
ОтветитьI always PU Bohemia before puing Poland in my games
ОтветитьYou lose the Lithuanian missions and get the Polish ones after forming the Commonwealth, so it's best to get everything out of it before forming. At the end of the tree there's a PU CB on Muscovy/Russia. Get it before forming Commonwealth.
ОтветитьMy favorite Lith campaign was doing their missions, PUing Muscovy, culture shifting to Polish, forming Poland, PUing Hungary and Bohemia, culture shifting to Prussian, forming Prussia, and dominating. Much fun.
Ответитьcan someone count how many times this dude said "im an idiot" in his videos lol
ОтветитьHawk, you really should have pushed east before Muscovy consolidated itself there. You'd be able to eat up their centres of trade and get lots of trade power in the Baltic when combined with Livonian and Prussian CoTs. Giving out tons of crown land at the beginning really pushed you into money issues, maybe be a bit more careful next time.
On top of that, feeding land to Poland is very viable to conserve admin points since you annex them anyway, assuming you don't push them over the province limit.
Most of the issues in this campaign were brought upon you by yourself.
Laith it isn't funny anymore give the channel back to our mustache man guys let us protest✊
ОтветитьNah bro, PU is the better strategy. If you beat up Poland, Bohemia, Austria, and Hungary will start beating them up too. Before long, all three of them will hate you because they want your land - all three have mission trees going into Poland - and you'll be left with 1/4 of Poland and 3 angry, more powerful enemies.
ОтветитьIt was painful to watch. Atleast go trough mission tree before playing. Was hoping you will eventually notice PU over Muscowy
ОтветитьForming Reformed Russia as Lithuania is better.
ОтветитьPU is better. Czech with Brandenburg like to take their land. War with emperor would be pain.
ОтветитьAs Livonia, own the 3 Romes and be emperor of the HRE....
ОтветитьI had the same issue, Local Autonomy was always low so money as always tight.
Livonian Order is HARD to get the 'Almost Prussian Blue' achievement.
No good allies, Teutons will get smacked by Denmark and Poland, Sweden is almost a good ally until they get free and then want your land... Muscovy is always lurking...
Bohemia wont ally at first, unless they lose to Poland or Austria once. Same with Brandenburg.
What worked for me was to take out the Teutons before Denmark and Poland get to them and join the HRE before you grow to much.
Then I took all of the Baltic.
As the Livonian Order, become Livonia and then switch back to Theocracy
Ответить"We're pretty poor" Deletes boats instead of selling boats facepalm
ОтветитьFilling the Lithuanian mission tree before forming the Commonwealth gives powerful gov reforms (Great Kingdom and Great Empire) and more things that are quite good, then when you form the Commonwealth you get the Polish mission tree, and if I remember correctly, its expanded from regular Poland, but its the same expansion Poland gets when it forms the Commonwealth
ОтветитьYou noob
ОтветитьFrom testing lithuania, not gonna lie I focused on everything around me. Stole Ryazan and Odyev from Muscovy, kill Crimea immediately for something to build favor with the pope. Livonians and Muscovy can be targets earlier especially if you steal the novgorod captial region. So much to do.
ОтветитьHas anyone told you you look a lot like Laith from the social streamers?
ОтветитьLiked for 69 ducats
ОтветитьBiggest nation in Europe at 1444 is England THO